pool (part 2 of shower)

“Hey, you ready?” I scramble to get my stuff into my bag and I run out the room. “Yeah, yeah lets go. What?” I look up and he’s standing there staring at me. “What? Do I have something on me? Do you not like it?”

It’s like he was in a daze and he suddenly yells at me “No! I’m sorry. I don’t know why I yelled.” he walks up to me and he says “you look amazing. I love it.” He slides his hand into mine and we walk to the car.

He walks ahead of me and opens my door. “M’lady. Your chariot awaits.” he holds out his hand and I place mine in it. “Well thank you kind sir.” i snort at our stupid banter and i can’t help but smile. I can’t believe how much i love this guy. It’s fucking crazy.

The entire car ride he let me control the music, the heated seats, the air- everything. “So… can you tell me where we’re going?” he looks over at me and smiles softly. “We’re going to… shit where are we going?” my head snaps to my left and my eyes widen. “Please tell me you know where we’re going… don’t tell me we got lost.” he looks at me sheepishly and I start to see the car pullover.

I put my head in my hands and I just mutter to myself. “How-” I look over and I see him on his phone. “How did you manage to get us lost? I swear to god…” he looks up from his phone and he says “I’m sorry.” He looked back down at his phone and I watched as he sulked his shoulders. “Babe, it’s okay. Hey, look at me.” He turns his head slightly and looks at me. I grip his face softly and I whisper “it’s okay. Let’s go somewhere else.”

He looks at me and then a big fucking grin comes onto his face. My eyes widen in shock and I back up. He opens the door and gets out of the car, opening the trunk and pulling some stuff out. He walks over to my side and opens the door. I looked up at him as he simply said “come on.” he held out his hand and reluctantly I grabbed it.

I stepped out of the car and I closed it behind me. I look up and there’s a shit ton of trees in front of us. Please don’t tell me we’re about to walk through a fucking forest. What kind of Valentine day bullshit is this? “No. I’m not going through there. What are you trying to do? Fucking kill me? Do you not like me or something?”

He walks back up to me and he huffs out an annoyed sigh. “Of course I fucking like you. Stupid.” he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder in a split second. He bent down and swept me off my feet so fast I screamed. I punched and smacked his back as I yelled at him to put me down. “Eros put me down right fucking now or I swear to god-”

“You swear to god what? Huh?” a few seconds pass by and I scream out when I feel a sting on my butt. “That’s for acting all tough. Only I can do that.” I rolled my eyes at him and just as I was about to say something I heard “we’re here.” He sets me down on the ground and when I look around I’m at a loss for words. “Where are we?”

The second we walked through the opening it was like being on an island. There was this big waterfall surrounded by millions of rocks. To my left, there was a beautiful rose garden. And to my right, there was a blanket set on the floor. A picnic. “I-” I don’t know what to say. I’m at a loss for words. “Where… how…” He walks up to me and he whispers “Do you like it?” I snap my head back to his and I say “I absolutely fucking love it.”

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him. “I’m so lucky to have you.” I feel him smile into my shoulder and I start to pull away. He grabs my hand and walks us over to the blanket. “Hungry?” We both sit on the blanket and I nod my head. “Yeah, very hungry.”

He grabs the basket and starts to pull things out. The first thing? As if I should have been surprised, there were chocolate covered strawberries. And then he pulled out the wine, and then the sandwiches he made us. Even though he didn’t make a lot this is so much more than i could’ve asked for. “Come here.” He scoots closer to me and I make a come hither motion with my finger. I put my finger under his chin and I whispered “can i get a kiss?” I said it so low the words barely came out of my mouth.

His lips part and he whispers back “yeah…” the second our lips touched it was like a warm feeling came over my body. I raised my hand and I cupped his cheek. I pull back resting my forehead on his and we just look at each other. Our lips. Our eyes. Our noses. Our chins. Our cheeks. Our eyebrows.

I looked and analyzed his face. Looked at every perfect thing on him and every imperfection I fell in love with. He closes his eyes and pulls away. I pout a little but that’s short lived when I see a strawberry heading straight for my mouth.

He raises his hand up to my lips and the tip of the strawberry touches my bottom lip. “Do you want some?” my eyes shift from his hands to his eyes and I nod softly. “Open.” my lips part as the strawberry touches my tongue. I close my eyes and when I start chewing… my god. These are so good. He leans in to give me another bite and when that one’s done he grabs another. This time white chocolate.

He moves it toward my face and just as I open my mouth he says “psyche, this is mine.” He stares at me with a smile on his face as he takes a huge bite from the strawberry. “Mmm, no wonder you wanted more. These are fucking good, damn.” He closes his eyes as he takes his time chewing.

Fuck, i have a headache. “Can i get another strawberry?” I close my eyes when I feel a sharp pain in my left temple. I flinch at the pain and I try not to show the pain I’m in. when he lifts his head back up he frowns. “What’s wrong?” how did he- “do you have a headache?” my mouth drops open at his words. “How the fuck-” he smiles at me and he whispers to me. “We’re connected baby. You’re always talking about that astrology stuff and now you got me into it.” he raises his hands and waves his fingers while making a ghost noise. “Stop it-” i laugh at his stupidness but I can’t help but feel my heart swell at the sight.

He looks so happy. I always want to see him like this.

“Here. you havent really eaten today, come on. Open up.” he raises his hand and I see a white strawberry again. I take a bite and I finish it in two seconds. We probably went back and forth with these strawberries for a good five more minutes. “How are you feeling?” I look up at him and I smile lazily at him. “I feel much better. Much better.” I look around and my eyes set on the waterfall cave. I stand up and I look down at him. “How did you even find this place?” I look around even more and that’s when the sun comes out.

I smile and I raise my head up to the sky. I raise my arms and I put them on my head and I let the heat from the sun warm my face. I take in a deep breath and all I smell are roses. It’s perfect. Everything is so perfect. “Ah you know… a friend of a friend.” I looked down at him and I put my hands on my hips. “Well what does that mean?” he puts his arm up behind his head and my eyes immediately shift down to his now exposed skin. “Uh, lets just say a family friend gave me the address. How’s your headache?”

I give him a side look and i see what he’s doing. “Its gone now- i see what you’re doing.” i can’t tell what emotion that is that just crossed his face but it wasn’t a good one. “It’s okay, we’ll talk about it another time.” i look around and i pull my shirt off and my pants come off too. “What are you doing?” he looks around for a quick second before i stick my hand out. “Come on, take it.” He grabs my hand and i try to pull him up “Do not drag me on the floor. Eros-” he pulls me and i fall back on the ground.

He rolls on top of me and he says “stay here with me.” i smile but then i slap his arm. “Move. i wanna go in the water.” His eyes widen and he says “Now?!” i smile back and i run away from him into the water. When i come up i look up for eros and he’s standing there with his hands in his pockets. “You’re crazy you know that?” i grin at him and i laugh. “Come in the water. Its nice.” i look down and the water is so clear. How is that possible? I can literally see my feet- fuck my feet; i can see the bottom of the cave.

I snap my head back up and i ask “How is the water so clear?” he shrugs his shoulders and then dives in. I watched him swim all the way to the back. Right before the waterfall he turned around and backed up into the water. I smile and I roll my eyes at him. “So fucking dramatic.” i swim towards him and i come up from under the water and i stare at the waterfall. I walk through and there he is. Treading in the water, waiting. “Took you long enough.” i swim towards him and i wrap my arms around him. His hands slide under my thighs and wraps them around him.

He looks at me and i look at him. “Hi.” he chuckles and nudges my nose. “Hi.” he wraps his arms tighter around me and i lean my head on his. “You looked amazing today. I can’t wait to see that dress on you.” He presses a soft kiss to my nose and then to my cheek. “Yeah, that dress was r-really beautiful. Oh fuck what are you doing?” My hand slid up the back of his neck as he left wet kisses over my neck.

As if i could i tried to move closer to him. Tried to pull him tighter against me as if he wasn’t close enough. His kisses start to get more needy as he whispers “i can’t stop thinking about our shower.” his breaths getting heavier and heavier and so do mine. “After the shower. Oh fuck after the shower when you just…” He let out a small moan in my ear and my whole body throbbed. his voice cracked when he said “you just licked the tip so slow… so soft… i can’t get the thought of your tongue on me again out of my head. God, you’re so fucking good.” He inhales deeply as he pushes our lips into each other.

His hands roaming all over my body. From gripping my hair to grabbing my ass to gripping my thighs. “God, I need you so bad baby. Please, let me fuck you, please.” I keep my hands in his hair as I whisper “go ahead. Please, i need it too.” he lets out a whine at my words and he roughly unties my bottom. I watch it float up in between us and he moves us further away from the waterfall.

He spins us around and i felt my back hit the wall of the cave. He pushed the hair out my face and leaned his head on mine. His left hand grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. He took his other hand, raised it up to my lips and he whispered to me “these lips are gonna be the death of me…” he took his thumb and ran it along my bottom lip. He pulled it down and let it bounce back.

He kept playing and playing with my lips and it was so hot. The noises he would make when his finger would slip past my lips. The shudders his body made against mine every time I bite my lip. Right before he put his hand down I reached up and grabbed. I pulled his hand forward towards my lips again and I whispered “…I can’t stop thinking about it too.” I looked at his eyes and my lips parted slightly.

His chest started to rise and fall much quicker at this point and that was when I wrapped my lips around his finger. I kept my eyes on his as I sucked his finger. His mouth drops open at the sight and he lets out a small “oh fuck-” my eyes close as i start to get lost in the motions. I pop it out of my mouth and I say “can i get another one?”

He nods his head and pushes another finger into my mouth. I could feel how warm his fingers were on my tongue, in my mouth. “Fuck, why are you so sexy?” I smile around his fingers and i keep sucking on them. “Shit, I can’t take this anymore. I can’t-” my eyes open at his words and he pulls my hand away from my mouth. I watched it drop back into the water and in a split second he pushed into me. Immediately I grab onto him and I gasp at how full I feel. finally.

“How can you feel this good? Oh my god.” his head drops onto my shoulder as he slowly fucks me. I wrapped both my arms around his neck and I pulled him closer to me. We leaned into each others bodies and a sea of moans and gasps left our mouths at every move. Every kiss. Every touch. Every hard thrust. “i- i don’t think i’ll last long, baby. Oh god i think i’m about to cum-” the noises he lets out is what makes me cum. My mouth drops open and i stop breathing. My breath gets stuck in my throat and all I can feel is a shiver go through my body and that’s when I let out an actual scream.

His hips thrusted into mine a few more times before I heard the loudest moan ever leave his mouth. He screamed out my name as I felt him bite down on my shoulder. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, fucking fu-” i squeezed around his cock and immediately his arm reached up to grab onto the cave wall. I kept my arms wrapped around as i leaned into him “can i fuck you baby? Please? Pretty please? I need to cum again. It hurts so fucking bad, fuck-” i start moving my hips back and forth and he’s in front of me gasping for air. His mouth is dropped open as i kept fucking him. I laid my head on his and I looked directly into his eyes.

Everytime he closed them I lightly slapped his face. “Hey, oh fuck- keep them open.” his eyes fluttered open as he looked completely fucked out of his mind. His eyes kept falling shut and he kept muttering out incoherent words to me. Poor baby is so fucked.

I whisper in his ear “can you cum for me? Can i cum for you? All over your cock baby?”

Every time he speaks his voice cracks a little more and it’s so fucking hot. “I… oh my god, oh my god. I can’t… i can’t do it-” i grab his cheek and i start to nod my in encouragement “yes you can. Please, baby i want.” i move over to his left ear and i bite down on it. “Can i have your cum?” i move to the other side and i kiss up his neck “can you do that for me?” i put my face in front of his again and i whisper so softly in front of him. “Baby, im gonna cum. Oh fuck im coming eros, baby-”

I tried so hard to keep my eyes open and it just didn’t work. I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as i came on him again. I can’t even describe the whines and whimpers he let out. They were so soft and whiny it made me want to fuck him again just to hear those sounds.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lh1qxy/pool_part_2_of_shower

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