My Best Friend Part 31 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

I woke up the next morning to the smell of something being cooked. I looked and saw that both of my girls were sprawled across my body in one form or another. Amanda was cozied up on her side and cradled in my arm with her arm and leg across my body. Jeanette was laying face down next to me with her arm completely over me and Amanda and her leg was over my leg. I wanted to wipe my eyes but both girls had both of my arms trapped underneath them.
I moved myself trying to sit up and both girls rolled off me entirely freeing me from their bodies. As soon as I sat up I released I had to empty out my bladder and right now. I quickly scrambled out from under and made a dead run for the bathroom.

I walked out of our room and was welcomed to the wonderful smell of some type of breakfast being cooked. Usually I’m the one that cooks mainly because the girls don’t like it and I’m actually pretty good at it, but still it is nice to be welcomed to someone cooking. I just hope that the person is cooking for everyone.
I walked into the main room to see my oldest friend cooking over the stove.

“So what are you cooking?”

Ray jumped a little bit obviously paying more attention to what he was doing than his surroundings. “Just cooking some breakfast bud. Want an omelet?”

I smiled, “Sure just no tomatoes in mine.”

He chuckled, “Gotcha.” And he went to work preparing another omelet.

I sat there for moment and decided that silent would be too much for me, “So what do you think of the place?”

He didn’t look around but flipped his current omelet in mid air. He spoke, “Not bad. Seen better places out in Miami. Have to admit it is weird being on a nudist encampment.”

I laughed, “Yeah I feel ya. Normally I’d be putting on some basketball shorts, strap up my shoes, and go for a run. Now I think going for a jog in just my shoes would be too weird.”

He laughed with my confession, “Or putting on some boxers when around other guys.”
I sighed, “Yeah that is going to kind of awkward.”

He laughed, “I’m sure enough alcohol and fun will keep us from breaking out measuring tape on each other.”

I laughed in time, “With these girls don’t be too sure. And speaking of alcohol how are we doing on that front?”

I looked over at the fridge but still laughed, “Yeah I feel you on the girls and wouldn’t be surprised if they do.” He walked over to the fridge, opened it, and peered in, “Fuck we didn’t make much of dent into our stash.”

I sighed, “Oh well I’m sure the girls will want to get super smashed one night and we’ll kill off our supply before we have to go back home.”

He laughed, “As long as I’m not hugging a toilet afterwards I’m game.”

He went back to cooking breakfast and produced two freaking huge omelets. I have forgotten how Ray for everything he is…mainly a geek, he was one hell of a cook. How he got muscular over his time in Miami was still interesting to me. Maybe I’m just used to seeing my friend as this skinny pasty white kid whose computer knowledge alone was amazing.
I took my first bite of the omelet and was transported on a flavor train that was amazing. Before I could let my taste buds explore what was brought upon it, the first of our group came out of their room to greet us…Moira. Guess everyone here aren’t morning people.
Moira came out and walked towards us like how she normally did…like the living dead. She walked towards the kitchen still naked scratching her stomach and made her way the coffee pot. Normally I’d be telling my cousin to go cover herself up but seeing how we were supposed to be nude the entire time we were here I let it go. Besides Moira has come out of her room at home nude plenty of times that I have grown accustomed to her shamelessness.
Moira stood in front of the coffee pot staring at the empty pot still scratching her stomach like she was waiting for it to start pouring its magic elixir that any coffee addict would be attracted to. Finally after a few moments she realized the thing wasn’t even on and proceeded to find out what else was missing. She opened the top and realized that it didn’t have a filter or coffee grinds or water in to which she grumbled what I assumed was something not nice. Still she put a filter in the machine, threw in a few scoops of coffee into the machine, and poured water into the machine before flipping the on switch.
Within moments the aroma of coffee started spreading out past us. Moira kept her place waiting in front of the coffee machine waiting for the brown liquid to pour out. The aroma that spread out acted like an alarm clock for those that orbit to its call. My girls were the first to answer to the call of the aroma’s beckoning. Then Sara and the twins felt the pull. And finally Paula and Maggie crawled their way to the vitalizing brew.

Figures the females would be coffee addicts. I already knew Amanda, Moira, and Jeanette were coffee whores. Those three can’t function first thing in the morning without Grande triple latte quad shot low foam icing induced ice blended substitute for breakfast. How they can stand the stuff is beyond me. Guess I’m not a coffee person. I looked around to see if the aroma didn’t beckon the guys to venture out into the morning. Besides Ray and me guess the rest weren’t coffee or morning people.

I shrugged to myself and ate the wonderful omelet that Ray prepared as the girls got their coffee introduced into their bodies.

I heard Ray softly laugh at the display in front of him. I looked over at him, “What?”

He smiled, “Just look at the display in front of us. Their morning self’s are funny to me.”

I was looked at the girls and was kind of confused as to what Ray was talking about. It a few moments for me to figure out what Ray was talking about once the girls started moving. Each girl had one thing in common besides being coffee addicts they each walked like their hips were turned into dust. Looks like each of them had sex last night.

I kind of laughed with Ray not sure if I was laughing at the same reason as Ray but it was still funny.

The girls looked at us like we lost our minds and just went back to inputting coffee into their bodies. We just went back to eating our breakfast.


The doorbell rang which snapped my attention from the little show that has been happening in front of us for the last 10 minutes. The show in question was that of one of the twins, I think its Abby, and Justin were fucking in the middle of the pool. It was one of those things whether you question if you should be watching this or not. I couldn’t tell but if you looked around the girls were watching the show lightly playing with themselves while the guys just watched in amazement with hard ons. I was the one trying to figure out if I should make the show a dual performance or just watch.

Before I could really make up my mind, the doorbell grabbed mostly everyone’s attention…except the two fucking in the pool. I looked at the door for a moment then back to Jeanette. She looked at me then said, “Well go get the door.”

I sighed, got up, and walked towards the door.

I opened the door and was greeted by a girl that made even my jaw hit the ground. If I thought my girls were gorgeous, which I do, then they were nothing compared to the beauty who stood in front of me. This girl stood about 5’6″” had long wavy brown hair, which she had at this moment covering one side of her face, and had greens….or in this case just one green eye, her other one was covered up by her hair. Her face looked like it was molded by top plastic surgeons because it looked like her nose was a little small for her face. Her mouth looked too small on her face like she was continuously pouting her lips together. She had a piercing through the lower right corner of her mouth.
I looked down to see her boobs were poking out and you could easily see they were fake. Her body was fairly proportionate. Her breasts even though fake weren’t overly done they looked about right for her body. Her waist was fairly slim and her hips were about right. She had a full sleeve tattoo on her right arm of a waterfall. She had stars tattooed on each hip. Her pussy like most girls here was completely shaven.
All in all the girl was extremely gorgeous. I thought her fake breasts were a little much but I had to admit they weren’t overly large. I looked over to notice she had a cell phone in one hand with a card carrier on the back face of the cell phone. And in her other hand she had a large envelop. Guess girls can’t go without their cell phones these days…which reminds me where did I leave mine?

I shook my attention on her features when she spoke, “Welcome to the area. I’m part of the greeting committee my name is Ana Niesacnova. ”

I heard Ana speak with a very heavy accent…maybe Russian or German. But she sounded very chipper.

I smiled at her, “Hello Ana. My name is Jay.”

She smiled at me, “Hello Jay. I just came by to greet you all to our community and was hoping I can take a few of your guy’s minutes to briefly go over what we have to offer while you all are here.”

I smiled again and open the door wide stepping aside, “Please come in.”

She smiled and stepped in.

Amanda called out to me, “Who is it babe?”

I spoke a little loudly to help my voice carry, “Guys we have a visitor welcoming us to community. She wants to greet us and tell us about the immunities around here. Come say hello to her.”

I looked and was glad to see Abby and Justin had stopped fucking. I don’t know if he finished or they just stopped.

Everyone came over and introduced themselves with Ana separately. When Ana wasn’t paying attention to them I noticed each girl including mine check out Ana’s fake boobs and then looked at theirs comparing the difference. Even my girls were checking out Ana’s falsies. I looked at them and couldn’t tell if they thought Ana was hot or deciding whether they should be part of the implant club or not. Guess we’ll have to have a talk about that.

I spoke, “So what is it you want to talk about?”

Ana turned to me, “Well I have a package here that was put together this morning for you all. There is a list there of events we have going on here for this week with times, dates, and all the info.”

Maggie spoke, “Like what?”

Ana thought for a moment and said, “Well for the guys there is a poker night held every Wednesday night. It’s a $100 by in and they play until they either take the pot or leave empty handed. And for the ladies there is pole dancing class that will wow your guys on Tuesday nights completely free of charge.”

Justin spoke, “Is that all just poker nights and pole dancing?”

Ana thought again before speaking, “Actually no. This Thursday we are having an acrobatic carnival. There’s going to be wind machines simulating sky diving. There will be body painting. There’s going to be a lot of fun stuff to do. We also offer people a chance to go hang gliding. We also have sun set cruises every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night. There’s going to be a lot of events this week we are extremely excited this year.”

Jeanette grabbed the package from Ana and pulled out the contents of the envelop.

Ana smiled, “Well if there’s anything else you all need don’t hesitate to call our number.” Ana grabbed one of the papers out of Jeanette’s hand and pointed out the contact number for the office and their hours. She smiled, “I hope to see you all at the events we have going on. Other than that enjoy yourselves.”

With that Ana bowed politely to us before she left.

After she left, all of went through the package to check out what there was. We found a list of events being held. Just like Ana said there was indeed a sunset cruise every Monday, Wednesday, Friday night starting at 5:30pm and goes until 9pm. They take you out on a GENUINE 15th century ship that has been restored…I’m not kidding they actually said genuine. They take you out tell you a little bit of history of the ship and what actually happened during the 15th century in which passengers will partake in drinking and contests until they bring the ship back at 9pm. If interested it tells us to call a number so we are on the list for that nights cruise and they even pick you up.

Guess all of us will have to call in Monday’s sunset cruise seeing how tomorrow is Monday.
We saw the flyer for the carnival that Ana was talking about. It shows that it will be on Thursday from 8am-9pm. It talks about doing acrobatics and learn how to do high wire walking, play on the trampoline that trampoline artists would be jealous of, take part in a bounce dunk tournament, learn knife throwing, come paint your bodies, and other fun attractions. Even I was kind of amused and interested in seeing what they might have to offer on Thursday.

There was a flyer for the card tournament that Ana was talking about. It said it is held every Wednesday night. With a $100 dollar by in play and fancy your luck.

I probably won’t be doing the card tournament mainly because my luck with any card game has never been good. Hell I suck at Blackjack. And no one wants me as a partner at Spades I always underbid.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen letting everyone else go through the contents while I grabbed a beer. Doesn’t matter which think we chose to do the moment money came into play all of didn’t bring an excessive amount with us do even a quarter of what was in there. Sure all the free things I’m sure all of us will check out just so we won’t stay in this place all day long even though I’m sure most of the guys won’t mind having gorgeous girls walk around naked at all times. Granted I did like seeing all these girls naked even though seeing an almost equal amount of naked guys was kind of disturbing.

The thought hit me and I immediately pounded my beer. If just a few naked men around disturbed me imagine a area with 30+ guys naked at any one of these events would really freak me.


I heard one of the guys say something, “Oh that’s cool.”

I looked over at them, “What’s that?”

Jeanette spoke, “There’s a fax here with my sister’s hand writing. She says any of the events or things we want to do just tell them to put on the companys account and they will pay for everything and anything we want to do.”

I smiled, “Well that was nice of her.”

Jeanette chuckled a little bit, “I think it’s because she knows all of us didn’t bring that much money and used her persuassion skills to get the company to agree to that.”

Amanda laughed, “She probably agreed to do some more films for them.”

Jeanette shrugged, “I don’t know. My sister is pretty foxy when it comes to finances and deals.”

Ray spoke, “How so?” I think the fact that Jeanette’s sister is a adult film star hasn’t quite sunken in yet. That or he keeps forgetting.

I sighed looking at my closest friend, “Come on remember.”

Ray looked at me, “No I got that Jenna is a adult star she helped hook me up when I was in Miami.” He looked back at Jeanette, “What do you mean she’s foxy when it comes to that?”

I didn’t know he was in close contact with Jenna while he was in Miami. I thought he didn’t know Jenna or Jeantte until he came back.

Jeanette sighed, “The way she told me is that she knows she has a self life as an adult star so she and her laywer work a lot of deals with adult companys and toy manufactuers to get the highest percentage for anything that deals with her. Plus with all the land she owns and rents stuff out. Not to mention the three clubs she personally owns. She’s quite amazing if she wanted to she could have retired three years ago and lived comfortably for a couple of lifetimes.”

Sara spoke, “Why doesn’t she?’

Jeanette shrugged, “Honestly I have no idea.”
I tried to change the subject, “So what all is there in the package?”

Each person read off what they held.

Maggie, “There’s going to be a bondage show Tuesday from 1pm-3pm. Whatever that is?”

Amanda held up a flyer, “Here’s a flyer to have yourself put into plaster. Then says ‘See what an adult star goes through to have a toy made from them’.” I have to admit that sounded interesting even though I wasn’t entirely sure what they were going to plaster. I had an idea. But I had some reserves for that idea.

Geri held up a flyer, “Looks like they are preparing a karma sutra class Wednesday from 10-12pm. That might be fun.”

I sighed, “Is there anything in there that isn’t sexually geared.”

All of them looked at me like I said something blastphomous. But they looked through the stuff. After a few moments they came up empty handed.

Richard spoke, “Most of it is sex generated. The stuff we already said that wasn’t about sex you already know about.”

I sigh and chuckled at the same time, “How come that doesn’t surprise me?”

I looked up at the time and saw that it was about 3:30pm. I sighed and decided to cook something so my mind could think while I kept busy cooking. I walked over to the fridge and pulled some meat, some veggies, and some rolls out of the fridge.

I heard Amanda speak, “What are you doing baby?”

I didn’t stop from what I was doing, “I’m getting hungry so I thought I would make everyone some dinner.”

Ray spoke, “Need any help brother?”

I chuckled, “Sure. Help me cut all the fat off the chicken.” I heard him say, “On it.”

