[MF] Massage Therapy

This took place before my brush with the lifestyle. This memory resurfaced because of a vivid dream I had. It was a memory and experience that I had almost forgotten.

I was in a car wreck during the fall of my third year in college. My shoulder, neck and back were in bad shape. The Ortho I went to recommended I go to physical therapy, most of the damage was soft tissue. When I met with the physical therapist, he recommended massage, stimulation and physical work 3 days a week. I met my massage therapist on day 1, we were both the same age 20. She was cute and I was in pain.

The first week the schedule was massage, stim and workout. This ended up being a problem. The massage helped, the stim numbed me but, but the physical therapy left me in agony. I spoke with my doctor and we mixed it up. Now we went stim, work and then the massage. The results were almost immediate.

Luckily for me, my massage therapist only dealt with older people at the clinic. By the time my third week of sessions arrived we had developed great chemistry. She knew what I needed and her being a single mom and dealing only with older people needed a social outlet.

Being 20, anything made me hard as a damn rock. I was worried about that when I first started seeing her. The pain and muscle relaxers made that a non-issue. However, by week 4 I wasn’t taking the meds anymore and our comfort level was such that she did what she needed to help me.

Session 1 of week 4

This session is where things started to change. Before that, when I stripped, she left the room. That day, she just turned her back and said hop on the table. Up to that point in therapy she followed the draping laws in our state to the letter.

Whatever, I was 20 and feeling better than I had in weeks. So, I stripped and laid on my stomach to start as was the norm. She covered my butt with a towel and went to work.

I asked her if something had changed and she said no. This was easier for her if I didn’t mind. Her hands were magic, who was I to argue. Outside of the awkward start the rest of the session went like usual except for a few towel mishaps.

Session 2 of week 4

It started the same as session 1 and was going just fine until she stopped. I was on my back, with the towel draped over my crotch. I’d been going in and out of subspace when she stopped. I thought we were done, and she’d finished.

Me: Are we done?

Her: No, but I take it you’re feeling better?

Me: Yeah, no meds and your massage’s make me forget about the pain until the next morning.

Her: Oh ummm…that’s not what meant.

Me: *looks down*

Her: Yeah…

Me: *Insert embarrassed gibberish*

At this point she stepped out of the room and I got dressed and snuck out trying to find a hole to climb into a die. Don’t get me wrong I was happy to have had the best erection I’d had in close to a month, but not then. The drugs were out of my system.

Session 3 week4

Something I looked forward to three times a week had now become a new source of stress. The time came for my massage after my workout and I was terrified. I entered the room, and she left. I got under the sheet and she came back in.

Her: silence

Me: silence

I’m I the only one that loves an nice long awkward silence? There was no way I was leaving that room relaxed. It wasn’t happening.

Her: That happens all the time.

Me: What happens?

Her: My patients getting aroused.

Me: *please let me die*

Her: It’s ok, it’s an involuntary response. That said, part of me takes it as a compliment whether it’s a male or female client.

Me: *I really wanted to leave*

Her: Besides, you’ve been coming here for weeks. I’ve seen it more than once. The only difference is this time you were hard.

Me: *dead*

After that, she was quiet for a bit and just went about her work. The only words being that I needed to relax my muscles were all tight.

Me: *Did she just brush my sack?*

Her: If you’re ok, we can go back to the towel and get rid of the sheet.

Me: I think I mumbled yes

It’s at this point she asked me to roll over so she could start my front. Once I settled on my back, she completely removed the sheet. I was naked and completely exposed. *There are no words for what I experienced in that moment*

She turned back to me with a towel and gently placed it across me. I was in absolute shock. She finished the session like nothing had changed or transpired.

Session 1 week 5.

I walked into the massage room, but this time I did it much more relaxed. What had happened, happened and if she was fine with it, I was going to be as well. We started the standard weekend catch up we’d done for weeks now. The only difference is I stripped in front of her and then laid face down on the table.

This time she hung the towel from the side of the table and went to work with my bare ass sitting out there. Now I was probably over thinking things, but I could swear she spent a lot of time on my glutes, groin and inner thigh. I can remember there being several genital brushes that day but chalked that up to a lack of barrier. That and well the new normal.

It came time for me to flip over and at this point I assumed the towel would be used. I was wrong! There I lay, flaccid and completely exposed as she continued my massage and the conversation.

Her: Did I ever tell you about the guy who tried to pay me to give him a happy ending?

Me: No. I mean, I assumed that happens but didn’t think it appropriate to ask.

Her: Oh yeah, it happens all the time and it’s not just men. Women do it too.

Me: I need details here. You can’t drop something like that and not follow through.

Her: No way in hell. That gets out and I’d lose my license. Don’t get me wrong, I could use the money but not at the cost of my job and benefits.

Me: I get that.

At this point she has moved up from my right calf to my thigh.

Her: Hey, do you mind if I try something new?

Me: Sure, I’m kind of at your will here.

*Pretty damn sure there was an evil grin*

At this point she adjusts my right leg out and up, lifting it off the table. She rested it on her shoulder and started to work may hamstring and up to my groin.

Her: I apologize if I brush anything while doing this, but the DOC said your groin and hamstrings are excessively tight and stretching hasn’t seemed to help.

Me: I think he mentioned I needed to stretch more, but if the DOC says jump, right?

She got up partially on the table and in to position. As you might expect, by the time she finished up my groin, hamstring, and upper right thigh I was hard. I was less embarrassed this time but still felt a bit awkward being this exposed.

Me: Sorry…

Her: It’s fine, don’t worry about it. It’ll go down in no time.

Me: Sure….

She did the same thing with my left leg. When she was done pre-cum was streaming out of my tip and I was throbbing…. visibly. This did not go unnoticed by her.

She continued the rest of my massage while I continued to coat my stomach with pre-cum.

Her: Wow…so I apparently made you make a mess. Let me get that.

Me: WHAT?!

She grabbed the towel and started cleaning me up. She wiped up my stomach and pelvic area before draping the towel on my erection.

Her: Is that better?

Me: *Words were not possible in this moment*

That is when she placed her hand directly on my cock and began to clean it off. I CAME hard!!!

Between the meds and pain, I hadn’t gotten off in close to 3 months. I was 20. Sex was a regular part of my life at that point. This had been the longest I’d gone without cumming in a long time.

Once I returned to earth, I realized what had happened. All I could think was that’s it I’m headed to jail.

Her: I’m SO sorry.

Me: *My mind was still spinning*

Her: I didn’t mean touch you like that. I’M SO SORRY!

Me: Wait…what?

Her: Oh god I fucked up…*starts to panic*

Me: Calm down, that’s totally my fault.

Her: I touched you. Please don’t tell my boss or call the cops.

Me: Ummm…wait I…that’s…I say that…what’s happening?

My session went long that day. We talked for a while about what happened and came to an understanding. No complaints, no cops we’d just pretend like it never happened.

Session 2 week 5

Everything started as it did two days earlier and proceeded much of the same way except…

Her: I need to confess something.

Me: fuck…

Her: What?

Me: You called the cops.

Her: No, no, no…

Me: Then what?

Her: I was trying to make you hard last session.

Me: Did you just, what?

Her: I just didn’t mean for it to go that far.

Me: You do realize since that first erection I’ve been afraid I’d do that?

Her: Oh, no I’m sorry. I just figured you’re a guy. You wouldn’t care so I thought it’d be fun to see if I could. Maybe take your mind off your back in another way.

Me: Understatement.

Her: I know that’s not very nice, but I’ll be honest I didn’t think you respond to me like that.

Me: Say what now?

Her: I mean we talk and stuff but that’s different.

Me: Not to hurt your ego or anything, but if the wind blows, I get hard.

Her: Oh…

Me: Sorry, that came out wrong. It doesn’t take much to get me hard. It never really has, but I’ve never, ummm, responded quite like that before.

Her: Really?

Me: Look, I’ve drooled and throbbed an all, but no one has ever had me that close to the edge before without touching it. You had every nerve in my body on fire.

Her: *She turned bright red*

The rest of the session 2 was our standard massage just me naked on the table. Erections happen and that’s ok.

Session 3 week 5

This session starts like the rest that week. I stripped, we talked, and she started my massage. At this point all our boundaries had been wiped away.

She no longer did her best to avoid contact. It made her job easier and I wasn’t going to complain.

This massage was special, and it had nothing to do with sexual contact. We’d reached a place of comfort and there was peace in that.

When we she rolled me to my front, I was hard. It wasn’t really a shock; she’d made plenty of contact with my genitals working my glutes and thighs. As usual we bantered back and forth as I slipped in and out of subspace.

I was brought back to the present by the feeling of warm massage oil being drizzled on my cock.

Me: What are you doing?

Her: Shhh…just let me make up for the other day.

Me: I, you don’t need to do that.

Her: I want too.

I jolted when I felt her hand grip me and start to spread the lotion along my shaft. She added more lotion and continued to stroke my cock. My body was on fire.

Her massage was amazing. Granted she hadn’t teased me, but her hands were magical. Now I knew how magical they really were.

It didn’t take her long to find the right speed. I did my best to stay quiet as my orgasm peaked. There were stars in my eyes, and I coated my stomach and chest.

I was breathing heavy as I came back to myself. She had already started cleaning me up. I had no words.

When she had finished cleaning me up, I got dressed.

Me: Thank you.

Her: None of that. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you Monday.

Me: Yeah…

Week 6 was my last week. It as rather bittersweet in that we had crossed a line and that was going to be ending. She’d shown no sign to this point of wanting to take our dalliance outside of the massage room.

Session 1 week 6

I stripped, and we chatted it up. She did her thing and as usual I was in heaven. She flipped me over and started my front.

Her: Would you like me to take care of you again?

Me: I would, but you don’t have to do that.

Her: I know I don’t have to, but I’d like too.

Me: Oh..

With that, I felt the warm massage oil on my cock and then her firm grip. Again, she stroked me into the stratosphere. As I was getting close to orgasming, I felt her lips on my tip. I struggled hard to stay quiet. My world was rocked in that moment.

When I came back, she was again cleaning me up and cleaning up the room.

Me: I. What was that?

Her: I kind of thought you’d like that. Plus, less mess to clean up and try to hide. Cum smells.

Me: Yeah but…

Her: No buts, just get your close on.

Me: Yes ma’am.

Her: Oh, and you taste good, thankfully.

Me: Good to know.

We chatted for a few minutes and then went our separate ways. After my last session I did ask her if she’d like to continue seeing one anther but this time in a social setting. She politely declined saying she just didn’t have the time. She was a single mom, that worked two jobs. Her free time was dedicated to her little girl.

I couldn’t argue with her about it, but I gave her my number and hoped she’d change her mind.

I ended up back in PT about 6wks later for another 6wk stint due to more pain and discomfort. She started up the way we left off and it never went past that. It’s not like I was going to complain.

What I remembered from that vivid dream was her firm grip and the warmth of her soft lips.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lh1n44/mf_massage_therapy


  1. This is incredible – A massage fantasy that I have always hoped would one day happen (not in a sketchy rub and tug). Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you very much for the award whoever you are. I’ve never gotten one before. Thank you for reading.

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