[M] Jacked At A Bar

Before the pandemic changed our work environments, especially the occasional happy hour, I went out for a mid-week get together with teammates. Nothing typical and no real flirting, just venting about management, passive-aggressive emails, and scheming for promotions. A few hours into it we were all hopped up on liquor and beer one of the women I started with knocked my drink into my lap, specifically the crotch. Everyone moved back and I rushed to get a napkin or two so my pants didn’t stain. She beat me to it and started blotting my mid and upper thighs.

While I had no intentions, my cock started to get hard in my pants. After two or three quick stokes of my leg, I was trying to encourage her to stop, I became erect and she felt the shaft press against her hand. She looked up and, what seemed like forever, we glanced at one another – me in embarrassment, her in intrigue.

As the night went on, she became daring and stroked me off through my pants under the table. I was so horny as we did it with our colleagues around the table. I was able to keep my composure but came in my pants. I’m confident she could feel my cum as it soaked through my pants. She pulled her hand back up and looked at me. Needless to say, I was hesitant to get up but if I did I hoped it would blend in with the earlier spill.

I stayed at the table and never moved away out of fear. Closed down the bar with the last two of our group (she did not stay and never verbally acknowledged what happened).

Her and I would hook up a few times after that night. She was so explosively sexy, especially that night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lgmke0/m_jacked_at_a_bar