Why one semester of temptation as TA made me decide an academic career wasn’t for me, but did show me I like getting blowjobs. [MF]

*This post was inspired by* /u/SluttyMarissa*’s recent post.* [*Go read it,*](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lg28oq/i_then20f_sucked_my_economics_professors_cock_all/) *because it’s hot, and she’s a great writer. As always, the adventure starts after the line.*

To set the scene, this happened 18 years ago. I was a freshly minted PhD student, going straight there from my undergrad, and I had just passed my qualifiers at a top-tier southeastern technical institute. I was teaching a graduate course in my major area, which was fairly obscure, and the course itself was even more obscure. In many regard, I should have been safe from some naughty interactions – I wasn’t going to cross the path of anyone who wasn’t there to learn the material.

I also should have been safe because I was newly married. However, kids, some quick advice instead of writing the 3000 word post about What Went Wrong – don’t get married as a virgin because some old guy when you were growing said that’s what God wants, and don’t get married too young. Instead of being a happy newlywed, I was a fairly bitter-about-it married still-virgin who didn’t know if he would ever get to find out how a blowjob feels. It’s safe to say I had issues.

In hindsight, I realize that, had I not been better-looking, I would have been regarded as a massive creep by the students then, because I could not keep my eyes out of cleavage if I wanted to, and I was really awkward about trying not seem awkward. I was a nice guy and all, but I wasn’t cool. (The word “potential” came up a lot around me) Thankfully, I was good enough looking that it wasn’t generally disgusting, but a lot of women tended to hold their notebooks against their chest when addressing me, and we were both grateful, especially since I kept making sure everyone knew I was a newlywed.

Which is why Camille was so fascinating. Not only did she not pull back from this, she seemed to enjoy the attention. She looked a lot like my then-wife (at least superficially) in that she was tall with dark hair cut in a bob, and athletic. But she had a completely different energy of being at ease with herself and her looks. She was used to being pretty. When she showed up in my class we hit it off well, and she participated in the labs, and was actually a great student. When she came by for office hours, she generally pursued really fine points of the material outside the scope of the real class. She was absolutely crushing it.

Again, in hindsight, a more experience version of me would have picked up on the veritable parade of signals she was sending. But, I was still a virgin then, remember?


About halfway through the semester, Camille came to office hours to discuss the upcoming midterms. Like most grad students, I shared my office with three other students, but office hours were normally during a period I was the only one there. This made it strange when she asked to have to conversation in the lab, but I assumed that she had a specific question. Again, I was not the brightest spark in this area.

The key thing to know about the lab was that we used radiation equipment, so we had a heavy metal door with no window and some lighted warning signs on the outside to indicate when the equipment was in use and you shouldn’t just blindly enter. All of that was frankly overkill, but whatever – procedures. When we got in the room, Camille asked me to turn the machine, which I did, activating the lights outside. Once done, she just looked at me.

“Do you want me to suck your cock?” I really had no response to that. I was baffled, in fact.

“uh what?” I said

“Can I give you a blowjob?” Well, no way around that.

“Umm, I’m married.” I said. She stepped close. I realized she was wearing a white tank top that should a lot of cleavage and her bare shoulders and a skirt. I loved shoulders – my ex wife never showed her back.

“That wasn’t a no,” she said. She was practically kissing my lips with it.

“no it wasn’t,” I said, and she kissed me. The first kiss was soft, and she followed up with several more, her mouth getting progressively more open, and when I opened mine in response, her tongue plunged in my mouth.

I was honestly lost. I had only been at the business end of this kind of aggression once, and that was in high school where it went to making out and that was about it. I was definitely not expecting this, and didn’t have a plan, and this is wron—her hand was on my jeans, unbuttoning the waistband. I was almost in a trance as her hand dipped into my boxers and danced on my erection. While it wasn’t the first time having someone’s fingers there, the touch of someone confident, who loved doing this, and who knew how to play was definitely new. My head swam as she broke the kiss and pushed my jeans down.

She knelt down in front of me and looked up and me, stroking me. I don’t know what my face said, but she opened her mouth and her tongue went out, and I got the very new feeling of a tongue on my erection. At that point, even if my mind had fully decided that this was not okay, I was not going to be able to make myself say the words to stop. In fact, my knees buckled and I fell against the bench behind me. I braced myself on the bench as I felt her warm mouth slide down. I moaned out loud.

Camille didn’t need long with me. Her head bobbed for a few seconds – I doubt even a minute before I started coming. She slid her mouth back, keeping the tip inside her mouth and sealing with her lips as I emptied what felt like a pint of DNA into her mouth. She gagged a bit and it dribbled down her mouth, but she stayed there until every last spurt was gone and I was way too sensitive for more.

“That was new,” I finally said.

“Was it?” she asked, her eyes sparkling. I realized what I had just confessed.

“Yes, it was.” I said.

“Really, that was your first?” She said, wanting to be sure.

Now I was embarassed. “yeah, no one’s ever done that before.” She was clearly beside herself in pleasure. “What about…” she started…but now the guilt monster was in control of me.

“Look, that can’t happen again. I need to go.” I was really red in the face, and suddenly unhappy. Camille was super nice about it all, to my surprise. I was plunging deep into shame, and expected to be mocked for this, but instead she was incredibly sweet as we put ourselves back together. She left the lab alone so it wouldn’t be too suspicious, and I tried to decide what the hell I was going to do now.


It took about a month before the horniness overtook the guilt again. This time, I insisted on returning the oral favor, but she decided she wanted sex halfway through, and I secretly lost my virginity to her in a daze. The cycle continued for the rest of the semester – me having a fling, feeling guilty instantly, hating myself, and doing it again. After I got divorced, I looked her up, but she had gotten married herself, and decided to leave it alone. I switched out of being a TA to a Lab assistant, and decided to keep away from students as much as possible. My advisor commended my dedication to science. I never had the heart to tell the truth of my motives.

I would have liked to catch up with her and find out why she decided to be that forward that day, but I honestly think it really just shows how dense I actually was!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lggc8v/why_one_semester_of_temptation_as_ta_made_me


  1. You were married, but also a virgin? I did not quite understand/catch all of that?

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