[M]e and my twin sister fucked on a hot summer day Part 3 [incest] [M/F]

[Part 1]( https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k24yvo/me_and_my_twin_sister_fucked_on_a_hot_summer_day/)

[Part 2]( https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kiplbi/me_and_my_twin_sister_fucked_on_a_hot_summer_day/)


Our slow kiss quickly fell into something far more ravenous. I took hold of her waist, clinging to her tightly in a greedy grapple for her flesh. My other hand went down, immediately soaked by the inextinguishable hotness that leaked from her folds. She moaned as my fingers explored, titillating breaths that answered to every push and touch. I swallowed every sound, my mouth glued to hers as our tongues engaged in an unending tangle, as our lips touched and as our fingers wandered. One hand held me by the nape, the other traveled to my thigh, begging for a hardened shaft, and to our delight found an erection reformed.

In a similar fashion as to how we’d gone from the kitchen to the couch, we went from the couch to the kitchen, slowly moving while we tasted and touched with nothing in mind but our primal hunger, a revived desire to fuck like crazy.

As much as I wanted to continue, it was still dreadfully hot, and staying hydrated is important – especially during sex! To her pouting displeasure, I released her from my hold, and we separated, both of us panting with lips agape and yearning for a return. Impatiently, I refilled the bottle while holding the sink lever. Before the water had completely filled up the blue container, her touch returned as she hugged me from behind, and she met the back of my neck with her mouth.

“I love how your body feels.” Her voice was faint, delicate, hardly audible over the sound of the sink. It was as much a liquid as the water was, flowing and dynamic, though far warmer and much more salient in my mind. She punctuated her sentence with even weaker kisses, placed at the very top of my spine, slowly travelling up to my ears. Each was soft, delicate even, though they made another part of me contrastingly hard.

The warm weight of her toned body pressed against me as she leaned on the tip of her toes, sliding upwards as she tried to get access to my ear. Her firm breasts were part of that warmth, aroused nipples and plush flesh flattening against my skin. A wandering hand circled around my inner thigh, incessantly interested in instilling incestual intentions. Before I knew it, her breath had met my ear lobe, and my eyes closed in baited anticipation.

“The way you tense up when you cum, feeling you shake and shudder, all the ways you move. It’s just lovely baby. You’re so sexy.” Paired with yet another kiss, this time her mouth closed around my ear lobe, gently sucking, then lightly pinching with her teeth. It was miles behind any sort of pain, yet still her pressure sent a tense wave of shivers down my spine. At the same time, I could practically feel my face blush up from the compliment. It felt validating to be appreciated, amazing to be loved and yearned for. Her fingers left the surface of my thigh and fastened around the base of my shaft. The encirclement traveled oh so slowly up my length, stroking gently across it. My voice hitched as I sighed, more of an offbeat moan than any sort of word. I settled into her sultry embrace, mind absent to all thought but of her.

She kept kissing me, and her grip tightened around my cock. Also active, her other hand traveled down my shoulder, gently stroking the length of my arm, running over dark hair and covered vein. Fingers secured around my wrist, then my palm, then over my own fingers, wedged between my grip and the bottle. She spoke again, this time with less seduction and more smile.

“The water, baby.”

Momentarily, I was confused, until I opened my eyes and quickly realized I’d let the water overflow over the top of the bottle. Some part of me had ignored the cool feeling running over my fingers. I shut off the flow, and we were left in the near silence of the kitchen. She gently replaced my hand around the bottle and brought it up. Just as we’d done almost an hour before, she pushed the tip to my lips, and when I’d finished, she angled it away.

She stayed behind me as she drank, and I listened, enamored with the sound though denied the sight as she nourished the body I loved. My ears were keen to all, and I felt every swallow against my back. Her hand by now had left my shaft, though it stayed firm on my thigh. Quickly, she finished and placed the bottle on the counter. I turned around. Nothing could have prevented me from wanting a kiss afterwards, which she just as greedily accepted from me. Her lips sheened with cold water, though that certainly didn’t make them any less welcoming. Once more, we tangled together, only making space to let our hands explore below.

I brought my touch back to her clit, dipping above warm puffiness and wet smoothness. While I rhythmically played with her sensitive bead, she likewise took my cock, pumping out the final, last few drops of precum from my shaft. Whatever she got out of me after this would almost certainly be my last shot of the day. I fully intended to make it memorable. With one hand below and the other on her back, I swapped us around and pinned her to the counter. She moaned desperately in my mouth, one hand joining mine in our attempt at angling my tip into her.

My first try at moving forward failed, red cockhead dodging her entrance and slipping up the entirety of her cleft. Our kissing paused as we coordinated together, momentarily stopping for the greater good. Her soft hands took hold of the top of my length, and I held the base. She looked at me, and I looked at her. We stared into eyes that spoke the same words, of love, lust, and a desperate fervor. Almost crazed eyes that radiated need, wide and frozen above flushed cheeks and below sweating brows.

I pushed forward, and for the second time today, buried myself in my sister’s pussy. She moaned, a delightful candor to our sex, and I met her sound with my own. Her warm tightness spread over my cock, hot wetness covering me and greedily accepting every inch. That lovely, unforgettable pressure clenched my shaft all the way down the base, both of our bodies meeting in a wet slip as I hilted myself in her. She clutched my shoulders, desperately holding on as we melded together, one union of brother and sister, two fools who were horribly sweaty but desperately in love.

I took her ass in my hands, and lifted, pulling her up and high. She let out an excited yelp, and wrapped her legs around my waist, securing herself to my body. Her arms held my shoulders, while mine supported from below. We began fucking; I started lifting her up and down, and she moved her hips, rocking herself against my hold, working me in and out. My cockhead ground against her inner walls, pushing first against her body before driving upwards. Her gasps and moans came frequently, petite body relishing every second of our fuck. Every entry and exit felt extraordinary, though I remained consistent in my movement, or at least tried to. If our earlier sex had been of passion, of emotion and proximity, this time, we were only concerned with sating our lust. I started thrusting faster, craving the pressure, the heat, the shaking of her body as I drilled into her.

“Don’t st- stop, please baby.” she mumbled out, hardly getting out the words between the pleasure. Her head leaned backward, moans filling out the whole room, and likely the building too. She desperately held on to my body with her arms, body quaking and riding. Sweat made our bodies slick, though there was no way I was dropping her. My fingers dug into her skin, firm and resolute to the point where bruising was likely. Her breasts were bouncing with every movement, though they weren’t my focus. My attention was still lasered on her face, watching lolling lidded eyes, plush parted lips, wild whipping hair and rosy rubicund cheeks.

I groaned some vague affirmative at her request, unable to properly voice my own thoughts, though I kept the same rhythm. Not only because of the pleasure; this was a serious goddamn arm workout, but every hiccup in her voice and every shudder in her quivering warmth made it worth it. Her legs were almost loose around my waist, and all that kept her bouncing on my cock were her arms around my shoulders, her gyrating hips, and my hands lifting her ass. That pain in my muscles was part of what prevented me from cumming; I was saved by a constant concentration on making sure that the path I’d set my sister down would certainly lead to her pleasure, that there’d be no stopping before she got what she needed. And get her what she needed I did.

Desperation climbed with ecstasy, and in that dreamy daze of lust seized and rendered, her hold on me secured itself in her climax. No longer loose or looking into my eyes, her head dug into my shoulder, and her arms wrapped around me tightly. Every shake in her voice or quake in her body rippled into me. Her legs grew fiercely strong around my waist, and I felt every pulse and wave of her climax inside her, every quiver and shiver encircling as she came on my cock.

It was a miracle that I didn’t follow her plunge, and I could hardly keep pumping into her as her iron grip fastened her toned body around me. As the seconds passed, her movements stilled, her hold weakened, and her moans became mewls became coos became breaths, body lightly settling between counter and me. I had to pin her to the hard surface since I literally could not hold her any longer. Pain was arching through my arms, though the pleasure that had exploded out of her made it all worth it.

In one last effort, I lifted her up and seated her on the edge of the counter, sliding myself out of her and resting her on the granite. Her arms stayed secured around my shoulders, and her breath was heavy on my skin. Softly, she kissed my shoulder, several times leading up my skin, and nuzzled her nose into the side of my neck. Her lips reached my ears, and she spoke warmth: soft and tired, though deeply content.

“Did you finish?” she whispered. I responded with truth and with equal tone.

“Not yet, but that’s fine.”

“I need you to finish in me love, one last time, hard. Everything okay, baby?” Another kiss, light lips on sensitive ears.

“Yes bee, everything’s fine. You’re perfect. Can you bend over the counter? My arms are killing me.”

“Of course baby.”

We reconfigured; I stood back, and she slid around, using her arms to keep herself steady as she gently eased herself on to her legs. Not fully bent over, she went on the tip of her toes and arched her back, pushing out her firm rear. The front of her feet angled inward, and she spread her legs, little more than shoulder length apart. Again, her ass wasn’t particularly large, nor were her hips very wide. But it had a healthy, well defined size, smooth fleshiness hanging over strong thighs and complimented by her waist. I could just make out her back entrance between her cheeks. We’d yet to experiment there, but we’d recently discussed that path. She turned around, soft eyes coyly smiling at me, expectant though patient.

“Whenever you’re ready, love.” she invited, voice languid.

I closed in on her, gently taking hold of her hips. We touched together, soft cheeks against my cock, warm flesh surrounding my straining shape. As I brought my head down to her neck, I smelled her, the sweat, the soap, the sex. My fingers carefully moved her hair from her back, making way for my lips to touch her thin shoulders. I kissed her, gently, grinding against her ass while I teased her exposed skin. A light sound tittered from her, and she leaned her head forward to give me better access.

“You’re outstandingly beautiful, you know.” I tilted her head back and to the side, and, though the angle was a little awkward, kissed her on the lips.

She half giggled, half moaned into my mouth.

“Go hard, okay?”


With one hand, I bent down my erection, which was standing up and stiff. To the very base, it was still soaked with her arousal, slippery and warm. I gripped it and lined it up with her body. Fitting between her thighs, it was posed just against her entrance. That addictive heat coated the tip of my cock, and impatiently, I pushed forward. Too clumsy; my cockhead poked out of her entrance and slid up her folds. Not to her displeasure though, a minor sound escaped in her voice, and I felt her body tense up as my pressure ran towards her clit. Slowly, I moved backwards, until again my cockhead was pressing against her entrance. I kept it straight with my hand and moved upwards. This time it went in.

I fucked her, hard, every thrust forcing pleasured gasps out of her mouth. My hands settled on her ass, gripping the tender flesh and watching it move as I pounded against her body. It felt divine, and with the pace I was setting, it was all too clear to me that I wouldn’t last much longer. Just a few more seconds, and that would be it. With a firm hold, I kept her legs and hip stock still, steadying her and keeping my pace consistent. Though I was moving quickly, I was using almost the entirety of my length, traveling the whole distance from tip to base in one rapid movement. I watched as I sank inside, as her tightness welcomed every inch of my cock. Every slapping push pressed her body against the counter, shaking the various kitchen paraphernalia adorning the surface.

And suddenly, it was too much. The feeling of her skin against mine, the depleted sounds she gave out as I fucked her, the pressure and warmth of her pussy: all of it carried me to the edge and violently threw me off. I came, letting each subsequent shot further lubricate my passage. She noticed my climax and moaned in delight, shuddering with every pulse and throb as I filled her for the second time. My fingers dug into her soft flesh, and her tightness clutched around my shaft, coaxing out every drop of what I had to give her.

With one final thrust, I connected to her body, cum and her arousal soaking my base and dripping down my balls. We were both panting, lost breath and desperate hearts beating as we stayed together, our connecting line rapidly softening. My limbs felt heavy, mind drained though spirit so satisfied. I bent down, supporting myself on the counter. It was cool to the touch, hard. The feeling juxtaposed the way her flesh had felt between my fingers, in a way that was almost disturbing. I should be touching her, not some emotionless surface. But after what I just did, I needed the stability.

I lay arched above, our backs almost touching as we let our bodies acclimate, calming down and finding ourselves once again. Both of us were clearly rather exhausted, and the ever present heat was not making things any easier. Time to get to that idea I had.

“Want to, ah, to cool off in the shower?” I whispered between breaths.

“That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” She strained her neck back, trying to catch sight of my eyes. Her view was blocked by her hair, which I quickly remedied by brushing it out of her face. I was awarded with a warm sight. Her smile. Nice.

I straightened up, standing but keeping my lower waist pressed against her warm rear. Too warm. It was practically wet between us, sweat and the rest of what we’d spent the last hour spilling coating our skin.

“We’ve not showered together in a long time.” I noted. It’d been one of the earlier ways we’d started getting more intimate together, but we quickly realized how inconvenient getting it on in the shower could be.

She stood up with me, slowly rising off the counter and getting parallel with my body. While she moved, she let out a disappointed tittering sound; after I’d absently just let it do its own thing, my shaft had finally slipped out of her. It would have drooped down, but her butt was firmly nestled against my waist, pinning my overused parts between us. It was neither uncomfortable, nor entirely comfortable, but our physical contact felt too good to avoid.

“Doesn’t shower sex kind of suck though?”

She was sort of right. I enveloped her by the belly, tracing around her flat stomach and holding her tight against me. Her smaller body fit well against mine, with my head only a few inches above hers. I couldn’t help but land a kiss on the back of her head before responding.

“Bold of you to think I can have sex again.”

She giggled at that, body squirming in my embrace.

“True, baby. I’m kind of worn out too. I don’t think I have another one in me.” Despite her words, she ground herself against me, toned flesh mercilessly pressing against my wet and soft cock. Her arms traced down my sides, fastening around me and pulling me close by the waist. What a tease.

She turned, delicately spinning on the balls of her feet and wrapping her arms over my shoulders while I settled my hands against her waist. Her hands held my neck, fingers raising goosebumps along my skin. A light smile played on her lips, and content eyes soft, warm, and sparkling looked up at me.

“You know you’re perfect, right?” My words turned her lips up into a wider grin, exposing her dimples. She bopped upwards for a quick kiss.

“You make me feel perfect. Give me five so I can pee first?”

“Mhm, I’ll clean down here for a bit.”

Noelle gave me another kiss, let her lingering hold stay for a moment longer, and headed upstairs, toned body quickly bounding up the steps. My eyes stayed glued to her as she left, drinking in her body one last time. Times like these made me forget those anxious ideas of regret or discomfort, the terrifying trepidation of an incestual relationship. There were risks, terrible ones, but it was worth it. Though it was impossible not to think of the future, of where our relationship would take us. Perhaps we needed a conversation soon. After cleaning a little bit of the mess we’d left behind, I followed upwards in her footsteps.


[More of me](https://www.reddit.com/user/SalaciousLimerick/comments/k2ff7w/stuff_ive_written/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/led295/me_and_my_twin_sister_fucked_on_a_hot_summer_day