When I [30M] Hooked Up with A German Grad Student [24F] in Miami [MF] – Part 1

A serious GF and I had just broken up and to say I was devastated would be an understatement. It had been a few weeks since the breakup and I had been drinking heavily. I would drink every night till I passed out and drag my hungover ass to work in the mornings. It’s a miracle I was able to do barely enough to not get fired. One of my good friends advised me to go on a vacation somewhere. I needed to get out of the rut I found myself in. A change of scenery would definitely help. I pondered over the idea of taking a vacation for a couple of days
and just the idea of escaping New York made me feel better. I researched a bit and settled on Miami. It was a risky choice because the only couple of times I had been to Miami prior to this had been with my ex and being there would remind me of our times together but then again I had gauged on my previous trips there that it was fantastic place to party at and to possibly get laid. After all, the hottest girls came to Miami. I wasn’t thinking much in terms of getting laid but we had been broken up for over a month now and I figured it was about time I got back in the game. I wasn’t ready to go on dates yet but if an opportunity for a one night stand presented itself, no way was I going to turn it down.

The following day, I put it my request for time off at work. I had asked for three days off – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I was planning on spending five night in Miami flying back to New York Sunday afternoon.

I landed in Miami on a Tuesday night and checked in to my hotel. My plan was to spend the first three nights in a nice hotel on South Beach and then check in to a party hostel over the weekend. I had heard how crazy Miami party hostels could get and I definitely wanted in on some of the action. I spent the first couple of days chilling out and I was generally feeling much better though there were moments when I did miss my ex like crazy. Anyhow, I was focused on having a good time and indulging myself. I would spend my mornings chilling on the beach and checking out the talent. The hottest girls do come to Miami, indeed. I would spend my nights out drinking. The first night I went out, I met a cool guy from Philly who himself was in town to party for a few days. We hit it off and spoke to a few girls. I remember us talking to a couple of hotties from Arizona and and guy from Philly and I bought us all a round of shots each but it didn’t really get anywhere. Another day, I met this absolute cutie from Mexico while I was out at a bar and we even made out that night but it didn’t go any further than that. She gave me her digits and we had planned on grabbing dinner the following night but she flaked saying she was too tired from walking around all day and had an early morning flight to catch. Anyhow, I was feeling better because I was at least out there talking to some girls and having fun again.

Come Friday afternoon, I checked out of my hotel and checked in to a hostel. I had mistakenly booked the hostel till Monday though I was was supposed to fly out on Sunday afternoon. I asked the girl at the reception if they could change my reservation and refund me but she replied it wasn’t possible. It was only around $20/night if I recall correctly so I didn’t really mind. The hostel was kind of dingy and I was given a bunk in a 10 bunk dorm. I had stayed in hostels previously especially when I traveled as a college student and I didn’t really mind though truth be told, working a cushy job I had gotten used to certain standard of living in the last few years. Anyhow, I was excited to see what opportunities this hostel presented in terms of meeting girls. I signed up for a “club crawl” this hostel was doing later that night. It included an hour of pregaming at the hostel followed by a few hours at some nightclub.

I spent some time chilling at the hotel bar having a couple of beers that afternoon and flirting with the cute Eastern European bartender. Her and I exchanged Instagram handles as her shift ended and I headed out to the hostel garden and socialized a bit with other travelers. It was mostly guys from Europe in their early 20’s and neither seemed too excited at the prospect of partying that night. Anyhow, I came back to my dorm room and took a nap. Woke up to find that my dorm was filled with guys and just the bunk above mine was empty. There was an Aussie guy in my room who had lived in the States for a couple of years and was in town to attend a music festival of some sort. I asked him if he was coming out later and he had no idea about the club crawl but said he’d be happy to join. He offered me a couple of beers in the room and we just chatted until I left to take a shower and get ready. Later we met up at the hostel bar. We also socialized with other people who were going that night. After drinking copious amounts of cheap liquor the hostel had on offer, we headed out to the club. I ran in to the two chicks I earlier mentioned in this post. It was a bit funny but I went up to them and said hi. I even took a picture with both of them kissing me on either cheek and sent it to the guy from Philly as a joke. However, I did not really have much luck that night. I did hit on a few girls but was turned down. I even danced with a very hot girl from Brazil and she was grinding on me but when I went in for a kiss, she turned me down. By the end of the night, I was a bit dejected because this was my last night out in Miami on this trip as I wasn’t really planning on going out the night before my flight. Not only had I failed to get laid but I had also been turned down by a bunch of girls I had tried hitting on. It was the first time I had been single since the age of 25 and I wondered how if being single at the age of 30 would be super hard and if scoring with younger hot chicks would be a struggle. My Aussie mate didn’t have much luck either and we both grabbed some McDonalds before heading back to our hostel and passing out.

The following morning I remember being woken up by the noise around the dorm room as people woke up and started getting ready. Some were packing up to leave. I was extremely hungover and slept through most of the noise. I woke up when I head someone climb in to bunk above mine. I didn’t see her face but I did see a pair of long bare legs. This girl had a tattoo on her ankle. I was still half asleep but at least I felt glad there was going to be a girl in the dorm. I went back to sleep for another couple of hours or so. I woke up around 1. I had some leftovers in the hostel fridge which I heated up and ate. Then I took a shower and felt a littler better. Drinking more was out of the question but I grabbed a glass of coke from the bar and went out to the hostel patio. There were a couple of very chatty French guys sitting there. More people joined us as we sat around conversing. A couple of hours went by and I decided to head back to my room to lie down for a bit and perhaps stream some Netflix on my iPad. As I was walking back, I saw a hot girl sitting by herself on the other side of the patio. As I checked her out, I saw her ankle tattoo and realized it was the same chick who had climbed in to the bunk above mine early that morning. I walked up to her and said hi. Told her that I saw her climb the bunk this morning and that we were bunk mates. From what I could sense, she was feeling a bit out of place and was happy that someone had walked up to her to talk to her. I sat down with her and we spoke for a bit. Turns out she was 24, from Germany, in grad school but was traveling around on a break of sorts and this was her first time in Miami where she had directly from Germany. She was going to be in town a few days before going to California. I told her a bit about myself and asked her what her plans were for the rest of the day. She said she wasn’t sure but she did want to visit the Wynwood Art District being an art enthusiast. All of a sudden, my hangover had evaporated and I told her that funnily enough I was planning on visiting the Art district myself in a bit. In fact, I was going to get an uber soon and she should come with. Now, I had previously been to Wynwood with my ex and had no intentions of going there until this point but here was my chance to spend some time with his hot girl. She seemed very enthusiastic about the idea and said she was going to head in and needed 15-20 mins to get ready. I told her to take her time. All of a sudden, a wave of optimism came over me and I was feeling very confident.

I gave it 15 mins and went to the room to pick up some stuff and lock away my valuables ( hostels, man ). She was almost ready to go and man she looked hot. She had on a pinkish crop top that exposed a good amount of her well toned midriff. And she was wearing these little dark grey denim shorts that exposed a bit of her butt cheeks. She had wavy dark brown hair and green eyes. Her complexion was sort of pale and I could only how hot she’d look once she got a tan here in Miami. I asked her if she wanted to have a beer first at the hostel bar before we headed out and she agreed. I got a us beer each as we sat on the patio and talked some more. She seemed very easygoing and friendly. She spoke perfectly good English but seemed a bit conscious about her verbal skills and asked for ways to improve her English. We finished our beer and took an Uber Pool out to Wynwood. She sat in the backseat with another girl and I sat in the front with the driver and we couldn’t communicate much on the way there. Once we got off in Wynwood, we walked around a bit. She really enjoyed the graffiti and we went went to a couple of art galleries. She had me click a few pictures of her and she picked up some trinkets from a couple of street vendors. A couple of hours flew by and asked her if she was hungry and she replied in the affirmative. I knew diner nearby that was famous for its Cuban Sandwiches and I suggested we go there. We had dinner there and she really liked it. Then, we decided to go get some drinks. She seemed down to party that night and really seemed to be enjoying my company – laughing at my jokes, listening closely when I talked about my travels, career, etc.

We were walking around looking for a bar when someone passed us a flyer saying they had just opened up a new bar down the street and were offering 50% of mixed drinks all night long. We figured it was worth trying out. We walked in and it turned to be a very cool space. Had a massive patio, DJ was spinning some beats and there was a decent crowd. I walked over and got us a couple of drinks. This place didn’t have any formal seating instead there were a bunch of step that people were sitting on. We sat close to each other and conversation became a bit intimate. We spoke about our past relationships. I told her about my relationship that had gone sour though I skimped out of most of the details. She spoke about hers that had ended recently and had prompted to go traveling. She said she really admired my courage for walking up to her and just starting a conversation and that she was very impressed by my courage. As I got to go grab us another round, I noticed that she was wearing a red thong as the string had crept up a bit up her shorts. I decided that I wasn’t going to wait any longer and make a move when I got back. As I came back with drinks, I asked her if she wanted to play a game and if she lost, she’d have to kiss me. It was a stupid game that revolved around guessing something and when she didn’t get it right, she happily leaned in for a kiss and it turned in to a passionate make out session. I was wearing a button down shirt and I had the top three buttons undone which gave her the opportunity to feel my chest. She also vigorously rubbed her hands on my thighs and for a second there I though she was going to just going to grab my crotch then and there. Granted, it was Miami but things were getting pretty hot and heavy and I could sense that people’s eye were on us. I told that we should perhaps take it a little easy and wait until we got to our hostel. We sat with my arm around her and her hand on my thigh. We got a couple more drinks and I asked her if she wanted me to get a hotel for the night but she said it wasn’t necessary. Said we’lll just put a blanket around bunk and it’ll be alright. It sounded like she had fucked in hostels before and knew what she was talking about. I, on the other hand, was excited but also kind of nervous. We were going to be fucking in the a hostel room while surrounded by six or seven other guys. It was sure going to be an experience.

Stay tuned for the second part and yeah to throw in a bit of a spoiler, I definitely missed my flight the following afternoon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ldu6gx/when_i_30m_hooked_up_with_a_german_grad_student