Sweet treat (M/F)

I glanced at the window at the sound of a soft knock on glass. There stood Jared, my best friend since I was eight, waving in with a sympathetic smile. I didn’t move except to rest my chin in the palm of my hand once more.
The knock sounded on the door this time, a little more urgent. “C’mon Elle, let me in. We both know you’ll just mope for days if you don’t.”
Instead of getting the door I just pulled a knit blanket from the back of the couch to cover me. The doorknob rattled as Jared tested it and found it unlocked.
“I don’t wanna talk, Jared. I want to eat ice cream and then curl up and die.”
There was a clatter by the front door as Jared kicked off his shoes. “I figured. Which is why I picked up the best on my way over.”
In my lap landed a pint of mint-chip ice cream from the local shop, I Scream. A few feet away in the kitchen a drawer rattled open and a pair of spoons were retrieved before Jared dropped onto the couch beside me, proffering one of the spoons.
“Okay, spill,” Jared ordered as I tore into the pint. “What happened? You two were doing so good, weren’t you?”
Tears welled unbidden in my eyes as I took a big bite of ice cream. “I thought so. B-but apparently he’s been seeing some girl for weeks.”
“Wait, but you guys have only been going out two months!”
I nodded. “Apparently I’m not good enough.”
“Hey, hey! That’s not true!” Jared pulled me into his lean body, his arms around me and one hand stroking my dark hair. “He’s an ass, he doesn’t know what he’s missing. You’re a gem, a goddess! HE doesn’t deserve YOU.”
I shovel another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth, stemming a sob and nearly choking on it. “But I—I—“
My voice was stolen when Jared held me even tighter with a gentle shhh. “Hey, I get it, Elle, I do. I’ve been there. It’s not your fault.” He tilted my chin up to look me in the eye. “Not even a little. Seriously, he is gonna regret losing you.”
The softness of his tone stayed my tears for a moment. I’d never noticed the beautiful, warm shade of blue his eyes were. Those eyes seemed to bore into me, causing my breath to catch.

Jared set the tub of ice cream on the floor, his gaze never shifting from mine. He buried his fingers in my hair, holding me still, keeping my eyes on him. “You’re perfect. Every word you say, every inch of you. This perfect hair …” His fingers roamed, brushing beneath my eye, across my lips. “Perfect eyes, perfect lips … perfect.”
My mouth went dry. “Jared …” I was painfully aware of the rise and fall of my chest as warmth spread through me.
He leaned in closer until our lips brushed. I leaned back, my fingers to my lips, staring in awe into his soft gaze. He met no resistance when he twisted his fingers in my hair and pulled me in again. My one hand rose to touch his neck, feeling the slight stubble along his throat, my other hand still holding my spoon. My lips parted at his tongue’s insistence, still cold from the ice cream.
A moan escaped me as we shifted together, Jared laying me back into the arm of the couch, the spoon falling from my hand to clatter on the floor so I could pull him in. One of Jared’s hands slowly worked its way up my sweatshirt to find my unrestrained breast, eager for attention. My nipple came erect at the rush of his palm. My hips shifted to better accommodate his weight.
At my shifting I suddenly felt the strain of his penis against his jeans, rigid against my groin. I sighed as his tongue left my mouth to trace a line along my jaw. My heart pounded in my chest, rattling my whole body—I couldn’t even breathe evenly. My fingers sank through his short hair as his lips met the hollow of my throat, his own fingers pulling at my nipple.
I gave a small gasp when he squeezed my nipple, sending a shot of pleasure through me. Jared propped himself up to pull the blanket out from between us, his eyes never leaving me.
I didn’t understand what he found so alluring. I was just in sweats with unbrushed hair and tears still damp on my cheeks. Despite it all he leaned back in to kiss my neck as his hand slid down under the waistband of my pants.
A tiny sigh passed my lips as his fingers traced over my panties, sending tingling pleasure up through me. I whispered his name and he whispered mine, grinding his groin against my thigh. His thumb found its way under the cloth of my panties, caressing the fold beneath. I felt his thumb grow slick with my increasing wetness. My stomach fluttered.
“Perfect,” Jared murmured as he slipped two fingers inside me, eliciting a small gasp.
I reached down to unbutton his jeans and worn them and his underwear partway down his hips to gain access to his erect member. Jared let out a deep, guttural moan as I stroked him, thick in my hand. I squirmed at the pleasure coursing through me, Jared’s fingers stroking in and out with perfect rhythm that matched mine.

I paused to pull at his shirt, for the first time in our lives longing to see the muscle I knew lay beneath. Once he was free of his shirt he tugged at mine. In the process of squirming out of my sweatshirt we both fell off the couch, knocking over the tub of ice cream in the process.
We both laughed as I leaned back, effectively straddling my best friend, dishevelled with his penis pressed against me.
“What are we doing?” I asked, still half a chuckle in my voice. My gaze drifted over his body, a deep hunger forming.
Jared’s hands roamed across my waist, his thumbs stroking softly. “What we probably should have done ages ago. I’ve been crazy about you for years, I just didn’t want to mess up our friendship.”
I smiled and shook my head. “You’re … perfect.”
I peeled off my sweatshirt and relished in the way Jared’s eyes drank in my body. I stood over him and wriggled out of my sweats and panties as Jared pushed off his jeans and boxers. Both of us naked, I sank down to kneel over him, the tip of his penis poised beneath my opening.
One small movement and everything would forever be different. I could see in his calm, lustful stare that he was thinking the same. Jared smiled, his hands on my hips, and guided me down.
We both let out a gasp as he slid into me, thick and deep. I began to rock on top of him, taking in the waves of sensation. Jared closed his eyes, his face filled with pleasure. I rocked hard and fast, building my orgasm and filling my gaze with white. Jared moaned, his fingers digging into my hips as he helped my pace. On and on I rocked until he and I both cried out and I felt his cum rocket deep inside me, my back arched in pleasure.
Head still hazy with ecstasy, I slid off him to lay on the floor at his side. Silence hung for a moment until I reached over to the half-melted tub of ice cream, which had begun to pool on the floor.
“You still need ice cream?” Jared wondered as I downed a spoonful.
I grinned as I prepared another scoop, which I promptly placed in his mouth. “I need a snack after a good orgasm,” I stated.
Jared smiled as well and swallowed. “Guess we’ll need to stock up.”

I took more time with this one, reworked it and smoother it out. Hoped you enjoyed!

Check my profile for more!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ldzjd6/sweet_treat_mf


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