My First Time – Photography, Part 2 [MF]

I must start this chapter with a brief apology. Given the theme of this work, you probably expected more from my first time. However, given the circumstances of my first time, I didn’t know what to expect, and I certainly didn’t want to breach Mark and Julie’s trust (despite their swinger confession) in keeping the situation comfortable. Julie’s kiss confused me – she hadn’t given me one like that before, but…she didn’t suggest anything during our session. I decide to chalk it up to extreme comfort and let it pass from my head.

The photos from Julie’s session turned out quite well. She and Mark were both extremely pleased. And, true to my word, I gave them an original SD card with the RAW photos on it, and a thumb drive (and a copy) of the edited JPEG images. Then I deleted them entirely from my editing system, ensuring that they retained the only originals of the photos.

A few weeks later, a Friday, my business cell rang, and I picked up, not recognizing the number. It turned out to be Jenn. “Hi Mr. ____,” she said, “How are you?” “Good!” I said, and asked “How was spring break?” She said, “Well, the guys were mostly brainless meatheads, but my friends were fun, and of course, hanging on the beach for five days, drinking, was fantastic.”

We laughed together for a moment. Then she said, “So, uh…Mr. _____, I saw the photos you did of my step-mom.” I paused, prepared to say something, but she continued. “So, some friends and I are having a spa party, and a couple of them want to model, and we were wondering what you’d charge us to come take pictures of us as we hang out.” This came out in a rush – clearly, she liked the idea, but was also a bit trepidatious.

I said, “Hmmm,” (the prospect of spending a day with a few beautiful young women weighing in my thoughts). And then I asked, “Well, wait – didn’t you just graduate?” Of course, I knew full well that she had. She said, “Yes! Last month!” “Well,” I said, “Why don’t I do this one for free, and then if any of your friends want to use the images for modeling purposes, we can talk licensing fees, but if it’s just for you and them for the memories, I won’t charge you.” She said something to the effect of “Squeeeeee” and then I heard her say a bit further away, “He says he’ll do it for free.” I could hear more giggles in the background. I said, “Will these friends be the ones I hear giggling back there?” “Yes,” she replied, and added “Dad and Julie are in Mexico for a week, and we have the house. Can you come over tomorrow, like around 3:00?” I confirmed with my calendar, and we set a date.

I arrived the next day with the same equipment I had brought before. Probably over-equipped, as the house was well-lit and open to the sun, but one likes to be prepared. I was definitely *not* prepared to be greeted at the door by a girl (woman!) I didn’t know, who was wearing a robe that didn’t quite cover her cleavage, panties, and absolutely gorgeous legs. “Jenn” she shouted over her shoulder, “the photo guy is here!” She ushered me inside, and turning, vanished up the stairs. I continued to admire her legs as she ascended. I stood alone for a moment, then Jenn came in from the kitchen, wearing much the same ensemble, with the dark hair and eyes and beautiful tan still evident. She gave me a long, warm, hug, and said “Thank you SO much for coming, Mr. ______.” I said, “Jenn, you’re practically an adult now – you can call me ‘Dan.’ And, you’re welcome. How do you want to work this?”

She said, “Well, we’re up having our nails done. One of our friends is a cosmetologist, and does hair and makeup and mani-pedi work, so we paid her to come over and do manicures and pedicures. She’s got this whole setup – want to come see?” I grabbed my camera and a wide, fast, lens, and followed her up the stairs. They were all ensconced in Jenn’s room, a spacious affair over the garage. When we got there, I found the girl who had met me at the door – introduced herself as Megan – and a short, petite (nearly willowy) redhead named Jill. The fourth girl, who was kneeling in front of Jill and using a heated footbath of some sort, stood up and turned around to introduce herself. She was wearing scrubs, of all things, but was clearly attractive, and a brunette. She smiled a winning smile, and introduced herself as Brianne.

Megan and Jill and Jenn – all three had model potential, to my eyes. In chatting with them, Megan was a volleyball player, going to college on a partial scholarship, Jill didn’t play any sports, but planned to be a bio and nursing double major, and wanted to become an LPN. I knew from before that Jenn didn’t have any firm plans, other than going to college. Brianne had no desire to go to college, but was already working in her senior year in a local salon, and her only plan was to work up to owning her own salon. All of them were pleasant and engaging – Jenn herself was the same way, so it was no surprise to find her friends to be the same.

I said, “Well, what’s the current phase here?” Brianne said, “Well, I just finished their pedicures, and was planning to start on manicures.” I said, “Well, if it’s okay with you all, I will just float around the periphery, taking some pictures. If possible, try to forget I’m here, so I can get as natural looks as possible.” I went back downstairs and got my tripod, and came back to set it up in an unused corner of the room, across from Jenn’s bed. They were already chatting away on some other topic. As I took the photos, at first they would look over at every click, and smile, but after awhile, they barely noticed. Or seemed to, anyway. I did see that as I zoomed in on this girl or that girl, they would lean over slightly, exposing more of their chest, or part their legs and turn more towards me, flashing underwear, or in the case of Jill, the edges of trimmed, red, hair between her legs. Jill’s impish half-smile came through beautifully in the photo.

After an hour had gone by, I stood to stretch and change my memory cards out for new ones. Brianne “call me Bri,” came over to say hello as the other three chatted, drank champagne (a constant occurrence, I noted). “You look quite stiff,” she said, smiling. I paused, then decided to take it in the less-pervy spirit, and said, “Yep. Gone are the days when I could simply crouch into a position behind the camera, and stay there for hours without consequence.” “Well,” she said, “If you want to take a break, I could give you a 20-minute or so massage to get you loosened up a bit. I’m certified in basic massage, as well.” I said, “Sure,” and she turned to the others, “Hey, I’m going to give the old guy the once-over, if that’s good with you.” This set off a round of drunk giggles, and Jenn said, “Hey, no big. We’re going to walk down and get our swimsuits on and get ready for the pool. Why don’t you come down after, Bri?”

As they left, she had me take my polo off and lie down on Jenn’s bed, face down, with the pillow under my chest. She vanished briefly, returning with a jar of coconut oil, saying “Well, I don’t have much in the way of massage oil here, but this is what was in the kitchen. Unless, that is, you’d prefer to smell like ‘young woman in heat,” which is most of the scents that Jenn has lying around?’ I laughed into the pillow, enjoying her wit, and said, “Coconut oil is fine. I will smell like a suntan lotion – there are worse things.”

She stood beside the bed, and started with medium pressure, moving up and down my back. After awhile, she began to dig a little more deeply into the area under my shoulder blades. I sighed, and she paused, and said, “Is the pressure okay?” “Absolutely,” I said, “I am thoroughly enjoying this – the sigh was pure enjoyment.” Fantastic, she said, and continued. After working through my back for 15 mins or so, she pronounced herself satisfied, but added, “Do you mind if I work through your calf muscles? They don’t seem too happy.” Sleepily, I replied, “Okay, absolutely.” The feeling of her hands on my calfs pushed me closer to sleep, and I heard her say, as through a dream, “If you want to drift off, go ahead.” I could only sigh and enjoy the stress leaving my body.

About 30 mins later or so, I awoke to silence, feeling refreshed and happy, though sore (in a good way) in certain muscles. I stood and packed up my gear, planning to slip out quietly. Coming down the upstairs hallway, I almost bumped into Bri, coming out of the bathroom in her bikini. “Sorry!” I said, as I gently held her arms so as not to knock her over, and added, “That massage was wonderful – thank you so much.” She smiled, and said, “Absolutely. I don’t do much work now, but you definitely needed it. You should make an appointment with me the next time you feel that way, so I can work your muscles properly.” I said that I would, and followed her downstairs, where I could see the other girls sitting poolside and in the pool, talking and listening to music.

I followed her out and walked over to Jenn (trying, unsuccessfully, to keep my eyes entirely above-boob). “Hi Jenn,” I said, “I think I got enough photos to make the session worthwhile, and will let you know when I finish editing them.” She said, “Oh, thank you, Dan! How was your massage?” I replied, “Well, I slept for 30 mins, if that is any indication.” “Good,” she said, “but hey, do you want to stick around?” I said, “Well, I don’t really want to interrupt your girls’ day in with my old fogey self.” “No, stay, please – you can swim in your shorts.” The other girls were nodding, so I said that I would, and went to put my equipment in my car.

When I returned, Jenn handed me a cold beer, and I sat down in one of the higher chairs at the bar, giving me a pleasant view of the four of them in their swimsuits. We chatted pleasantly for a couple hours, alternating between sitting and swimming around. Soon, I grabbed a towel and dried enough to go inside to the restroom. I heard them come inside as well, as the sun was beginning to set. When I came out, they were in the kitchen, talking and drinking some more. Jenn, at least, was on her way to trashed, and the other three were clearly not in driving condition.

“Hey Dan,” said Jenn, as I walked back in. “Do you think you could go and pick up some dinner, if we buy? The place delivers, but it’s only 15 mins away, and they take hours to deliver this time of night.” I said that I would, and they called in an order to the same Thai place. Ten minutes later, I was walking to the front door when Julie called out from behind me, “Wait up, Dan. I’ll go, too, but let’s take my car.” When we went out, it turns out she had a lovely convertible, older but in great shape. She gave me the keys, put down the top, and off we went, her fanning her hair in the breeze.

As we navigated the roads out of the development, she leaned over and asked, “Did you see the little flash I gave to you when you were taking pictures? I found the whole experience so erotic, despite all the giggling.” I said, “Uhmmm…” then blushed and she giggled. “I’ll take that as a “Yes,” she said, and leaned over to gently stroke my cock over my shorts. “Hmmm,” she said, “You clearly not only noticed it, but enjoyed it. Turn left here.” I didn’t have much self will left, so I turned left. She then had me pull in at a house, and the garage opened for us to pull in. “Come on,” she said, and hopped out of the car and opened the inner door. When I got in, she shut the door behind me, locked it, then went up on her tiptoes and kissed me on the mouth, gently and warmly. She then took my hand and began pulling me down a hallway, and into a bedroom.

She kissed me again, holding my head in her hands. “Okay, Dan. I’ve wanted you since I met you today. Before you ask, yes, I’m over 18. Yes, I’m on birth control. No, I’m not too drunk to know, and yes, I really want you.” With that, she pulled my polo over my head – I did not resist, and then kissed me again, and kissed her way down my chest. She lightly sucked each of my nipples, causing me to inhale sharply, then knelt. “Let’s see what we have here,” she said, entirely in control. After sliding off my shorts, and taking off my boxer briefs, she ran her finger nails down my cock, which responded quite well.

“Mmmm,” she said, “nice size…nice shape.” She licked it and kissed it. “Tastes like man and pool water…not a bad combination,” she purred. Then she stood and pulled me over to the bed, lay me down and swung over top of me. Then she pulled off her shirt and bikini top. She had gorgeous, round, breasts, alabaster skin, and small pink nipples. “Suck on them, please, Dan?” she asked. I leaned up and took one in my mouth, tasting of sweat and salt and warmth. She sighed and then moaned, and offered me the other, which I sucked as well.

She then stood up and stripped entirely, light red hair trimmed around her small pussy. “Don’t move,” she said, and turned around and sat down on my cock, reverse cowgirl style. She was tight, and warm, and squeezed my cock with her pussy. She gripped the sides of my legs and started bouncing gently on me, sliding up and almost off, then back on again. The sight of this gorgeous, pixie-like, woman on my cock almost made me come right away, but I held back, hoping she would come once. She leaned back and began bouncing and rubbing her clit, and soon after, shuddered and came on me, dripping. “Please come…sir…” she gasped, and that was enough for me. I sat up and held her hips tightly to me and squirted into her. She moaned and shuddered and said, “Oh fuck, I’m coming again.” We lay there for a moment, then she said, “I’d love to lay with you all night, but we have to get the Thai food.” We showered briefly, some kissing involved, then dried, dressed, and left her house.

We arrived home about 45 mins later, the Thai food having just been ready when we arrived at the restaurant.



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