My First Time – Photography [cheating]

My First Time

Some start out photography with the intention of becoming nude, boudoir, and /or figure study photographers. They get experience in college, or trade school, take classes online or IRL, and generally acquire education and experience in that fashion. Others sort of “fall into” photography in general, and then find the more lascivious subjects come along via referrals or odd jobs here and there. In the end, either kind of photographer, as with any art, must learn through experience, observation, and feedback.

But, I digress.

I am the latter sort of photographer myself. I have always a certain predilection for the female figure (like most red-blooded males, I should think), beginning with my first views of that famous swimsuit issue and famous lingerie catalog. However, my initial forays into photography when I was younger were pictures of pets and sports and landscape. That was back in the film days. After giving up photography for some 20 years, I decided to get back into it as a hobby. At the time, I was married, with several children, and needed something to “take the edge off.” So, I acquired a camera body, and having caught LBA (lens-buying addiction), also acquired about 20 lenses.

Once again, nature, family, and sports became my foray. Since it was a hobby, after awhile, I ended up doing some friends and family weddings (i.e., for free) and took some halfway decent shots.

After a couple of years had passed, I got a social media message from a friend of mine, “Mark.” (Just assume that *none* of the names I provide here are true-to-life.) Mark’s daughter, Jenn (short for nothing, believe it or not), a lively, intelligent, tall brunette, was graduating high school, and had forgotten to schedule senior photos. He was willing to pay me for them, having seen my photos of his brother’s wedding, so we set up the shoot for a local park on the Saturday following.

Jenn showed up, in all of her post-spring-break tanned glory, and I managed to get tasteful and elegant shots, despite her short-skirted attempts otherwise. At one point, her father whispered to me, “Sorry about the..ahem…attire. Her mother buys her clothes, and I have very little say. The ones I buy for her go unworn, mostly.” I shrugged, gave him a small smile, and said, “Well, I think I should be able to work some good shots out.” Mark was divorced. His first wife had ended up being wild and carefree with money. She was remarried, to more money, and did what she could to make Jenn (and herself) look like it.

After the shoot, when Jenn had departed, and Mark and I were lodged at the local bar with beers, he leaned over to me and said in a lower tone than his usual, “I was wondering if you could recommend someone for a different kind of work.” I looked at him, eyebrow raised. He continued, with a slight catch in his throat, “Well, Jules wants to do a sexy shoot or something.” He took a big gulp of beer – the poor guy was having some trouble. I said, “You mean like boudoir? Lingerie? Nude?” He nodded. I considered this for a moment, and said “Well, I could do it, but I haven’t tried it before. Tell you what, I will look around and see whom I could recommend. There are a few good ones I have in mind.” He nodded, and we drifted into other topics, to his apparent relief.

When I got into my studio the next day, I looked through my contacts, and emailed Mark a list of the contacts who were both discreet and trustworthy, and handled this sort of work regularly. I also emailed Jenn the photos, BCC’ing Mark, and she replied that she was very happy with them. Mark responded with thanks to the first email, and with amazement that the photos in the second email looked as natural and un-porn-like as possible, given Jenn’s outfit.

Several weeks passed before I talked to Mark again. I hadn’t heard from any of my contacts regarding Julie’s shoot, but given that discretion is part of that facet of photography, I hadn’t expected to, either. I filled my time with my usual nature, wedding, and family photography, as well as with floor cleaning, kid wrangling, and other SAHD activities.

When Mark called several weeks later, it said something to the effect of:

Hey, man, how’s it going? Listen, Julie and I have been talking about her photographs, and she’s not comfortable with anyone you provided. They might all be great, but she and I really want you to take them. We both know you, and trust you, and would prefer that you take the pictures.

After I cautioned him about my lack of experience, we set up the shoot for a couple weeks out. Jenn, ironically, would be on Spring Break someplace in Florida, leaving the house to Mark and Julie.

When I arrived at their home, large (but not garish) at the end of a cul-de-sac in a nice subdivision, I dragged with me several cameras, boku lenses, and a bunch of lights. I really had no idea how to deal with lighting – whether they would prefer outside in their (private) pool area, inside in their bedroom or kitchen, or whatever. I also brought a fan and some willowy gauzy material. I prepped using Google and online advice – what can I say? (I did ignore, however, the advice involving peanut butter, honey, and / or large dildos).

Mark answered the door, invited me in, and handed me a beer. “Julie is showering and…uhm…shaving,” he said. “Okay, Mark, so, look,” I said, “are you sure YOU are okay with me doing this? We’ve been friends for a number of years, and I don’t want my doing this to trample our friendship in some way.” He paused, and sighed, and said, “Look, I’m okay with this, especially with you doing it. Julie and I are…well, what makes me nervous is telling you this…Julie and I are swingers, and have been for a few years. We’re not propositioning you, but we wanted you to know in case you hear elsewhere after you do the photos.” As I successfully avoided spitting my beer on him, he continued. “Anyway, are you still good with taking the pictures?” I said, “Well, yes – this doesn’t change the art I want to do, and the pictures I want to take, or my opinion of you both. I am curious, though, does Jenn know about your life? He said, “Well, she doesn’t *officially* know, though I think she has some idea that our sex life isn’t…vanilla. It’s hard to keep things secret from a smart kid, and given that friends who share our lifestyle have accidentally dropped hints around her that have made her blush, I’m pretty sure she’s clued in.”

I really had…no comment on that, and intentionally focused on the job at hand. Imagining Jenn in anything less than what she had worn before would only result in distraction as it was, so I simply smiled and said, “Well, if you’re ready, and she’s ready, I’m ready.” “Jules,” he yelled in the direction of the stairs, “are you ready?” “Yep!” she replied, so I handed Mark various lights and a bag, grabbed my other bag, and I followed him up the stairs.

We found Julie in their bedroom. The bed was made, and covered, and Julie was on it, sitting cross-legged in a bathrobe, with wet hair, a smile, and (from what I could see) little else. I walked over and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then walked around looking at the room and the light. It was my first time in their bedroom, and it was shaped almost like half of a hexagon, with the bed against the long side, and wide windows around the other edges, letting in fantastic morning light through louvered blinds.

I turned to Mark, and said, “You can just set the lights down. I think that, at least for some test shots, we won’t need them.” I turned back to her to find that she had lain back against her pillows and closed her eyes. Her tan legs were crossed and out the bottom of her robe, and her dark hair was spread across the white pillows. Before she moved, I aimed and shot a picture. She opened her eyes when she heard the shutter, and said, “Oh! I didn’t know we had started!”

I sat on the edge of the bed near her and looked at the photo I had taken. “Well, we hadn’t officially done anything yet, but the image was lovely, and it was a good test of the light.” I stood up and went to set up my tripod. Mark said, from behind me, “Well, I’ll just leave you to it, then.” I said, “Well, I had planned to have you stay, so that you’re both comfortable.” Mark smiled and said, “No, I have a golf round planned, and besides, I think I would just feel uncomfortable and in the way if I stayed.” He gave Jules a kiss, slapped my shoulder as he passed me, and headed down the stairs. As I set up my tripod, and placed lights where I thought they might work, I heard the door close, his car lock chirp, and quiet descend on the lower level.

After setting up my lights, I turned back to Julie to find her watching me, a small smile on her lips. “Thank you,” she said. I looked at her for a moment, and she continued, “For making him and me comfortable, and for being so professional about this. We really didn’t feel like anyone else could do this like you.” I said, “I’m glad I can do this. I’m sure he told you – I’m new at this, and I can’t promise any great results. But, I’ll definitely try.” She smiled and said, “Well, I’m new at this too, so we can learn together.”

I said, “Okay, what did you have in mind? How shall we ‘officially’ begin?” She bit her lower lip in (sexy) thought, and said, “Why don’t you direct? And, open my closet door there.” When I opened it, I saw a number of gorgeous lingerie sets, hanging on a small rack. I said, “So, these are what we are going to work with?” She replied, “As you wish. It’s entirely up to you.” I picked up a light camisole, and black shorts, and gave them to her. “Shorts?” She all but pouted. I said, “Trust me.” She sighed, and to my surprise, stood with her back to me, and dropped her robe. I saw her taught back and ass, as she slipped on the shirts and pulled on the cami. I handed her a pair of sandals, which she also put on, frowning.

“Now,” I said, “lie on the bed, on your stomach, and look at me. Put one leg up and let the sandal flop.” She did so, giving me the same pout. “Perfect, I said.” I snapped a few more shots. “Now, lie back on the bed, and close your eyes. Put one hand on your stomach and rub it slowly. Smile gently.” I slipped the sandals off her feet. She did so, sighing. I snapped a number of photos. “Good,” I said. She continued to rub her stomach. I watched her for a few moments, then said “Julie, you can stop.” She opened her eyes, looking lost for a moment, then smiled and told me, “Sorry, I was getting carried away.”

I smiled, and walked into the lingerie closet. I didn’t see any white socks, and when I asked, she directed me to one of her drawers. I found a pair that were obviously thigh length, and gave them to her, along with a pair of black underwear. “Put those on, and keep the cami on, as well.” She did so, not complaining this time. I got another view of her perfect ass as she did. (I was also not complaining, if you can believe…)

We went on like this for the better part of two hours, or perhaps more. In the middle of one shoot, with a black lingerie set, she asked, “How many photos have you taken?” I looked and said, “About 1,000.” She raised her eyebrows and said, “You mean, you’re going to edit all of those for us?” I nodded. She then decided that 1,000-some-odd photos, in 8-10 outfits, was enough for her.

As I packed up my equipment, she pulled on her robe, and turned to me, saying, “How about lunch? I can order pizza or Thai or something.” Thai sounded good to me, and I said so, and she went to order as I finished packing. I noticed as she walked past me that she was still wearing the…rather pleasant…black lingerie set.

When I had packed up my gear and hauled it down to the front door, I walked over to their kitchen / dining room, where Julie had set up a cold beer for me. “Thanks,” I said, taking a long pull from it. She sat down, crossing her legs to maximal effect. I studiously avoided staring at her gorgeous calves, and settled for discreet glances. Given her look at me, they weren’t as discreet as I hoped. With a slight smile, she asked “So, what’s the next step?” she asked. I said, “Well, I take these pictures back to my editing studio, and make you look…I mean, make ‘them’ look even better.” She laughed. “Slip-up intended?” I said, “Absolutely,” and smiled.

The food arrived, and we ate almost in silence, both being very hungry. After I finished, I said, “Well, I don’t have cash on me, but tell me what I owe you for lunch.” She said, “Wait, what are you charging for the session?” I thought for a moment, and said, “Well, as I recall, I told Mark that since this was my first time, and for friends, I wasn’t going to charge.” “Well, then, lunch is on me,” she said. I smiled.

“Anything else, Julie? You were a good model.” She laughed, and said, “Nothing like two virgins at it for the first time.” I’m pretty sure I blushed a bit, and she laughed again. She rose to give me a hug, and walked me to the door. I hauled my stuff out to the car, and as I came up to get the tripod and camera bag, she was still standing in the doorway. When I leaned towards her to pick up my bag, she pulled me to her gently and suddenly kissed me lightly on the lips. I could feel her warmth, and her muscles and curves pushing against me. She ended the kiss, gazing into my eyes, whispered “Thank you,” and closed the door, leaving me aroused in the doorway. I shook my head to clear the cobwebs and got in my car and went home.


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