I 20 [M] was blackmailed by Neighbour 19 [F]

Yes this is a 2nd account not my main ( Don’t want unnecessary reddit perverts LOL)

Should start by saying take the title with a grain of salt, This happened in 2019 I.E pre-covid.

I’m start this by giving you a brief description of Me and Lucy “The Neighbour” .

When this happened I was 20, I’m not your typical 20 year old, I’ve hit the gym hard since 14 and have amassed a lot of size. I’m around 6ft1′ tall with brown hair and green eyes. I have a slight natural tan but still very much a white guy.

I skipped going to Uni and instead opted for a job in accounts studied whilst learning. Obviously, i kept in touch with a lot my mates so every weekend was pretty much hardcore parties, Festivals etc before i get too carried away.

Lucy! Lucy is 1 year younger than me (19 at the time). We went to same school and our families are rather close. Her mum is best friends with my mum. Lucy is around 5ft2′ , a light brunette with hazelnut brown eyes. She definitely has curves, her tits around a comfortable C cup, but her arse is *Insert breath-taking meme here*. I assume she got into from playing field hockey for years.

Anyways, like i slightly mentioned before, we did go to school together but out contact was limited, Different years and friends groups yadada. She often said Hi to me with a gleaming smile and obviously i gave her a subtle Hi back but i was too busy chasing girls my own year. We often attended events family together, as our parents were close but i would normally hang with either my cousins or her cousins. In other words, I’ve pretty much kept a large length away from me my entire life but thought of her more like a cousin. I know, I’m a dickhead.

So, Around September time my parents decided they were going to jet off on a couples holiday with her parents. Now obviously, What’s the first thing you do with a free house? That’s right, Throw a fucking huge party. However, My mum is very much, hmm what’s the word… A house freak? is that a thing i don’t know, but I’ll explain. She is very controlling around the house, everything needs to be perfect all the time. She refuses to even throw her own get togethers so my desire of hosting a party was quickly dashed when i was younger. If she found out i hosted a party, Let’s just say i wont make it to my next Birthday.

So the day arrived and both sets of parents jetted off, leaving me alone and Lucy alone in our separates homes. Obviously, I was throughout the week telling people about my party so around 8pm my house was already full to the brim of people. It was a fucking amazing party, if i do say so myself, Highlight of the night was my friend “Nick” seeing his girlfriend making out with a guy. Nick proceeded to full sprint at him and rugby tackle him into my pool. They proceeded to punch each other for a while before someone stepped in. Was great to see.

I for one was talking to a girl “Alyssia” . When i say I’ve wanted to fuck her for years. I mean it. She is my dream girl, Tan, Brunette, busty D cup, big arse slim waist. Blue eyes that stare into your soul. Truly beautiful. Obviously, i was looking fire, rocking some white jeans with a black short sleeve shirt to emphasise my arms.

After the party started to die down around 2am, i took Alyssia to my room and proceeded to give her the best 10 seconds of her life.

Only Joking, I may not pack the biggest dick but i can last like a fucking stallion especially when drunk. Pretty sure when she removed her dress i cried. We proceeded to have rather vicious sex. Lady is streets freak in the sheets springs to my mind. I was doing her raw and with every thrust her arse rippled. Man is was so good.

Anyways I’m getting side-tracked back to the story.

The following, Morning i woke up, fucked Alyssia again, sent everyone in the house on their way and began to clean up. Took me a good 3 hours with a few friends helping but we got it to close to my Mum’s standards. I quickly nipped to Maccies and got a breakfast and a much needed coffee. I returned home and collapsed asleep. I woke up a few hours later and was going through my phone,

I had around 60 snapchats to get through so it took me a while and as I’m going through the list, i notice a snap from Lucy. I open it half heartedly,

“Where was my invite” It said, with just a blank screen.

I reply

“Aha Sorry” i completely forgot about her TBH

i continue going through my and she responds almost instantly.

I open it pretty soon,

“Ah no worries. Guess I’ll just send this to your Mum” Captioned on a picture of my house spewing with people, lights blasting etc. You get the picture. I.E my coffin.

i responded

“Please don’t, I’m sorry for forgetting about you. What do you want for silence?” I replied Jokingly not thinking she would go too far. At this point i couldn’t concentrate on anything else, i just awaited her reply. She opened it as soon i sent it. Took her a good 5 mins to reply.

“I want you.”

That was it, that’s all she sent.

Obviously i was fucking confused so i asked for clarification.

“You want me? wtf does that even me?”

“Don’t play dumb, you know what it means. I’m coming over now”

I didn’t reply and shortly after i hear a knock on my door.

I answer to see Lucy, wearing grey trackies and a hoodie.

“Hey” She smiles

“Uh, Hey, Come in” Still nursing a hangover

We sit on the sofa, and I’m still confused.

“I’m just going to start with what the fuck are you on about Lu? You want me?”

She turns beetred and sighs

“Nay, I like you” she states rather simply

before i can even speak she continues

“I’ve liked you for so long, and you never gave me the time the day. You never include me in your parties or going outs… You never seem to acknowledge my presence…

Why don’t you like me?”

Her eyes begin to swell with tears.

I was rather uncomfortable in this situation. Lucy who i regarded as more of a somewhat cousin (family friend thing) rather a lover was confessing her feelings in front me, Literally hours after i finally score the girl I’ve been chasing for years and really liked.

“Of course i like you Lu… I Just…”

“don’t find me good looking?” she sniffles

“of course not, you’re really pretty Lu. It’s just that… i don’t know, i always treated you more like a cousin then anything else, I didn’t realise i made you feel alienated like that”

at this time she was pretty much full crying. I extended my arms and urged her forwards. I tightly hugged her with her head resting on my chest

“Please don’t cry Lu”

“How about we talk later yeah? I’m still struggling from last night…

How about i ordered us a Chinese later and we can talk fully”

she mumbles into my chest and slightly nods, I release her and walk her to the front and gently nudge her back to her house.

I get in and close the door, slamming my head into it. I remember thinking what the fuck just happened. The girl who i grew up with, confessed she loved me, after i just fucked the girl i really like. I didn’t know what to do, I was certain Lucy would send those pictures to her mum who would then obviously show them to my mum. Lucy can be very malicious like that. But we are all a bit of a cunt deep down :)

I go back to bed and pass out. I wake up again around 8. I grab my phone and snap Lucy.

“Gonna order now, I’ll be over in 30”

She opens it and doesn’t reply.

30 mins to decide what the fuck I’m going to do. Throughout the day i was always talking to Alyssia, She wants to meet again. I remember just saying “Fuck” over and over again. I decided i was going to go with the game plan of removing the thoughts about me from Lucy’s Head and hope she will forget about liking me. Kind of going in hard-headed. In hindsight, Dumb idea but shit happens.

I head to the Chinese, grab the food and come back to home. I walk over to Lucy’s. She opens the door wearing booty short and a crop top. Emphasising her assets…

I must admit when she opened the door i did internally think “holy shit”. We head to her room, and begin eating, had a beer each as well. After we ate (in silence), I decided to break the ice.

“Listen Lu, I love you like family, I’m sorry for excluding you last night and anytime before that… But i just… Just literally had a breakthrough with Alyssia.” I said pretty coyly.

She took a breathe

“I like you Nay, I always have, You never gave me attention and i hate myself for liking you so much. All my life i just wanted you to recognise me at least once and you never did.”

before i could reply she continued

“I’m going to be brutal with you Nay, Either you and i end this by loving each other, Or… I send the pics and vids to Sara (My mum)”.

I breathe and take a moment and go on the aggressive

“So basically, you’re going to be a bitch. Just because i don’t want to fuck you?”

obviously that didn’t go down too well,

she screamed at me to get out

i refused saying not until she deleted the pics.

She grabbed her phone and wiggled it in the air “Oh you mean these”

I lunged to grab her phone but she dodged it, she frantically tried open her phone and send a message

I instinctively lunged onto her pinning her to the bed and grabbing her wrists prying the phone slowly from her grip. My body was resting on her body, Our faces centimetres apart, I was too busy tracking her hand movements with my eyes. She leaned her up and kissed on me the lips. I pushed away, only before she wrapped her arm around my neck pulling me in again for another kiss. Her tongue verged on my lips. I don’t know what happened but my mind and body stopped fighting, I kissed her back, Allowing my tongue to meet hers. My hands instinctively left the search for her phone, began caress her bubbly face. After a while, I left her lips and began kissing her neck, her moan on satisfaction just egged me on to go further. My hands slowly ventured south, towards her chest. My left hand slowly cupped her left breast through her top. I was very eager and shortly began to bring her top up revealing both tits in amazing fashion. They were perfect, Areola ratio on point. Small nipples. My mouth instantly attached onto her right breast, My tongue circled around the nipple and i gently sucked. My left hand cupped and gave her other breast a squeeze. Her moans were constant and breathy. I shortly switched breasts and gave the left some attention. I felt her body contract, she went silent. briefly after her body rippled and she shouted “OH FUCKKKKKKKK”

“Did you just cum Lu” i sit up getting off her.

she quickly responds “Yeah…”

My mind quickly comes back to reality. I shout an internal “Fuck!”

“This was a mistake, I’m sorry” I got up and walked towards the door

“Nay, please don’t leave” She pleaded

I turned around to meet her gaze, The internal war inside of me began, “Do i leave and accept the beating from Mum and knowing that mine and Lucy’s relationship has changed forver? And continue with Alyssia who I’ve liked for years. OR Do i go back and join Lucy, a girl i once treated as somewhat family, pleading for me to stop and stay with her.” I stood there facing her door, I contemplated both options. I don’t know why but my head said Alyssia but my heart said Lucy for some unknown reason. Ultimately, My…

That’s where I’ll leave you for Part 1 :) I’ll write part 2 ASAP providing you guys enjoyed this.

Much Love

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/le8tt9/i_20_m_was_blackmailed_by_neighbour_19_f


  1. Fuck yes to part 2. Also the aftermath and how things are now please. I think you will manage

  2. Lucy all the way. Deep love is forever. Alyssa is already probably fucking someone else

  3. this was hot! i love story build up like this. i was touching my breasts imagining it was you touching me. can’t wait for part 2 ?

  4. Wait so she came from just kissing and sucking breasts?
    How the fuck does that happen?

  5. you lost me at “i was looking fire, rocking some white jeans…” ;)

    But seriously, fun read! I’m down for Part 2!

  6. This is the most bloody Aussie thing I’ve read on this page. Fair dinkum story cobber. Part 2 please

  7. >unnecessary reddit perverts

    Does this imply the existence of necessary reddit perverts?

  8. what a great story, loved reading her can’t wait to find out what your decision was

  9. I get the feeling this isn’t actually real and just your quarantine writing project. That being said, real or not, when’s the novel coming out?

    I hope you didn’t end up with Lucy, I seriously hate blackmail with an undying passion. Set’s my blood afire. Welp, guess I’ll have to wait for the next chapter.

    OH, please tell me you aimed for a harem ending?

  10. Damn! Good writing, nice story! I need to know how this goes further, will def. Be on the lookout for part 2!

  11. Team Lucy. We’ve all been that person that wants someone who won’t give them the time of day

  12. Honestly, I have mixed feelings of this. Little bias too. I was blackmailed too. But love the story.

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