Among Silver Trees [F/M] [Fantasy]

**This is my first story and was a lot of fun to write! It’s a bit of a slow burn but i hope you enjoy :)**

*all characters depicted in this story are fictional, of legal age and any similarities to real people are completely coincidental.*

Eliani the Huntress moved silently through the silver trees as she stalked her unaware quarry.

The buck was tall and strong; it’s meat would provide her village with food all throughout the winter unless it proved an especially long one.

She came to a silent stop at the same time as the buck and unstrung her bow carefully. She knocked an arrow tipped with feathers from an albino peacock blessed by her village’s Shaman to provide true aim and let it fly. The blessing proved strong and the buck fell quickly. A clean kill.

Eliani started toward the felled beast but paused as she heard a sharp snap from her left, followed by loud voices approaching quickly.

She slunk back into the trees, casting her silver cloak over herself for camouflage and watched as a group of men entered the clearing laughing and chattering amongst themselves. They stopped suddenly when they noticed the dead buck in front of them.

“Hold, men!” Their leader, pale-skinned with sparkling green eyes and a shock of shaggy jet-black hair raised his armoured hand to hold them back. He stepped forward and scanned the clearing.

Though she was confident none of the men could see her, Eliani’s breath still caught in her throat for a moment as the man’s eyes fell on the spot where she was hiding and paused for a moment. His face broke into a broad smile.

“Well lad, seems we won’t be hunting tonight!” The men behind him began to hoot and holler like savages, overjoyed at their free meal.

“Right then, this is as good a spot as any to set up camp for the night,” he nodded to two of the men behind him, “Leo! Thorin! Set up the tents and get a fire going. We’ll be eating well tonight.”

Eliani narrowed her eyes as she watched the men get to work. They invade her forest, steal her kill and expect no retribution! They would be proven wrong tonight.

She settled back into the clearing and began to do what any good hunter would do. She waited.


The sun set quickly and the clearing was enveloped in darkness illuminated only by the faint glow of the tall silver trees. It was time to strike.

Eliani crept quietly from her hiding place, dagger in hand, and stalked towards the sleeping figures of the men. There were eight of them in all including their leader. Eliani would save him for last.

They didn’t even get a chance to struggle as she moved amongst them, plunging her blade into their throat and moving onto the next one. It wasn’t long before only one remained. Eliani could barely suppress a grin. This was going to be sweet.

She stood above him as he snored softly. She raised her dagger.

His eyes snapped open, she could see them sparkle like emeralds in the night. He grabbed her wrist and forced her away from him, leaping to his feet and snatching his broadsword from his side.

He surveyed the carnage before him and grinned at her.

“Well well, this is surprising. No ones managed to take out this many of my men before.”

Eliani regarded him coolly.

“You’re not angry?” She asked.

He shook his head.

“Hired goons; they’d sooner kill me than have my back! I’m only alive because they fear me!” He spat.

Then there were no more words as they clashed, dagger and broadsword, the clang of bone and steel echoing throughout the forest. She stabbed at him and he ducked, spun for a heavy sideways slash but she moved closer and slashed across his chest, He groaned and shoved her backwards, kicking her dagger from her hand and pointing his blade only inches from her face.

They both panted as they regarded each other. Slowly, he dropped his sword and allowed her to her feet. They looked at each other, saw the passion of a good fight in each others eyes and wordlessly agreed.

Eliani was the first to move, tearing off her tunic to expose her bare skin to the cool air as she leapt to him. He caught her easily and their lips met, both moaning with need and anticipation of what was to come. They explored each others bodies, their tongues clashing as their swords had.

She clung to him as he hastily unbuckled his pants and dropped them. Eliani took his manhood in her hand and murmured appreciatively as she felt it stiffen in her hand. He groaned as she began to stroke it, slowly and lightly at first but picking up speed as he began to buck his hips with need.

He moved forward and pinned her against a tree, slowly he dropped to his knees, softly kissing her toned stomach as he went. Finally he reached his destination and Eliani sighed as he went to work. Her head lolled back against the tree as he eyes slipped back with pleasure. Before her was no groping whelp from the taverns eager to have his first turn with a woman, before her was a man who knew what he was doing.

Eliani felt her stomach twist tighter and tighter his expert tongue brought her closer to her breaking point. And finally it happened. Eliani cried out and gripped his shoulders, her legs shaking uncontrollably as she rode the wave of her pleasure.

Finally, she stopped shaking and she looked at him through half-lidded eyes. She made to drop to her knees but he held her up and shook his head, He spun her around and she wrapped her arms around the tree. She moaned and bit her lip as she felt him enter her for the first time. He paused for a moment to adjust and make sure she was comfortable before he began moving inside her, slowly at first, but picking up speed as his passion grew.

The pair moaned in sync as they pleasured each other. The forest was silent save for their passionate moans and the sound of skin-on-skin as they moved.

It wasn’t long in this position before her lover could feel his end nearing. His stomach tightened and he moved to pull out of her but Eliani growled and turned her head, her deep brown eyes locking with his sparkling green ones in what seemed to be a challenge.

A challenge he would meet.

The pair cried out together as they were brought to an almost simultaneous release. The man slumped for a moment, resting his sweaty brow against Eliani’s back before he straightened. He pulled himself from her and buckled his pants, turning from her and walking back to his bedroll, stepping over the bodies of his deceased men.

“I want you gone from here by morning.” He said without looking at her.

Eliani stared for a moment before turning and silently retreating into the silver trees.

And the forest was quiet again.
