The one time I was paid for sex [F]

A while back I was at a public park alone. It was a beautiful summer day and I was just taking a walk in a flowery sun dress. A young man approached me smiling. He was tall with short black hair, very fit in a tight t-shirt. He asked if he could take my picture. He had a certain charm about him, so I reluctantly agreed.

Then he said “I’m going to give you one hundred dollars to listen fully to what I am about to say.” I clarified that I would be taking his money and we would be going our separate ways after. He assured me that would be fine. No obligation.

He said he would get right to the point. He said a very affluent man has hired him to perform a very special service for him. It was sex-for-hire. But, the affluent man did not want sex himself. The young man said “he has hired me to find beautiful women, and to record us having sex.”

I started to walk away. He said he would give me $500 to listen for on more minute. I agreed.

He said it was perfectly safe. He encouraged me to be his partner, because it could be lucrative for both of us. He said I didn’t even need to have sex. I would just need to get nude in his apartment, and for just that I would get $1000(!)

So I very reluctantly agreed to go to his apartment. (I know now this is stupid and I should have been smarter.) But, he did seem like a very decent, friendly guy.

I got to his little apartment, which was stylishly furnished, and there were cameras there. I reluctantly took off my dress and underwear, spun around, and he gave me the $1000. Then he said he would give me another grand if I would let him touch me. I agreed. He was an appealing guy, and I was imagining the credit card debt I would be able to pay off.

He kept making offers, in thousands…for him to get naked too, for me to fondle him, and kept placing stacks of 100’s on the table.

Finally, he said he would come clean. He said his benefactor gives him 50 grand for every video he delivers of him having sex with a woman in his apartment. He said he usually tries to take a significant cut, but that he would give me 45 thousand dollars to sleep with him. I was shocked. This was a life-changing amount of money for me at the time. But it was shady.

I asked him how many women he had slept with. He produced an album with photos of women…hundreds of women. He began flipping through. He said I could take what he had given so far and I could leave…he would understand. But I knew I could not afford to just give up 35 thousand dollars. He assured me the video wold never be seen by anyone but the benefactor (and him). And I could have a copy if I wanted. He said he was clean and would use protection if I desired.

I was still worried about the video going viral. Then, he said I could wear a mask as we were having sex, and opened a closet door with a selection of masks. I shook my head.


So I let the guy fuck me right there in the living room. The sex was no problem. (Indeed, he was not new at this.) After he was gracious and complimented me on my performance (I wasn’t really performing lol).

After that we were friendly. Just business partners, and we went to dinner. I was pretty amazed some rich guy would spend money for this. I guess some people really *do* have too much wealth, and was not ashamed to relieve him of some of it. I learned the young man was doing this partly because he was (very) deeply in debt. He is constantly pursuing potential partners and sending in his reports of what happened along with the videos.

At dinner I asked if there was more work available, and he said maybe, but his guy prefers (and pays best for) a new girl each time. But, if he has bad luck finding a partner he will pay some (but much less) for repeats.

Then he asked our waitress if he could take her picture. She agreed. He looked at me knowingly. ‘What has this world come to??’ I thought.

Anyway, this very rich guy gets his kicks out of living vicariously through this dude, who gets unlimited money to try to score with beautiful young women. I have no regrets. Paid off my car and actually started investing with a financial manager and am watching my net worth grow!

It angers me a bit that throw-away cash for this old rich guy is life-changing for me. At dinner I told the guy so. He very much agreed. He said he wakes up every morning committed to fleece the guy for every penny possible lol. I’m thinking ‘this is the luckiest guy on earth.’ Talk about doing both good an well! But, the guy seems more interested in the money/business than the sex – just like me lol. But the sex was good too. Per some contract he gets 50k for each video no matter how many partners he finds (he actually has a lawyer an all). So I sorta want this guy’s dick wet 24/7 lol.

Anyway, thought this would be a good sub to share :) xox
