Staying Employed, Part 2 (MF, reluctance)

For a while after I had licked my boss to his convulsing orgasm in the middle of his office to keep my job, things went back to normal (well, mostly). Keith, my husband, had found some part time work and we’d begun to pay down the credit cards and pay back some family members we had borrowed money from. Sure, Ballard eyed my occasionally when he saw me around the office but he never said a word about our encounter. He had made a show of letting everyone know I was on my last legs at the firm given the mistake last time around, but he hadn’t been too much of an ass about it.

Truth be told, Ballard was an honest man in his own way. I might still remember the feeling of his twitching cock beneath my tongue every time I saw him, but he hadn’t pushed for anything further from me. We’d had a deal, and I’d honored my end of it. He had honored his. End of story.

Then the phone call came.


“A car accident?” I asked dumbly into the phone. The words had been clear, but the thrill of fear shooting down my spine made me repeat the words. “A car accident? Is he alright?”

It was my sister in law, Debbie. Keith had been driving to his new job and a drunk driver had run a red light. Keith was mostly alright – a broken leg, but the car was totaled. Of course, as it turned out, the drunk driver wasn’t insured, and was mostly broke. The shocking part to me was that, apparently, we weren’t insured either. Keith had let our policy lapse.

“I can’t believe you did that” I growled at him angrily as he lay in his hospital bed. His leg was in a sling, the entire thing encased in plaster for now. Not even the obvious discomfort on his face made a dent in my fury. His hangdog expression did nothing to ease my anger either.

I wasn’t just angry, I was afraid. Keith’s part time work had been in construction and it was cash under the table. No health insurance, no disability. One step forwards, two steps backwards. Now we were back to just my income, and down a vehicle as well. Keith was covered under my insurance, but the deductibles were going to be murder. Perhaps combined with the car situation enough to send us under.


I knocked on Ballard’s door two days later, having made an appointment the previous day. I wanted everything to be above board. I didn’t want him getting any ideas.

As I opened the door, Ballard was sitting behind his desk in the same pose he had been last time. I wondered idly if it was intentional – a cultivated look with which he greeted everyone who entered. He indicated with a wave for me to close the door and sit down. He eyed my body with a quick glance, as he always did now, but that was the extent of it.

“What can I do for you, Nicole?” His tone was professionally friendly – neither warm nor cold.

“I need an advance on my next paycheck,” I said quietly. “I asked in payroll, but they needed a partner to sign off on it.”

Ballard arched a brow and his lips curved into the suggestion of a frown. “We’re in the advertising business,” he said firmly. I waited, expecting more from him but he wasn’t giving anything away.

“I know that, sir,” I replied with what I hoped was dignity rather than desperation. “It’s just that, the interest rate on short term loans is, well, unsustainable. My husband was in a car accident.”

As I said this, the stress of the last couple of days overwhelmed me and tears welled in my eyes. “He’s out of work again and we’ve lost a car. I just need enough for a down payment, and I can figure the rest out,” I said with a hint of pleading.

“Not in the business of car loans,” Ballard said with a frown. “I don’t think that’s something I would be comfortable signing off on.” The tears that had been welling in my eyes spilled over now, one running down each of my cheeks. I nodded silently, lost for words.

Ballard let the silence stretch a long moment, before he offered a small hope. “We do give our employees bonuses, when they do… exceptional work.” His eyes drifted down to the swell of my breasts in my work blouse.

I swallowed, my mind racing. I’d felt guilt over what I’d done for Ballard in the intervening weeks, and hadn’t said a thing to Keith. I hadn’t put his cock in my mouth, or let him fuck me. It wasn’t really cheating, was it?

“I’m not a whore,” I said with a touch of reproach. “I can… help you the way I did last time but I won’t let you be inside of me.”

Ballard was a master negotiator. You couldn’t be partner in a successful advertising firm without being good at it. He used silence as a weapon, and let the long silence that hung between us cut at my confidence. “No, you’re not a whore, but you are desperate. You’re not in a position to make demands.”

He was right, but I loved Keith. I had some dignity. I didn’t speak, and just looked at him.

“But I respect your.. fidelity, such as it is. I’m willing to offer you a deal.” I swallowed again, but tried to keep my cool. He wasn’t the only one who could be quiet. After a moment he continued.

“There are three partners here in the firm. Waterhouse barely comes the office anymore, so you may not have seen him. Prince, I’m sure you’ve noticed around.”

He was right. I had seen Gavin Waterhouse from a distance but once since I had started working there. An elderly man, his hair solid white and he walked with cane. He was perhaps 67, and didn’t look as though he necessarily needed the cane to walk but used it perhaps for style.

Prince was the opposite – young, fit, handsome. He was the son of Thomas Prince, who had been one of the three original founders of the firm. The younger Prince, Terrance by name, had inherited his father’s share when Thomas had died.

I nodded after a moment, indicating I knew the other two men.

“Since it is also their money I would be signing over to you as a bonus, it’s only right that they should know your unique.. value as an employee.” I looked at him, feeling frozen in the moment.

“Of course, if I’m going to go out on a limb like this, it needs to be worth my while. I’ve no interest in piddling deals for piddling sums,” Ballard said with the bravado of a man who had wealth and power.

“You will pay Terrance and Gavin a personal visit and display your talents to each of them by the end of this week. I will make sure they are aware of the ground rules. Then you’ll have a standing, no a kneeling appointment with me every Wednesday afternoon at 3. In exchange, you will receive the use of a company care. Pick anything you like less than $30,000. At the end of one year, I will sign the title over to you.”

I sat still as could be. My heart was pounding in my chest. 3 men? I had to lick the cocks of three different men? But a brand new car, paid for at the end of one year. For what? 55 blowjobs?

My head was nodding my agreement to the deal before I even realized it. Ballard was already unbuckling his belt and lowering his fly. “The same as last time, don’t change a thing,” he said imperiously. He leaned back in his chair and left me to do the rest.

I left my blouse on this time, hoping to avoid some of the more intimate fondling as my tongue stroked the shaft of his cock. I kept everything the same, changing nothing. The rhythm, the teasing… all of it. He was a bit different this time though. He moaned more frequently, and squirmed in his chair. It was almost as though the anticipation of what was coming was changing his experience. Regardless, in the end, the result was the same. I could feel his cock swelling, becoming more rigid. A moment where it felt like a warm, velvet iron bar beneath my tongue and then the flood of cum spurting out as I tweaked his nipples and lapped at the underside of his shaft.

If I thought he had cum a lot the first time, this was even more. His cock kept twitching, over and over, each twitch followed by another spurt of his seed. Finally, spent, he closed his eyes and waved a hand at me. “I’ll have my secretary schedule your visits with the other two partners.”

And just like that, I was now a part time whore for a year, despite my earlier words.



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