Slutty spa (f)or Queens- part 2

This is a continuation of my fantasy of a slutty day spa for cum sluts who deserve to be treated like the queens we are ?

Please read part 1 for the introductory massage ?

The ideas are still ruminating as I write but as usual, all suggestions or ideas are welcome.


I closed the door firmly as I moved on to the room next door.

The receptionist had explained the process to me as she led me into a courtyard.
It was lit by a large skylight which beamed warm rays onto an old fashioned square water fountain and pool.
The white tiles which surrounded its base were interwoven with the occassional splash of colourful scenes in turquoises, blues and greens.

The courtyard was locked in by 4 walls, and there were 2 doors on each wall.

The receptionist had gestured towards the door closest to one we had just come through.
“You will start in this room with a massage. You will need to remove all your clothing, including your undergarments in order to truly appreciate the services we provide.” She instrusted me professionally.

I followed her movements as she continued, “Once our therapist has finished their session with you, they will leave the room. You are free to remain in the room for as long as you’d like and then move on to the next room whenever you are ready.”

I nodded and um hummed my confirmation that I understood what to do.

I scanned the doorways as she led my eyes slowly to each one, my mind awash with excitement.

Now, as I exited my first treatment room, feeling relaxed from my massage and elated for more, I trepidatiuosly reached for the door handle of the second room and let the door swing open.

I held my breath, waiting to see what this room held for me.
Half expecting a dark room with bonds, chains and whips, I was mildly disappointed to find this room resembled any normal therapists room- just as the previous room had too!
The airy and bright room with candles flickering, and relaxing music playing were all standard in any treatment room.
And while the white leather dentists style chair covered with towels was also standard, what was unexpected though were the labour style stirrup contraption that sat where my legs would be.

I glance eagerly around the room as I step inside. There’s a man standing next to a woman behind the door.
“I wonder if that’s my masseuse?” flashes through my mind as I mumble hello to let them know I’m here.

The woman turns, her pert little tits peaking out of her tight tunic top.
“Take off your robe and sit down.” She instructs me before turning her back on me again.

I take off my robe and ease myself onto the chair, my bum and back immediately feeling a gentle heat and massaging motion. Butterflies quivering in my stomach as I nestle my calfs into the stirrips and await my next treatment.

The lady turns again. She is intimidating in her presense.

She is carrying a tray loaded with items that she places on a moveable tray before settling onto a white rolling stool that I hadn’t noticed was behind my chair.

I glance at the tray and my eyes are drawn to three bottles of nail polish.
They were all subtely different shades of red, slut red as I always think of them.

There are also a bowl of water, some small handtowels and a number of bottles containing various liquids and creams.

“Mmmm a manicure and pedicure” I relaxed and lay my head back, closing my eyes and waiting for the treatment to begin.

I had quite forgotten about the 2nd therapist until I heard the sound of another trolley rolling towards the chair.

I opened my eyes and adjusted my position to see what was going on at my feet.

My quick glance at the trolley indicated the same set of equipment as had been on the other one, the only difference being a larger basin of warm water, some larger towels and a perfectly smooth, large, grey, glistening stone.

I only glance breifly at the trolley before I am distracted by the male therapist straining against his tight white uniform while arranging everything and getting his stool.

My heart immediately quickened and I felt an oh to familiar rush of heat to my pussy.

He was in his late forties, maybe early 50’s, dark haired and stocky. His hair was peppered with grey and in the little stubble that ran across his cheeks and chin you could see it more pronounced.
He glanced up at me and mmmm the look in his eyes as he gave me a small, knowing, cheeky grin. My pussy was on fire!
He was just my type!
His tight white t-shirt was almost see through and his dark hairy chest was visible through it.
My eyes lingered on his chest until he opened his legs wide on the stool.
“Oh my!” I thought.

His tight white trousers clung to what appeared to be a decent sized cock. More to the point, he seemed to already be erect.

I moaned in lust as my eyes drifted back to his and there it was, that cheeky grin again!

He broke eye contact and went back to his arrangements as I one again laid my head back and closed my eyes allowing my mind to wander at what I had just seen.

The woman had been sitting silently by me but as he continued to set up, I heard her get up and go to his tray.

I jumped a little as I felt something warm and soft at my pussy and looked down.
I waa somewhat releaved to see that my modesty had been covered with a small white face cloth.
It was warm against me.
I watched as she went back to his tray and picked up the large stone.
She gripped it tight between 2 additional face cloths before carrying it to me.

She leaned over me and gently placed the stone between my legs.
It was barely touching me but I could feel its warmth ooze through me.
I wriggled and shimmied as I adjusted myself to the weight of it as she adjusted its placement and then let go of it.
She looked at me, as if for confirmation that I was comfortable against me. I nodded to confirm I was.

As I relaxed in to the sensation as I felt his hands on my left leg, my foot slipping in to warm soapy water as he began to wash and clean it.

She had sat back down too and repeated the process with my right hand.

Their synchronous movements on my opposing limbs, especially after my massage was heavenly.

Gently, I heard them both stand as their treatment continued and the washing was complete.

My arm was raised as I felt it being dried on a fluffy towel.
My leg was shifted in the stirrups and my hip was twisted gently outwards.
I felt the stone stir against my pussy as my lips parted slightly and were rewarded with a a gentle blast of heat.
Gently he worked my muscles free, as he dried my leg, stretching back and forth, loosening me up.

He rearranged the stirrups and lay my leg in them at the same twisted angle before moving on to the next leg.

I lay back again aware of how my semi- spreadlegged position was making me feel exposed while the face cloth and rock were hiding me.

I soon grew used to the therapists movements and lay still this time as the both stood and my opposite limbs were massaged and stretched.

I smiled as I felt both of them lather my skin in moisturising lotion.
I noted that he seemed to be putting considerably more lotion on my feet then she did.

I laughed to myself as I imagined myself getting out of the chair and sliding across the room on my slippery soles.

He replaced my calves into the stirrups and manoovered them so that each sole was facing the other.
I didn’t know what to do as I realised that he had used my legs to make a V, leading right into my pussy.

I watched with shock as in one swift movement he ripped his trousers off, stripper style!
I gasped in pleasure at the unexpectedness of his exposure.
He was glorious!
His hard member was at full mast as I watched in awe.

He stepped forward, she continued to massage my hand as if this was perfectly normal behaviour.

He gripped my ankles firmly as he pressed my feet together.
He slid his cock into the slippery surface between my feet.

I moaned as he slowly pressed himself deeper into my feet while holding them firmly together.

I could feel the stretch in my thighs as he repeatedly pushed himself into my newly created crevice, and then pulled back out.

It felt so good watching him as he moved that I hadn’t noticed that my arm has been laid down.

I felt her hand brush gently across my nipple and my breath caught.
I looked away from him, down to her hand, and then up at her face.
She had a slight smile as she watched my reaction but I could see her chest heaving and straining more against her uniform.
I tried to control my own facial expressions as she gently pinched my nipple.

Her fingers tracing around my large breasts, first one then the other. My nipples were already hard and pronounced as she occassionally flicked a finger across one, or gave me a little pinch.

My attention was brought back to him as I felt his strokes grow quicker and harder.
It was so hot to watch, it was so hot to be used like this.

His movements, her movements, the stones movements were creating so many sensations throughout my body.
I was so aroused and knew that after my previous treatment it would not take much to tip me over the edge.

She must have sensed this, or had enough experience to know the affects they would have on clients, and reached down, removing the weight of the stone from my cunt.
The pressure of the stone against my pussy and expanding clit had been lost on me until it was removed.

I watched, mesmorised as his thrusting grew more frantic.
I looked up at his face and could see he was on the verge of release.
I wanted to egg him on. Tell him I needed him to finish on me. She noticed my move to speak to him and landed me a hard swat across my nipple as she grabbed my attention.
She put her finger to her lips indicating me to stay quiet.

I clamped my mouth shut as I used my eyes to plead with him to use me to relieve himself.

My feet slapping against his groin as he thrusts kept growing in pace. His cock clearly enjoying poking through my foot gap with each pulse.

His face distorted as he tried to maintain himself, he was clearly loosing the battle as his precum oozed out of his tip and was rubbed in to the soles of my feet.
My mouth opened wide, wishing for the taste of his creamy goodness to add to the taste from my masseuse.

His eyes went wide, as though in shock and I moaned loudly as ropes of his shot out of his glorious manhood.

They landed in straight lines up my stomach and onto my tits.

I lost count of the number of times I was hit.

I was so turned on. I love being of service to help (especially) men get off.

I was loose and limber and wanted to wrap my legs around the therapist, to pull him in to me.
I wanted to grip onto him and use him to find release myself.

I knew that Daddy had made sure my pussy would feel would feel this way. He was teasing me, tormenting me, and it was working perfectly.

I lay back my head back again in quiet, happy resignation that I had been of service, that would please Daddy. He loved it when I made myself useful.

I closed my eyes again as the male therapist reached onto the bottom shelf of the trolley and pulled out a fresh pair of trousers.

She had already returned to her seat and was concentrating on painting my nails with the shade that she chose.

I felt my legs lowered and his hands rubbing a towel along my soles and feet.
“No need to worry about sliding everywhere anymore”, I thought.

He joined his coworker and began to paint my toenails.

I again lay back, smiling contenedly as I wondered what else this wonderful day would have in store for me.

I must have dozed off in my blissful state as I shook myself and sat up slowly.

I looked down at my nearly naked body, streaks of cum dried in neat lines confirming that it had not been just a dream.
I gazed at my beautiful finger and toe nails, I love how slutty I felt as I gathered myself and stood, my feet slipping into a pair of slippers left out for me and once again putting back on my robe.

“I wonder what’s next?” I sighed to myself as I reached for the door handle.


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