I [F] was a sex worker, and almost no one knows about it. I want to share my stories.

I posted this elsewhere and was told it might be appreciated here, so here we go! For those who are curious, I’m 31/female.

The title covers it. I’ve worked in many areas of the sex industry. I was an escort for a bit and overall I loved it. Tonight I’ve been thinking a lot about a man I saw a few times who was so shy and insecure, and gave me the best pussy eating of my life…

I won’t share any identifying details about this man, although I am going to include enough that on the extremely tiny chance he stumbles upon this, he might recognize I’m talking about him.

This was in a southern state when I was in my early 20’s. I was working with a nice agency at the time. The first time I met this man, he was so incredibly nervous, and such a wonderful dude. It radiated off of him that he was good people and I instantly liked him. He was around 5’10” and heavy set, longish blonde hair and a bit of facial hair, and very, very insecure about his body. It took awhile to get him to loosen up, but after quite a bit of talking we finally made our way to the bedroom (we worked out of some nice condos, it was lovely) and I took off my clothes for him. He was so nervous that it was a little heartbreaking, but after a good pep talk we made some progress. He wanted to eat me out, which I’m all about, I absolutely love a mouth on my pussy.

Almost everyone wanted to lick my pussy, hell of a job perk, but this man… Holy fuck. I can hardly describe what he did but it was unreal. He sucked my clit into his mouth and gently rolled his lips around it while sucking and flicking his tongue on it. I’m one of those women who normally needs a solid bit of effort and time to make me cum, but he got me off in literally a couple of minutes, and it was so good and hard. Then again. I had to make him stop because it was honestly too intense. At this point, I adored this man and wanted nothing more than to return the favor many times over.

It blew my mind that he didn’t seem to realize he had something special there. I still don’t think he believed me about how much I enjoyed it and it irritates the fuck out of me that he likely thought it was just escort bullshit feeding his ego, but it was completely sincere. The first time we got together he was so insecure about his body and performance that we ended up only getting about halfway through him fucking me before he gave up in frustration that he was overweight and his cock was “too small.” His cock was excellent, his body was a nice looking one, but he didn’t see it. It was frustrating as hell because I want to crawl all over a man and suck his soul out of his cock if they get me off how he did, and it was fucking TRAGIC that he was so hung up on his perceived “flaws” that he couldn’t just fully be there with me getting off and enjoying each other. We saw each other a few more times before I moved, and every time he blew my mind with that mouth.

I wish this had a more satisfying conclusion, but I don’t think I was ever able to fully get through to him about what an amazing sexual partner and seriously wonderful man he was. I think about him when I masturbate on a regular basis. I hope he’s bagged a very hot woman and that he eats her pussy and then fucks her brains out every single night. I’ll remember that mouth and miss that experience for the rest of my fucking life.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ladktx/i_f_was_a_sex_worker_and_almost_no_one_knows


  1. I wish that man could read that… What boost to his self esteem it would be…!

  2. You should have called him and asked him out once for free to convey and prove your appreciation. That would have really gone a long way.
    This isn’t criticism, just for others reading your post.

    Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that are remembered forever.

  3. Welcome to this sub! Your story is appreciated here, at least by me.

    I can definitely say that I was once in a similar mindset as the client in this story. Thankfully I’ve found a partner that I’m 100% compatible with and now this is not an issue.

    I also wanted to let you know that I can emphasize with your frustration about his self esteem. Unfortunately there are many people out there that are consumed with their “perceived flaws” of all sexes.

    Nevertheless, I’m happy to hear that you still enjoy your experience with this man, as most of the people I know that have worked in the industry have become jaded and indifferent to the excitement of sex.

    Looking forward to reading the next story! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I can totally relate to his feelings. I was in a marriage with lots of passive aggressive negative comments sent my way. Didn’t help that I was a virgin before meeting my ex.
    So I saw a few escorts and connected with one in particular. I have her personal number and know her name. We text about life even though I don’t see her much anymore. She’s not local, other side of the country. I still don’t fully believe her when she said I was big (massive were her words) and fantastic in bed because of the business hustle in sales.
    The customer angle is always in play when you pay. Also years of feedback from dating and social interactions reenforce the negative images. Maybe we want to see the negatives so we can feel sorry for ourselves. Besides the only people who ever called me handsome were my mom and grandma and an escort charging by the hour.

  5. You sound like a really decent person – I’m glad your memories were good ones.

  6. That is a guy that is special when you think about him on a regular basis. Because the duds probably have the opposite effect.

  7. That is so unfortunate he was so insecure. Really, really sad. How often did you two see each other? Was there ANY progress between you two throughout your meetings?

  8. Have you ever thought about having a sort of outlet where you talk about real sexual issues that many don’t talk about? I liked how you talked about a guy that had low self esteem and how that was reflected in his sexual performance. Is an area that needs to be talked about more.

  9. Beat confidence boost I ever had was from a sex worker, she’d change plans to host me, she asked for my number & would tell me which Brothel she was working at, but what really did it was when I asked to take her to dinner, I have never thought to ask that in a booking but there was something about her, SHE SAID YES! we dated for a month. Parted ways cause both our work moved us around, almost a year later my phone rang it was her we spent a second December in beds & restaurants. I miss you Catherine the great.

  10. I agree with the others that, before me, said you looks like a decent human being, this is the proof about how wrong you can sometimes judge someone from their shoes.

  11. Interesting. Will have to alter my technique.

    What is your perspective on anti-prostitution laws?

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