Caddying (Part Two) (M)18(F)30 Sweater Stretchers

After her tits came to a stop she bent over the hole to retrieve her ball and for the first time I really noticed how tight her ass was. You could crack walnuts on the damn thing. Hell it looked like I was going to have a hard-on by the second hole. She got the ball out of the cup and gave me a high five. “Hon” she said to her husband “Let Tom read your putt.” “Ah, no” the old man grumbled and ended up missing his putt badly.

We played the next couple of holes without incident and I tried to pay as much attention to the old man so I wouldn’t get in trouble with him or the caddy master. We got to the fifth hole and Mr. Clark picked up his ball early. While Julie was about to putt he said
“Hurry up, dear I want to get back to the clubhouse and have dinner.”

“All right” she said “I just want to make this putt. What do you think, Tom”?

I told her exactly what I saw. “It’s only nine inches, you gotta hit it hard and firm.” She stopped and looked me right in the eye. It had just occurred to me what I had said. “Nine inches, hard and firm, is that what you’ve got?” Julie shot back.

I swallowed hard “Yeah that’s what I’ve got” I said cooly. She drew her putter back and made the putt. She jumped up again and this time didn’t even try to hide her bouncing tits. “You rammed it right in there” I said once again not even noticing the double entendre. Julie looked at me and said “Wait a minute.” She made her way over to her husband and I could see they were arguing. After a minute she stroked his arm and gave him a kiss. Then she came over to me and said “Were going to finish all nine holes.”

During the last couple of holes Julie and I talked while the husband grumbled on. On the seventh fairway she said to me “A cute guy like you has to have a lot of girlfriends right”?

“No, not really” I confessed. The truth was I had kissed a couple of drunk girls at parties and had one minor hook-up with a slutty girl from a different high school that led to her putting her hand on my cock through my shorts. I clearly remember her response being,

“Holy shit what have you got in there!” and just prior to her finding out her friends found us and took her away. So I knew I was rather large especially when I had a hard-on.

The truth was I had measured it a couple of weeks ago while looking at some of my dad’s girly magazines and I was nine inches.

“Here” Julie said breaking me from trance “teach me how to hit this shot.” She was deep in the rough and I noticed that her husband had ducked into one the bathrooms located on the course. “I’m sorry” I stammered. “Stand behind me and show me.” I’m sure she saw my eyes widen. I looked one more time at her tits in her sweater and my cock began to stiffen.

As I approached her from behind I tried to keep my distance and still teach her how to execute the shot. She laughed, “Ah, Tom you have to get a little closer then that.”

My cock was continuing to harden and there was no way she wasn’t going to notice it when I pulled her closer to me. There was no turning back as I pulled her tight in order to get my my hands on her club. As I did my hands brushed her big sweatered tits. “Oh, I’m sorry” I said.

At this point in time my nine inches could have cut glass but I pulled Julie tighter and my cock pressed up against her pants. I knew she had to feel the size and mass of my dick. “Oh my god” she gasped and stepped away from me briefly and turned around and looked directly at my pants. She held her hand over her mouth and said “Hurry teach me, before my husband gets out of the bathroom.”

She swiveled her ass back towards my cock and ground into to me. ‘Okay” I said “let’s make some practice swings.” I laid my hands on top of hers and we swung the club. “More” she said as she pressed her ass harder into my cock.

“No we’ve got to hurry” I said, somehow showing more restraint then her. “Okay swing hard” I said.

As I pulled my hands back I let them rest on her tits for a second. I have pretty big hands as well, but they looked small resting on her huge titties. She swung hard and hit her best shot of the day. She looked back at me and shook her tits from side to side and said ‘Well I can see that we both have something the other desires.”

Before I could respond I heard the bathroom door open and Mr. Clark yell “Honey what’s the hold up? I want to go to the clubhouse and have dinner.” I untucked my shirt from my shorts so the old man wouldn’t notice my erection.

Julie laughed and said “No worries it happens all the time to my caddies” and then she added “Just not that hard or that big” shaking her head.

We finished the hole and the eighth hole as well and my hard-on had dissipated when on the ninth green Julie stood next to me and said “I’m sorry that I’m not that good but at least I can dress the part” before I could answer. she continued “I take it you like my outfit”? “Yeah very color coordinated” I said. “I particularly like your sweater” while attaching my eyes to her tits. “I’ll remember that” she cooed in my ear.

My erection was coming back and I had to adjust my shorts when I saw the caddy master making his way over towards the green. His eyes were firmly affixed on Ms. Clark’s sweater while she and Mr. Clark putted out. After they finished he rushed up to the two of them to kiss a little ass, I figured.

“So how did it go” he said. Mr. Clark said “Fine whatever I’m just cold and I want to eat.” He stuffed some money in my hand and got back in his cart and drove off towards the clubhouse. Julie walked past me and she too put some money in my hand and whispered “Be here next weekend.”

The caddy master looked at me quizzically and said. “Tuck you’re damn shirt in for god sakes. What did you get a hard-on looking at Ms. Clark’s tits”?

“Probably the last time you’ll ever look at them, she’ll never use you again. I bet.” I wanted to take him up on that bet but I thought it was best to stay quiet. (end of part two)



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