Step Sister Corruption Part 68 – Day 27 Projects (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Karinna and Mia sat in my room waiting on Summer and Kel to come out of Kel’s room but were slow moving after their eventful morning of having their contraception changed from their IUD to a newer improved contraception otherwise known as the O Plug or Ovary Plug.

The reason for the change was after their brief conversation with Karinna and finding out the possibility of being paid for something their body naturally produces that they weren’t even remotely planning on using at the time being. So they made the switch and were currently paying the price.

I decided to break the ice, “So Karinna how’s everything going?”

Karinna smiled, “Better now compared to those two.”

I smiled and lightly chuckled. I looked at Mia, “And how about you Mia?”

Mia meekly spoke, “Fine Thanks.”

Karinna looked at Mia, “Liar.”

Mia looked at Karinna, “Hush!”

I watched their exchange a little confused, “Umm something I should know?”

Mia quickly spoke, “Nope.”

Karinna just looked at Mia and smiled knowing that Mia was lying……about something she wasn’t willing to share.

I just continued, “Ooookkkk. So Karinna tells me you wanted to work together on our projects in sexual awareness class is that right?”

Mia looked at Karinna who only nodded at her before she sighed and finally spoke, “Yes.”

Yes? That was all she was willing to give me?

I looked at both girl’s, “So what is it that you want help on?”

Karinna smiled, “Well me specifically I was wondering how much information you’re putting in your report for your project. I’m kind of racking my brain on what to put in my paper.”

I shrugged, “I’m just putting in the basic information and answering the questions that Dr. Braxter gave me.”

Karinna blushed, “Are you being fully honest in your report?”

I thought about her question for half a moment before answering, “For the most part yeah. I’m not really concerned because she’ll just be reading it and grading it. It’s not like it’s being released to the world or anything like that.”

Which was true. The list of things Dr. Braxter had outlined for me was during my taking of the mixture was notate any effects I noticed which for the most part I had done.

I notated everything so far.

Like my mood has changed to where I had been more cocky especially around the girls. I stopped being so wishy washy around them. I didn’t notate that I had dominated Summer or was slowly turning Kel into my cum whore if she wasn’t one already though I saw her more than that. But it could explain the event.

Or that my balls always felt full even after emptying them into my two favorite receptacles or four if you count each of their orifices that they used on me regularly to try to drain me. But I didn’t notate that I was fucking someone or someone’s. Just notated that even after cumming my balls would feel full again shortly afterwards which was completely frustrating. I also noticed my food intake has increased and changed a bit since taking the potent cocktail.

Or another thing I have noticed is that my stamina has increased. Not a lot but enough to recognize it has risen.

Or my recovery time has shortened. Though my liquid intake has increased. Like normally when I get done I’m usually parched that I could easily drink half a glass of water. Now it feels like the water was too bland and I needed a lot more.

Or that I easily get aroused getting a hard on has become very easy. And I lately haven’t fully shrank when I went limp always was sporting a semi.

Though I don’t notice it the girl’s have mentioned I feel longer and wider inside them. I called bullshit thinking that increasing my size was impossible and told them their current mixture may have made them tighter. Still I notated it.

And finally it has given a lot of energy whether I partake in sexual activity or not. If I don’t do anything sexual I feel completely wired and the idea of coffee seems like overkill. However if Summer and/or Kel try to drain me the night before coffee is a must.

Everything I notated being careful to not mention I was a sister fucker. I just notated that my current partner has noticed added benefits that I hadn’t.

If Dr. Braxter asks me who my partner is I’ll simply tell her it’s Summer.

Karinna blushed at my admission and simply stated, “Oh. Oh ok.”

I looked at Karinna semi confused. Was she surprised I actually admitted to something so risqué as personal information? Or was she embarrassed to admit something so personal, though she was used to showing off her body on a daily basis?

I spoke, “Why do you ask?”

Karinna blushed even harder, “Umm I’m not too sure if I should admit to so much information.”

Summer spoke, “Why not?”

Karinna and Mia turned to look at Summer and Kel entering the room as I looked at Summer and gave her a look saying ‘careful’. Summer didn’t miss the look and simply nodded slightly once.

Kel walked over to the bed where Karinna and Mia were sitting and sat on the floor holding an equal bulge as Summer was holding against her groin.

Karinna smiled and said, “Sore?”

This time Summer blushed but Kel didn’t. Summer spoke, “You didn’t tell me you’d be this fucking sore.”

Kel continued, “Or this bloated.”

Karinna chuckled, “I told you the transition sucked.”

Summer spoke, “But you didn’t look this bad.”

Karinna chuckled again, “That’s because I was on the tail end of it.”

Summer sighed, “Fine. How long before you were normal?”

Karinna put her finger to her chin and looked up in thought. Eventually she looked at Summer with a smile, “About 3 days ago.”

Summer blinked at her, “So I’m going to feel like this four or five days?”

Karinna shrugged, “I guess. You might be faster than me but that’s how long before I felt semi normal.”

I heard Kel mutter, “Fuck!”

Karinna laughed at their obvious struggle.

I saw Summer’s eye twitch thinking she had just done a blunder move.

And this was the first iteration of the plug. Who says they won’t go through this again when they retrieve the eggs in about 2 months.

I spoke to dissolve the obvious tension. I could see Summer was about to crack that she was going to have to go without sex for about four or five days and out right kill Karinna for getting her hopes up about being paid for her eggs. “So what is it that you don’t want to put into your report for your project?”

Karinna looked at me and immediately blushed, “You know. Just personal stuff.”

Summer sighed, “Karinna are you talking female problems?”

Karinna nodded.

Kel spoke, “Not sure what there’s to be embarrassed about it’s just a project that only Dr. Braxter is going to read and grade. It’s not like she’s going to read every report to the class.”

This time Mia who had been quiet up until this point spoke, “I’m with Karinna on this one. I’m not sure I want to talk about how my breasts feel like boulders Or they’re extra sensitive. Also some other stuff.”

I raised my eye brow at Mia who actually shared unlike Karinna.

I looked at Mia, “Yeah but aren’t you doing the breast expansion project?”

This time it was Mia’s turn to blush before she muttered, “Yeah but it feels kinda personal.”

Summer spoke, “Well why did you do the breast expansion project to begin with?”

Mia blushed even harder but still answered, “Because I’m tired of being part of the itty bitty titty committee. And I’m too afraid to get surgery. Besides it’s too expensive and I’m afraid that the doctor might botch the job or leave a nasty scar. This seemed like the more safer option.”

I looked at her and said, “There you go there’s the perfect opener to your report for your project.”

Mia blinked at my statement, “What does that have to do with my embarrassment on my problems?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know I just thought it was a perfect opener to your report which leads to what you’ve noticed so far.”

Mia blushed, “But what if I don’t want to get to the more embarrassing things?”

I looked at her, “Why not?”

Mia started to get flustered with me and said, “Because I don’t want to talk about how my nipples are so sensitive that it instantly turns me on and make my fucking pussy wet. That’s why.”

Mia blinked and realized what she just said and immediately buried her face in her hands.

Karinna lightly chuckled. Summer’s mouth hanged open in shock. Kel just looked at Mia as if thinking she might have misread the little girl in the room.

And me, I sat there shocked. Then smiled as her backing away earlier was because she got turned on when she hugged me.

I just found an easy target.

I shook my head of my thinking. And noticed that Summer had lightly shook her head too trying to unthink whatever she thought.

I looked at Karinna and said, “So Mia shared. What’s your problem?”

Karinna blushed and said, “Promise we are in a safe space?”

I nodded at the edge of my seat.

Summer smiled, “Of course you’re in a safe space. Isn’t that right?” She looked at me specifically.

Kel just groaned in acknowledgement.

I was still reeling from Mia’s admission and I couldn’t wait to see what Karinna’s issue was. I nodded my head like a bobble head.

Karinna sighed but was beat red, “Fine. Mind if I use your bathroom?”

I held out my arm and pointed towards the bathroom. She smiled and uncrossed her legs to get up. And walked towards the bathroom.

When she undressed her legs I thought I noticed something…….a wet spot.

Was I imagining what I saw?

No that couldn’t be it.

Or was I just fucking horny to where I was in desperate need of pussy that I imagine that Karinna had a wet spot?

Karinna was in the bathroom for only a minute before she came back into the room dropping her bikini bottoms unceremoniously on the bed.

I blinked in confusion but rolled my chair that I was sitting in to the foot of the bed to get a closer look at the item.

It looked like normal bikini bottoms to me. A little on the small side not much fabric to cover much up. But looked normal to me.

I looked at Karinna in confusion.

She blushed but spoke, “Pick them up.”

I picked up the bottoms by the string not really seeing the big deal. Then I noticed something. I touched the fabric that covered Karinna’s happy place and it was slick and wet. I pulled my fingers from the fabric and trail of thick viscous goo flowed from the fabric to my fingers that touched the substance.

SHE WAS FUCKING WET!!!!! I knew I wasn’t imagining it.

The used my hand, the one not holding the bottoms, to push down my soldier so no one wouldn’t notice I was popping wood.

I don’t think the girl’s noticed it but one look at Summer and her smile told me different.

Her look conveyed to me ‘This is turning you on isn’t it?’. I tried to give her a look that conveyed ‘Shut up!’. But her smile told me that she had something in mind.

Fucking bitch. Soon as her nether regions were in full use again I was going to make her pay.

I looked at Karinna who turn red but spoke, “Yeah that started this morning.”

Summer looked from my goo covered fingers to Karinna and even I saw her evil smile.

I don’t think Karinna noticed Summer’s evil smile but Karinna spoke, “I don’t think I should add that to my report.”

Karinna flopped down on the bed in between Summer and Mia and spoke, “What am I going to do?”

Summer spoke, “Honestly I would add it.”

Karinna looked at Summer incredulously, “Really?”

Summer nodded, “Sure. The more information you give the more Dr. Braxter about the effects of whatever you’re doing can only help you.”

Summer scooched closer to Karinna and put her arm around Karinna, “Besides we’re all having our own problems.”

Mia looked over at Summer as Karinna spoke, “How so?”

Summer smiled, “Well I can’t speak for Kelly over here but because of the supplements…”

Summer leaned in and started whispered in Karinna’s ear to finish her statement.

Karinna listened then her eyes got wide before they shot down to my crotch for a minute before a slow sultry smile started the spread on her face. When Summer finished whispering in Karinna’s ear whose eyes never left my crotch finally started to chuckle.

Karinna looked at Summer after her chuckle and said, “Is that so?”

Summer nodded with a continuous smile.

Mia spoke, “What? What did she say?”

I looked Summer as she winked at me. Great looks like Summer just told Karinna something about me.

And judging by her reaction it was about my dick.

I watched as Karinna leaned over to whisper whatever Summer told her to Mia.

Mia in turn got wide eyed and her eyes shot down to my crotch before the same sultry mischievous smile spread on her face. Then she looked at me a slowly licked her lips.

Uh oh!!!!

I looked at Summer who just smiled at me innocently.

Both girl’s looked at each other before they nodded and in unison spoke, “Can we have a taste?”




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