The Librarian. Part Two (M)(F) Busty Women

and I think Beth saw me do that. “Hey it’s good to see you again” I said striking up a conversation . At this point in time there was no way I could hide my bulging erection so I decided to stay seated. “Yeah you too.” Beth chirped excitedly. “Hey it’s pretty close to closing time did you ever get that Library card?” Beth asked. “No I’ve been busy” I lied. “Well let’s get that taken care of right now, come with me.” Beth waited while I put my things together. I looked over briefly at her which didn’t help my erection which was actually beginning to protrude out of the waistband of my jeans. I figured Beth being the shy demure Librarian that she was would (even if she noticed my erection) look away in embarrassment . As I nervously stood up I locked eyes with Beth and smiled and reached into my my jeans to re position my cock to the side. But Beth’s eyes did indeed travel downward and I was pretty sure she could see my straining erection in my pants. I tried quickly to pull my own sweater down to cover myself and meanwhile Beth had raised her left hand to her mouth in order to stifle what I figured was the shock of seeing the sheer size of my cock. I knew she had caught a glimpse of my huge bulge. What Beth didn’t know (at least until this moment) was that I too had a large endowment of my own measuring at a thick meaty nine plus inches when erect (which I was now) and almost as thick as a soda can.

We made our way to the Librarian’s desk where Beth made out my Library card. I could see she was still a bit flustered but she quickly regained her composure. “So here’s your card, good for a year. But hopefully you will come back sooner then that.” She asked nervously. Again I could see her eyes travel downward toward my crotch which like her tits was now covered with a sweater. She looked back up at me in anticipation. “You know I was planning on coming back tomorrow night. It’s so quiet in here (which was true both nights there had hardly been a sole in the place which confused me because just watching Beth’s “sweater show” was worth the price of a Library Card) and I still have some more work to do.” “Oh great” Beth said excitedly while at the same time not trying to sound too excited. “I’ll see you then”.


The next night I made sure to get to the Library two hours before closing time in order to get my fill of Beth. I took what had become my regular seat. The older Librarian was on duty and smiled at me. I waved back and took a deep breath in anticipation of what I hoped was going to be a good night. I couldn’t wait to see Beth and what she was wearing tonight. I was hoping for even something tighter then the previous nights. I waited a while for Beth but there was no sign of her. I took a brisk walk around the Library looking for her but still no trace. “Hmm” I thought “I wonder if she’s just a cock tease”. With nothing really left to do I sat down at my seat and took out a notepad. I began to write a story about a “Hot Librarian” and what I’d do to her if I got the chance. Writing was fun and it kept my mind off of the real Beth when I heard the announcement that the Library was going to close in ten minutes. “Shit” I thought what a waste of a night. Although I had written a pretty good fictional account of “The Hot Librarian” what I wanted to do was turn it into a non-fictional account, but alas I felt that slipping away. I sighed and began to put my belongings together in order to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Beth.

She was dressed in a severely tight thin red turtleneck sweater and although she was wearing a bra I could see her large nipples were clearly at attention. “I’m sorry” I said “you startled me”. “I’m sure I do that to a lot of people” she said laughing. She had leaned toward me and although in theory she was still a good distance away from me her tits had pressed up against my shoulder. “I so sorry” she said again (I thought that she was going to apologize for having her chest pressed against me, but no she seemed to like that) “I was stuck working in records all night and I couldn’t get away.” she stated, obviously annoyed shaking her head in disgust. . “Awfully cold in there too” she said as she straightened up her back and shook her torso as if warding off the cold. As she did this her huge melons swayed from side to side in her sweater. “I could have used some company” she said under her breath but yet I could clearly hear her.

Just like the night before my jeans began to tighten (a pair that tonight was tight to begin with) as my cock hardened. “Are you coming back tomorrow night? It’s my last night” “Oh” I said “retiring” “Hardly’ she said, “They don’t even know I’m leaving but I’m in charge of closing tomorrow, so if there was ever anything you wanted to do in a Library…I think tomorrow would be the day.” She looked at me with lecherous intent. Before I could began to speak an older man standing by the Librarian’s consul spoke up. “Miss, it’s almost closing I’d like to take this book out before you close now could you hurry, it’s late.” “Listen” Beth said leaning towards me again this time whispering in my ear. “you think this is good” I turned around and looked her in the eye as her eyes traveled down her the front of her loaded sweater. “Drop by tomorrow. And oh by the way, be careful walking out with that” motioning with her right hand towards my pants. I didn’t know how she knew I was hard as I was still sitting down but, women’s intuition I guess. I quickly made a production of getting out of my seat . I stood up and stretched and without question you could make out the size of my bulging erection in my pants. “Clearly” Beth said motioning toward me “we both like them tight”. Her eyes were fixed hungerly on my cock when the older gentlemen spoke up again “Miss, please” Beth smiled looked at me and just said. “tomorrow” She then sashayed off to help the older gentleman whose gruff demeanor began to change as he got a load of what Beth was packing in her sweater.
