Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 9 [MF] [Fiction]

My eyes slowly open as the warmth of the room begins to fade as the light of the fire fails to light up the room anymore. But I’m not cold. A distinct warmth is against my back like a body pressed up against mine. I raise my head as I become more focused but your gentle hand encourages my head to rest. That’s when I become aware that the heat I feel, the warmth that comforts me is your body pressed against mine.

A shockwave runs from my loins and through my body as I begin to understand. You hold me close to you. Your arm is wrapped around me tight as you lay up against me. Your hand plays with the fur on my chest slowly. I breathe in deeply and your arm rises with the movement of my chest. In that moment I felt no pain. It could have been to being nursed back to health by your ever attentive hands, or more likely, its that my senses are overtaken by you. So I let myself melt in your embrace.

I must have stirred you when I came too as you prop yourself up on one arm over me. I turn my head to see you staring down upon me. Your red hair cascades freely and I watch as you move it all to one side. It’s like a fire thats cascading down upon me as its length lays it upon my grey fur. Your piercing grey eyes stare down upon mine and I can’t look away. I have never known that the concept of love could be confined into such a tight space, but I swear your eyes show me what love really looks like.

With out warning I feel your body start to stir behind me. I whimper as the separation between us forms and the cold air takes your place. I feel like my heart is about to break as I picture you leaving me for good when I just got so close to you. But my fears are not all warranted as you come into view. I watch as you get to your feet and walk towards the embers of a fire. You push your hair back over your shoulder and the wave of red matches that of the glowing coals. The red is such a contrast against the white of your night gown that flows around each of your curves like the waters cascading over the rocks of a waterfall.

You reach for the poker, your long freckled covered arms reach towards the fire as you bring it back to life. The room gains more light as you put another log upon the coals. The added light throws shadows upon the walls but I’m more distracted by what its doing to you. Your night gown can’t hide you against the flames before you. Your body lines show through the gown as you stand tall taking the heat upon yourself. Every line is revealed and the best architect could not have designed you better. Then when your slowly turn back around, the curvature of your well endowed breasts is on full display in black and white. My tongue cant help but fall from my mouth as I begin to pant from overheating. Not because of the fire in the hearth, but the fire growing inside of me.

I badly want to sit up and kneel before you as you have all the entrapments of a goddess, but I can’t. My strength is not there. I lay my head back down in defeat. I badly want to show you that I am all wolf and I begin to wonder if you will ever see me in that way or just an injured animal that needed rescue. But right now I don’t have it in me to prove anything to you. All I have the strength to do is roll upon my my back, my paws in the air to beg you to return to where you were. Laying up against me.
