Working as a [F] waitress at a up market swingers club [GROUP] – LONG

Last time I wrote I had just done an anonymous porn movie for a high-class swingers club. It was anonymous because I wore a wig and a masquerade mask so nobody could ever recognise me. I am married, however I didn’t tell my husband everything, but you can read about all of that in my previous post.

After filming, I was asked if I wanted some extra work at the parties as a sort of waitress/hostess (nothing sexual), which was also well paid, so I agreed. Before I promised that I would write about the parties, so as I’ve only recently found the time to write this, so here goes.

First let me tell you about the first party, which was nothing like I expected, so don’t get your hopes up. However, things changed at some subsequent ones. Just so you understand how it all works; I’ll tell you about the not so eventful first few so that you get a feel what these swinger clubs are like.

The first event I turned up to I was a bit nervous to say the least, but the rules were explained again to me. I was not expected to have sex and the guests were not allowed to touch me, especially as myself and the other staff just wore the waistcoats, a masquerade mask, wig, white cuffs, the diamante heels and nothing down below (we were bottomless). There was myself, two other girls and a guy. I was a bit nervous as my butt and pussy were exposed, but the mask made it sort of easier and the others seemed very indifferent about it. The guy (I will call him “J”) wore a bow tie, cuffs, nice shoes and tight black underpants.

Every party sort of has a theme, and our uniform slightly changes according to the theme. I think the theme was diamonds and pearls that night, so we had some extra costume jewellery on.

I was told to stand and greet the guests arriving while holding a tray of Champagne. I have to say I sort of forgot about being half naked and eventually it got really busy, as I was taking jackets, securing phones, serving drinks, running back to re-stock the drinks, etc.

The party started in one large room where all the guests sort of chatted to each other while we served drinks and refreshments. There was a big screen TV that was showing an erotic movie. I eventually realised that it was me in some of the scenes. I wasn’t sure at first as it was very artistically filmed, and of course you couldn’t see my face through the mask. I have to say, it was really tasteful and not sleezy, it was really well done. I wasn’t even sure exactly which shots were me, but it was a turn on knowing that some people who were watching this didn’t know it was me. I remember a couple standing next to the screen watching it. I purposely went up to them and asked them if they wanted anything, as it was such a thrill that they didn’t realise the girl they were watching getting fucked was standing there speaking to them. It was my dirty little secret.

One time when I went back to the room where the drinks were, a guy and two women had turned up and were getting changed. I wasn’t sure who they were, but everyone else seemed to, and the guy asked me to get them some water. They drank their water and then left the room, so I cleaned up my tray and got ready to go back out.

When I went back to the room, I realised who the three were, they were a sex act. Nobody besides the three performers were having sex in the room, most people were just sitting or standing watching them, the rest were just chatting to each other. This really surprised me as I thought it would just be one huge naked orgy, which of course it wasn’t. I have to admit, you just want to sort of watch the performance, I don’t know why as it didn’t really turn me on as they were not the most attractive, just curiosity and shock I suppose.

A few of the guests went into some of the other rooms, however most just hung around the main room. After a couple hours people started to leave and all had left an hour later. I think most people didn’t have sex, I assume the few that went off to other rooms did, but mostly they stood around talking and watching. Definitely not what I was expecting. After they left, comfy clothes on, we all cleaned up the place and got paid.

I did a few more of these parties, and after a while I was asked to help out with some smaller ones outside of the city (not the same organisers). I obviously got friendly with the other staff, the guy was in his early twenties, really cute and a student (I will call him “J”), one girl was also a student, the other married like me. I only saw the younger girl a few times as she stopped doing it, that’s why they asked me to join to take her place.

The other parties by the other organisers are different, and more like what I expected. For those I still wore the mask, but wore my own clothes without being naked in any way. The smaller ones the sex show was usually only with 2 people and most of the time guests would join in or start having sex around the outside of the room while others watched. I always thought that I would be so uncomfortable with people just standing there watching me having sex, something I always joked about with “J” (the waiter) a lot. These parties also had themes, which they usually told us about the day before so that I could try and wear something to match.

After a couple of months doing these, one party was quite a long distance outside of the city so they put me and J up in a hotel. We were a bit annoyed as it was one room, it had two beds, but that wasn’t the point. J had seen me naked loads of times at work, but it seemed awkward getting changed and being naked in front of him like this. But things got worse…

We took a taxi to the venue, and when we arrived the organiser took us both aside as there was a big problem. Apparently, the sex act was a no show and he made us a very generous offer of our pay plus what he was going to pay the performers, and then left us to discuss it. J told me that this had happened before at another party he worked at. I asked him if he performed, to which I was shocked when in a nonchalant way he just said “yes, of course”. It was with the girl who I replaced apparently. He said he would understand if I didn’t want to and reassured me that if I did, we could wear the masquerade masks, and nobody would recognise us as we were so far from home. I had this rush of nerves shoot through me, my heart started racing and I felt my hands tremble, and without even thinking about it, I seem to instinctively just said “yes, of course” to match his nonchalant attitude. I didn’t even think about the repercussions, my husband or that doing it was being unfaithful, and have no idea why I just agreed so quickly. Once I did agree, I realised that I was in a situation that I couldn’t get out of, which is probably why I did agree so quickly.

The whole situation was making the blood rush through my body and butterflies just fill my stomach. I remember we were shown into a room to get changed. I just stripped down to my underwear and heels, but getting changed seemed to last for ages. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as I was preparing to do what I can only describe as a shameful act. I didn’t even speak to J as I got changed as I couldn’t, I just nodded to him when he asked if I was ready.

As we made our way into the room with J leading me by the hand, it felt like I was being led to be humiliated in a public judgement, and thought I was going to faint. My heart was racing, I could even hear it beating. I looked down and could see my other hand trembling.

As we nudged our way through the people, politely asking them to excuse us, eventually arriving at a clearing in the middle of the room. This was it, there was no way back, I had to do this. Maybe nobody realised yet, but a few people started to look at us as they knew what I was there to do. J then turned around, held both my hands and kissed me.

I shut my eyes as I was too embarrassed to look at the people in the room, of which more were now watching as the show had started, and I was the show. J then pulled back and slowly went to his knees as he pulled down my panties to reveal my perky butt and neatly trimmed pussy. I felt helpless and exposed, being the only one naked in the room as everyone just starred. I looked down at Jay as he was kissing my legs working his way up, looking around with just my eyes, subtly glimpsing at the people watching, when I felt him put his tongue inside me. I was already wet and knew that he could taste me. As he did this, I just kept my eyes closed but could sense the people’s eyes watching me. He then slowly made his way up and started to kiss me again. He finished the kiss and quietly whispered to “go on” looking down. The inexperienced me then realised that I had to go down and start giving him a blowjob.

I slowly went to my knees, fumbling as I unzipped his flies, pulling out his dick and then hesitating. I just sort of rubbed it as I was too nervous to go on, but I plucked up the courage, took a deep breath and just quickly put it in my mouth. I heard people mumble as I did it and he started to become hard, then after a while pulled out. I looked up at him as he lowered himself down to his knees, cradled my face and kissed me, moving onto kissing and biting my neck. He then turned me around and bent me over, slowly putting his dick inside me while he took me from behind. I sort of looked up and could see all these people stood around us, watching me getting fucked as I did this depraved sex show for them.

There was a woman sitting on a chair to my right with her legs open, skirt pulled up as she was touching herself as she watched. I then just lowered my head, shut my eyes, and let J carry on fucking me, as what else could I do. I then felt my arms get sort of kicked, I opened my eyes to see that the girl who was sitting on the chair had lay down with her crotch under my face. I looked up at her and saw a guy on his knees next to her putting his dick in her mouth. I knew what I had to do. I wasn’t sure if I wanted do it, but I had no choice as I had foolishly agreed to do this sex show and let strangers use me this way. I had to do as I was expected, so I lowered my head down and licked her pussy like the obedient girl I am. As I put my tongue inside her, I tasted her wetness and felt her flinch and start to squirm. I heard some of the audience mutter as I did it, not knowing what they were saying about me and this sinful act I was doing. J pulled out of me but then put his dick back inside my pussy, which by now was so wet, but this time fucking me a bit harder. The girl then moved away so I raised my head up and looked around, only to see J fucking another woman next to me. I had no clue who was fucking me, and decided not to look or find out and just let them carry on using me. I felt him pull out and cum over my butt. I could feel another person behind me next to him and felt them swap places as he started to use and fuck me. The next guy was slightly bigger, but I was so wet, it just slid inside me. As he did, I saw a dick in front of my face, so I just closed my closed my eyes and took it in my mouth, not even looking up to see who it belonged to. As I did, I felt the other guy pull out and come over me. As he finished, a stranger reached down, held my hand and helped me up. I remember just looking at this kind man with a sense of relief, as he had just rescued me. I bowed my head with a shy shameful look and an embarrassed smile on my face, knowing what lewd act I had just done, but sort of relieved to have been rescued. He then led me over to a low table and gently pushed me back onto it. He wasn’t my knight in shining armour, he too wanted to take his turn to fuck and use me. I just lay back like the dutiful person I was expected to be, opened my legs for him and let him slide his dick inside me and have his turn. I felt something on my face, opened my eyes to realise that a woman had stood astride my head and lowered herself onto my face, so I dutifully put my tongue inside her. I felt the man who was fucking me swap with someone else, with who, I had no idea, but as she moved away and I tried to wipe my mouth, there were two dicks pushing against the side of my face, everyone seemed to want to have a go at using me. I took one in each hand and did as they expected me to, licking them, putting them in my mouth and sucking them. As I was doing this, I felt the man who was fucking swap with yet another. One guy I was sucking pulled away and came on my neck, and as I licked the other dick, a girl’s face appeared next to mine and started to help me lick and suck the dick I was holding. I felt that this had gone too far. I had no idea who I was fucking, who had fucked me, or what they even looked like and really didn’t expect all of this, but who was I kidding, I was loving it.

The guy fucking me then swapped with another guy who didn’t last long. He swapped with the next guy who then pulled out of and came over my pussy. I then just closed my legs and got up as there didn’t seem to be another who wanted to take his turn. J saw me, so he got up as well, held my hand and stood next to me. I have no idea why, but what happened next was the most embarrassing. We made our way naked through the people with my head bowed down and giggling out of embarrassment, as J held my hand leading the way, as people in the room started to clap. It was like people were praising me while I was doing the walk of shame.

We went into another room and the organiser came in. He gave us extra payment as he said that it was the best show ever. He then asked if we wanted to stay but J could see that I was getting a bit anxious so we got dressed, called a cab and went back to the hotel where we had a shower. J asked to join me in the shower, so I let him as we both just washed each other. We got out, wrapped the towels around us and sat on our beds.

J asked me if I was married, to which I replied I was. He asked me if me how long me and my husband had been swinging. In a shy way I confessed to him that my husband had no idea what I had just done and that we were not swingers. He was really shocked as I started to cry as the feelings of guilt came over me. I confessed to J that me and my husband had been having a hard time lately and hadn’t had sex for ages. It wasn’t him, it was me. I was also purposely not going naked in front of him, not because I was embarrassed, but because I didn’t want sex due to the stresses at home. My husband thought that I was only doing PR modelling at these parties. When that guy made us the offer, it was like I was a world away from my home problems and could just be free and do something for me. I thought that just fucking a guy for work, with no strings attached was acceptable, I just never realised that loads of strangers would start using and fucking me as well. I felt guilty as I let complete strangers do things to me that I wasn’t willing to let my husband do. I actually got it out of me quite quickly and eventually started to laugh about it as I couldn’t believe that I had the guts to do what I did, and I loved it. I tried to kiss J to start something as for some reason I just needed more, but like the gentleman he was, he stood up and took me out to dinner. We did get a bit tipsy, so when we got back, we had sex again and spent the night together, only to have sex again in the morning and then drive home. J has a girlfriend who he sees back home so I knew what we did had no strings attached and as I had already had sex with him for the show, there was no difference if we did it again.

I know it seems selfish what I did with J, but the whole situation somehow reignited the relationship with my husband. We then went into lockdown due to this virus and during the summer after lockdown, there was another party which was even more eventful.


1 comment

  1. Wow! Hotdaymm thats a great story! Would love to hear about the other party too

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