Prologue: This story took place several years ago when I was still happily together with my first girlfriend, let’s call her Katy. I was 18 and she was 19 at that time.
The first love is always something special and I bet almost all of you remember their first relationship and their first time having sex. Unfortunately most of all first relationships come to an end at some point. In our case it was a slow and lingering process, but it was obvious. We had not much more to talk or to laugh about and saw each other on less regular basis. In total we were together for about 9 months.
One evening I was at Katy‘s house (she used to live with her parents in quite a large house) and we were watching a movie. When she went to the bathroom I noticed a notification on her mobile. I never went trough her phone or spied on her, but I was curious who wrote to her and so I took a look.
The message was by some guy called Nico and said the following: „Did you already brake up? You know I’ll always be waiting for you.“
I knew that this was it. I should probably have been more angry about it, but I guess it didn’t matter to me anymore. When Katy came back I acted as nothing had happened and we finished the movie. I wanted her to do the dirty work of breaking up and being the bad person, I would definitely not grant her the wish of doing that for her.
Before getting to sleep she took a look onto her mobile so she must have read this message on this evening. We kissed each other good night and fell asleep lying next to each other without any further endearments.
Main part: In the middle of the night Katy woke me up and said to me: „I‘m so horny right now, come on, fuck me! Do whatever you like with me“ I was very surprised, but it was more than obvious that she had a bad conscience and wanted to give me one last hurrah. It would have been very dumb to pass on this chance, because Katy was the hottest girl I have ever been together with. And this is a bad thing if such a girl is your first girlfriend.
She was quite tall, had long brown hair and dark green eyes. Her skin was super pale and she looked like Liv Tyler as an elf. She also had perfect C-Cups which were perfectly shaped and with her only 19 years were as firm and perfectly standing as they could be. Not to mention her great ass. In total, she was a fucking hot bomb, probably a 9/10.
Since I did not forget the text she received a few hours before I also wanted to have some revenge and so it was quite handy that she asked me to do whatever I wanted to do, because there are three things that she didn’t like at all:
1) I started by telling her to lay on her back and pulling down her black thong. I placed my head between her legs and started kissing her pussy. Katy was not into getting licked at all. I don’t know if I was just that bad or if she just didn’t like it. But this time she let me do my work and was really enjoying it. She was so damn wet, probably she dreamt about this other‘s guy dick, but I didn’t care. She tasted so good and I was tongue-fucking her rapidly. When I also took one finger and entered her she screamed so loud that her parents must have heard her, so she quickly took a pillow to mute her moans and screams. After a few minutes I could feel her orgasm as her pussy pulsated around my finger and her whole body was shaking.
2) This led me to number two of the things Katy didn’t like. I told her to move around and stick out her ass, because I wanted to fuck her doggystyle. This was probably her least favorite position and we tried a lot of things. But I liked it and knowing that this would be the last time fucking her made it even better. I hammered into her and fucked her with hard thrusts. I smacked her ass and pulled her hair, but Katy did not complain at all. She was again screaming in lust not giving a shit about being heard or not. The high pace soon paid its price and I was about to cum. I wanted to end this whole thing with a grand finale and told her I wanted to cum on her tits. I bet you all know where this is going to lead…
Exactly, number 3) of the things Katy didn’t like was getting a cumshot into her face. After she rolled back onto her back I positioned myself in top of her and stroked my cock. At first I was in a good position to cum on her tits, but just before I busted I went closer to her face and shot my load all over her. It got onto her mouth, her eyes and her hair and it was a lot. „You asshole!“ she yelled at me, but it was too late. I made a total mess of her face. Before she could do anything I stood up, cleaned myself with a shirt of her and got dressed. „What the fuck are you doing? Give me a towel!“ She was mad as fuck, but I just packed my stuff and went to her bedroom‘s door. Before leaving I turned around and said to her: „That‘s it, we’re done!“ and left.
Epilogue: After that night I never heard anything of Katy again and my life went on. Around one year later I was at a party and saw that guy Nico also being around. When he also saw me he came to me and we talked a little bit. He told me that he was sorry for taking my girl back then and that now the same thing happened to him as well. Katy left him without him having any clue that she already found someone new.
It turned out that he was actually quite a nice guy and we had a good evening together. After one or two drinks we found out that Katy sent nudes to both of us and we happily shared them. I still use them to masturbate once in a while.
I love it!
What a fucken power move bro
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