UPDATE: [M]y wi[F]e and I try to work out problems. Eventually leads to a swapping situation that I later learned was meant to be a cuckolding type of situation, but it didn’t turn out how they thought.

Well, this has been a hell of a ride.

Quick recap for anyone who doesn’t remember or hasn’t read the original. Wife makes friend with male co-worker, winds up fooling around with him behind my back, decides to set up a situation that was conveyed to me as a double date/intro to swinging situation that turned out to be a set up to try and cuckold me, doesn’t go as planned. Honestly, read the original if you want a blow for blow. I am typing this up as more of a way to process everything.

I got a lot of messages from here from people either telling me to run (not a bad suggestion all things considered) or that we need therapy. Since we are married, have kids, and have a pretty interwoven life, it is not a simple situation for either of us to just walk away from. Regardless of what happens between Debby and I, I am not giving up my kids or the rest of my life and for damn sure not without a fight. First things first though, therapy. We spoke a few days after the last major argument and we both agreed that we individually need therapy. It has helped. I won’t go into too much detail, but having that healthy outlet to discuss all the shit going on in my life plus handling work stress and other unrelated family drama is what I needed. This is what I should have been doing in the first place instead of trolling Tinder and message boards. Now that I am into it, I also am finding out that the place I went to for therapy years ago was really, REALLY bad at handling the financial side of this. **Side note: I understand the need for health insurance, but it is a fucking nightmare to get them to properly handle things and get billing straight. Fuck you Humana!** This place along with my current insurance is now set up where I can relatively easily afford to see a licensed counselor and it is helping. Debby wound up seeing a combo of a counselor (separate from mine) and a psychiatrist to help address depression and anxiety related issues. In short, we are trying to get our collective shit together, all together, gather it all up, and put it in a backpack, all our shit, so it’s now together. We are currently trying to unload our shit, maybe find a shit museum to take it or a shit Goodwill type of place, but it is getting together. Sorry, couldn’t help putting that reference in there.

We were already sleeping in separate rooms and decided to make it permanent going forward. For those asking, no, I did not hook up with Tara. She is not what I need in my life. However, after some further discussions, it became clear that Teddy was not being honest with Tara and that lead to some further drama. Tara came to Teddy and Debby’s work and absolutely lost her shit on him. I had an idea she was batshit crazy anyways, but from the stories that made it back to us, she took that crazy and unloaded it in a constructive manner here. Teddy is no longer employed at this store and Tara is not allowed back in. Police were called and Tara has some charges against her, but it sounds like she has a bit of a defense in place. I keep trying to not go into all the details here, but this is too sweet to pass up. Teddy liked to act a Dom in the bedroom and Tara was more than willing to play along. However, Teddy was not always the best at following the agreed upon limits and Tara, well, I said she was batshit crazy and she was. She never complained to Teddy (or at least that he was apparently aware of), but working in healthcare, she documented everything. I mean everything! She had been recording their intimate moments without his knowledge and when he went too far, she had it all on tape along with medical notes from a co-worker of hers documenting this as abuse. I haven’t seen Teddy charged with anything as of yet, but I am keeping an eye on the court system to see how this turns out. Phew, this will be fun to watch!

Not long before Tara’s blowup, Debby and I had been slowly getting back to at least a working level of communication bordering on friendship again. I will take full responsibility here that I am taking a lot of this to heart as I have been a selfish prick myself over the years and have not been as supportive of a partner as I should have been. I wouldn’t say I was outright terrible, but I definitely needed to be better. Not long after the Teddy/Tara blowup at Debby’s work, we got to talking about the whole thing as Tara LOUDLY recapped everything in front of the whole store in the middle of the day. Debby was not there that day, so that was a saving grace. For one thing, Tara did not specifically name Debby or me, but we were apparently the co-stars of her venting on Teddy. This has slightly saved Debby further embarrassment as her other co-workers don’t apparently know it was her and I in this whole thing. The other tidbit that also came out was that he had apparently been exaggerating some of his escapades to Tara while downplaying others. Talking with Debby, I know there was some level of cheating on her end, but I am pretty sure it never got to actual sex. It seems like a few handjobs and some fingering was the true extent of it all. Doesn’t change too much with everything else that happened, but it is good to know that Debby wasn’t outright lying when I first confronted her after that night with Teddy/Tara.

While this doesn’t automatically reset everything or make things on solid footing again, it at least has reduced my absolute hatred I had been feeling for Debby in all this. Honestly, at this point it is more of an anger that we even got to this stupid fucking point in the first place.

Since just before the holidays, Debby and I have been falling into a somewhat workable routine and have been doing a decent job of keeping the kids out of this. Something else of note is that both of us had been working on losing weight last year and Debby really got herself into gear after this whole thing. She is down to about 155 lbs now and her goal is 130. I personally don’t care about her size as I actually like girls with some curves and actual breasts (another reason Tara would not be a choice of mine), but the weight Debby has been losing combined with her better mental health and her putting a lot of effort into her appearance lately has been paying off. Like, we went out to celebrate our daughter’s birthday a couple weeks ago and she got back into a pair of jeans that she hadn’t worn in years and HOLY FUCK, that ass! Debby has noticed the effect she is having and has been playing into it. I am now past a major work project that was only supposed to be 8 weeks last year that wound up lasting 8 months and have a gigantic sense of relief that it is over. The lack of work stress, better handling of my own shit, some weight loss, and an overall better focus on ourselves has actually really improved how we get along. Neither of us are just sweeping everything that happened under the rug, but the crazy situation we wound up in along with self improvement has been leading to some flirting that I don’t remember us having…well, ever. It is also a bit of a whiplash as one minute Debby is getting flirty and randy and the next she is withdrawn and wants to be left alone. This used to frustrate the living hell out of me, but now I just show some patience and go about my day. This has led to an overall improvement in us.

Again, this is mainly for me to process everything, but I swear we are getting to the good parts that you are likely actually looking for.

Last weekend was the first open weekend we have had in quite some time. No plans, no demands, just doing what we want. Debby and I both wound up having Friday off and got our errands/running done then. The kids have been asking to go into my mom’s place (better internet for gaming/videos) and so they stayed over starting Friday night into Sunday. This left Saturday just the two of us. Since we have been getting along better, I had mostly planned on getting some laundry done and getting a jump on some work stuff in between binge watching a show (so close to finishing Supernatural). I figured Debby would just work on further setting up her room and we would call it good. I got up fairly early and made coffee. As I have been doing lately, I made Debby a cup as well since she has usually been up for nearly 2 hours before me anyway just chilling on her phone in her bed. When I brought it in, she asked me to sit down so she could show me some funny videos. I watched, drank my coffee, laughed, and figured that would be it. Instead, she asked if I would go with her up to a specific store that is the next major city over, about an hours drive. Without having the kids around, it is actually nice spending time with Debby as normal people, so I agreed. We went out and actually had a fun day. Honestly, this was how I imagined being married was supposed to be, not the shit we were doing before. We got something to eat on the drive home and got home in the early evening. We were laughing and joking around and I was honestly not thinking about all the stupid shit at all. When we got home, Debby was definitely flirty again and I was just enjoying what I could get without pushing anything. There were some signs that in the past I would try to push it to see if that is what she wanted, but I ignored it. I figure if she wants to have sex, she is going to have to fucking let me know pretty god damned bluntly at this point as I don’t want to deal with the guessing game of “does she/doesn’t she”. After a while, I left her be and went back to my room. Honestly, I figured I would get a good jerk off session going and leave it at that. Without the kids, I decided to take the fun little blue pill just to make sure it is a marathon jackhammer type of session. (Side note, I discovered now why everyone always makes the lotion joke and masturbation so much. I found out the hard and painful way to make sure you are fucking lubed if you are going to go that hard by yourself!) I was about 30ish minutes into cruising my subreddits of choice (shoutout to r/chubby and r/cuckquean along with this place, of course) when I got a text from Debby. It isn’t uncommon for us to text each other in the house, so I went to see what was up. The lights were off and I walked into the pitch black room. She often keeps it dark, so nothing weird there. She starts talking from off to the side of the bed which was different and was saying that regardless of whatever else happens, this has no bearing on us as a couple. I say OK and was not really sure what she was getting at. In the pitch black, she walks over right next to me and I can feel she is naked. I grab and kiss her and she pulls into me like she needs me. My hands feel her and she isn’t wearing underwear. In fact, she is wet as fuck. Like, I have never experienced her this wet before. We are talking her moving her legs makes that wet squishy sound level of wet.

I push her back onto the bed and immediately strip. No preamble, just get naked and get on top of her. We are making out like we are back in college and I can feel her grinding on the underside of my dick. I am ridiculously hard at this point. Debby has always been far more passive in the past, but not tonight. She tells me to get on my back and that she just wants to get fucked. I roll over and she gets on top. She turns on this gentle light lamp and I can see her now. MY FUCKING GOD! I won’t be able to say that anyone else in my situation would be as turned on by her as I was, but by fucks sake she was the mother of my children, my crush since grade school, and is now in the best shape she has been in more than a few years, and most importantly, wants to fuck me like there is nothing else. She has never been this aggressive in the bedroom before. Sex was always a chore that left her feeling used regardless of how much effort I put in to making her feel loved. This was straight fucking. She positioned herself on top of me and fucking impaled herself on my cock! Like, I think she was legitimately trying to hit her cervix and feel that pain, but she didn’t fucking care. I am not the biggest dick out there, but I am decent length with above average girth and she was treating me like I was just some fucking dildo for her to get off with. As she is riding me, I am playing with her nipples and she keeps telling me to pinch harder, be rougher, just fucking handle her! Thank god I had taken that pill, because I would not have been able to keep up otherwise. For close to 10 minutes, she is riding me like…well…like as hard as I fucked Tara. I wish I could say that I had some monumental orgasm and came buckets in her, but the truth is that she rode me until she came and came again and once more and was fucking done with me. After 2 smaller orgasms and one final one, she was finished. She rolled over and laid there. I had never seen her like this and honestly really liked it. I sat there with her and talked about this while rubbing her back. She hates feeling like a piece of meat when we have sex, but she admitted that she wanted to fuck me as hard as I fucked Tara. Apparently her watching me absolutely fuck the shit out of that girl pissed her off to the extreme. The anger turned to jealousy, which started to turn her on. Apparently this is something she has been discussing with her counselor and working through. Debby apologized for her role in our relationship breaking down like this as did I, but she let me know that she really, REALLY likes the way I have been acting since all this happened and we started getting ourselves right. We proceeded to talk for most of the night and brutally opened up to each other without the anger and jealousy that used to be there. We also talked more about what Debby really likes in bed as she had never really opened up before. I have had an idea of things she was interested in, but we clarified some things which is helpful.

So, that is where we sit. Divorce is still ultimately on the table, but I would be honestly surprised at this point if that is how it ends up. Debby is more open with me lately and affectionate and I have been more supportive in general. I am aware of some new kinks of hers to at least dirty talk about for now, but the cuckquean thing seems to be the leader in the race for things she may be open to. I am not saying I am planning anything, but her reaction to this whole thing and candor in how it made her feel makes me think that she is heading down that path on her own whether I encourage her or not. Like, she is the one dropping hints now which she never used to do about anything sex related at all.

Fuck. I never imagined this is how marriage would be, for good and bad.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l5wa0g/update_my_wife_and_i_try_to_work_out_problems


  1. You jumping on tinder saved your marriage. Tara and Teddy being dysfunctional as neck also saved your marriage. It might take some months before you’re COMPLETELY comfortable but I have a positive outlook on any future updates you write up.

  2. This has Married Male Sex Primer material written all over it. You should definitely read the book as it will not only help you in your now-marriage but as a husband and a father. It will help you to own your shit and be a better man.

  3. That is some good news! I am glad that you and Debby are putting some work into the relationship. I hope she and you get all the help that you need and want.

  4. The old adage the grass isn’t always greener comes to mind. As her experiment blew up, ultimately made things better for you. I wish you and wifey all the best.

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