Monday Morning [MF]

Follow on from [At Sunrise](

Another email pinged into her inbox. She could see it was from him but didn’t want to open it with her boss standing right over her shoulder. He shouldn’t be emailing her like this, it was too risky. Though the weekend she had spent with him was amazing, he was the director of the company, if anyone found out or anything went south it would be her job on the line, not his.

Another email. That’s five in the last hour now and she hadn’t read any of them. Her boss had a meeting in five minutes, she’d read them then. Just as her boss was about to leave she heard a buzz of excitement coming from behind her. She turned around and saw him striding up the floor, flanked by the manager of the floor who was desperately trying to grovel and suck up to him. She couldn’t hear, she was just assuming based on past experience.

He looked glorious in a fitted navy three piece suit and tie and a crisp white shirt. He was looking right at her and her pussy clenched as they made eye contact. She turned around immediately, as if burned by his gaze. ‘What the fuck is he doing here?’ She thought. She had never seen him on this floor in the three years she’d worked here, and he just happened to turn up the first work day after he’d rocked her world in the bedroom? And the balcony, and the living room, and the shower… She shut those thoughts down, they could only lead to distraction. She could already feel herself getting wet at the memories, she couldn’t afford to let this happen in work.

They approached her bank of desks and stopped right next to her. It was good and bad that she was sitting on the end desk. Good so she could overhear what they were saying without making it too obvious. Bad because she could feel him, even standing six feet away from her and just his presence now was enough to send her arousal sky high.

They were talking about desks and from the corner of her eye she could see him pointing at the empty desk opposite her. The floor manager said that would be fine, that person was on leave today. She was immediately confused and concerned, what could they possibly want that desk for? She was horrified when he motioned for someone, his assistant presumably, to place a laptop and water bottle on the desk and he sat down in the chair. She just stared, open mouthed, what the fuck is he doing?

Her question was answered by the floor manager who gave a short speech explaining that the director was going to be spending one day a month sitting with each department from now on and we were chosen to be the guinea pigs. ‘Bollocks to that!’ she thought. What are the odds of this happening today. What is his game?

She noticed another email come in. From him. She opened it immediately.

‘Try ignoring me now.’ It read.

She looked up, he was looking back with a challenging smirk on his face. She went to answer him out loud. He frowned, gave a short, sharp shake of his head and indicated to her computer. Embarrassed at her near faux pas, she typed out her answer.

‘I wasn’t ignoring you. I was busy and haven’t had a chance to read any of my emails.’

‘Like fuck.’ He responded.

‘I’m not sure that’s work appropriate language, Sir.’ She replied, cheekily. She watched him as he opened and read the email, stifling a groaning laugh. He met her eyes, arousal shining from them, they then dropped to compose his reply.

‘Don’t start calling me ‘Sir’ in work. Keep it for outside.’

She shifted in her chair, starting to become uncomfortably turned on. She needed a break. She grabbed her water bottle and rose from her chair.

‘Excuse me, miss?’ She heard his deep, sultry voice ask from behind her. She turned, keeping as neutral a look on her face as possible.

‘Yes… Sir?’ She said with a smirk. His eyes narrowed at her.

‘Could you show me where the drinking water is please?’

‘I mean, it’s in the same place on every floor.’ She heard gasps from her coworkers, aghast that she would speak to him in that way. ‘But of course I can show you.’ She amended quickly and strode off down the floor, leaving him having to jog slightly to catch up.

He caught her just as they got to the kitchen area. He went to grab her arm, but pulled back when he noticed there was someone else in there. They patiently waited for them to finish filling their water bottle, the tension thick between them. The interloper finally finished and left them alone. He shut the door and whirled around to face her.

‘What’s going on? Why are you ignoring me?’

‘Do you want to fill your water bottle first, or can I do mine?’ She asked, stubbornly.

He grabbed her bottle out of her hand and slammed it down on the worktop with

his own.

‘Fuck the water bottles!’ He exclaimed. ‘Have I done something? The weekend was amazing, at least I thought so, but today you can barely look at me.’

She caught a note of hurt in his voice. ‘It was amazing.’ She acquiesced. ‘I just… forgot who you were for a while. I can’t afford to lose this job, if anyone found out about, whatever this is, then I would be the one out on the streets.’

He came closer and threaded his fingers through her hair, she moaned lightly at the contact, causing his cock to swell.

‘I would never let anything like that happen.’ He released her hair and grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. ‘Follow me,’ he instructed and he dropped hand as he left the room.

He walked to the far end of the floor, the opposite end to where she sat and looked in the door of each meeting room, looking for an empty one. Finding they were all occupied he walked around the corner, out of sight of the floor. There was a flight of stairs and one door here, he tried the door and it opened. It was full of cleaning equipment.

‘The cleaner’s cupboard? Really?’ She asked incredulously.

‘Well, needs must.’ He said as he pulled her inside quickly and shut the door. He felt around the wall until he found the light switch, turning it on. He was met with her looking at him in disbelief. He had never been this attracted to anyone before, so no matter how she was looking at him, he wanted her.

‘What was so urgent you had to drag me into the cleaner’s cupboard for it?’ She asked.

‘This.’ He said as he stepped forward. His hands returned to her hair and he consumed her mouth in a scorching kiss. No matter how many times he kissed her, she was never prepared for the desire it ignited in her. She kissed him back with equal fervour. They started tugging at clothes, desperate for each other. She had a moment of clarity and pulled back. His eyebrows dropped in confusion, his breath coming in short pants. ‘What?’ He asked.

‘We can’t fuck here.’ She said.

‘I know, I know.’ He confirmed, running his hands through his hair in an effort to calm down. Her gaze dropped to the front of his trousers where his erection could be clearly seen.

‘You can’t go out there like that.’ She commented, indicating what she meant with her eyes.

He flushed and looked down. ‘No, I can’t. It’s your fault though, you shouldn’t be so gorgeous.’

She walked towards him and pushed him against the door. ‘If it’s my fault then let me help.’

She dropped to her knees and started to undo his trousers.

‘Jesus, are you sure? You don’t have to.’

‘I know I don’t have to.’ She replied, her shining eyes looking up at him. ‘But I really want to.’

He groaned as her hand made contact with his length and pulled it out of his underwear. She pumped him with her hand a few times before starting with a few swipes on the head with her tongue. She then switched to long licks from root to tip, making him groan.

‘Ssshhh!’ She hushed, then returned to giving him long licks.

The first time she took him in her mouth he had to bite his lip to stop his moans. He looked down at her as she looked up, the unabashed look on his face caused a flood in her panties.

She continued to work him into her mouth until she felt a vibration in the pocket of her trousers. She forgot her phone was in there. She considered leaving it, but thought it best to at least check. She removed her phone from her pocket without removing his cock from her mouth. Looking at the screen she saw it was her boss, and looking at the time saw they’d been gone for half an hour already.

She pulled away from his cock and cursed.

‘What’s wrong?’ He asked, slightly dazed. He saw her flashing phone on her hand. ‘Don’t answer it.’ He commanded.

‘I have to.’ She responded as she accepted the call.

‘Hello.’ She said into phone.

‘Where are you?’ Her boss asked.

‘I’m still with the director.’ She answered.

Her boss then launched into a tirade about why he should be the one to represent the department, not her. She gave a few acknowledging mmhmm’s and uh-huh’s, but wasn’t really paying attention. She was staring at his beautiful cock, now glistening with her saliva and his precum.

The devil on her shoulder took over her, and keeping her phone to her ear she slowly took his cock back into her mouth. His eyes widened at both the returned contact and her audacity. She continued to half listen and dropped in another mmhmm, he felt the vibration of this in the tip of his cock as it just reached her throat and he gasped at the sensation.

‘What was that noise?’ Her boss asked. She had to release his cock to answer.

‘I don’t know, what did you hear?’

‘It doesn’t matter.’ He said dismissively and launched into another speech praising his own efforts and why they weren’t recognised. She returned to his cock.

He was getting dangerously close, she was going to make him cum any second, she couldn’t be on the phone while she did it. But he didn’t have any control over that.

Her boss was still talking and she was still sucking. He tapped her on the head, doing his best to alert her to his impending orgasm. She seemed to somehow understand as her eyes widened slightly and she nodded. She gave one more mmhmm of acknowledgement and the vibration did him in. He went to move out of her mouth but she held him tight. She felt him spurt inside her mouth, the force of it almost making her gag. ‘Don’t swallow.’ He managed to whisper. She took as much as she could in her mouth, but felt a few drips escape her lips.

When he had finished, he tipped her head up and instructed her to open her mouth to show him. She duly complied and he was greeted with the sight of his release filling her mouth.

‘Good girl.’ He whispered, reverently. She swallowed it all with ease then looked down to see where the errant drops had gone. Luckily they had missed her clothes and dropped straight to the floor. She wiped them up with her hand.

Her boss was only now running out of steam.

‘Just try not to be too long.’ He said.

‘Yes, Sir.’ She said, mischievously, looking up at the director, and hung up the


He helped her to her feet and gave her another scorching kiss. This didn’t help her arousal at all, blazing fiercely as it was from the act she had just performed. He lightly grazed her crotch with his hand.

‘I want to return the favour…’ he started.

‘But we don’t have time.’ She finished, breathlessly.

‘No.’ He confirmed. ‘But you’re coming home with me tonight and I’m going to make you cum until you can’t move.’ His words made her slightly dizzy and she swayed on her feet. He caught her arms to steady her with a smug smile on his face.

‘Now, you’d better go to the bathroom and wipe your face.’ He said as her adjusted himself and his clothing.

‘I’ll go fill our water bottles, meet me there.’ With that, he exited the room leaving her wondering just what the fuck had got into her today, but very much looking forward to that evening’s events.



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