Easy Mode (Part 2) [MF][Mast][Md][MC][Exh][Oral][SciFi]

**The story so far:** Henry wasn’t paying attention and walked into traffic. End of Story. Well…that was, until he ‘respawned’ a few moments earlier, and her realized there was more to his reality that he was previously aware. More importantly, he now seems to have access to auxiliary layers of reality, and better yet, control. He’s still learning what that means, whether it’s a game or something more, but that hasn’t stopped him from playing around.


**ASCII-rotica (Level 0, 5 XP)**

Tuesdays and Thursdays were ‘late’ days for my wife at work. She was an office manager for a mid-sized charity. She really enjoyed her work, and I was distinctly jealous of that, though she worked long hours regularly. She wouldn’t be home until half past six at the earliest. My cock was half hard as I opened the door to the house. It was Pavlovian at this point. Tuesdays and Thursday involved a thirty-minute jerk-off session in front of my computer. I had a handful of favorite sites I checked regularly, not to mention my personal collection of porn. My body was responding to the prospect of release, even though I’d had much more with Tabitha.

I paced for a good five minutes, my mind racing over the day’s events. My growing erection finally won out, and I finally gave up and went up to the master bedroom to change out of my work clothes, but opted to strip down and go to my computer. I grabbed a small towel to sit on and protect my office chair and sat down.

*Characters can view their statistics by creating a text file.* The text hovered in my vision, and when I acknowledged it, instructions followed, and I made new file on my desktop called *henry_stats.stat*. I opened the file and it took a moment to load up, as it was both extensive and presumably comprehensive; the more I scrolled down, the more there was. There was no shortage of random information, but the top dozen lines appeared to be about what you’d expect in any customer database or government file. The next few lines were a little more specific, showing the total days of my current life (11,409). Days since my last autosave (0). Days since my last respawn, also zero.

I searched for various words or phrases. Fortunately, the ‘find’ function worked, since the document would have been dozens, if not hundreds, of pages printed. Though, scrolling through, there didn’t seem to be an end to the document. How much time I spent commuting (too much). Percentage of my life spent asleep, less than one-third, for good or bad. I looked down at my waist, my penis at half-staff, probably awaiting its expected jerk-off session. I snickered and looked up masturbation. Sure enough, my count exceeded my days alive by a good margin. My teen-aged years probably accounted for a good portion of that. Sure enough, the most I masturbated in one day was a total of fourteen times, and it was during my high school years.

On a lark, I tried altering some random irrelevant numbers. Time waiting in line. Hours spent at the mall. Hours of French I studied—a respectable 217, given I wasn’t a great student. Nothing would stick. I could type, but as soon as I moved the mouse, the numbers would revert. After a third attempt, a new message appeared in my view: *You can alter basic parameters with a param file. Warning: Character parameters misaligned with baseline reality can result in character injury, death, or reversion of baseline reality. Caution: Altered parameters will not apply to future Respawns or Prestige.* That didn’t seem unreasonable, and I was curious, so I created the parameters file similar to stats file, naming it *henry_char.param*.

“Ok,” I said, “now were getting somewhere.”


When I opened the file, I saw the warning and caution, once again, was repeated at the top of the text, though this document had only a handful of lines compared to my stats file. My height, weight, a few random health stats and descriptors, and bank data was listed. Bank data was immediately tempting, but I wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, financially. I mean, yeah, I could have a billion just by added a few zeroes, but given that it appeared I might be able to add *anything* I wanted to my life, what was money?

“Is this how actual billionaires think?” I muttered. No wonder the world was so fucked up.

There were some other tempting things to play around with, but I wanted to be a bit more careful, so I opened up the stats file and found the French language stats. I copied and pasted ‘lang_french_study_time = 217’ over to the param file and then went on the internet and found a French news site. I could understand just a few easy words, days of the week, that sort of thing. I changed the 217 to 500 and saved. Bringing the web page back up, I let out a breath of exhilaration, seeing that I could roughly understand much of what was on the page. Flipping back to the param file, I added a 0 to the end and saved once more.

“*Mon dieu!*” I said aloud, my accent impeccable. I just *knew* it was good, and not standard newscaster Parisian, but from the Burgundy region, upper-class. I didn’t even need to look at the website to know I could read it fluently. I said a few sentences in French, switching to English in between. It was near-effortless, but my head was swimming with random French miscellany—history, economics, culture. I was having trouble focusing, so I went back to the file and dropped the number down to 500. That felt better. Sure, I wasn’t a linguist, and maybe I’d be able to absorb the mind dump with time, but the key was, I knew it could be done.

*Achievement Unlocked: 1337 h@xx0rz. It’s not really cheating, you’re just adding more fun. +1 XP*

Well, apparently the game didn’t care if I played around with this stuff. I started digging through the stats file, pulling out data I was interested in manipulating. It was juvenile, but I brought in my penis stats, which included length and girth, both flaccid and erect. I was a little nervous about messing with such an important part of my anatomy, but I took breath and changed my flaccid length to five inches, and my hard length to ten. I shifted my girth proportionately as well. I hit save and didn’t feel any physical change, but then I felt the length of my cock resting against my thigh and looked down. It was bigger—a couple inches bigger—even though I wasn’t really hard.

I started touching myself, and though it felt like it was *my* cock, the sensations and all, I was mesmerized by the shift in size and perspective. My hand barely fit comfortably around my growing member, and as I made myself erect, the tip of my cock was now about the level of my desktop. I got up from my office walked out into the hallway, looking at my new ‘toy’ in the mirror. It took everything in my power to resist going back and changing it to some giant-sized appendage, but I took the warning of ‘damage or death’ to heart. I sat back down, my erection swaying distractingly, and adjusted the girth parameters to better fit my grip. I opened up some porn and jerked off, coming a few minutes later, and really feeling the difference in effort in my forearm.

*Achievement Unlocked: Everyone Does It. Change the parameters of sexual attributes and enjoy the results.*

“I mean…yeah.” I muttered to myself, though I noticed I didn’t get any experience.

The parameters script language was pretty obvious, natural language, really, so I started searching for more things to play with in the stats listing. I found sexual stamina (a paltry 4 minutes average) and made it 15. I changed my refractory period from 23 minutes to 3 minutes. I found a few minor health disorders I had and marked them from TRUE to FALSE. I lowered my weight by fourteen pounds and improved my fitness. My resting heart rate was now 45 BPMs. I had to look that up, but it was better than most elite athletes. I went back to look at myself in the mirror and was shocked that I looked so good. Not ‘model ‘good, but it was a marked improvement from my cubicle and cake body.

Without the distraction on my slight paunch and the definition of my abs leading into my hips, my adjusted manhood…it looked even bigger. I’m not ashamed to admit I was admiring myself, what I could have probably achieved with a little more hard work at the gym—well, not the cock-size—but you get the point. I flexed a little, toyed with my penis, and went back to posing.


**Honey, I’m Home (Level 0, 6 XP)**

“What the heck are you doing?” I jumped, hearing my wife behind him. My internal clock said it was only 1737. She was really early.

“Karen!” I said, smiling, and not really knowing what else to do since I was completely naked and standing in front of the mirror in the sitting room. While not fully erect, I wasn’t flaccid either.

“I come home early and you’re wandering around the house in the buff?” There was more amusement in her voice than anything, but she also seemed a bit suspicious.

“I was going to change to work out, and, um, I realized I left my phone down here, and—.”

“And you decided to admire yourself in the mirror, in broad daylight, in sight of the neighbors’ houses? And you enjoyed it so much, you started to get a little stiff? Look,” she said, walking over to me, her heels clicking on the hardwood floors, “a crazy husband I can explain, a naked husband, probably…but this,” she grabbed my new and improved cock, “Is a hard—excuse me, *difficult*—enough thing to deal with on my own.” I took a second to digest what was happening. Of all people, Karen knew what my cock looked like, felt like, and more specifically, how big it was…or was supposed to be. She was acting as if the situation was no different than any other time she’d seen it, touched it.

“It’s, uh, not as if I have anything to be embarrassed about.” I said.

“True, but you start waving that in front of open windows, and we might have a line at the door.” She said. “We still have to *live* in this neighborhood.” She smiled. Karen’s name and titles floating above her head were even more detailed than what I’d seen on Tabitha and some of my other co-workers. Layers and layers of info. It seemed obvious as to why, but it was still an overwhelming amount of information. I started to swell in her grip, and she glanced down. “Oh, now the neighbors might really see something.” She smirked. A tag appeared next to her name: *Aroused*. That was followed by the appearance of both our meters.

* Maybe later

* Take off your clothes and let me fuck you here

* Get on your knees

* Bend over the couch.

“Bend over the couch.” I said, said, not even trying to adapt the script. I watched her pleasure meter fill to a quarter full. The final option for dialogue always seemed to be the one that pushed the limits, and well, I suppose I was exploring my limits.

“Really?” She asked, smiling, but looking at me strangely. I maneuvered her toward the couch in the front room and braced her thighs against it before bending her over so her ass was pointed straight back at me and we were both looking out onto the street. “I’d ask what’s gotten into you,” she said into the couch cushions, “but I want to see where this goes.” I roughly tugged up her skirt, exposing her ass in a black panties and dark pantyhose. Her arousal was steadily increasing and my new ten-inch modification was bobbing in my peripheral vision. I pressed between her thighs, the hose a little rough, but she let out a little ‘mmm’ sound as I slowly slid back and forth between her thighs. “You want in there?” She asked innocently. I leaned down and tore at her hose. They gave with a rip and Karen gasped, her arousal reaching 75%, and I hadn’t really touched her yet.

“You didn’t need those, did you?” I asked. My increased fitness made ripping her hose a quick and easy thing, and I was a little overwhelmed by my newfound strength.

“A bit late in asking,” she laughed breathily, “but no.” She sighed. “I don’t think I, um, need the panties either.” She said, egging me on. I tore away more of the hose and then got a good grip on the waist of her panties. With two good tugs, I managed to split them at the seams, and her panties were in tatters on the floor, her hose in shreds at her knees and hanging off her hips. I pushed the remains of her pantyhose off, slipping them off each leg as I tossed her heels off to the side. I put my hand between her legs as she spread her thighs to accommodate me. Her dark and full bush was wet from her increasing arousal. I finger-fucked her, stroking her g-spot and making her groan at the pressure. I mostly knew what worked on her, even without visual prompts. I pulled back and started easing inside her.

“Is this what you wanted?” I asked, pushing a little deeper.

“Yes.” She hissed. Neither of us talked like this normally, had sex like this. We managed to have sex at least every other week, but it was more playful, release-seeking, than *sexy*. She liked me to take charge, but she never expressed any interest in me being *dominant*.

“The neighbors could be watching me stick my big cock in your wet pussy right now. What will they think? A glorified spreadsheet nerd pounding away at a manager?”

“It’s so big. Fuck me harder.” She hissed again.

“You’re not the boss here, though.” I started pounding away. With my new length, I couldn’t quite smack against her, though taking her from behind helped with my larger size, and she didn’t seem to mind.

“Yes, please…oh, fuck me, Henry, fuck me, oh, oh yes, oh god.” I hadn’t been paying attention to the meters in my view, but she was definitely coming, and I started to pull out, knowing I was about to go, too. “No, stay inside, finish inside me—I want to feel it!” But I was too late, grunting through my orgasm as I sprayed her pussy and ass in equal measure. I wiped my tip off on her ass cheek and grabbed it for good measure, and she made some low-noises of contentment. “I’m a mess, aren’t I?”

“If you consider being covered in come from the waist down, a ‘mess’, then, yes, you are.” I said, and traced the line of her ass not covered in semen.

“Did you get the mail?” I blinked at her question, but laughed a little. It was marriage in a nutshell. Karen was still in a prone position, literally bare-assed, thighs slick with her own arousal, covered in come…and thinking about the mail.

* I’ll get it

* You go get it.

“You go get it.” I said. She eased up off the couch a little and looked back at me. “Like this. Like you are now.” I added, and slid her skirt down to cover her ass, knowing my jizz was smearing all over her. She stood up, her face a little red, maybe from leaning down on the couch, but she didn’t say anything before stepping back into her heels. She was disheveled, her hair a little loose, one too many buttons undone on the front of her blouse and showing a bit of her bra, and yes, I could see a bit of come just below the hemline on one of her legs. She started moving toward the front door and looked at me standing there, still naked.

“You have to watch me.” She said. “I want you to *watch* me.” I looked out the window as she went outside, making sure I was just clear of the door when it opened. She glanced back once, but walked down the driveway to mailbox. As she was collecting the mail, one of our neighbors, a husband of one of my wife’s casual friends, jogged by and stopped briefly to talk to Karen. I could tell she was nervous, but she was acting as friendly and normal as she could. A minute later, she hurriedly came inside, slamming the door behind her. “My heart is racing.” She said, looking at me. “I kept thinking; can Dave tell I’m not wearing panties? And…and I could feel the breeze between my legs. I could feel your come on me.”

“And?” He asked, unprompted.

“I…*liked* it.” She nearly whispered.

*Perk Unlocked: These Aren’t the Droids. You convinced someone to do something out of character. This skill can grow with experience. +1 XP.*

“Take off your clothes.” I said.

“Why, Henry?” But then she looked down and saw that I was hard again. “Did you take a pill or something?” I shook my head. It wasn’t chemical science as much as it was computer science, but I wasn’t about to tell her that. “I don’t think I can take you fucking me so soon after…” She trailed off as I stared her down then looked down at the floor. She understood and started undressing, getting completely naked, and knelt on the floor of the foyer. Karen started blowing me without another word.

“Close your eyes.” I said. “Imagine someone coming to the door, a neighbor, the mailman, a package delivery guy, they’d get a show and then some.” A smile reached the corners of her mouth, even as Karen was blowing me, and she didn’t hesitate in her efforts.

I found myself comparing my wife’s technique to Tabitha, and honestly, Karen was better. She knew what I liked, how I liked it, her hand trailing up and down my waist, teasing my balls, focusing her tongue where she knew I like it. No need to really guide her after half a decade. When I was about to come, I pulled back and came on her chest, her eyes still closed and looking very pleased with herself. I didn’t have much left in me at that point, so it wasn’t a big mess, but she seemed to like it all the same.

This was all new behavior for both of us, though I’d enjoyed every bit of it. Had she wanted that the whole time, though? Had she never said anything, not even once, about it? I might have been a little shy about being so forceful with her, but the old me would’ve probably gotten into it. I studied her, down on her knees. Her nipples were dark tan circles, tight points from the cold or arousal—or both. I saw a few drops of come on her belly, the top of her bush, from where it ran down her body.

“You can go get cleaned up.” I said. She let out a breath and stood with my help.

“I love you, Henry.” She said, gathering up her things.

“I love you, too.” I said, meaning it, and watched her go upstairs.


**End Part 2**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l6bq2h/easy_mode_part_2_mfmastmdmcexhoralscifi