Busted! Old College nudes surface [FM] (Pt. 2)

>*To briefly address some of the concerns in the initial post, the careers and names of those involved have been changed to protect their identities. Some areas may have been embellished for increased satisfaction but the story continues.*

I’m now driving home. Nervous and trying to find a way to add myself to this guys trip. I was really looking forward for my time alone for the weekend and now that is gone. I had to cook up a plan to include myself and fast. The fishing trip was this weekend (it’s Wednesday today). What if I call Cynthia? Maybe she can join me and we can make this a “wives” thing as well! But first I needed to convince my husband who was also looking forward for his time with the guys. Maybe if I play the bored wife and promise to stay out of the way he will let me tag along. I know, I’ll make it a hiking trip for me! He knows I love hiking and I haven’t hiked the woods around that lake. Yes. I’ll do that.

I arrive home exhausted from my commute and I see my husband still hasn’t come home. It was normal for him to stay late towards the end of the quarter to do his work so I just paid no mind to it. I cleaned up my dogs made and started getting dinner ready. Then I get the notification on my phone. “Familiar face detected in the front door.” I wait for the customary hello from him. “Hey Honeybun!” We can now continue with our weekday evening ritual which means cooking together and cleaning up together. After making small talk during dinner, I can sense he has no idea of the predicament I am in. He doesn’t know one of his best friends from college is attempting to blackmail me. I contemplate telling him but the words don’t come out of my mouth. He looks at me knowing something is wrong and stops cleaning. “Is there something on your mind?” he asks. I look down in shame and hope the words come out of my mouth. Instead I say, “You know how you told me it was just a guys trip this weekend?” I pause to see his reaction. Blank. Not even a blink. “Okay. Well I was wondering if I could tag along but only to go hiking! Like you guys can still fish and do everything planned. I’m going to stay at a cabin nearby and you just drop me off when we get there and pick me up when you leave. I’ll have the dogs with me so you won’t have to sleep with me.” Once again, I pause. Waiting to see how he reacts from that wrench I just threw in his plans. He looks at me and says, “You know I was really hoping to be just with the guys. Why the sudden change of heart? I thought you were having a spa weekend with your sister?” I could see I didn’t get a flat no and saw my opportunity to wiggle this seed further in and let it grow. I explained that my sister wasn’t going to come and I would be all alone here. After a few back and forth conversation I simply leaned forward and softly said, “I’ll do that thing you like tonight” with a slight wink. His demeanor changed to that of a kid in a candy store. And just like that, I was going hiking this weekend.

As I walked to the bedroom reality began to set in. I needed to think this whole thing through. Was I prepared to cheat on my husband if I was blackmailed into doin so? Mike was pretty hot but he’s a meat head. I soaked in the warm water and my thoughts while I soon found myself caressing my breasts. How would he take me? Would he force me to have sex with him in the woods? Would he expose me anyway since I didn’t go fishing with them? Now that I think about it, I was probably safer if I did go fishing with them and stuck to my husbands side! My right hand slipped down and I felt my swollen clit. I was scared for my life but I was also very turned on. I had a fetish for dom/sub relationships in high school and college but those didn’t go far with my husband. He thought it was too much. But maybe Mike is like that. As my mind races, I let out a sigh. I stop rubbing my clit and insert 2 fingers inside my vagina. The warm sensation then spread all over my body. With my 2 fingers rubbing my g spot and my other hand now rubbing my clit, I was able to climax within minutes. An explosion of sensation and conflicting emotions rushed through my body. As the high from the orgasm left my body I saw only one way out. I needed to tell my husband. Now I had to accept the consequences and tell my husband. I’m sure he would understand, right?

The next morning we wake up as usual. Go through our morning routine and be on our way to get to work. Suddenly my phone vibrates. It’s a message from Mike. “Good job. I heard you’re coming along now this weekend. Pack the same night gown you wore last time we were in town. I loved how your ass looked in that.” Disgusted I didn’t reply. Now I was gathering evidence and this is what I needed. I go to my class and put my phone in my purse as I usually do. By lunch time I take my purse and lunch to the lounge to see what Mike has told me now. Sure enough I have 3 messages from Mike:

*“Also pack that dildo. Shit is hot.”*

*“Don’t forget to shave. I wanna see a clean cunt.”*

*“Fuck. I think I’ve jerked off to your pics like 5 times today already.”*

I go to his profile and click Silent Notifications. I am now dead set on telling my husband. I need an ally in this and he is the best one I can have. I go over to my messages and text my husband, “Long day so far. Can we order in tonight? Luv ya!” The wheels were in motion and now I couldn’t go back. I was able to proceed with my day. My husband knew that when I texted him that it meant one of my students with a severe disorder is having an episode which is draining and demanding.

I stayed at work a bit late to finish some paperwork for upcoming parent meetings I had and I instantly regretted the decision. Now I was stuck in traffic and my usual commute was going to be much longer now. My phone vibrates and it’s my husband. “Pizza or Chinese? For tonight.” I smile knowing that he was picking my two favorite options. I reply, “Why don’t we have burgers instead? Surprise me.” He loves burgers so I was hoping this would help ease things over. As I approached the home, I saw his car was already in garage. I come home and am greeted by my beloved dogs. “I’m home!” I hear music coming from the bedroom and assume my husband is enjoying himself. I approach the kitchen and see the burgers are sitting there already with a glass of wine and a bottle of wine chilled in an ice bucket. I smiled and feel his hold from behind. I embrace the feeling and for the first time in the past few days, I feel protected. I feel like I am in a safe place. I turn and kiss him and say, “Let’s eat!” We dine our fast-food dinner and sit in the couch enjoying our time saved from not having to clean or cook. After about 2 glasses of wine, I now had the courage to do what I should have done yesterday. We are laughing and I take a last sip of my wine when I set the glass down and look at him.

*Me: Babe, I need to tell you something.*

*Him: Oh alright. I like the intensity. Hold up. Let me guess… you’re pregnant!*

*Me: (laughs) No! I’m still on birth control silly! I –*

*Him: Okay. Hold on. Don’t tell me. You passed your test? [I recently took a state licensing test to continue my career dreams]*

*Me: I hope so but no. Let me tell you. Its about us. Well mostly me. No, it’s about me only. I don’t know why I said us.*

He notices the heavy weight in my voice and sits up right.

*Me: You remember when we were in college and I was doing my internship?*

*He nods slowly.*

*Me: Well, I took on some extracurricular activities at the time. Elise told me about this Personals page on Craigslist where people would like pay for services. I –*

*Him: You prostituted yourself?!*

*Me: What?! No!*

*Him: You said –*

*Me: Just let me finish. Please. I took pictures of myself and I sold them online to other people. But I never showed my face or anything like that. I never spoke to people about it and I never met them. They would pay me for a USB and I would simply mail it to them.*

*Him: Why would people pay for pictures on a USB? What security did they have they would even get the pictures in the first place?*

*Me: I don’t know but they would buy them. I only did it for a few months until I saw that people would pay more for my used underwear. I know. Gross. But they did! Anyway, I sold a lot of USBs but more underwear than anything. The whole time I never identified who I was besides a broke college kid from University of [omit state name]. Anyway, I did that and eventually stopped once you got hired at [omit name] Financial. From then on I haven’t done anything like it. I didn’t cheat or anything so I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.*

*Him Okay. Stop. Why are you telling me this?*

*Me: (Sigh) Because I’ve been busted. Someone tracked down who I was.*

*Him: Who? How? When?*

*Me: Let me show you.*

I proceed to grab my phone from the sofa. I unlock it and go to my Facebook messages. 1 new message from Mike. I opened it and it said “I’m gonna love this weekend.” I look at my husband and give him the phone. “Just read the messages starting from yesterday.”


*Me: He’s trying to blackmail me and I was scared of you finding out but now I don’t know what to do or what he will make me do.*

I stare at my husband and he is just staring at the screen. Not scrolling. Not moving. Anger oozing out of his eyes and falling on the screen. The disbelief that one of his best friends would do this to his wife and to him. I keep looking at him to do something but he just sits there. “Can you say something? Please?” I plead. He begins to scroll and then puts the phone down once he is done. “Please help me deal with this. I don’t know what to do!” He stands up and gets his phone from the kitchen counter. “Who are you calling? Don’t call Mike! Don’t call –“ Then I hear the other voice on the line.

*Him: Hey James. Some buddies of mine and I are going fishing this weekend. You down or what?*

*I stood there confused. Why is he calling his brother?*

*James on the phone: Fuck bro. This weekend? You remember I live over 300 miles away, right?*

*Him: Don’t be a bitch. I’ll pay for your flight. You down or what?*

*James on the phone: That depends. Who is going?*

*Him: Eddie, Marcus, Mike, my-*

*James on the phone: Alright. Mike?! Bro you know I fucking hate that guy!*

*Him: Calm down. I know you do. I need-*

*James on the phone: Fuck that. If Mike is going why the fuck am I going? Last time I almost killed the guy during that football game in your back yard and he threatened to press charges. Bro, if that’s the case every fucking linebacker in the country would have charges for roughing the pussies.*

*Him: Will you just shut the fuck up?! I need you to come and I need a favor. Pack your shit. I’ll get you a flight tomorrow morning so you can come.*

*James on the phone: We gonna kill him? Bro I knew you were a badass but you don’t even kill flies! You’re the fucking guy that catches them with honey and then lets them go outside! (laughs)*

*Him: We are not killing anybody. Just pack your shit. I’ll send you the flight details tonight.*

*James on the phone: Alright. See you tomorrow bro.*

He ends the call. I’m still standing there confused. “Why did you call James? What are you going to do?” He looks at me and sits me down. He grabs my hand and says, “I know about the pictures. I’ve known you took these pictures years ago. I knew the moment you took them but I didn’t know why you took them. I thought you were cheating on me when you took them and I felt like it was my fault because I was away all the time. I didn’t blame you for it and I’m sorry I thought you cheated on me.”

I was shocked. “How did you know?!” He just looked over at me and said, “Remember that time you asked me to clean your computer because you would hear audio from commercials all of a sudden? Well I cleaned out the ad-ware but in doing so, I was able to find out it came from your yahoo email. From there I kept looking and found out you had pictures saved in your My Pictures folder. I found some of us but noticed a folder that said PRIVATE so I decided to click on it and I saw them all. Mike said he had over 200 but in that folder you had over 1000 files.”

“Wait! You went through my computer?!” Angered, I raised my voice before I caught myself that I was still the one in the compromising position. He apologized and said not to worry. That he will fix it. I was curious what his plan was and he told me he would plan it with James tomorrow. He poured me another glass of wine, knowing that my third glass and beyond tends to get me horny, and told me to relax. Now I was confused. Why wasn’t he mad? Why wasn’t he screaming and kicking? This just doesn’t make sense. I have always loved that about him that he keeps a level head during stressful times but this was too much. Did he know already? Was he in on it?

He hugged me for a long time and told me he would warm up a bath for me. I was in the brink of tears at this point thinking of the shit I was putting him through. I go the bed room and hear him put the bath water to run. I walk into the bathroom and he kisses me in my forehead and says, “Fuck Mike. He will pay for doing this to you. Play along with his game. Tell him you’re packing all that stuff he wants. Let’s not make him suspect anything.” I looked up at him and nodded in agreement. “Thank you, my love. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.” He then leaves to his office to continue his work.

I lift my shirt over my shoulders. I unhook my bra only to welcome the feeling of relaxation on my chest. My breasts had grown over the past years since I have gained weight since my college days. I had gone from a B to a C (barely) and my waist had also grown. I unzipped my pants jeans and tossed them into the hamper nearby. I could see these didn’t fit me anymore since the seams from the jeans were now imprinted along the side of my leg. It was a start reminder I was gaining weight and need to buy new jeans. I hadn’t set up a wax appointment so I was due for one soon and that was evident. I left my booty shorts on and walked over to my husband’s office room with nothing on but my underwear. I open the door and I stand there looking at him. I could tell he was in a meeting for work with his west coast co-workers. He turns and says, “Babe I’m in a meet—” when I rush to put my finger in his mouth to signal silence. I whisper “shhh” and I proceed to touch his waistline. He was still in his work clothes and could feel his breathing get heavier as we kissed. He still in his chair and me bent over to be able to kiss him. Once I get a grip on his buckle, I undo his belt and unzip his pants to pull them down. I could tell he was already getting hard and his dick almost popped out through his boxers. I whisper “Keep playing” and then proceed to get on my knees. He is by no means a big man but his size is perfect for me. I am able to play with his balls in my mouth while I stroke his dick slowly. He almost forgets about the meeting until we hear on the phone his coworkers say, “So? Can you do it?” He stammers and replied “Oh sorry guys. Yeah. I’m on it.” Meanwhile I move up and begin nibbling on his head. I stroke his shaft while I softly suck on the tip. Suddenly I feel a hand on my head and I pushed down. I didn’t expect the move and gag as a reflex. This only turns on my husband more and he stands up. I look over and the video game is now off and I know what is coming. As I’m catching my breath he caresses my face and then shoves it deep inside again. As I try to pull back, his hand on my head pushes me in deeper and now I feel his dick touching the back of my throat. I look in his eyes and see the same look he used to give me when he would lust over me in our younger years. The satisfaction that filled his eyes is an unforgettable one. I pull away to breathe and now my panties are soaked. I ask him, “How do you want me?” and he simply picks me up and bends me over his desk. He pulls down my underwear and spanks my ass. Suddenly I feel his hands part my ass cheeks and his warm tongue touches my clit. His tongue moving all over my vagina and over into my ass makes my knees weak. Then it stops. I hear him stand and feel his dick part my vaginal walls as it goes in. We had not had sex since last week and it was an inviting feeling. With every thrust, I felt him make me more his. More than before. Then he pulls my hair and I let out a faint gasp as my back arches and his dick rubs against my g-spot. With every thrust, a rush of sensation fills my body. He picks up speed and the sound of sex fills the house. CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! His body making contact with my ass with every penetration. I notice he begins to slow down and cries, “I’m going to cum.” At that moment I quickly shuffle out of the way and get on my knees to welcome his load into my mouth. He strokes his dick and I am sitting there on my knees with my mouth wide open. A few seconds later, his hot cum spews into my mouth and as I move in to put it all in my mouth, a strand of cum lands on my face. I continue to suck the rest of the cum out and swallow it all. He looks at me and gives me a smile of satisfaction. In a weakened state, he collapses into his chair with his trousers at his ankles and his dick still twitching from his orgasm. I blow him a kiss and leave to take my bath. Now, reenergized I grab my phone and replied to Mike, “Okay. See you tomorrow afternoon.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l5l1mz/busted_old_college_nudes_surface_fm_pt_2


  1. I love this. A gone wild action drama. James is obvi the rough and tumble brother who cracks skulls first and asks questions later. I want James to beat the shit out of Mike without mercy and gets rewarded with maybe a nice girl friend of the OP and husband seeing him as a nice protector/lover and they shag like rabbits in the spring.


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