Amy’s unraveling (MF)

Amy’s unraveling.

The hard days of work in the medical field during a pandemic was taxing. The difficulty and the pace were a large part of what made the work exhausting, but it was the human element that really drove the fatigue in. Amy had been putting in extra hours, trying to help the office catch up on the backlog of patients and the exhaustion was telling.

On this particular Friday night, she had stayed over an extra two hours to make sure the charting was complete and accurate. When she stepped out of the office, into the parking lot, the night sky rested pensively over the city.

“Ugh, I need a drink.” She thought to herself as she walked to her car.

She drove the two blocks it took to get to “Pub lick”, the most recent addition to the downtown pub scene. She had been here before on two occasions, one of which she had met someone. As it would turn out, he was far to eager for a serious relationship. They had only been on three dates before he began to profess his love. While love was definitely something Amy desired, she didn’t want the imaginary variety. After that, she ended the courtship. Tonight, however, Amy was not in search of anything but anything that would turn off her mind.

She stepped through the door, mask on, and meandered her way through the thickening crowd. Making her way to the bar, where she found an available seat. Mickey, one of the two men working the bar was also the owner of the establishment. He had introduced himself the first time Amy had came in, and though she left alone that night, Mickey had made an impression.

He was a somewhat classically handsome man. In that his face was framed in sharp lines and impeccable symmetry. His red beard was full and thick but was cropped short, keeping it from appearing unkempt. He kept the red hair on his head short with sharp meticulously trimmed edges. His eyes were as green as the waters in Lake Carezza in Italy. He had an easy smile that would put the most apprehensive person at ease. He had wide shoulders and a thick chest, but his pudgy stomach made him approachable.

“What can I get for you Love?” he asked, pulling from her distracted musing.

“Oh! Um, what’s new on tap?” she replied over the noise of the growing crowd.

“I have an amazing praline brown out of Savanna that would warm your soul.” He replied with that easy smile.

“I’ll have one of those.” She said, sliding her debit card across the bar. “Keep em’ coming.”

“You got it!” he replied.

Amy managed to down 6 of the tasty brown ales before closing time. As most of the patrons had already left by the time she cashed out, she found that she had more time to chit chat with Mickey. He had been so busy earlier in the night, they had a hard time getting a word in edgewise, and she found the quiet refreshing.

“Mickey, I’m too tipsy to drive, do you think it will be alright if I leave my car here for the night. I’ll just get an Uber home.” She spoke.

“Nonsense! I can give you a ride.” He replied with that same easy smile.

“Mickey are you trying to take advantage of me?” she asked sarcastically.

“Not at all. There far more discussion required before I go to bed with anyone.” He replied, smile unwavering.

“What do you mean?” she asked, puzzled.

“Well, I like to do things a certain way. It’s not necessarily everyone’s cup of tea.” He answered.

“Oooooh, you’re the kinky type! Well, you know, I’m a bit of a kinky girl, myself.” She responded, with an exaggerated wink.

“Well, nevertheless, not tonight. I’ll just give you a ride home and call it a night.” He said, never losing that knowing smile.

“I’ll be damned.” Amy thought to herself.

She had drunk enough to put her inhibitions to bed, and she ached for something to take her mind away from the world, at least for the rest of her conscious night.

Within the hour, Mickey had closed up shop and they walked to the parking lot together.

“Thanks again for the ride.” She said, gratefully.

“Of course! You’re the closest thing I have to a regular so far. I have to take care of you.” He responded with a chuckle.

“Oh, I thought it was because of my good looks.” She asserted.

Mickey had not missed a single opportunity to ogle the woman from the first time he had seen her. She was a solid five foot five inches in height, and lusciously thick. Her large breasts were the first thing to grab his attention, as the work scrubs she had worn into the bar were low cut. However, the wide hips and thick ass were much more appealing to him. Her wavy brown hair and matching eyes made her presence feel warm and comforting. Her wide smile was best described as disarming. He had found himself on his back foot in conversation with her multiple times, as he had gotten lost watching her smile.

“Well, there’s that too.” He replied with a chuckle.

The pair climbed into his truck and Amy directed him to her house.

The conversation remained light and flirty for the duration of the drive to her place. Mickey pulled his truck into Amy’s driveway and switched off his headlights, to avoid bothering the neighbors. They met eyes and without a word, drifted toward each other, where they fell into a kiss.

“Come in.” she said, breaking the kiss.

“I can’t Amy. But thank you.” He replied.

“You can, and you don’t have to thank me. I’m being selfish.” She said, curtly.

“Is that so?” he asked in a sarcastic tone.

“It is indeed.” she replied. “I haven’t been satisfied in months, Mickey, and it’s been a rough week. How about you suspend your rule and come distract me for a while.”

Mickey looked at her, all pretense of humor dropping from his expression. “I don’t do things the way most guys do, Amy.” He answered.

“Can you be a bit more specific?” she asked.

“I like to be in charge.” He replied.

“Don’t most guys?” she asked.

“Apparently not to the degree I do. I have been very close to getting into trouble because I was not clear enough beforehand.” He responded.

“Alright Mickey, I’m going to level with you. I have been single for a little while now, and have been through countless first dates, with very few follow ups. This year has been exceptionally stressful with the pandemic and all of that. I want a release. I’ve officially spent more time with you than any other guy in a romantic capacity in months. You want to take charge? Fine, so long as you’re not trying to hurt me, I am up for the challenge.” She said, honestly.

Mickey turned his gaze from her to her front door and sighed. “Ok. Alright, let’s go.” He said, turning off the truck’s ignition.

Amy opened the door and lead Mickey inside her house by the hand. He turned to the door, closed it, and turned the deadbolt. When he turned, he was looking down into Amy’s deep brown eyes. He could see how easy it would be to get lost in those beautiful dark orbs. She pressed herself up on her tip toes and leaned herself into Mickey’s soft, sensual kiss.

When they broke the kiss, they both smiled at one another.

“Did you like that?” he asked.

“Yes.” She whispered in response.

“Good, you’ll have to earn the next one.” He said, his smile melting from his face.

She was initially taken aback by his assertion, and her mind immediately pushed her to make him leave. Then she remembered what he had told her, and she remember what she had agreed to. She would not push him away after he had told her what he liked, and she had agreed to it. That wouldn’t be fair to either of them. Besides, the kiss and his aroma had already gone from her head to her pelvic floor.

“O… ok…” she replied.

“Take me to your bedroom.” He said, curtly.

She took him by the hand and walked him into the bedroom, where he stopped at the door.

“Take off your clothes and lie down on your back.” He instructed.

She began to disrobe, and he walked out of the bedroom. “He must be going to the bathroom.” She thought. Then she heard the clatter of ice dropping into a glass from the ice maker. A few seconds later and she had removed all of her clothes, and she crawled onto the bed. Mickey had rounded the corner of her door just as she crawled onto the bed, giving him an exceptional view of her ass from behind.

Amy laid on her back in the center of the bed, placing a pillow beneath her head she looked expectantly to the big man standing in the doorway. Mickey walked into the room and place a glass of ice water on the nightstand and stood. He unbuttoned his shirt and pried it from the waistline of his pants, exposing his pale white skin that was accented by the red hair that crossed his chest and plunged down his abdomen. He lifted the glass of water from the nightstand and took a sip, taking a piece of ice in his mouth. He bit down, breaking the ice cube in half and he spit one half back into the glass.

He walked around to the foot of the bed and crawled up. On his hands and knees he moved up the bed like a predator stalking its prey. He held her eyes with his as he drew closer to her. He leaned down and pressed his face into her neck and began to nibble. His warm lips, a stark contrast to the cold of his saliva. He moved down to her collar and the to one of her large breasts, where he would kiss around the areola. He lifted his lips away from her sensitive skin but maintained the slightest contact as he moved in circles around her nipple. The cold emanating from between his lips and the excitement of the moment drew her nipple erect. She began to ache in anticipation of him taking it into his mouth, yet he continued to tease her. He moved to her other side, giving the other breast the same attention, he had given the first. Amy’s desired caused her to arch her back, trying to lift herself into his mouth.

He lifted his head away from her advance and looked up into her eyes. “You will be still, until I say otherwise.” He instructed. Then he reached for the glass of ice water and took another piece of ice in his mouth. He replaced the glass and returned to hold himself above the beautiful woman, and a cold drip of water dropped from his lip and landed on her stomach, causing a gasp to surge from her lips.

Mickey lowered his face and he kissed away the cold droplet. He would repeat the action multiple times, moving farther down her torso, until his face was directly above her groomed pubic hair. Instead of continuing down the center, he moved to the corner of her groin and a began kissing deeply where her thigh met her torso. Pushing her legs apart he kissed from the front to the back and then swapped to the other side, repeating the action. The ice had melted by this pint, and his mouth had increased in temperature. She trembled below his touch and fought back the urge to draw his mouth into her pulsating labia.

Without warning, Mickey lifted himself from her crotch and returned for the glass of water again. Once he had selected his next cold tool, he moved back to Amy’s waiting body and he hungrily took her right nipple into his mouth, sucking with fervor. Amy’s fist clenched closed, trapping her satin sheets between her fingers as she struggled against her natural inclination to writhe under the man’s affections. Lifting his head again, he moved to the other side, repeating the action. Amy’s body cried out in protest, aching to welcome the man into herself.

“Please.” She stammered out the beg.

“No.” he replied.

Then Mickey surprised her by moving back down to her crotch, taking one labia between his lips at a time. The heat from her body had nearly decimated what was left of the ice his had in his mouth. He hurried along, more than he would have liked, because he had no desire to separate from her body again to get more ice. And so, he hastened his action and forced his cold mouth down on top of Amy’s clitoris. Taking it in between his lips and rubbing what was left of the ice cube over top of it, back and forth.

Amy’s body was in full revolt against her mind’s direction and her hips began to buck, driving herself into Mickey’s mouth with force. Fortunately, he had not taken issue and instructed her to stop, as she wasn’t really sure she could have. The tingling began centrally right at the tip of her clit and it surged out and across her entire body like a ripple moving across the surface of a pond. The orgasm grabbed her up quick, cause the constriction of the muscles along her extremities. Her arms and legs drew in toward her core, forcefully. He upper back lifted from the bed and her head lolled back as she let out a deep moan of pleasure. Her thighs clamped down onto the sides of Mickey’s head and he hadn’t stopped working her clit. Wave after wave crashed across Amy’s body as Mickey worshipped her love.

Feeling the tremors of her body lessen, Micky lowered himself and plunged his tongue into her grateful channel and lapped at her satisfaction. She had a heady flavor that only made him want to spend more time drinking her nectar. He used his will power to pry himself from her box, where he moved back to his knees and he wiped at her juices that encircled his mouth, nose, and chin.

Mickey backed himself off at the foot of the bed. He walked around to the side of the bed and looked down to the panting Amy. “Unfasten my pants.” He ordered.

She did not hesitate, turning to her side she slid herself to the edge of the bed, where she was eye level with his crotch, and she began working to release him from his denim. First the belt, then the button, and as she lowered his zipper, his swollen member pressed out. Held back by only the cotton of his boxers, he appreciated the relief of his throbbing cock’s newfound freedom.

Amy would not be scorned for not showing initiative, and she peeled his girth free from his underwear. As it dropped free from its constraints, Amy gasped at the size of what she knew would soon be inside her. Instead of waiting for Mickey to give her direction, Amy leaned forward and pressed her tongue underneath Mickey’s cock, at the base, and licked from there to the tip. He must have been excited because she could taste his salty precum.

She raised her eyes to meet his and he smiled. “Suck it for me, and if you do a good job, I’ll fuck you with it.” He instructed.

And with that, she opened her mouth wide and took him in. There was simply too much there to get all of it in her mouth, but it would not be for a lack of trying. She worked her head back and forth along his shaft several times, feeling him press into her throat long before she could get to his base. So, she started using her hand in tandem with the stroking motion of her head.

He began to moan in pleasure at her effort, further igniting her desire to please the man at least a fraction of what he had done for her. His breathing increased in intensity and his hips began to move in rhythm with her. It was not long before she realized his head was beginning to swell in her mouth. But, before she could redouble her efforts, he pulled himself free from her loving grip.

“No… not yet.” He said, as he turned himself away from her face. “We haven’t come this far for just oral.”

Amy, confidence growing turned herself so that her legs hung off the edge of the bed on either side of Mickey’s legs. Mickey looked down and considered her assertion. He reached down, placing his large hand around the front of her throat and gave a light squeeze. A twinkle of fear shot through Amy as she knew this was an illustration of his power. If he were to take the notion, this man could really hurt her, yet he took care to not hurt her.

He lifted her from her back and brought her to him for a passionate kiss. She raised both hands to either side of his face and caressed his cheeks for a moment, and then she dropped her right hand down to his throbbing member. She had barely gotten a full stroke of him before he pushed her back down onto the bed. He spread his knees apart, in turn lifting her legs as he raised himself onto the bed. As he now sat on his knees, his prick was in direct line to her entrance. He grabbed both of her legs by the back of the knee and lifted. As soon as she was splayed to his satisfaction, he pressed himself into her warmth.

There had been little to no resistance from either of their bodies, as they had both produced plenty of lubricant. Mickey long stroked her, in and out slowly at first but increased with the tempo of her breathing. He struggled to not get lost in the incredible feeling of her walls embracing him. He would not let the instinct take him until he got her off again.

Amy was entranced by the incredible feeling of being filled to the rim. Mickey’s cock touched all of her internal surfaces and she quickly was lost in the moment. She clawed at his back, wrapping her legs around his waist, moaning, and grunting under his attentions. Mickey, still holding her throat, leaned in and kissed her, without losing pace.

“I want you on top.” He demanded.

She said nothing, only nodded her head in acknowledgement. Mickey pressed his other arm underneath her waist, pulling her in close, and he rolled. Amy would not drop the rhythm he had worked so hard to maintain, and as soon as her knees were beneath her, she began to grind the full length of Micky’s dick. As she rocked back, she lowered her ass and would force him forward, inside of her. This had the effect of pressing the rim of the head of his cock to ripple across her G spot. Each thrust forced her closer and closer to release, and with that her walls clenched Mickey tight within her and she dropped the rhythm as her orgasm wracked her body. Mickey felt her fluids draining from her onto his lower abdomen, as she trembled atop his dick. She worked him in and out of her a few more times and collapsed on top of him.

He brushed her hair away from her sweaty face, as she panted prostrate across his chest.

“It’s my turn now. Are you ready?” he asked.

Again, she said nothing, just nodded.

“Hands and knees.” He demanded as he withdrew himself from her spasming vaginal walls.

She rolled off of his chest, and as he rose from his back, she grabbed two large pillows and pulled them under herself as she assumed the position.

“There it was again.” Mickey thought as he looked at her voluptuous round ass, perched in anticipation. He raised himself onto his knees behind her and reentered her. She felt tighter now than she had when they had begun.

Mickey finally succumbs to his hunger. He grabbed either side of her waist and stared down are her incredible ass as he began the abuse. He held nothing back now as he pounded Amy from behind. He moans and screams drove him over the top and he plunged himself as far inside her as he could when he released his load. Massive contractions gripped along his shaft as he emptied himself deep inside Amy. He reached forward and wrapped his right hand around the front of her throat and pulled her back. She turned to meet his kiss, enjoying the flex of his cock as it expelled rope after rope of warm cum within her confines.

The two collapsed onto the bed as soon as they were both able to move. Mickey struggled to his feet, and he walked back to the kitchen where he refilled his glass with ice water. When he returned, Amy had drifted off to sleep. He couldn’t bring himself to just fuck and leave, so he crawled in bed next to her and drifted to sleep as well.
