A Highschool Affair [teacher, student, cheating, caught, straight, lesbian] 1/2

This is a story about a gay girl that discovers she isn’t gay… then discovers she is gay… then realizes that she is just bi, but is not really sure. Confused yet? I know I was. That girl was me.   

I was eighteen years old, and summer break was just about over. A new school year was beginning ,yet unlike most people, I was excited. Not for the reasons one could imagine, however.

I was a lesbian. At least I thought I was since I had never been attracted to the opposite sex. My room was plastered with pictures of girls, and my internet history flooded with lesbian porn. My parents figured out when I was younger that I was gay, and I believed them. It made sense, so how could I argue it? My parents were incredibly supportive, and I felt truly blessed.

That’s actually a lie.  I was attracted to one man. However, to avoid crossing into another category, I’m going to omit that part. I never told my parents about this one man though. So they were convinced I was a lesbian. Anyway…

Being a lesbian in high school is difficult to say the least. Every year I hoped that someone I know might have come out of the closet during the summer. Every year I was disappointed. I can’t really blame anyone though, as coming out is scary!

I didn’t come out of the closet willingly. I had a friend that I fooled around with once. It was amazing and I thought I actually had a girlfriend. We thought we were in love and almost ended up running away from home to elope. Her parents, however weren’t  supportive like mine were. One day, she stopped talking to me, and told the entire school I was a lesbian. I felt devastated and betrayed by her. Trying to ease the pain, I thought, “well, at least I’m out right?” 


School changed a lot for me after this. My female friends stopped talking to me, and so did most of my male friends. The other ones stuck around only because they watched too much porn, and hoped that  being friends with me would lead to a threesome. Or at least some girl on girl action they could enjoy in person. 

And so I became an outcast. Life at school became lonely.  Each year slowly went by,and each year I desperately hoped that someone else would come out, or at least my orientation wouldn’t be such a big deal. My brother became my BFF, and thank god for that because if I didn’t have him, I almost certainly would have fallen into a spiral of depression. 

Well, enough sobby back-story. Let’s get back on track.

On the first day of school, I walked in the building and sauntered to my locker, hoping things had changed over the summer.. It almost felt like dipping a toe into the water of a pool to see how cold it was. Everything seemed fine at first, that is till I heard someone yell “hey slut!”

Of course, stupid me actually turned around to see who shouted it. I saw some of my old friends in a group of others. They were making the pussy licking gesture with their tongue sticking between their fingers, staring right at me. 

Apparently, over the summer I somehow became a slut. That didn’t even make sense! Out of all the girls at school, I was probably the one receiving the least amount of sexual attention. But they didn’t care. To them I was a slut. Ugh. People are so stupid sometimes. 

Rolling my eyes, I ignored them and headed straight  to my homeroom. Feeling of disappointment welled up inside me. A vivid feeling of dread replaced my former excitement.   This year was going to be the same as all the others. I was a slut now at least though…

I entered my homeroom and grabbed a seat near the window. I was a daydreamer, so it was the perfect place for me. It was a place where I could just stare off in wonder. I was feeling a bit down, until he walked in. My new homeroom teacher. The man that made me question everything I thought I knew about myself. 

*Switch to Mr.Taylor*

My wife Alice and I just moved here from the west coast. Her job had transferred her to open up a new department for their company. It was unexpected, and the excitement of starting a new life in a new city was a little daunting. Not as daunting as starting the first day at a new school thoughts.

I walked into my new classroom a little more nervous than expected. First impressions with students last forever, so I had to be sure not to mess up. I wrote my name on the chalkboard and prayed that nobody in the class knew who The A Team were. 

“Good Morning class, my name is Mr. Taylor,” I said as I turned to the class.

“Good morning, Mr. Taylor,” replied the class sounding very un-enthusiastically.

So far so good. 

“Before we start, I want to mention that the school has created a new teacher’s assistant program. They are trying to get more of you interested in  the idea of becoming teachers eventually. Would any of you like to participate?”

A few people quickly raised their hands. Some of the girls seeming more enthusiastic than others. They were very pretty, but I knew that picking a pretty teenage girl would be trouble. A couple guys raised their hands while snickering amongst themselves, almost as if this was some kind of joke.

“Pick me Mr. Taylor,” shouted a girl sitting near the window. 

She looked like she was in slow motion sitting there waving her hand in the air. Her full breasts bounced inside her white tank top, while her long, flowing, brown hair danced across the soft skin of her bare shoulders. She was beautiful, and most certainly trouble for me.

“Don’t pick the lesbian!” one of the girls shouted.

Lesbian? Maybe this could work then.

“I pity the fool that has to work with Lindsay, Mr.T!” One of the boys shouted from the back.

And there’s the reference… another year of that now…

I thought about how a hot, eager lesbian might be the best pick ever. She wouldn’t try to hit on me and I wouldn’t be as tempted. It made sense.

“Lindsay is it?” I asked looking at her. 

“Yes, Mr. Taylor,” she replied sounding very positive despite the rude comments of her peers. 

“If you are volunteering, then I would love to have you as my assistant!” 

Lindsay smiled and blushed as she nodded eagerly. 

It was not exactly the reaction I was expecting from a lesbian but I wasn’t about to change my mind now. 

*Switch to Lindsay*

I don’t know what came over me. Spending extra time at school doing whatever a teacher’s assistant did sounded like such a waste of time. Something inside me was pulling me to Mr. Taylor though. His chiseled jaw and his flowing brown hair had me melting. I couldn’t help but stare at his pecks that were popping out of his fitted white button up shirt. 

I started getting wet and sensitive. My damp panties rubbing against my clit every time I shifted my butt was driving me wild!. A sensation that I’m familiar with but I have never felt like this because of a man before. 

Well… except for the one guy I mentioned earlier. 

I was so confused but I wasn’t complaining. 

Class ended and I had a free period, so I decided to stay behind and inquire about my new responsibilities.. 

“Hey Mr. Taylor. So what am I going to be doing exactly?” I asked curiously as I approached his desk.

“Lindsay, Thanks for sticking around. To be honest I’m not entirely sure yet. Probably helping me with grading papers and making lesson plans. We will figure it out though. I’m sure there are plenty of things that you can help me with,” said Mr. Taylor, sounding slightly suggestive. 

It almost felt like he was flirting with me. Or maybe I just wanted him to be flirting with me.

“I’m sure there are,” I replied smiling back at him. The comment sounded innocent at the time, but maybe I was unintentionally flirting with him too. 

Mr. Taylor smirked. He is thinking something dirty I bet.

“So are you really a lesbian?” Mr. Taylor asked. 

“Uh, ya,” I said, shocked by the question. “I mean I think so.”

Oh my god!!! Why did I say “I think so?” I mean… I am but… this feeling… I don’t know…

*Switch to Mr. Taylor*

She thinks so? Did I make a mistake? This could be dangerous. 

“You think so?” I asked confused. 

“I mean ya, I am,” Lindsay replied sounding more confident. “It’s just, it’s not something I talk about a lot.”


“You don’t need to be shy with me. I think it’s pretty cool actually. Takes a lot of courage to come out at your age.”

Lindsay looked up at me with a growing smile. She was clearly relieved by my comment. 

Nailed it!

“Thanks Mr. Taylor, that means alot to me. I think I’m going to like working with you,” she said bubbling before prancing out of the classroom.

I couldn’t help but stare at her ass wrapped in those skin tight leggings that all the girls seem wear nowadays. It was quite the view that made my cock twitch. 

God I would love to bury my face in that… ugh no! She is eighteen, she is eighteen , she is eighteen! And I’m her teacher… I need a cold shower. 

The rest of the day went pretty well. Aside from the few odd trouble makers, my students seems to be a good bunch.  It’s far better than my last school for sure. Now that was challenging to say the least!. 

I went home and started getting dinner ready since I finished work before Alice. She has become different since we moved here. I suppose work was stressing her out. To say she was distant would be an understatement. 

Everything became so routine and stale. I could count on one hand the number of times we have had sex this past summer. I always tried to be supportive, but I was starting to loose hope. 

“Honey? I’m home!” Alice shouted as she walked in the door.

*Switch to Alice*

What a long day… something smells good though.

“I’m in the kitchen,” Keith shouted back.  

I headed to the living room and flopped on the couch. I didn’t even have the energy to go say hi to Keith. This new job has been killing me. Everything that could be going wrong was going wrong. I was barely handling it but it was taking its toll on me and our marriage. 

Keith just doesn’t seem to understand what I’m going though. I feel bad that I’m not able to give him the attention that he wants, but lately he just seems way too needy.

Even sex has been a struggle for me. The little sex that Keith and I do have just seems so….. stale. I prefer to just hide in the bathroom with my favorite vibrator, but even that has been a challenge. My mind is so cluttered with work, that I can’t even clear it long enough to make myself cum. It’s like trying to bake a cake without turning the oven on. It just doesn’t work. 

“Dinner is ready!” Keith shouted. 

“Ok coming!” I replied.

I walked into the dining room to see a beautifully set table with a Lasagna sitting in the middle. Keith wasn’t the most proficient cook in the world. He had only a few things that he knows how to make well. I used to do all the cooking but lately I just haven’t had the time. If I had to make dinner, I would usually just order a pizza or sushi.

Though I appreciated that Keith took the effort had put in, I still had work that needed to be done, so I bought my laptop to the table. 

“So how was your day?” Keith asked. 

“Long,” I replied trying to avoid the question. 

*Switch to Keith*

Alice was here, but still absent once again. I tried talking to her, but she was so focused on her stupid computer. She probably didn’t even hear half the things I said to her. I tried telling her about my day and about Lindsay, but the only response I got was,”that’s nice.”

She disappeared in the bathroom for another one of her 2 hour showers. I started suspecting that she might be having an affair, but I tried my hardest not to think about it. I turned on the TV and spent the rest of the night by myself. 

Over the next month, things at work improved while things at home only got worse. Alice and I barely talked anymore, but I wasn’t going to let that get me down. I shifted my focus to other matters.. 

Lindsay and I got very close. We were even on a first name basis which was unusual for a teacher and a student. It felt natural with us though. She was only eighteen, but she was very mature for her age. We spent more time talking than actually working on what we should be. She was a new light in my life that carried me through the day. 

Alice started working later and later, so Lindsay and I would spend more time together after school. I had to fight the fact that I was incredibly attracted to Lindsay, and not just her physical appearance either. Everything about her made me fawn over her. 

I think I hid it pretty well though… At least until the one day when I slipped. 

Lindsay and I were working late after class. Lindsay was was wearing a tight, cropped grey t-shirt, and a red pleated skirt that was far shorter than school rules would permit. She got away with it somehow though. Every time she bent over, it would lift up exposing the bottom of her tight ass, and a thin layer of purple fabric clinging to her mound. 

I didn’t even know what I was thinking, if I was thinking at all. It was more like instinct as my body reacted on its own to the hot teenage girl before me. My hand had somehow made its way under Lindsay’s skirt, and rested on an ass that could only be described as perfect.

I didn’t even realize what I was doing until Lindsay looked back at me and smiled before continuing her rummaged through the desk drawer.

Was that her way of telling me that she doesn’t mind?

*Switch to Lindsay*

Omg, omg, omg!

Inside I was screaming!

I thought I maintained my composure very well. I wasn’t angry though. I was bursting with excitement! Mr. Taylor’s hand was on my butt and it was sending hot chills through my body.

I know that  “hot chills” sounds contradictory but it’s really the most accurate description. It’s hard to explain. 

I knew he liked me but I never expected him to actually make a move. I had to look back just to make sure it was actually his hand on my ass and not just my imagination running wild. I was very happy when I saw it was Mr.Taylor. I didn’t object and just continued what I was doing. 

Hopefully he gets the hint… men are so oblivious sometimes. 

Mr. Taylor’s hand started gently kneading my ass, his hand sliding ever closer to the damp spot on my thong. I could feel the heat on my thighs and it radiated from my sex. I was so turned on and I wanted more but I couldn’t help thinking, what the fuck am I doing?

Time froze, my heart stopped, I held my breath, and then I gasped a sigh of relief. I wasn’t relieved for the reasons you might think though. I was relieved because in this moment of lust, I found clarity. I wanted him to touch me more. A guy, a man. I craved his touch and I knew exactly why. 

Maybe I’m not gay after all. 

*Switch to Mr. Taylor*

I had never felt something so soft before. If you had to describe innocence as something tactile, this would be it. My hot student, this sexy teenage lesbian was inviting me with her body, but it didn’t feel right. Not because it was inappropriate, but because this innocence deserved something more special than being groped in a classroom at four in the afternoon. 

That and if we got caught… well… that wouldn’t be so fun. 

With all the strength I had, I removed my hand from under her skirt. She looked back at me seemingly disappointed, but I hoped she would understand. I brought my hands to her waist and pulled her up so she was standing in front of me. 

“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” I asked as I stared deep into her big green eyes. 

“I… uhh…” she stammered nervously blushing.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked,” I replied feeling stupid.

“No!… I mean yes!”


“Yes… to dinner,” Lindsay said. 

“Oh, perfect,” I replied realizing that I really hadn’t thought this through. 

Now I had to figure out where to take her. It would probably be a little awkward if we went to a restaurant, plus it’s possible someone might see us. Almost as if fate was on my side, just then Alice sent me a text message. 

“I’m going to be home pretty late tonight. Don’t wait up,” she wrote. 

Lindsay was on the phone with her parents so I decided take the time to respond. I was happy my wife was going to be late,but I was also curious about why. 

“What time do you think you will be home?” I replied. 

“I don’t know. Possibly after midnight.”

“Why after midnight? What work could you possibly have to do?” 

“We had some issues that need to be sorted out. I can’t get into this right now. I will see you when I get home.”

“Okay fine,” I replied shoving the phone in my pocket. 

What was the point of arguing. Besides, now I was free to bring Lindsay home and cook for her.

*Switch to Alice*

I always felt bad lying to Keith, but it was easier than the alternative. The truth was, I didn’t actually have to work late. I was going to go out with Mark from work. He is one of the executives and hot as hell. 

It started out friendly, but last week I ended up at his place and some things happened. I didn’t plan on it, and I told him it wouldn’t happen again. We agreed to be friends and nothing more. So tonight was just going to be dinner and drinks. It just felt nice to let loose and relieve myself of some of this stress. 

The night started off friendly enough. We went to one of the best restaurants in town, but then he took me to this shady club. It was really not my type of place. We started making out in a booth at the back of the club. His hand was up my skirt making me feel all sorts of ways that a friend shouldn’t be making me feel.

And then he asked me to follow him to the men’s room. That’s when it ended for me. I was clearly just a quick fuck and I didn’t want any part of it. 

In this moment I also started thinking about Keith. I felt horrible about what I was doing, and I didn’t want to do it anymore. I decided to look for my panties and head home. 

Unfortunately couldn’t find my panties…

Oh well…

*Switch to Lindsay*

Dinner was… meh, but the company was fantastic. Mr. Taylor always knows how to make me laugh, and it really helped cut the tension. I was so nervous and excited all at the same time. Mr. Taylor’s touch still lingered on my skin and I wanted more. I was planning on more as well; so, before dinner I went to the bathroom and peeled off my damp panties. I figured it would be a nice surprise. 

Mr. Taylor and I sat on the couch and watched a cheesy romantic comedy. He seemed nervous though. It felt like he was on the other side of the couch. I decided to make the first move and slid beside him and threw my legs up on his lap.

I guess this was all the encouragement he needed as he wrapped his arm around me and placed his other hand on my thigh.  His hand was still at first, but then he slowly started stroking my skin. Those hot cold chills swept over my body again.

I let out a soft moan as if approving of what he was doing. Well… that and it felt really fucking nice. His hands slid higher and higher up my thigh with each stroke. My hands started shaking in anticipation. Finally I gasped as his fingers finally grazed my bare pussy. 

“Did you take off your panties?” Mr. Taylor asked me. 

“Mhm,” I replied with a innocent nod. 

I guess he didn’t need anymore hints as he leaned over and kissed me. Our tongue danced together while his fingers started exploring the excitement hiding under my skirt. He ran his finger up and down my slit, coating it with my juices. He then started tracing circles around my clit. I gripped his shirt and softly moaned into his mouth. 

He broke our kiss as his finger started entering me and asked, “have you ever been with a man before?”

I shook my head.

“I thought you are a lesbian?” He asked again.

“Maybe I’m not,” I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

My mouth opened and I took a deep breath as his finger sank into me. 

“So you’re a virgin?” He asked.

I really just wanted him to shut up and keep doing what he was doing. But I guess he was just as nervous as I was, so I decided to reassure him.

“Yes, but my dildo is my best friend, so don’t worry about hurting me ok?”

*Switch to Mr. Taylor*

The thought of sex had not even crossed my mind until now. Well… that’s a lie. The thought of actually having sex that night had not even crossed my mind… ok that’s a lie to. I just didn’t think it was a possibility. After she said that however, all bets were off. 

Her soft pussy felt tight for my finger, so the thought of having my cock inside her was driving me wild.  I didn’t want to do this on the couch, so I led Lindsay upstairs to the bedroom. As soon as we got in the room she peeled off her shirt and jumped on me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed me with her legs locked tight around me. My cock was throbbing as I held her up. One hand firmly on her ass while I unclasped her purple bra with the other.

I walked us over to the bed and laid Lindsay down on her back. Her legs refused to let go of me, but she released my neck so I could remove her bra. I couldn’t believe how developed she was for her age. I knew she had larger than average tits compared to most of the girls in school, but I figured some of that was thanks to a little help from Victoria Secret. Oh how pleasantly wrong I was.

I leaned down and took one of her cute pink nipples into my mouth. I sucked on it while my hand gently massaged the other. She whimpered as she ran her fingers through my hair. Her pelvis started grinding on the bulge in my pants and I so desperately needed to set it free. I reached down for my pants and started undoing my belt. Her hands quickly reached down to help and soon my pants fell to the floor. 

Lindsay’s legs wrapped tighter around me as her wet mound rubbed into my hard cock. This girl was driving me wild and I couldn’t wait anymore. I reached down and took my cock in my hand. I started rubbing the head against her opening. It didn’t take long for it to be coated enough to start slipping inside of her. 

“Just go slow,” she moaned to me softly; a  trusting look in her eye that I couldn’t take advantage of. 

I nodded and leaned down to kiss her. I felt her breathing change as the head of my cock started pushing into her. She felt so tight and delicate that I was afraid of hurting her. I pulled out and then pushed in again a little deeper. Slowly working my girth inside her. 

*Switch to Lindsay*

I couldn’t believe I was having sex. I had never actually thought about having sex with a man before so it felt surreal. His cock was bigger than my dildo and he was stretching me open. It didn’t hurt but it felt a little uncomfortable at first, but it got a little easier with each thrust. 

I felt so full when he finally sunk his cock completely inside of me. It felt like we were two pieces of a puzzle that just fit together and were now complete.  Mr. Taylor held himself inside of me, allowing me to get used to his size before he started thrusting. Every movement felt more and more amazing.  He kissed me again as he gradually started penetrating my virgin pussy with more rhythm. 

I started unbuttoning his shirt, ripping it off of him as fast as I could. I needed to feel his warm skin while he fucked me. I threw his shirt to the floor and gripped at his back with my fingers. The feeling was incredible.  I felt a energy inside me start to build. 

I started moaning uncontrollably which is something I had never done before. I just couldn’t help it. Each exhale of ecstasy brought me closer and closer to a inevitable climax. 

I was putty for him, and he was molding me into a woman. 

*Switch Alice*

I pulled into the driveway still contemplating the night’s events. I felt guilty about the things I did and just wanted to make things right with Keith. I headed inside the house trying to figure out what I should do or say, if anything at all. 

Entering the house, I heard a noise coming from upstairs. It sounded like moaning. I figured Keith must have been watching porn, so I figured this could be a nice surprise. I took a quick peek in the mirror and fixed up my hair before heading upstair.  I unbuttoned my blouse and threw it to the floor. I was still would up from earlier so I was really looking forward to some fun with my husband. 

I unzipped my skirt and slid it down, quickly remembering that I couldn’t find my panties at the club. I approached the door to the bedroom and was about to unclasp my white bra, but then I paused. I was in shock as I noticed a purple bra on the ground that clearly wasn’t mine. 

I slowly and quietly peered around the doorway and my stomach sank. I saw Keith, balls deep in some girl on our bed. I felt enraged and was about to burst into the room, but I stopped. My rage was replaced with guilt as I realized I had been doing the same thing. 

Is this my fault? Did I cause this?

Millions of questions started racing through my mind. I watched them silently trying to figure out what I should to. 

Just then, they rolled over and I gasped. The girl that was riding my husbands cock was just a teenager.

Is that one of his students? No… he would never… would he?

I couldn’t comprehend what I was witnessing. I was overcome with jealousy but I was also getting excited. I couldn’t help but stare at this beautiful teenager that was bouncing up and down on my husbands cock. Her body was amazing and I was mesmerized by it. So much so, that I didn’t even notice that my hand was rubbing my own clit. 

She threw her head back as she started to orgasm on his cock. A feeling that was supposed to be for me. I leaned my back against the wall out of view when I started hearing Keith’s distinctive grunting. 

I was so confused and turned on that I started to panic. I wanted to keep watching, but I had to get out of there. I quickly grabbed my clothes and put them on in a sloppy manner and headed back to my car. 

I drove down the street and parked in the alley behind the plaza. I leaned my seat back and resumed pleasuring myself. I needed to cum so bad and it wasn’t long before I did.. 

I sat there panting wondering how long I would have to wait. I started regretting not just bursting in, but that would have had serious  consequences.

Catching my breath, I decided to send Keith a text. 

“Hey honey, I’ll be home in about an hour,”

“Ok,” he replied a few minutes later.

I parked down the street from the house and waited. An Uber showed up and the girl left. 

I headed home and decided not to mention anything. I wanted to know if this was a one time thing, or if he was going to continue seeing her. 

A few weeks went by and I decided to have a couple “late nights at the office.” By that  I meant I would tell Keith I would be home late and then hide near the house to see what would happen. 

The first night there was nothing.This gave me a feeling of relief.The second night however, she was back again. I bought a little security camera and hid it in our bedroom. Sure enough, he was in there fucking her again. I expected to be angry again, but instead I was just turned on. I started masturbating again as I watch them. 

The next week she was back again and I watched the camera again from my cell phone; however, there was something in the way of the camera. I needed to see what was going on so I decided to just sneak into the house. I watched them again from the doorway, unable to  take my eyes off the girl as her perky tits bounced around. I looked down at my own breasts and started feeling insecure. I couldn’t compete with that. 

I new wave of feelings overcame me, and finally enough was enough.

I opened the door and entered the room. They obviously didn’t hear me as they continued fucking, so I cleared my throat. 

“Ahem! Am I interrupting something?” I asked sternly. 

“Oh shit!” Keith shouted.

The girl that was riding my husband quickly reached for a pillow to cover herself with. She looked so embarrassed, but still had my husbands cock deep inside her.

“Uh, would you mind getting off that cock please? That’s mine,” I said.

She nodded and started looking around the room for her clothes. I picked her tank top and skirt off the floor and handed them to her. 

“Thank you,” she said timidly while unsuccessfully trying to hide behind the pillow while she put her top back on. 

Keith was silent. He didn’t try to make an excuse or talk his way out of it. I could tell her knew he fucked up by the look on his face. He was probably feeling the same guilt I was, so I could empathize.

“So who is she?” I asked. 

“Her name is Lindsay,” Keith said.

“She is one of your students isn’t she?”

Keith simply nodded. 

“The lesbian?” I asked confused. 

Keith nodded again. 

“So not actually a lesbian then?”

They both stayed silent. 

“You know how much trouble you could get into?” I said trying to sound angry, yet instead it came out concerned. 

Keith just hung his head. 

I didn’t really have much to say after that. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even know what I was feeling. 

“Lindsay, it’s nice to meet you. Why don’t you get up and I’ll drive you home,” I said in a compassionate tone. I didn’t want to freak the poor girl out any more than she probably already was. 

“No I can take her home,” said Keith as he started looking for his clothes as well. 

“No, you can stay here. I think you two have had enough one on one time. Come on Lindsay, get dressed and let’s go.”

Lindsay nodded and stood up still holding the pillow. She looked around trying to figure out a way to keep herself covered so she could put on her skirt. Eventually, she gave up and placed  pillow back down on the bed and reached for her skirt. I gazed at her smooth pussy feeling slightly aroused. Looking down a little further, I saw a stream of cum dripping down her leg. 

Keith must have finished inside her when I walked in on them. I headed to the bathroom and grabbed some tissue. I returned, knelt down, and wiped the cum off her leg. Her bare sex was just inches from my face, giving off the most intoxicating aroma.

“Thank-you,” Lindsay said sounding more calm than before. She slipped on her skirt and started fumbling with the zipper, so I decided to help her. 

I’m not sure why I was being so nice to her but I couldn’t help it. There was something about her that just made me care. 

I scanned the room and grabbed her bra and panties. I held onto them and grabbed her hand leading her downstairs. She grabbed her back pack and we got in the car.  

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l5ncd2/a_highschool_affair_teacher_student_cheating