The affair with my work wife (FM)

*If you like this, please check out my other stories I’ve posted and stay tuned for more on this one.*

This all took place over the course of several years. My wife and I started new jobs that paid better than we ever had. Looking back, it wasn’t that much money, really, but it felt like a lot. I don’t think I’d have the space to detail all of our marital issues at the time, but it got bad and we almost got divorced.

A friend of my wife, Beth, had recommended me for my new job working for the same tech company as her. I hustled my ass off to prove myself and make sure she didn’t look bad. She was the head of a different department, but we’d occasionally grab lunch together and catch up. She was always friendly and helpful, but always kept it professional.

One lunch, she brought along a friend of hers, Elle, who worked in the same department as her. I later learned her real name is Ellen, but she doesn’t like it and insists everyone just calls her Elle. She was around our age, slim with straight brown hair, almond shaped green eyes and I was instantly attracted to her. She had a decent sized chest, D’s or so, and a cute ass. She had a dorky, but adorable type of personality that I found endearing and hilarious. She asked me all the standard new guy questions and the banter that proceeded with her felt comfortable and fun from the get go.

Over the next few weeks the three of us had lunch together once or twice more and in between Elle and I began forwarding stupid emails and jokes to each other. It began harmlessly, as I imagine most affairs do, and we quickly got more comfortable taking our lunches together without Beth.

At first, the flirting was very small, almost unnoticeable hints between us. I’d compliment her if she’d do her hair differently or if she chose to wear her thick framed glasses. She’d tell me which shirts of mine she liked most and I bought a specific cologne because she said she liked the way it smelled. We realized we both enjoyed making the other feel good and these small things became our sweet spot for a while. Never crossing a line and just trying to be friends and coworkers.

I would sit with Elle during large company meetings and we’d usually talk about new episodes of our favorite show. People around us began to refer to her as my work wife and even Beth would poke fun at us, but at this time there was nothing to be suspicious about. Months passed by and our lightly flirtatious sides became more sexually charged as we grew more comfortable with each other.

One day we were trying to figure out what we both wanted to eat. We went back and forth, but I told her to make the decision since I was so hungry I didn’t care the place. She looked me dead in the eye and with a very direct tone said, “I’ve got something you can eat, but it won’t fill you up,” with a devilish grin.

“You better let me know if that ever comes on the menu,” I said with some swagger and impressed myself with my quick witted response. She blushed and we moved on quickly from it, sensing the honest danger in our words.

A different time, she seemed particularly annoyed and I made a comment about getting in the back seat with me “to relieve her of the stress.” She gave me a look, studying me, probably gauging how serious I was. Eventually she said, “one day I’m going to call your bluff,” and we laughed before we got out of the car and had lunch like normal.

My lust for Elle became overwhelming. I’d catch myself fantasizing over her a lot, studying her social media page, unable to let my desire for her die down. While fucking my wife I closed my eyes and pretended it was Elle, stopping just shy of calling out her name in the heat of passion. As much as I wanted her, I knew there were too many red flags and consequences to consider making a move, so I just waited for this to pass.

More time went by and nothing faded, instead, my lust grew stronger. I knew I needed a reality check. I’ve had crushes before and gotten by them while remaining faithful, this should be no different. I listed all the things I love about my wife and I knew I had to put Elle in the “do not touch” compartment of my brain.

The thought of letting go of Elle was slowly destroying me. I wanted to know what Elle’s pretty face looks like while cumming. I wanted to see if I could make her eyes roll or her legs quiver. Does she spit or swallow? The more I tried to get over her, the more I focused on her. I was consumed by her.

I had absolutely crossed a line, but I saw so many things keeping us apart, it felt oddly freeing. We both have busy lives outside of work and we knew there’d never be a situation for us to act on our impulses so we became dangerously honest about our desires for each other. Nothing had physically happened between us, at all. We wouldn’t even talk or text outside of work unless it was something huge, and during those rare occasions we did, it was never ever flirty, just business.

A short time later, my department announces new job openings. Most of the job was traveling for a few weeks or months at a time, but the pay was so much more than I was making. I applied and was one of the first few accepted.

Elle wasn’t too thrilled when I told her. At first she was teasing me about finding a new work hubby while I was away. I joked about her being insatiable and how we’d be divorced in no time in real life. She eventually admitted she was jealous and sad, she said it felt like a breakup. I told her to apply, to come with me, but we both knew she couldn’t bear to be away from her son for those long spans of times.

Eventually, the start of the project comes and I’m on the road, at my first stop. My first week or so went by pretty fast and I quickly found a new work rhythm. I missed sex badly already and became bored of beating my meat over and over to the same old same. By the end of my 3rd week I was desperate for something, *anything* different. I begged my wife for nudes, or to phone sex, but she’s very reserved and wouldn’t do it. She claimed she didn’t feel sexy enough and promised me it would happen soon. It never did.

A few days later Elle texted me, just checking in. I had been wrestling with the idea of texting her for weeks now and my horniness gushed out of me when her name lit up my phone. My flirty texts became more aggressive. The added layer of being so far away gave me extra confidence and the next thing I know I’m sending her a picture of my fully erect cock. I’d never sent a dick pic before that and I felt really uncomfortable about it until I read Elle’s response, “I need that…right now.”

Instantly we’re sending long blocks of texts about all the dirty things we want to do with each other next time we see each other. The next night she sent me a picture of her tits, beautiful, grapefruit sized tits and perfectly erect pink nipples. The next night it was of her ass in a thong. I don’t know how she was hiding these from her husband, but I couldn’t get enough. The next night was a short video of her fucking a dildo with the caption, “I named him after you ;)” I’d send back photos of the mess I made watching the video and it got really hot for the remainder of my trip.

Next thing I know Elle’s wishing me a safe flight back home. I felt odd about leaving my first site, there was this new dynamic with Elle and I knew it would change once I left and was back around my wife. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that.

Sure enough, when I got back Elle and I went back to not communicating. Despite everything we had done, I didn’t know if either of us were ready for more and I didn’t want to move too fast. I was both relieved and disappointed when our sexting stopped, but I assume it was what she wanted and what we both needed.

The first few nights home I fucked the hell out of my wife like bunnies fresh out of prison. We’ve always been pretty vanilla, but she does appreciate a nice firm slap on her ass or light choking from time to time. This time, I went right to blindfolding her and restraining her. I even recorded it on my phone for future jerk off material on my next trip. I hadn’t heard once from Elle and I didn’t try to get in touch with her either.

Days later I woke up in a new city. I still hadn’t heard from Elle since my last trip and the silence between us felt ominous. Maybe she’s feeling guilty, maybe she doesn’t want me after all. I probably should be feeling more guilty than I do, but I flat out just missed Elle. I broke our silence with a text, it was strictly as friends and nothing NSFW about it. She responded friendly and casually, but short, and our texts remained that way for weeks. Then she sent me this:

Elle: I guess I’ll see you in San Antonio!

Me: OMG when did you apply? What about Benny?

Elle: my mom’s going to help watch him while I’m gone. we could really use the money.

Me: it’s really easy! You’ll do great and it’ll be nice to have someone normal to talk to.

I couldn’t help but get excited and also very nervous about it now. Elle and I would have no supervision or anything but sheer will power keeping us apart. Feeling so far away from my wife somehow made me think being unfaithful is easier to accept.

Disclaimer: I take full responsibility for sounding like the piece of shit I am, but, to me, Elle was becoming all the things I used to see in my wife: intelligent, vibrant, fun, playful, sexy, curious.

I should have just ended it with my wife before this, but my marriage had been in a great place, oddly enough. Plus it felt more likely that whatever Elle and I had, has now fizzled out. She hadn’t been acting the same since our sexting streak and I still didn’t know what to make of it. Millions of possibilities ran through my head. Maybe she’s moved on from the excitement we used to have and no longer wants that. Maybe she’s making the right decision for us both, keeping me at a distance.

The fateful day arrives and I volunteered to get Elle from the airport. She seemed so genuinely happy when I first laid eyes on her rolling two large pieces of luggage. From behind her big sunglasses, she had a bigger smile. The sun beamed off her blonde hair and glasses as I pulled over to the curb to help her. She was in tiny jean shorts that exposed most of her thighs and a plain spaghetti strapped top. It was the first time she was in casual attire in front of me. I was so turned on by her, but I was also very hesitant to make the remarks I used to.

The ride to the hotel was all normal, how’s life, family, work, but her thighs kept grabbing my attention. It felt like I was forgetting something, like a kiss hello or if my hand was supposed to be holding hers or rubbing her thigh right now. I felt my stiffness growing just smelling her perfume next to me. I knew she wore that one cause I once told her I liked it on her. I was looking for any reason to believe she still desired me in the same way I do for her.

After checking into her room and getting settled, one of the guys suggested we went out as a team to introduce Elle to all of us. We had a small group and we all did the same things, but worked separately to cover more training at once and get very big jobs done on time. Elle was the only girl, which probably greatly increased her hotness.

We started with shots and they told me to make the toast to my work wife joining the crew. The guys started joking around that she’s here because she didn’t trust me by myself.

“My Ellie-kins,” I pronounced proudly with a warm smile, staring down to her small stature, “I raise this toast to you. Now let’s enjoy our honeymoon.” I quickly took my shot and laughed while staring at her. She slapped me on my arm before taking her own shot and chasing it with a beer.

I tried to give her some space and went to get more drinks. I didn’t want to appear too pushy or eager, but I had trouble hiding my jealousy as I saw other guys approach her. Finally, she came up and grabbed my hand, “you don’t have to dance, but can you keep the creeps away,” she asked.

We downed our drinks and she soon lead me to the dance floor. Once we wedged our way through the cluster of bodies she gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek, “I think this is a fantastic honeymoon” she said before spinning around and grinding her ass into me. I didn’t even care if the team happen to see us like this, I wanted her so badly.

We found a rhythm and the more she ground into me, the harder I got and the more I pictured getting inside her. She leans back and grinds her body against me, rubbing my chest with her back and my cock with her ass. Her head tilts back and I slowly leaned down to kiss her neck. My hands ran down her sides, but she grabbed them before they reached her ass. I kept them on her waist, pulling her closer, harder into me, making sure she felt every inch of what this was doing to me.

A few songs later she turned around. Her face was glistening in sweat and I could tell the last two drinks had caught up with her. She tries grinding against me again, but stumbled. “You ok?” I asked just before her head leaned towards me. We shared one of the best, most intimate kisses I’ve ever had. Maybe the alcohol induced haziness adds some extra flavor to my recollection, but everyone else was on mute for that moment. Her lips were light and soft and she wasn’t sloppy despite her drunkenness. Our tongues felt out and rolled along each other’s before we pulled back.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long and the payout was worth every second of the wait,” I said to her at the end.

“Let’s go. Right now,” she said excitedly.

“Now? You sure?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah, before I chicken out,” she said.

The way back to the hotel was a short cab ride that we spent cuddled up, occasionally kissing and holding hands. We were making up for all that time of being physically negligent to each other. We find our way to the elevator and I click on my floor, the door dings open and I go to lead her off the elevator, but she stops. Losing grip of her hand makes me stop and spin around to see Elle’s guilty and apologetic face. “I’m sorry,” she says and clicks the button to make the doors shut. I was stunned and heartbroken, but I knew she was saving me from myself.

I didn’t get much sleep that night. My mind raced wondering what she was doing, if she was thinking about me and waiting for her knock. I texted her, but she didn’t respond. I missed my shot I thought to myself.



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