Busted! Old College nudes surface [F]

I’m a teacher at a large high school and I am very careful not to expose my identity in any adventure. When I was in college (about 8 years ago) my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I were 2 broke college kids and we needed money for books. He was working 2 jobs and going to school full-time while I was busy doing my internship hours and not getting paid at all while also going to school. I felt guilty he was overworking himself and I was enjoying the fruit of his hard work. I decided to turn to amateur pornography online and slowly started seeing the money come in. My business model was simple. I would advertise on Craigslist and sell various images of me in a USB to the client. Never disclosing my name or face in the pictures. I never met any of the clients either so I felt that I was simply sending people naked headless pictures of myself online.

Over time the business died down and we were able to graduate and go on to get decent paying jobs with our degrees. Fast forward 5 years and I had forgotten about the pictures and felt comfortable I would never get connected to it until the dreaded day came. I woke up that day like any regular day. My husband cooked breakfast while I got ready for work. We kissed each other good bye and proceeded with our morning ritual as usual. I was approaching the campus when I get a message from my husband’s best friend. His message read: “Call me when you have a minute. I have to ask you something.” I saw the message and simply though he wanted to talk about my husband’s upcoming fishing trip with him and other friends. I replied, “Just getting to work. Ask away or wait until my lunch period.” I see the ellipsis show indicating he is typing and suddenly it stops. I assume it was not important and get out of the car. Just as I closed the door, my phone vibrates. At this point I’m running late to my morning meeting and just leave it in my purse.

I proceed my regular day and I don’t get to see my phone until lunch time. I go to the teachers lounge and open the message from the best friend. My heart stopped and a cold rush traveled from my neck to my bottom of my spine only to be followed by a hot flash. The message stated, “Is this you?” and was followed by a picture of me sitting on the floor of my dorm room giving the camera a very clear view of my dripping-wet pussy filled with a large dildo. One hand was thrusting it inside deeper and the other was cupping my boob. I started sweating and immediately ran to the restroom. I looked myself in the mirror and splashed some cold water in my face. “Get it together! He doesn’t know it’s you!” After some deep breathing exercises I was able to calm down and reply, “She looks very hot but no. That’s not me.” I stared at the phone. Anxiously waiting a reply of agreement and disregard. Nothing. 5 minutes pass and no reply. I eat my lunch and can’t stop shaking. Then as I’m getting up to go to my classroom my phone vibrates. It’s the reply! It’s a picture from my Facebook photos where I am hugging my sister in my dorm and the background is exactly the same! The same dirty bra partially hidden under my bed. The same textbooks hanging up on the wall. The same sheets. The same chair and computer. The same hair and body. It was me and he knew it! It was over! Tears filled my eyes and replied “How did you get them?” The message was read but no reply. Suddenly the bell rang and I was brought back to reality. I had a job to do and my personal issue had to wait until after class.

As soon as class was over I went for my phone. Oh my god. 10 notifications from him! I open them and start reading:
“Someone sent me a link to a Dropbox and it’s there.”

“Don’t worry. It doesn’t have your name on it or anything like that. I just know because I remember we used to hang out at your dorm and I knew the room looks familiar.”

“I’ve had these pictures since like 2 years ago but didn’t know it was you until last month.”

“I asked [omit husband’s name] if you ever sent him or took pics like this and he said no so I assumed he didn’t know. I didn’t tell him anything.”

“I downloaded the folder and it has over 200 pictures of you.”

“Hey are you there? Call me when you can.”

“These are some of the pics”

Then followed by pictures of me in my dorm room. I could not believe it. I stood up and closed the door to my room to have a good cry. I had so many emotions running through my mind and I didn’t know what to do. Should I tell my husband? Should I delete all my social media? Then it clicked. So far only one person had reached out which I suspected meant that others didn’t know yet. I deleted all my pictures of me in my dorm so that I couldn’t be tied back to it. Now I had to deal with him. I gathered the courage to call him and resolve this over the phone.

I scroll to his name. The line starts to ring. He answers, “Hello?”

Me: You almost sound surprised, Mike. I want you to tell me everything.

Mike: Tell you what?

Me: How you got those pictures of me. I also want you to delete them!

Mike: (laughs) Okay okay. Well you were featured on a Snapchat account where they posted nudes of girls. You know I’m a PI so I investigate who these girls are and-

Me: And you stalk them? You blackmail them? Just stop. You’re starting to sound like a fucking creep!

Mike: (laughs) Look I’m only telling you because you are a friend.

Me: Okay. Consider me told. Now what?

Mike: I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship. Tell [husband’s name] you want to join the fishing trip. I’ll keep this our secret until then. We can discuss payment for my services moving forward once we are camping at the lake. Oh and take that dildo. It looks good on you. (Laughs) Bye!

The call disconnected. My life was over. Some would argue it was just beginning…

[Pt 2 coming if enough support]

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l4xfgg/busted_old_college_nudes_surface_f


  1. WOW this guy reminds me of me, I cannot help it when I see a picture of anything I remember all the details in a picture but God this was a scary read. Dying to see part 2

  2. Better to tell him about pictures than get conned into cheating on him by some creep who’s trying to blackmail you.

    What the creep is coercing you into doing is illegal. I’d be tempted to involve the police.

    Better to come clean that make the problem worse by cheating with creepy Mike.

  3. I would kick him in the balls so hard he wouldn’t ever get an erection again then have him arrested for blackmail.

  4. Tell your hubby. I think him and Mike won’t be friends for very long after that.

  5. Please tell us part 2!!!!! The whole world is waiting for your next chapter, so after that I will give you my opinion band advise if you want it. Take care

  6. Sadly, Mike never made the camping trip. As he left his house the next day, he was run over by a garbage truck which had been reported stolen the previous day. Investigations are ongoing.

  7. I want to know what you did! I would have told my husband and set that motherf@$%^ up!

  8. Tell your husband. Both options are awful but you’re gonna have to pick the lesser of two evils.

  9. Good story! Lots of people trying to protect you here, and that’s good! But, I suspect you are a big girl, and will let us know what you decided to do in the next chapter of baby gets busted!

  10. Gotta love blackmail. I’ll be damned if anyone will hold anything over me. I’d out myself if I were you.

  11. That guy is a piece of shit and NOT your husbands best friend or even friend at all

  12. Listen to me, this is a shit test. Of course he told your husband they are bro’s, but your husband wants to know if you’ll really allow yourself to be blackmailed into cheating on him instead of fessing up. Seriously, why would his friend risk the entire fishing trip trying to sneak around with his wife? Come on now.

    Here’s what you do:

    Hide all your husband’s guns, and tell him exactly what happened. Fishing trip is cancelled.

  13. He’s telling you because he’s a friend, then proceeds to blackmail you? Well with friends like that who needs enemies. I hope you tell your husband about the photo and your scummy friend. I doubt your husband would be upset of you selling faceless nudes from back in the day.

  14. There are so many problems with the story logic here:

    That’s not what a private investigator does.

    Who was buying nudes on a thumbdrive over Craigslist in 2013? Why would anyone distribute pornography that way if it wasn’t illegal? This character was on a college campus, and clearly would have had access to broadband.

    “You’re a friend” and literally seconds later: “I’m blackmailing you”

    This was written by a man who has some issues he needs to work out.

  15. Tell your husband immediately. Better to be honest with him than to hide anything from him and tell him why you did the pics if he doesn’t know. Then tell him about Mike and what Mike said and watch your husband beat his ass into a pool of blood. A good husband doesn’t let his wife be treated that way. Besides you two have been together for how long? You never met up with any of the people buying your pics so is what you did so bad especially since you didn’t show your face? No. So the worst you did was show pics without showing your face and you are a faithful and loving wife. Seriously, tell your husband and let the ass beating of Mike begin. If it were me, I would understand especially if you explained why you did what you did.

  16. You gave up plausible deniability when you admitted that the pix were yours. I presume you actually wanted Mike to know that they were you.

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