Step Sister Corruption Part 64 – Day 21 Willpower (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I think Gabe has been around me too long.

And I love it.

For how much I bitch about Gabe in reality I’m having a hard time not falling to every one of his whim’s.

Maybe this whole friends with benefits situation we are having was a bad idea, because I can’t help but fall deeper and deeper for him.

I just want to make him happy because I can’t stop being happy around him.

Though I think he is a pig and a major asshole there has been plenty of times where he proved to me I’m his and only his.

And right now he is making me melt.

Somehow Gabe got me tied down on his bed.

Actually I knew how and the moment he started strapping me down it was hard to let him notice how wet it made me that he was taking control.

My friend and his step sister, Kelly, was kneeling next to the bed with her arms behind her back making her extra large chest that I wish I had on me stand more out.

I am currently fighting a losing battle against Gabe’s current potent combo.

Damn him.

Damn his mother.

I currently had that special chest lotion rubbed on me so now my girls were extra sensitive and they lied about my denial that I had just lied about.  Along with that stupid elixir that made me want nothing but a good pounding.

Gabe stood over me with a shit eating smile as he asked me, “So how does it feel to be dominated?”

I looked at him and gave him a small smirk before I answered, “Fuck you!”

He smiled as he reached down and lightly flicked me left nipple causing me to writhe as the sensation shot nothing but feel goods through my body and I bit back a moan in pleasure.

What was the point of rightfully accepting Gabe without giving him what he wanted….me.

Well I’m not going to give him the satisfaction that I was already his.  I wanted him to work for his prize.  I just hope my resolve will last but I doubt it.

He smiled and looked at my friend, “Kel be a dear and go get me one of your whips.”

I watched as my friend nodded and gave me a smile.


I spoke, “Wait!”

Kel stopped and looked back at me.  I looked at Gabe, “What about the cameras?”

Gabe smiled and walked over to the desk where his laptop was.  He picked up and brought the laptop over.

He set the laptop down on his end table next to the bed and turned it around so I can see on the screen.  On the screen was their parent’s security system.  More specifically the camera that overlooked the staircase on this floor that read “NOT RECORDING”.

Bastard thought of everything.

With that I watched Kelly leave and I looked at Gabe, “So what’s the plan?”

He smiled and spoke, “No plan.  Just answer my questions.”

He reached down and lightly flicked my other nipple making another shot of feel good electricity shoot through my body ending at my turn on button, otherwise known as my clit, slowly protruding beyond my lower lips and out of the their protection begging for attention.

Damn this fucking liquid on my girls.

I bit back another moan.

I heard Gabe chuckle and I wanted to melt even more.

Damn this body.  Damn my temperament.  And damn my feelings for him.

Just then Kelly walked back in with what Gabe requested….a small whip with multiple little whips attached.  Otherwise known as a cat of nine tails.

He graciously accepted the whip and Kelly kneeled back down with her arms behind her back.

I looked up at him already knowing where this was going, “What do you plan on doing with that?”

Gabe looked down on me and smiled.  Then he flicked his wrist and the tails lashed against my chest.

The sensation shot a delicious mixture of pain and pleasure through my body and I bit back a scream.

He repeated his question, “How does it feel to be dominated?”

After the pain and pleasure washed through my body, I looked up at him and said, “Fuck you!”

He smiled knowing our little game was getting to me.

He flicked his wrist again and this time the tails lightly lashed along my stomach.

The pain was delicious.

Was I turning into a masochist?

He reached down and lightly pinched my girl and pulled up.

This time I couldn’t hold back as a light moan escaped my mouth and a tear escaped my eye.

Gabe spoke, “Well?”

This time I couldn’t hold back, “I love it!”

I looked up at Gabe to see his smile on his face and I smiled back accepting I was truly loving this side of him.

He spoke the next question, “And you love dominating Morgan?”

I hoarsely spoke, “Yes!”

He smiled, “Good.  Good.”

He flicked his wrist and the whips licked along my mound and that delicious mixture washed along my body.

My back arched as the mixture was licking along my brain threatening to destroy my dominant personality.  It wanted to be his sub.  I wanted to be his sub.  I wanted him and wanted to be his.  But I wasn’t going to freely admit that.  He was going to have to work for it.

I just hope he didn’t look down as I felt my special man prize which was already moist start to juice up.

Eventually I relaxed as the mixture subsided.

Gabe spoke, “And what’s your plans with Morgan?”

I looked at him and defiantly said, “That’s for me to know.”

Gabe clicked his tongue at me before he reached a lightly pressed on my lower button and slowly started making circular motions causing me to writhe.  He spoke as he made the circular motions, “Come now Summer.  Don’t you want your pet to join in on your fun?”

My lips trembled.

I wanted to answer his question.  But honestly I wasn’t sure.  I knew I wanted to help Morgan with her problem much like Kelly.  But for some odd reason my selfish tendencies to explore my own self controlled my want to help her instead helping me.  I hadn’t really thought that far ahead.

Was he wanting to start a harem?

No, I don’t want that.

I want Gabe all to myself.

The circles increased and my mind was flooded with other thoughts….lustful thoughts.

It made me want to agree to anything he asked.

Still I had to fight.  

I spoke, “She’s my pet.  Not yours.”

The whip licked my girls again.

Gabe, “You sure?”

A tear escaped my eye, “What do you want from me?”

He smiled, “I want you to be honest with yourself.”

I looked at him, “I am being honest.”

He clicked his tongue at me, “I seriously doubt that.”

With that he looked at Kelly again, “Go get me a vibe.”

I watched as Kelly nodded and got up.

Gabe spoke again, stopping Kelly, “And any other toys or devices you can think of.”

Kelly looked back at us and nodded.

He looked down at me, “Now where were we?”

He pinched my girl and lightly pulled up causing me to scream out in pain……and pleasure.

My body was betraying me. It was betraying me so much I felt my exit hole and ass cheeks glistened by my pussy’s juice just leaking out.

My pussy demanded Gabe’s dick inside it. It rebelled at my body receiving pleasure and not it I felt my pussy lips quiver as a mini gasm shake it’s core.

My mind was beginning to give in as the mini gasm lightly lick my brain.

And Gabe stood over me as my body shuddered in ecstasy.

The only thing I wanted more than Gabe at this moment was that I don’t want this to stop.

