Luna and Riley Ch. 03 – Testing Courage [Incest] [Fiction] [Futa] [Lesbian]

*Disclaimer: This story is dramatically fictitious and possesses depictions of completely unrealistic and unattainable body standards. If that isn’t your forte then you may not find this story to your liking. If you decide to read the story regardless I thoroughly hope you enjoy it! Thanks!*

*Notice: Read the earlier chapters, so that this one makes more sense. Your choice, xoxo.*

**Chapter 3: Testing Courage**

Luna sat up in her bed as she slowly woke up. The windows in her room faced away from the rising sun, so her room was quite dark in the morning. She reached over and shut off her buzzing alarm clock, before rolling onto her back and gazing up at the ceiling. Today was the day to see what would happen with Riley. A pit formed in her stomach as her mind pessimistically began to think the worst.

Maybe Riley would realize that what they did was weird and she would never look at her again. Luna tried her best to put those thoughts aside and think positively. When Riley had left her room last night, she seemed both happy and thankful for the moment they shared, and Luna was hopeful she wouldn’t have any second thoughts.

She climbed out from under the covers and grabbed her towel. Luna always slept naked, otherwise her large cock became uncomfortable when she got her sleeping erections. She wrapped the towel around herself and walked to the bathroom. As she got near, she could hear Riley start up the shower inside. Damn, she thought to herself, as Riley tended to take long showers and Luna didn’t like to wait.

She had just turned around when she stopped and considered that this could be her first chance to take advantage of their new “open door policy”. Luna hesitated outside the door. What would she even do once she had gone inside. She didn’t want Riley to see her penis, but wanted to see how Riley would react to her entering the bathroom while she showered. This was a problem that had not occurred to Luna the night before when she had made this new rule.

“Maybe I can just pretend to fix my hair or something…” Luna thought to herself.

Luna quickly stored her penis inside her pussy and took a deep breath before quickly opening the door and moving into the steamy room. She could see Riley recoil at first, instinctively covering her chest and crotch through the glass of the shower. The glass hadn’t quite had long enough to fog up entirely, so Luna was greeted with a decent view of her wet, naked body glistening in the bathroom light.

Riley quickly realized it was Luna and let her arms fall to her sides, giving her an even better view. She smiled through the glass as she understood that this was going to be the new norm. Luna closed the door and moved further into the decently sized bathroom, returning her a soft smile of her own.

“Good morning!” Riley chimed happily as the door closed.

“Morning.” Luna responded.

“I put my arms down, see!” She said proudly, gesturing to her naked body, “You can see everything.”

“I noticed.” Luna replied, “Seems like you’re getting more comfortable with it after all.”

“I hope so,” Riley said, “But it’s probably just because I’m just naturally more comfortable around you.”

Luna felt special hearing her say that. Luna’s towel, draped off her large tits, flowed as she walked to the mirror. Luna wiped the fog from the mirror and pretended to mess with her hair as she tried to look busy.

“You’re so pretty…” Riley said from the shower.

Luna looked over to see Riley staring at her through the mirror, a subtle look of longing on her face. Riley admired the way the towel hung from her sister’s beautifully round, firm breasts. She could see her sister’s nipples poking through even the thick fabric of the towel. Her eyes glided down the white fuzzy fabric, to where the towel was heavily displaced by her wide hips and big round ass. Riley had always been jealous of her sister’s hyper feminine form.

“Look who’s talking!” Luna replied, “You’re the one who’s gorgeous.”

“Yeah right…” Riley scoffed.

“I’m serious!” Luna insisted, “How many times do I have to tell you, for you to believe me.”

Riley didn’t respond, but continued to admire her sister.

“Hey how long are you going to be in there?” Luna asked as she was about to leave the bathroom.

“I don’t know… I just got in.” Riley answered.

“Alright, well don’t use all the hot water.” Luna requested.

“You… You could join me… If you wanted…” Riley spoke softly and nervously.

Luna froze. She hadn’t expected Riley to ask that, and her mind raced to think of all the possible outcomes of the situation. Either Luna would accept and join her in the shower, revealing her penis and scaring her sister. Or, she would refuse, letting down her sister and possibly fracturing Riley’s confidence and trust in Luna’s kind words of praise and affirmation.

“I… I don’t know…” Luna said softly, completely unsure of what to do.

“Is… Is it because…” Riley started, “Of your… Penis?…”

Luna went pale as what felt like all the blood rushed from her face. Riley knew about her penis? How? For how long? Luna’s mind raced, and she started to tremble in the embarrassing situation.

“It’s okay, I won’t be freaked out…” Riley tried to reassure Luna.

“How… How did you know?” Luna asked, sure she had never exposed herself to her sister.

“I saw it once a long time ago when you were changing and didn’t know I was home…” Riley admitted, “I didn’t mean to look, it was an accident… I swear.”

Luna believed Riley. All her life, she had never known Riley to be inconsiderate of her privacy.

“You’re sure you won’t be freaked out?” Luna asked tentatively.

“Of course not! You’re my sister, I could never be scared of you.” Riley said.

“Well if you’re sure, then I guess we might as well save the water.” Luna said.

Luna’s hands trembled as she was about to expose her penis to another person for the first time. A person whom she both, considered very attractive and had had fantasies about. She would have to be especially diligent to not get hard while showering with her sister. Her hands untied the knot holding the towel up, and she let it fall to the floor in one quick motion.

Riley’s eyes wandered quickly all over Luna’s body, from her perfect boobs, to the thick flaccid penis that curved backwards and disappeared between her legs, and finally to her exceptionally wide hips and firm round butt. Luna was undoubtedly the epitome of beauty to both men and women alike.

Riley’s jaw unintentionally loosed as she watched Luna’s strong legs flex with each step as she walked towards the shower. Riley wanted to ask why her penis was wrapped up the way it was, but didn’t want to seem rude or insensitive. Luna swung open the door and stepped into the steamy shower.

The water felt cold at first, causing her to jump a bit, but her body quickly adjusted to the wetness and began to warm up. The two stood incredibly close, Luna soaring over Riley, neither one speaking, both simply analyzing the other as the water splashed against their nude bodies. Due to their difference in size, Riley’s face was mere inches away from Luna’s gigantic penis. She was heavily focused on not getting a hard on, as she didn’t want to scare Riley off.

Luna was the first to make a move, quickly dipping her head under the showers flow, wetting her face and hair. The shower had been modified to allow Luna to use it normally, a luxury that college life hadn’t afforded. Riley tried to follow suit but neither of the two were quite used to sharing a shower and they kept getting in each other’s way. Luna tried her best not to accidentally brush up against Riley’s body and it seemed as though Riley was doing the same.

After they had both washed their hair, Riley grabbed a washcloth and doused it with body wash. She rubbed the cloth against itself until it was sufficiently sudsy, and began to scrub her body. There was only one wash cloth, so Luna was forced to wait and watch as she got her wet body, glistening with bubbles. She worked her way up her body, starting at her small feet and skinny legs, and gradually rising up to her loins and stomach.

She squeezed the cloth tightly, sending a splash of bubbles and soapy water running down over her chest and flat breasts. Luna couldn’t decide if Riley was purposefully putting on some kind of show for her, or if she was just easily aroused, considering the situation. Riley’s body was slick with soap, as she moved up to her shoulders and upper back. Luna saw an opportunity to test Riley’s new confidence when she noticed her struggling to reach her middle back with the cloth.

“I can get your back, if you want.” Luna stated simply.

“Yeah, sure…” Riley responded nervously, “Thanks…”

Riley handed her sister the cloth without looking at her and nervously awaited her action. Luna knelt down and took the cloth carefully from her hand, preparing to wash her little sister. Even when squatted as low as she could, Luna was still taller than her small sister. While they were obviously becoming more comfortable with each other’s nudity, Luna understood that touching was a big step, even if it was just her back.

With her left hand she gently grabbed her thin, upper arm, causing her to jump at the contact. She brought the wash cloth close until it eventually connected with the small of her back. She heard her take a sharp breath as she began to very slowly and gently wash her with the soapy cloth. She made long, gentle strokes over her shoulder blades and down her spine to the soft curve of her back. Despite it being just her back she was washing, Luna felt a thick sexual tension in the air.

She caressed her slim, smooth mid section noticing the way it flowed straight into her flat buttocks. Luna could see Riley’s feet angle in together as she continued to wash her, and she could feel her sister beginning to tremble slightly under her touch. She purposefully took longer than necessary, savoring every moment of the sensual cleansing. After a while Luna let her go and signaled that she was finished, offering her back the cloth.

“I f.. forgot to get my butt” Riley stated shakily, without taking back the cloth.

She then stood up on her tip toes and arched her back, pushing her ass out in an offering towards Luna. Riley reached out and grabbed the wall in front of her to help her keep her balance as she awaited her sister’s action. Luna was surprised, but happy to oblige her request. With her free hand, she grabbed Riley at the side of her waist, eliciting another small jump from her. Luna could feel her trembling even more now, which encouraged her even further.

Riley held her breath as Luna first made contact with her petite ass cheeks. At first Luna just waited there not moving, perhaps waiting to see if Riley would change her mind, but when she didn’t, she began to gently scrub her bare bottom. Her butt was small and firm, while the skin was soft and incredibly smooth, and her confidence grew as she continued to rub it. Luna began to squeeze her ass, as she rubbed her, admiring how her fingers sank slightly into the soft flesh.

Riley’s ass wasn’t nearly as big as Luna’s, whose one cheek was easily larger than both of Riley’s combined. Luna was quickly getting distracted and began to lose sight of the reason for her fondling. Suddenly she dropped the cloth to the floor of the shower and grabbed each cheek or her sister’s ass in her bare hands. Her fingers sank as deep as they could as her lust overtook her and she squeezed hard, gliding easily over her skin due to the soapy water.

She thought she heard Riley moan softly as she groped her with her bare hands, exploring every inch of her cute backside, but it was hard to tell with the sound of the shower. Regardless she was showing no sign of resistance, slowly gyrating her hips with each of her own movements, and trembling heavily at this point.

Not wanting to take things too far, Luna eventually ungrasped her petite rear, and picked the cloth up off the ground. She could have stayed in that moment forever, but figured she shouldn’t push things any further than she already had. Once Luna had retrieved the cloth, Riley slowly rested her feet back, flat on the ground and released her grasp on the wall. She turned, facing Luna, so the water could rinse off all the soap that Luna had just applied to her backside.

“Thanks Luna.” She said, her breathing still heavy from her fondling, “I can get you if you want.”

Luna nodded in approval, and handed her back the cloth. She turned and applied more body wash to the cloth as it had run a bit dry of suds. Happy with its revitalization, she turned back to Luna. Luna was about to turn so that she could get her back, when surprisingly she reached out and began to scrub her chest above her breasts. Luna watched as she began to scrub circles over her large boobs, and defined abs.

She was being very gentle, taking her time, and the small, soft movements of the cloth felt great against her glistening skin. Luna’s nipples became hard under the soft, sensual stimulation of Riley’s washing, and she could feel her dick start to tense up a touch as well. Thankfully, Riley seemed mesmerized by her sister’s much larger, and imposing stature, that she didn’t seem to notice her nipples harden or her cock twitch.

She began scrubbing the large round thighs that enclosed her small body on both sides due to Luna’s squatted stance. Luna was curious to see how Riley would approach her cock. A bit disappointingly, she avoided her crotch all together, only getting close while scrubbing the inside of each leg.

“Alright, Spin!” She beamed. She seemed to be thoroughly enjoying caring for her.

Luna stood, spun 180, and squatted back down, soon feeling her sister resume her scrubbing. Her small hands left no spot unwashed as she started at her upper back and shoulders, and worked down to the small of her back and tight, round buttocks. Riley paused before making broad circular motions that got tighter and tighter with each pass, on each cheek of her ass.

Luna was a bit shocked to find how great it felt to have someone else wash her body. Riley, seemingly lost in the moment, began to jiggle Luna’s large firm ass. She said nothing as her hands worked together to bounce one of Luna’s cheeks, mesmerized by the way it moved and stuck out from her body. Luna was fine with it, actually enjoying the sensation, but after a few minutes she was worried they were wasting water.

“Uhhh… I think you got it Riley…” Luna chuckled, hoping not to sound too stern.

“Sorry…” Riley replied softly, “It’s just soooo big, I love the way it looks and feels. I wish I had an ass like this.”

“Maybe one day you will.” Luna said only to cheer up her sister.

Luna knew that Riley had already gone through puberty, so it was unlikely that her body would drastically change in the future. Riley stopped fondling Luna’s backside and told her she was finished scrubbing. Luna stood, turned around, and stepped under the warm water, rinsing off the soap Riley had generously applied.

“Thanks Riley.” She said, looking towards her with a smile.

“Mmmhmm” She hummed happily in return.

Once again, the two stood together under the water, silently looking into each other’s eyes. Luna thought it was cute and funny how hard Riley had to crane her neck just to look up at her face. She hovered over Riley like the full moon on a clear night. Luna thought she could again sense longing in Riley’s eyes, but figured her aroused state was likely skewing her perception. She reached down and swiftly scooped up her tiny sister taking her into a sweet embrace.

Luna hoisted her up into the air, aided by her strong disposition and Riley’s small size. Riley wrapped her legs and arms around Luna’s waist and chest, burying her head between her large, round tits. Luna could feel the slick, smooth skin of Riley’s outer pussy lips squish and squirm against her abs. In fact, it almost felt like Riley was purposefully humping groin against the hard ridges of her abs. Luna just continued to hold her in embrace, and after a minute more of grinding, Luna was sure Riley was purposefully humping her.

Luna’s cock gave a large twitch, which worried Luna that it may soon pop out. She quickly put Riley back on the floor and the two exited the shower. They quietly dried off, both secretly hoping that communal showers would become a more regular occurrence. Luna was impressed with Riley’s comfort of their mutual nudity.

Luna could tell Riley was still pretty nervous, especially when suggesting new things, but she knew she was much more relaxed then she had been, just the night before. Luna was pleased to think that her already strong bond with Riley was growing even stronger. Luna figured Riley’s humping was more a matter of sexual urgency than a sign of Riley’s feelings towards Luna being sexual in nature.

They both exited the bathroom, and split off to their respective rooms. Luna got dressed into skin tight biking shorts that caressed every curve of her muscular thighs beautifully. She threw on a matching sports bra that, unsuccessfully, tried its hardest to contain her ample chest. Once again her large, pointy nipples were clear through the material, but other than nipple covers, which were uncomfortable and expensive, there were few ways to hide them.

The top showed off her impressive abs and biceps which she thought looked really hot. She decided against panties, as there was often a noticeable seam under skin tight pants or shorts, and due to her cock, thongs weren’t very comfortable. Once happy with her appearance, she went downstairs for breakfast. She found her mom in the living room watching TV, and she could hear her father in the office. Luna went to the freezer, grabbed some toast-able breakfast foods, and popped them in the toaster.

About 15 minutes later, she heard her sister begin to descend the stairs. As Riley came around the corner, Luna admired her choice of wardrobe. Riley was wearing grey, fluffy knee high socks that she had scrunched down to a few inches above her ankle. The thick, fuzzy fabric curled and folded over itself, loosely swishing around her lower calves as she walked. Her narrow hips were covered with tight fitting shorts that were nearly completely hidden by her long, oversized t-shirt.

Her shirt had a large neck opening, as it was draped from only her right shoulder, flowing halfway down her upper arm on the other side. The neckline cascaded dangerously close to her small, left nipple and Luna felt her cock twitch as she noticed her sister was clearly not wearing a bra, her nipples poking prominently into the thin fabric. She was surprised to see her being a bit more scandalous, even where their parents might see.

Her gaze rose to her face which she noticed was flushed, as well as her breathing being somewhat labored. Luna flashed her a welcoming smile, which Riley timidly returned as she walked into the kitchen. Luna watched as with each step the loose shirt swished around her tight, young body, her left nipple nearly coming into full display as it did so. Luna grabbed her breakfast, taking a seat at the table, and soon Riley joined her, sitting across from her.

The two ate and made small talk happily with each other, speaking of their plans for the day, among other things. After a bit, their father entered the room from the office. He sat down at the head of the table and looked to his children. Luna saw him take notice of Riley’s lack of a bra, but he didn’t mention it as he quickly looked away and joined their conversation. While it was expected of Luna to not wear one, Riley almost always did.

“So what’s on the agenda for today?” Their father asked.

“Not much.” Riley answered. “Becky isn’t doing anything, so I’m probably just gonna hang out here today.”

“What about Charlie?” Their father inquired.

“I…” Riley started shakily, his name sparking her memory, “I won’t be seeing him again any time soon.”

“No?” Their father asked, “I thought things were going pretty well between you too.”

“Nope.” Riley said with as much confidence as she could muster, “He’s a jerk just like all other boys… I’m just gonna hang out with Luna from now on…”

Riley gave Luna a sweet smile as she said that, her chocolate colored eyes catching the morning light coming in through the large windows behind where Luna sat. Luna smiled back at her, thankful for their loving relationship.

“Darn,” Their father said, “That’s too bad, he seemed like an okay kid.”

“Well looks can be deceiving.” Riley responded.

“I suppose that’s true,” Their father agreed, “What about you Luna?”

“Same thing I’ve done everyday for the past month and a half.” Luna said quickly.

“Well since we’re all here, we should play a game!” Their father suggested.

Their father called out to their mother in the living room and asked if she wanted to play as well. After getting a positive response, the three moved to the claustrophobic basement, littered with boxes and unorganized possessions, to peruse their selection of board games. Agreeing on Monopoly, they brought it upstairs. Luna was amused by the view of Riley’s flat butt as they ascended to the first floor. Eleanor turned off the TV as the three came in.

Luna saw her also quickly examine and silently question Riley’s choice of clothes, but like their father, didn’t say anything about it. The three sat and joined Eleanor at the living room table, quickly unpacking the game board and its pieces. After some setup, they began to happily battle each other for economic domination as the hours ticked by.

As the game winded down, it was a bit past noon, and only Luna and Riley were left, with Riley having a generous lead. Luna rolled, unfortunately landing on her sister’s most expensive space. While she could have paid it by mortgaging properties, Luna accepted defeat as she could see the writing on the wall. Riley bounced in her seat, throwing her hands up in celebration of her victory, her shirt nearly exposing her nipple as she did so.

“Well played, Riley!” Luna congratulated her.

“Thanks Luna,” She responded gleefully.

Their parents applauded Riley as they packed up the game.

“That was fun!” Their father said, “What now?”

“I think I’m gonna go up to my room for a bit.” Riley replied, stealing a glance at Luna as she did so.

“What about you Luna?” Their father questioned.

“I think I’m gonna head up too.” Luna answered, eager to see what awaited her.

“Alright, but can you take the game back downstairs?” Their father asked, handing Luna the game box.

Luna nodded, taking the box as Riley quickly skipped away, down the hall and up the stairs. Luna returned the box to the basement, and made her way up the stairs. She heard her dad quietly talking to someone on the phone as she continued up to the second floor. Luna walked past her own room, moving towards Riley’s closed door. She paused outside for a moment before turning the knob and pushing her way in.

Closing the door behind her, she moved into the room. To her delight, Riley had already undressed in accordance with their new upstairs policy, lying on her bed naked except for her fluffy socks which she had left on. Riley looked away from her phone, to Luna, as she walked into the room, flashing her a nervous smile while putting down her device. Luna watched as Riley’s face blushed and her arms and legs became covered in goosebumps.

Her nipples seemed to also quickly stand up, fully erect, sticking out from her flat chest like perfect little pencil erasers. Her arms were at her side, her small hands and fingers tensed under her gaze as she grew more self-conscious. Luna climbed up to the foot of the bed, resting her back against the wall once she got comfortable. Luna rested a hand on Riley’s shin, and slowly began to rub up and down in an attempt to calm her nerves. It proved ineffective as she remained tense.

“You seem to be getting more comfortable.” Luna lied, trying to encourage her.

“I don’t know…” Riley spoke nervously, “I’m still not quite used to being so open.”

“Well I think you’re doing a great job so far.” Luna added.

“Thanks…” She replied softly, becoming a bit less tense as they talked.

The two sat there in silence for a moment, as Luna continued to stroke her skinny leg. She was unsure of what to say as, for the first time, she was at a loss of words with Riley. As Luna considered how to initiate more conversation, Riley surprised her by beating her to it.

“I think it helped a lot when we… washed each other in the shower.” Riley stated softly.

“Yeah?” Luna prodded.

“Yeah, maybe more physical contact would… I don’t know… speed up the process…” Riley trailed off.

“Is this just your way of getting me to give you a massage?” Luna teased.

“Maybe…” Riley said playfully, giving her a devious smile.

“Fine,” Luna chuckled, “But you owe me.”

Riley chirped happily as she sat up and turned over, laying on her stomach. Luna sat up and crawled over and above Riley. Worried that her weight would hurt Riley if she sat on her legs, Luna used her muscles to hover just a few inches above Riley’s legs. With her ass hovering just above Riley’s lower thighs, Luna’s thighs extended to Riley’s shoulders.

“Would you like shiatsu or the deep tissue, Miss Johnson.” Luna joked, faking an eloquent voice.

“Deep tissue please.” Riley giggled.

“One deep tissue massage coming right up.” She said as she cracked her knuckles.

Luna towered over her naked sister, a sudden feeling of power overcoming her. Riley was completely at her mercy. She could have stripped off her shorts and started rubbing her dick against her ass cheeks right then if she wanted to. She promptly discarded her evil fantasy, feeling somewhat bad for even considering it.

She was doing this for Riley, not for herself. While she had to admit she was enjoying her nudity, ultimately they were both only doing this so that she could gain some confidence in her body. It was wrong of her to want to take control of the situation for her own selfish desires. Luna refocused on the task at hand and gently placed her hands on Riley’s back. Riley tensed and took a sharp breath as her cool hands suddenly made contact with her smooth back.

“Oh wow,” Luna said, still role playing as a masseuse, “Yeah you are pretty tense.”

“Shut up!” Riley laughed playfully, calming down a bit.

“Our technique here is pretty rough, so let me know if it starts to hurt.” Luna said.

“I can handl- mmmmm….” Riley started to say, but was cut off by her own hum of relaxation as Luna began her massage.

Luna started high on the back, making deep strokes up and down with her knuckles on either side of her spine. Despite her immense height and muscular build, Luna’s hands and feet were actually, proportionally, quite small. From her wrist to the tip of her middle finger was only 7 inches, and from the back of her heel to the tip of her big toe was only 9.

Riley’s skin was so smooth and lively, however, that Luna’s small hands easily glided over the surface, even with such great pressure applied. She worked around her shoulder blade, being careful to not apply too much pressure on sensitive areas. She used a pinching technique with her thumb and fingers on Riley’s side near her armpit. Luna hadn’t given many massages before, but she understood enough to make the experience enjoyable.

And enjoy it, Riley seemed to do, occasionally humming and groaning with relaxation. Luna moved her massage further down Riley’s spine to the small of her back. Her small waist made it easy for her to reach across her whole back as she rubbed her. Luna adored her pretty face as she massaged her. Her short hair flowed beautifully, and her eyes were closed, an expression of absolute contentment filled her face.

Her full, slick lips just barely parted, indicating she was nearly fully relaxed. She had now completely stopped tensing, melting under Luna’s loving touch. After a few minutes Luna was ready to move on to her ass. She was fairly confident Riley wouldn’t object, as she had just fully groped it only a couple hours earlier, but she still desperately didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Almost as if she could read her mind, Riley said faintly,

“I believe I ordered the… full body massage.” Playing into Luna’s earlier charade.

Luna wasted no time after getting the green light, swiftly attaching a hand to each of her meager cheeks.

“Ooooooohh….” Riley moaned involuntarily, slightly louder than she expected to.

Luna worked the massage in deep, amused by Riley’s lack of rear volume. Nonetheless, she continued the massage without mentioning anything. Riley’s bottom became red as the repeated stimulation encouraged blood flow. Luna spread her ass cheeks and pressed her thumbs down along her gap. She noticed Riley starting to tremble as her massage became a bit more sexual in nature.

She looked to see her hand tensed, the fingers gripping tightly to the bed sheets. Her eyebrows raised in the middle, and she bit her bottom lip to prevent any more accidental signs of pleasure. Luna grabbed the lower part of her ass and spread her cheeks again, closely examining her vagina. Sure enough, a clear liquid secreted from between her puffy outer lips, pooling onto the bed sheets below.

Judging by the amount of discharge, Luna concluded she was quite aroused. She continued her rubbing, deviously focusing more now on her crack and getting dangerously close to her asshole and pussy. Riley began to tremble more and more, until she was practically vibrating beneath her.

“Is everything alright, Miss?” Luna asked without stopping her massage and feigning ignorance to her arousal.

A brief and shaky “mmmhmm” was all Riley could muster as she rapidly approached orgasm. It wasn’t long before it hit her, and she let out a stifled whimper as her vibrating changed into small uncontrollable convulsions. Luna let her go as she writhed beneath her, flopping onto her side and curling up into a fetal position. Luna admired how cute she was while orgasming, her eyes clenched shut and her eyebrows curled upwards.

Her body continued to jerk and twitch for what seemed like a minute before she was able to recollect herself. Luna climbed off of her as Riley sat up, hugging her legs in front of her. She avoided eye contact and Luna could see tears start to form. A pit formed in Luna’s stomach as she anticipated the worst. She had taken it too far, and now Riley hated her.

She couldn’t even look her in the eyes anymore. Luna’s mind raced as she immediately thought of every bad case scenario. The silence between them seemed to last for weeks, though it was probably only a few seconds.

“I’m…. so sorry.” Riley whispered shakily, both from her recent orgasm as well as her current emotional state.

“What? Why?” Luna responded, confused as to why Riley was the one apologizing.

“I… I didn’t mean to…” Riley couldn’t finish her sentence before breaking into tears.

It hurt Luna to see her cry, and under normal circumstances, she would have given her a shoulder to lean on. However, she was still confused about the nature of her sudden emotional shift, and thought it unwise to touch her again before getting a better understanding of the situation.

“I m…must be th.. the worst sii..ister ever.” Riley stuttered in between her cries.

“What are you talking about?” Luna questioned kindly.

Still unsure of the situation, Luna took a chance, crawled over to Riley on the bed, and wrapped her arm around her. To her relief Riley immediately snuggled deeper into her embrace. Riley was trembling under her arm as she cried, though Luna wasn’t sure if it was due to the orgasm or her present status.

“Y…you were just tr…trying to help meee… annnd I t..took advaaantage of” She got out slowly amid sobs, “It j…just felt so g…good, I’m s…so sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?” Luna asked, trying to reassure her, “That’s what all of this was about. We’re trying to make you more comfortable with other people. Remember?”

Riley sniffled as her trembling and crying began to subside.

“I’m glad you were able to…” Luna hesitated, “Cum. That just shows that you’re getting more comfortable.”

“So you don’t….. hate me?” Riley almost whispered.

“Hey, look at me.” Luna said, gently lifting Riley off the bed and into her lap. “I could never hate you. No matter what. I love you, Riley.”

Riley passionately gazed into her eyes for a moment before suddenly breaking into more tears. She swiftly buried her head into her chest as her arms wrapped around Luna. Riley’s naked body pressed deeply into her as she hugged her tighter than she ever had before. Luna wrapped both of her strong arms around her and held her there silently for a moment.

“What did I ever do to deserve you.” Riley spoke tenderly.

“I wonder the same thing about you every day.” Luna returned.

The two sat silently, savoring the loving moment, until being interrupted by a knock at the door. The two quickly unlocked arms and looked to each other in panic. After a second, Luna hastily threw Riley on the bed and grabbed the bed sheets, quickly covering Riley. Riley pulled them up so that only her neck and head were exposed and tried her best to recompose herself.

“Come in!” Riley called, her voice still a bit shaky.

Luna flopped onto the foot of the bed and did her best to adopt a relaxed posture, before the door to the room opened and in walked their parents.

“Oh good, you’re both in here.” Eleanor started before noticing Riley’s teary face “Is everything okay?!”

“Yes, Luna was… just helping me get over Charlie.” Riley lied handily.

“Awww, how nice.” Eleanor said looking over to Luna.

“Yeah… She’s the best.” Riley added, giving Luna a tender smile.

“Well, that’s nice and all,” Their father said, “But, we have some big news! Isn’t that right dear?!”

“Yes… Children, your father…” Eleanor paused to build the suspense, “Has just received a rather large promotion!”

“Nice!” Riley cheered.

“Way to go dad.” Luna tagged along.

“Yes, and we figured we could go out for a nice dinner and a movie in celebration, how does that sound?” Their father asked.

“Sounds good to me.” Both kids agreed.

“Great, it’s settled then.” Eleanor announced, “We’ll leave here around five-ish, and the place we’re going is pretty fancy, so wear something nice Riley. You don’t have to Luna.”

Luna and Riley nodded in understanding. Luna was used to being allowed to wear less nice clothing to finer establishments, as her family knew how sensitive she was. But still, she couldn’t help but feel like she was always dragging everyone else down in appearance due to her lack of fashion.

“So are we gonna be, like, super rich now?” Riley joked rhetorically.

“Who knows…” Their father answered, putting on a playful, mysterious tone.

Luna and Riley looked to each other in slight confusion. It was hard to tell if he was joking and their family would remain functionally identical over the coming months, or if the promotion did in fact come with a significant pay increase. With that, their parents chuckled and left the room. Luna could hear her mother whisper excitedly to their father as they walked down the hall and stairs. Riley flung the sheets away and sprang up from the bed.

“That was weird.” Riley said.

“Yeah…” Luna agreed, “Are we rich now?”

“Maybe?…” Riley responded, “I have no idea.”

The two looked skeptically at each other as they pondered the odd scene that had just occurred. Regardless of what would come to pass, Luna figured that at the very least that their family’s financial situation would remain the same. Luna got up from the bed and looked to Riley.

“Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” She said.

“Yeah…” Riley agreed.

Riley stood and walked over to Luna on the bed. Even with Luna on the ground and Riley standing on the bed, Riley’s head was still only at Luna’s shoulders. Riley reached out and hugged Luna once more.

“Thanks about… before.” She said, “I love you too.”

Luna hugged her back and kissed her on the top of her head, before leaving the room with a smile. It seemed their relationship was getting stronger by the hour.
