Mia was standing there, just a few feet away, and just staring at us. I couldn’t tell if she was more pissed or confused about what was happening in front of her. Tina, pulled my fingers out of her pussy and shot up in total embarrassment and was frantically trying to get her skirt back on correctly. I just kind of stayed where I was, as if I was a kid that just got caught doing something bad. We all kind of just stayed still, and quiet, for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Tina muttered out that she should leave and then ran out.
Mia, just stood there looking at me. It was as if our roles were reversed. She was obviously shocked beyond words, and I didn’t know what my next move was, so I just got up and sat on the couch and asked if she wanted to talk about what she just saw. She sat down next to me and kind of chuckled, but didn’t say anything. Hearing that, I got confused and asked what she was thinking.
She was quiet for a few seconds, then said “I don’t know. I mean, it’s kind of gross, cause she’s my cousin and your niece. But I get it. She’s hot, and there is always a line of guys trying to fuck her.”.
I laughed, but before I could say anything, she said “Besides, everyone kind of noticed you ogling her all night.”. When she said that, it made me think about how they were both dancing and feeling each other earlier that night. I could feel my dick lurch a little bit in my pants, to which I had just realized they were still unbuckled and my zipper was down. After that my mind just went down the rabbit hole… thinking about Tina’s tits, then Tina groping Mia’s big tits, then watching Mia give her boyfriend some head, to fingering Tina’s wet pussy. I was starting to get super horny, and the outline of my dick was slightly starting to show through my pants. I tried to shift the way I was sitting so I could try and hide the outline a little bit, but Mia had already noticed, but didn’t say anything. I looked at her, but all I could see were her tits. I don’t know if it was the alcohol, or if I was just horny out of my mind.
Mia gave out a little chuckle, “What are you thinking about, I saw that.” She said as she really quickly pointed to my crotch. “And I see you staring at my tits!”
I quickly snapped out of it, “I’m sorry… I guess it’s just been a while since… well, you know.”.
Kind of nodding her head, she says “No, I get it. You were about to fuck your niece, and now you’re getting hard looking at your daughter’s tits!”. I couldn’t tell if she was mad, or if she was getting a kick out of this.
At this point, I knew I was just super horny and needed to fuck something… anything. “Well, just like I told Tina, I am a tit-man, and your tetas look like they would do the job…”.
“Yeah? Well, yes, they do get the job done… every single time.” Mia says with a sexy grin.
I could see her the top of her skirt, her nipples were starting to get hard. Was she getting turned on, or was she just having fun? Was she still drunk too? “Why don’t you show me how they get the job done then?” I asked brazenly.
She knew what I was up to and just looked at me like as if she were saying, are you for real. Then she took me by surprise and said “Fuck it!”. She stood up, and just like Tina, she slowly started to bring her top down, one tit at a time. Her areolas were smaller than Tina’s, but her tits were fuller, rounder and fatter. My dick started to grow hard again. Mia took a step closer and asked if they were better than her cousin’s, and I all could do was nod. She came closer and was now right in front of me. She bent over slightly and put her hands on my shoulders, then leaned in and stuck my face between her fat tits. I could feel the weight of them on me, and they were heavy. She was a petite girl, so I couldn’t understand how her tits were so big. They must’ve been half her bodyweight alone.
For the second time tonight, I had a pair of the nicest tits I’ve ever seen in my mouth. As I squeezed them and sucked on them, I could hear her start to moan. I could tell she was starting to enjoy herself, but I could tell there was still some hesitation. I admit, it was a bit weird, but my dick was too hard to care. Since I was playing this game again, I tried to do the same and started running my hands up her thighs, into her skirt. But before I could make a touchdown, she grabbed my hand, and said “not yet”. She then stood, and hiked her skirt up to reveal the sexiest sheer thong. I thought she was going to take her panties off, but instead she hiked up her skirt so she could straddle me. My dick was on fire at this point. She pushed her tit back into my mouth and started grinding her pussy onto me. The more she grinded on me, the more she would moan. I tried to touch her pussy, but she stopped me again.
I was starting to get a little frustrated because I needed to fuck something after being teased by two sexy ass Latinas. I think she could sense this because she backed off and stood back up. Looking down at my pants, you could see a wet spot where she was grinding on me, and another wet spot of my precum leaking through.
Looking down at my crotch, Mia says “We should do something about that…”. She then gets on her knees and starts to pull my pants off. My pants are now around my ankles and my head is spinning thinking I’m about to have my little girl suck me off. The thought of my cock in her mouth makes it leak a little more precum, without even being touched.
“Whoa, dad! Not that I ever thought of it, but nice cock!” Mia says with a devilish smile. Now, I don’t have the biggest dick. But I would say it’s above average. It’s only about 7 inches in length, but as thick as my forearm, and I pride myself on keeping everything completely shaven for a nice clean look.
I sat back and closed my eyes and got ready to feel her hot mouth engulf my cock… after a few seconds, I got nothing and opened my eyes, and I could see Mia giggling to herself because she knew what I was thinking. I felt a little embarrassed but at the same time confused, because if she wasn’t going to suck my dick, what was going to happen. She stood up and hiked her skirt up again. Well, if I wasn’t going to get some head, I was totally fine with getting some of her pussy.
She started to straddle me again, but this time she kind of only straddled one leg and was more on the right side of me, than directly on top of me. Again, she shoved her left tit into my mouth, and then grabbed my cock. As soon as she squeezed it, about a tablespoon of precum seeped out. Mia started to jack me off while I sucked on her fat titties. I kept trying touch her pussy, but the best she would let me do is grope her tits and grab her ass.
I couldn’t handle much more of this teasing, “Mia, I need some pussy now, I’m going to cum soon if you don’t stop!”. I pleaded to fuck her, but instead she started jacking me off harder and faster. There was so much precum that her hand was just gliding smoothly up and down. “Mia, baby, you need to stop, I’m going to cum!!” I pleaded. As soon as she heard that, she jumped fully onto my lap, and gave me the sexiest and dirtiest eye contact, and started rubbing the head of my dick on her pussy lips while giving me deep, long, and slow strokes. The friction from her thong on the head of my dick coupled with those strokes threw me over edge. She could tell that I was about to explode, she looked me in the eyes and said seductively “Cum for me daddy!”… and with with that, I started to cum all over her pussy and thighs. There was so much cum that I could feel it start to drip back down onto me.
It was the most intense orgasm that I ever had. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get any head, let alone pussy. But I’ll take what I can get. After what seemed like a 5 minute cum session, Mia hopped off of me and we both watch my cum drip down her legs. As my mind started to sink back into place, I realized what had just happened. Part of me was in shock, but another part of me was still horny and wanted more. Mia smiles and says in a very dirty way “Thank you daddy”, and leans forward to give me small kiss on the lips, as she gives me a small peck on the lips, she ever so slightly sticks her tongue out and licks my top lip in the sexiest way ever. My dick instantly got hard again. Mia sees my dick rising, but she laughs, and says “That’s enough for you tonight. We can continue this tomorrow.” She then leaves and a few seconds later I hear her in the shower….
I’m half naked with a hard on, sitting on my couch… I can’t wait till tomorrow…
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2di1p/incest_fd_my_daughter_mia_pt2