Far Away At Willoughby Academy (Part 8) [MF][MMF][Mdom][FF][Reluc][Exh][ENF][Oral][College][SciFi][AltReal]

**The story so far:** Regina Trent is a ‘Lost Girl’ who somehow found herself in a reality slightly different from ours where sex and nudity is of limited taboo, and no religious dogma blocks the willing from sexual freedom. Men and women live in a world were sexual predilections are cataloged on a woman’s Announcement bracelet, and men can find suitable matches via their phone, using their Privelege to take their pleasure. All of this would be strange enough, but Regina is attending Willoughby, what she thought was a normal college, but instead seems an elite school designed to not only teach her liberal arts, but how to exist as a source of pleasure in the outside world, where women must give themselves to suitable matches or face criminal charges. Her roommate knows the truth, a member of the staff as well, and she’s recently learned there have been others like her. And now, she’s just trying to survive without sounding crazy.


**Part 8**

The day was pleasant enough when they exited the malls, packages in hand, and generally feeling refreshed from a half-day of shopping and chatting.

“Hey, ladies.” A few guys were lingering around a large pick-up truck drinking beer.

“Ah, shit.” Kiera said under her breath. “Fucking townies.” She saw their cab waiting in the customer loading zone. “Just pretend you don’t hear them and—.”

“Hey, we’re talking to you!” Another guy called out. “The redhead and the one with the nice tits.” Regina glanced in their direction.

“Regina, don’t—.”

“Yeah, that’s right, pretty tits…why don’t you give us a peek?”

“Fuck!” Kiera muttered and looked to Regina. “You have to show them. You have an exhibitionist bead, remember?”

“I do?” Regina said, not really sure. Kiera kept walking to the cab, leaving Regina standing there looking confused.

“Not so fast, red, I want to see if the carpet matches the drapes.” One of the guys called out. Regina heard Kiera swear again, and then she was standing next to her as the guys approached.

“We’re in the open here, guys.” Kiera said, pretending to be amiable. “We’re happy to give you a look, but our cab is waiting, and we have to be back at school soon.”

“See, Billy, I told you they were Willoughby girls.” A tall blond guy said. The three of them had to be in the mid-twenties, and while they weren’t ugly, they looked artificially attractive, with faces that were too uniform, skin that was almost plastic-looking in its clarity—all the marks of cheap gene mods and over-the-counter cosmetic therapies.

“It’s *Saturday*, red.” Billy said, a dark blonde with a pony tail. “You ain’t gotta be nowhere—except right here. Let’s go over by my truck and we can talk more in private.”

“Our cab…” Regina said weakly.

“You haven’t gotten in it. It ain’t charging you nothing yet.” A third guy with dark hair offered. “Come on with us, we won’t take too much of your time.” He put his arm around Kiera and moved his hand down to her ass, moving her toward the jacked-up pickup truck. “My name is Jason.” He said. “You have a really nice ass—noticed it from across the parking lot.” Regina, not knowing what to do, followed them all to the truck. They could still see their cab, but they really weren’t in line of sight of the store front. “That’s Billy, he owns the truck, and Mike.” He pointed to the true blond. What’re your names?”

“Um, Stacy and Kim.” Kiera said. “I’m Stacy.” Without prompting, she undid her jeans and pulled them down, showing off her red bush. “It matches, see?” She said, running a hand over her bush. “We *really* do have a club meeting to get to, though, so, Kimmy, just show them your boobs, and—.”

“Oh, come on, *Stacy*…” Jason said, obviously doubting her fake name. “What’s it going to take, maybe ten minutes for us to all fuck you?” Regina froze, while Kiera just looked annoyed. “You already got your pants down,” he moved forward and started toying with Kiera’s pussy, “and I bet I could *slip*…ahh, yeah,” he pushed his finger inside her, “right in.”

“Let’s see those tits, Kim.” Billy said, lifting up her t-shirt. “Fuck, that’s a sexy bra.” He groped her though her newly acquired sheer lace bra, and Regina was mortified to feel her body responding to the rough treatment. Her nipples stiffened under teasing fingers. She knew this was something she had to submit to, but it disturbed her how much she like it. “Ah, fuck!” Billy snapped, looking at his phone. “This one has a medical restriction. What, you got the super-clap or something?” He laughed at his own joke and looked to his friends who snickered. “That’s okay.” He said, pulling her bra up so her breasts fell free. “You Willoughby girls are famous for sucking a good dick.”

“Is that, um, what you’re asking for?” Regina stammered.

“Are you dumb?” Billy said. “Take off your top and get on your knees.” Regina tossed her bra and t-shirt in one of her bags and set them down before getting on her knees.

“What about me?” Mike asked.

“You have to be quicker in picking next time, Mike, but I tell you what, we can take Stacy here to Paris. You ever been to Paris?” Jason asked Kiera.

“No, I haven’t.” Kiera said, sounding bored.

“I tell you, it’s *really* fun.” Jason said, and bent her over. “Mike, you need to get in front of her face if we’re going to show her the Eiffel Tower.” He laughed.

“Crackers, Jason,” Mike laughed, stepping up and putting Kiera’s hands at his waist, “you’re fucking hilarious.

“Just get your cock in her mouth before I start fucking her—you don’t want to get scraped by her teeth, do you?” Jason said, pulling out a surprisingly large cock. Regina glanced over her shoulder, but Billy turned her by the top of her head.

“The fun’s in front of you, Kimmy, not behind you.” He pulled down his jeans and underwear, and Billy’s eight-inch erection was right in front of her. Just like the rest of the guys’ faces, even their penises looked artificial, perfectly symmetrical, above average length, all fake. Before she could even reach for him, Billy moved in and penetrated her mouth, literally fucking her face until she took control a moment later. “Fuck yeah, girl, you take that cock.” He grunted. “Tell me you like it.” She said she did, her mouth still around him. “Fuck yeah, you do, you little rich bitch. Ain’t no cock like this up at that fancy school of yours. Those asex fuckers don’t know how to handle a woman.” Behind her, Kiera was being fucked from both ends. Regina could hear the one guy rhythmically slapping against her ass as he took Kiera doggy-style, while Kiera was barely managing to not fall over while having her face fucked by the other guy.

“Red has got one hot little pussy.” Jason said, giving Kiera’s ass a light slap. “Oh, fuck…oh, yeah…” he started coming.

“Really quick, there, Jason.” Mike laughed. “I don’t even think I’m halfway there.”

“You haven’t tried that pussy, that’s why.” He said, backing off, his cock slick.

“I ain’t going near your sloppy seconds.” Mike said, pulling back so his cock was dangling in front of Kiera’s face.

“It all feels the same once you’re in there.” Jason said.

“Just fuck me and get it over with already.” Kiera said, sounding even more bored. “I want to go home.”

“Well, if you’re going to be all *romantic* about it…” Mike said, smacking his erect cock against her face before backing up. She almost fell over from the loss of balance, but Mike moved behind her and Kiera grunted as he plunged in with a hard grip on her hips.

“Fuuuuck…” Kiera hissed as the guy continued pumping away.

“You *do* seem to like that, Red.” Mike laughed. “How about this?” Regina couldn’t really see what was happening, but her friend started making some decidedly *happy* sounds, and a minute later, started clearly coming by her moans.

Regina was distracted by the sound of her friend coming, so much so that she didn’t realize that Billy was reaching climax at nearly the same time. He started coming, a hot spurt of semen filling her mouth. She tried to swallow, but it was followed by and equally large spurt. She pulled back, pumping him with her hand, swallowing some, but much of it spilling out of her mouth and down her chin.

“What the—?” Regina stammered as she was sprayed with another shot of come all over her face. She angled his cock, still pumping, as he murmured ‘fuck’ over and over. She tried to contain it, but he kept coming, eight times by Regina’s count, and she was plastered with it, her face, her tits, her hair.

“Now that…” Billy said, taking a step back and looking her up and down, “is how I like to see my rich college girls. Regina glanced behind her and saw Mike coming all over Kiera’s ass and lower back, not as large an amount as Billy, but way more than normal. They laughed and looked down at the girls, half naked and dripping with semen. Both of the girls stayed uncovered, since neither Kiera or Regina wanted to get come all over their clothes. The guys high-fived, made a few rude comments and loaded into the truck before it drove off around the mall.

Regina got off her knees and walked over to Kiera who was tentatively standing straight, but holding her shirt above her breasts so it wouldn’t fall down into the come coating her lower back and bare ass.

“Modded fucking townies.” Kiera growled. First guy was fine, but the second one had a vibe implant.” She glanced back at the mess on her rear and swore under her breath. “I hate coming and giving them the satisfaction of actually *pleasing* me.

“I’m…I’m sorry, I guess.” Regina said. “I shouldn’t have looked at them.” Kiera waved her off.

“Not *really* your fault, Regina. I don’t think either of us could have gotten away cleanly.” She laughed sharply. “No pun fucking intended. Those assholes had jizz jacks, too, obviously.” She pointed at the mess that covered Regina from face to waist. “Knew what they were doing, too, not a drop on our clothes…yet.” She frowned, looking down at the come between her inner thighs. “Go to my purse and grab the wipes. I can’t walk like this.” She said, looking at her pants and panties at her ankles. “And be quick. Word gets out that there are two half-naked Willoughby girls in the parking lot—already used—and we won’t be getting home until after dark.” Regina wasn’t sure if Kiera was serious, but she went to get the wipes as quickly as she could without letting the come roll down to her waist.

“Here.” She said, handing Kiera a wipe. The girl cleaned up most of the mess between her legs, and took another offered wipe, working up from her ass to her lower back. It took two more wipes to finished the job where Kiera was comfortable enough to pull up her pants. She started helping Regina clean off. “Jizz jacks?” Regina asked, quietly, as Kiera dabbed the come from her face.

“I keep forgetting you’re from Jupiter.” She sighed. “Those boys were plastic through and through. Plastic faces, plastic dicks, built-in vibrators, and yeah, jizz jacks. They have a bunch of names, but that’s what they’re nicknamed in the movie business. A lot of actors have them so they have something to spurt if they have to do multiple takes of a scene. They let a guy have multiple or one long orgasm, and yeah, all the jizz—plus extra—to go with it. You find a lot of, well, poor people have them to emulate the TV people, but jokers like those three guys, they’re probably drive-by sparking all those townie women, just for kicks. You must have taken half a dozen loads.” Kiera said as Regina cleaned the last of the mess of herself.

“Eight or so, I think.” She muttered.

“Well, you owe me a new pack of wipes, at least.” Kiera said, taking the bundle of used wipes and tossing them in a nearby bin. “And seriously, get your top back on. We need to get the fuck out of here.” Regina looked down at herself, surprised by her own nonchalance about being topless in a parking lot. Then again, she had just watched her friend get fucked by two guys, and she’d blown a guy at the same time. She pulled on her bra, and then her t-shirt, and they gathered their bags, heading for the still-waiting cab.


Back at the dorm, Regina took a long shower, carefully washing herself and avoiding the temptation of masturbating, not wanting to reinforce the arousal she felt at being—the word filled her mind—*used* by that guy. She was just an easy way for him to come, nothing more. He hadn’t even cared they used fake names. Honestly, he probably didn’t *want* to know their real names—just that they were Willoughby girls. That was the prize, apparently. She looked up from scrubbing her belly to hear a girl coming—near yelling with pleasure—in a nearby stall. She could hear the low hum of a vibrator and once again looked down at her hand, hovering inches from her bush and the pleasure that waited slightly lower down. She shook her head, and shut off the water. She was clean enough.

Regina pulled back the curtain and yelped, seeing her dorm mistress walk in, naked except for a pair of ballet flats and a strap-on cock. Regina tried to play off the surprise by starting the process of drying off but couldn’t help staring at the six inches of bright blue artificial cock lashed across the dark bush of her dorm mistress, the black straps of the apparatus making her ass look even more full.

“Oh, hey, Regina.” She said, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Sorry if I caught you off guard. We’re going to be having a little party in the common room. Mostly us girls, but maybe a couple of guys. I didn’t want the invite to go too broad, because then I’d be stuck cleaning up after a rager tomorrow morning.”

“Is, um, *that*,” Regina pointed to the strap-on, “for the party?”

“Well, I *did* say it was going to be mostly girls.” She winked and stroked the artificial cock. Regina’s eyes widened as the thing actually stiffened in response. “It’s a new toy—the Stinger. I’ve been dying to try it out.” She stopped playing with the toy. “So, you coming? You’re already wearing the right outfit.” She laughed. Regina didn’t know how to respond. Her dorm mistress was basically inviting her to an orgy. Still, if there weren’t going to be many guys there, she wouldn’t have to participate if she didn’t want to, *and* her medical restriction lasted until midnight, so she had a viable excuse to avoid almost everything and just watch.

“If, um, if you fucked me with that, uh, would it count as a masturbation credit?” Regina tried to contain her blushing, but she felt a little color on her cheeks.

“I don’t see why not, especially if you’re running behind on your count.” Dominique said.

“I…” Regina blushed. “I am.”

“Really, I don’t know what it is with you freshmen. You’re all *just* old enough to legally have sex, and you barely even touch *yourselves*!” Regina frowned. “Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself. You think you’re the only girl on the hall—crackers—in the building, who is embarrassed to get off in front of their roommate, or in the shower, or out on campus? Honestly, by the time you finish your first year, you’ll probably be wondering why you ever cared. My mom and her friends talk about how they miss being able to finger themselves out on the quad.” Dominique winked. “They’re not wrong…it’s definitely worth doing.”

“I, well, I guess I’ll go to the party—for a little while, at least.” She looked down at herself, still naked. “Should I, uh, *really* not wear anything?”

“This is an in-dorm event. No reason to wear anything…unless you’re in to getting sparked.”

“It’s not my favorite.” Regina said.

“Well, it’s not an *uncommon* fetish, but it’s good to know what you like, at least. Why don’t you bend over and brace yourself on the bench.” Dominique said, nodding to the bench near the wall.


“Well, you’re here, I’m here, and I want to test this out real quick.”

“That isn’t really what I was offering…I meant that you could possibly fuck me at the party, but…”

“Just humor me.” Dominique sighed. Regina didn’t move. “You’ll get an extra credit for this.” Dominique offered. Regina hung her towel on a hook and went over to the wall, bending over—presenting herself—to her Dorm Mistress. She felt Dominique grab her hips, and a moment later, she felt the tip of the toy cock pressing into her. It felt real, soft and warm against her pussy. Dominique slipped inside her without much force and laughed. “I can tell you are not enjoying your medical deprivation. This the closest thing you’re going to get to a good fuck tonight, I think.” Dominique fucked her tentatively, and Regina glanced back seeing the other girl adjusting some straps and fiddling with a few buttons on her phone. “That should do it.”

“Do wh—ahhh!” The cock vibrated inside her, a swell of short-lived pleasure running through her, and then she felt a warm spurt inside, like the toy was coming. “What the hell?” Regina asked as Dominique pulled out.

“Like I said, this is a new toy, and while it technically self-adjusts, I want it to work well and be comfortable for me *and* whoever else I might use it on. Thank you for helping me get ready.” She looked at the wall clock. “I’ll see you in about twenty minutes?” She asked.

“But you, um, you *came* in me.” Regina stated the obvious.

“There’s a reason they call it the stinger.” Dominique winked. “Trust me, you’ll thank me later.”

“Okay, see you there.” Regina knew better than to probe too deeply with questions. It would only lead to her revealing her complete ignorance of the world. She wrapped a towel around herself and walked back to her room. She finished drying off and hung her towel up to dry, checking herself out in the mirror. “You’re first orgy…” Regina muttered to herself.


“Oh. You’re going to Dominique’s little soiree?” Kiera asked, startling her as she walked in the room. Regina had forgotten to lock the door. She covered herself instinctively, and Kiera gave her a look. “Gotta work on that shyness, lady.” Regina relaxed and lowered her arms.

“Where have you been?” Regina asked. “The first thing I wanted to do when we got back was clean up, but you weren’t here when I got back from the showers.”

“Well, today was hardly the first day I’ve had a handful of guys double-team me.” Regina stared at her. “Well, it’s *not*.” She protested. “I may be inexperienced, but I’m not a complete prude—no offense.” She added hastily.

“I’m *not* a prude…I just…sex is just…*private*…or it’s supposed to be, at least.”

“Anyway, since I was already sticky, I found a few guys to have some fun with me.” Regina realized that Kiera’s clothes had a handful of stains on them, her shirt, her jeans. “Some guys really like going where another has been—recently.” She peeled off her shirt and tossed it in the hamper. There were a few streaks of come on her bra and breasts, some visible in her cleavage, still wet. She stripped down, and it was clear she’d been recently fucked, traces of semen between her thighs and even in her bush. “Stare much?”

“I, you know, it’s just, I figured *after* the townies, that…”

“That’s the *point*, Reg. After the townies, I found some guys who wanted to have sex with *me*…not with the college I go to. Besides, showing up like this to a party? I’m guaranteed to be offered a little extra fun. Regardless, you seem to *like* it.” Kiera stepped close and surprised her by running a hand between her legs. “I can literally see the wetness on your thighs.” She said, pulling her hand back.

“That’s, oh, honestly…” Regina sighed, trying to pretend that hand hadn’t felt amazing. “Dominique tested her new toy—a Stinger—on me. It fake came in me.” Kiera’s eyebrows raised, and she smirked.


“Yes, really…in the bathroom, after I took a shower.”

“Well then, tonight *will* be interesting, at least.” She walked over and took Regina’s hand. “Come on, roomie, let’s go have a little fun.”

“Don’t you want to get cleaned up?”

“Are you kidding?” She laughed, leading her into the hallway. “We’re about to get *filthy*!” Kiera closed the door to their room and managed to pin Regina in the same movement.

“What are you doing—?” But Regina couldn’t finish the sentence as Kiera mashed her lips against hers. Kiera’s tongue slipped between her lips, probing, backing away, and Regina wanted to pretest, but then she felt her roommate’s hand back between her legs, fingers tracing her wet line, then sliding in, just a little. “Ohh…” Regina moaned, as Kiera kissed her deeply. Kiera’s other hand started teasing Regina’s nipples to the point her whole body bucked bucked with pleasure. She felt as if she was falling as the first wave of orgasm hit, expect she could feel the cool press of the door behind her naked body. Kiera was barely fingering her, but it was one of the most intense responses she’d ever had.

“Hmm…you liked that?” Kiera asked, laughing, and licked the fingers that were just inside Regina.

“What…the…fuck?” Regina gasped, her heart still racing.

“Come with me.” Kiera said, leading her down to the bathrooms. Inside, she led Regina to mirrors, and Regina had to blink before realizing what she was seeing. Her pupils were dilated, her face flushed, along with the top of her chest. Her nipples were smaller than quarters, and when she touched one her whole body shivered. “Careful, you don’t want to be *too* worn out before we get downstairs.”

“She *drugged* me?” Regina said.

“Flexx is perfectly safe and legal, and let me tell you, your thighs aren’t slick because of the Stinger, that’s all you…and will be for the next couple hours. These will be highly sensitive.” Kiera teased Regina’s nipples, even your skin as a whole,” she emphasized the words by trailing her fingers over Regina’s cheek and then her ass. “Oh, and this…” Kiera slid her hand down the flat of Regina’s belly, tracing through her bush and lower.

“You have to s-stop.” Regina shied her hand away. “I’m going to come again.”

“Sorry, it’s just so much fun seeing you give in like this.”

“I didn’t know!” Regina protested, backing away from her roommate.

“Dominique probably assumed you did, but hey, chalk it up to experience. Now, trust me, you’re going to want others to help you ride this out, because if you go back to the room—alone—you’re going to be sore tomorrow morning in all the wrong ways, and that,” she shrugged, “that *I* know from experience.” She took Regina’s hand and led her back toward the stairwell. “Let’s go get fucked up.” She grinned.


**End Part 8**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2ny4b/far_away_at_willoughby_academy_part_8


  1. I like this series, are we going to find out how Regina got to this side of things without knowing ? good story!

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