“Buzz” (Segment Two) [F] [Vibrator, Public/Voyeur, Humiliation/Retribution]

*This piece was originally written and submitted as a response to [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/kuy0xi/wp_the_restaurant_you_work_at_took_a_page_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) by u/Squidtalker.*

*All characters – featured and mentioned – are 18+*

Christina had a point… Trey had already recognized her, or so she thought… And it wasn’t as though the job made her appear modest to begin with…

Backing out of the kitchen yet again, balancing in hand six beers on a platter, Claudia was still nervous…

Being seen and being recognized working at Buzz *was* embarrassing… But it wasn’t *the most* embarrassing thing about her situation…

“*Sorry it took so long.*” Claudia hesitated as she came back up to the table, each of the six occupants turning their heads to look at her. “*Here are your drinks!*”

“BEER!” The cry went back up as Claudia passed the frothing mugs out, wedging them in any spot of open table she could find between the sea of plates.

Leaning over the table, Claudia glanced over at Trey, nervously, biting the inside of her lip. No doubt the others were getting an eyeful of cleavage or a peek at her ass, but she wasn’t worried about them… They didn’t recognize her…

“Fucking God…” She lamented in her head, locking eyes with him for a split second, seeing the smug look on his face. “He thinks I’m a slut…”

“*Anything else I can get for you guys?*”

“Umm…” The frat bros murmured among themselves for a few moments.

Claudia eyed them, her breath hitched, as the two closest to the wall began to fiddle with the kiosk, examining the menu.

“Nah, I think we’re good.” One finally pronounced, eliciting a grumble of consensus from the others.

Claudia exhaled.

“*A-Alright then…*” She sang, trying to mask her relief with her very best customer service voice. “*If you guys do decide you want something else, you can place your orders right through the kiosk…*”

Quickly turning away, yet again, Claudia took a step not towards the kitchen, but towards the front of the restaurant… That’s where the manager/hostess was… That’s where the main office – another radio dead-zone – was… That’s where she’d claim to not be feeling well and ask to go home…

“Excuse me!”

She froze mid-step, dread freezing in her core.

“*Huh?*” She queried, glancing back at the table.

Trey had his hand raised, elbow braced against the table, gently waving as he looked at her, trying to get her attention.

“I had a question.”

“*Oh…*” Claudia turned in place. “*H-How can I help you?*”

“I noticed,” Trey continued. “That the kiosk has a sticker on it… Doesn’t accept bills larger than a twenty?”

Claudia’s jaw dropped.

“No way…” She thought, anticipating his line of inquiry. “No way. No way. No way… He is not going there…”

“*That’s right…*” She mewled.

“Could you break a *hundred* for me?”

“Bro, *WHAT!?*” One of the frat dudes exclaimed, inciting his friends to echo him, all evidently just as flabbergasted as Claudia was.

“*Ummm…*” She shivered. “*N-No, I can’t… I don’t handle cash…*”

“Who does?”

“*M-My… The hostess…*”

“Could you go ask her?”

Claudia stared at him, blankly, for a minute as his friends all went silent. Slowly, their eyes turned from him to her, each and every one of them evidently confused by the exchange, but intrigued to see how it would play out.

Claudia felt as though she were wearing cinderblock shoes; her feet weighted down, her stomach sinking, her ability to breathe cut off.

Trey smirked at her, unwavering, as he waited for an answer.

“*Sure.*” She finally coughed. “*Let me run up front and ask…*”

“*Bro, we told you we got the bill. It’s your birthday!*” Whispered one of the frat bros as Claudia turned back around and made for the front.

“I know.” Trey said in reply, his voice dripping with venomous amusement, loud enough that Claudia knew she was meant to hear it.

The fucker was toying with her…

Even if he hadn’t just made it stupidly obvious, Claudia had guessed what he was getting at the moment he had asked about the bill-size limit… The gimmick rules were posted right there on the kiosk, after all…

*”Tip your waitress, and things start to Buzz; one minute for every dollar. Five intensity settings based on your final tab. Keep your hands to yourself, and ask before taking pictures or video. Have fun, and thanks for dining with us!”*

As she made her way, finally, to the front, Claudia debated just being done with the job… Just abandoning Trey’s inquiry to break a hundred and quitting Buzz on the spot… If she did, she wouldn’t have to dress like a slut to serve pervy customers in an even pervier gimmick bar anymore…

But that would mean going back on the job hunt… Starting from scratch… Eating through what little savings she had in the meantime…

Buzz – as embarrassing and objectifying as it was – paid *extraordinarily* well for an establishment of its type… And, Claudia had been gunning for a hostess spot…

The hostesses at Buzz only made slightly more than the regular waitresses, and they still had to wear the revealing outfits… But they didn’t have to wear the vibes… And that was what Claudia really despised about her current role…

“What’s up, Claudia?” The hostess on shift – Bree – greeted her, unenthusiastically, not bothering to look up from the ledger she was busy jotting down notes in.

“*Uh…*” Claudia shook. “*Customer at… Table seven…*”

“What about ‘em?”

“*Wants to break a hundred…*”

“Mkay…” Bree shrugged, snapping the ledger closed and stuffing it into the large pocket of a fabric utility belt she got to wear in addition to her normal uniform.

Claudia blinked, frowning at the disinterest Bree took in the situation… Hut, then again, for her, this was just another day on the job… She hadn’t any idea what was in store for Claudia once that hundred was broken up…

The cash register pinged open, and Bree carefully counted out five twenty-dollar bills.

“Just a hundred?” She asked, finally looking at Claudia.


“Mkay.” She accepted, flatly, closing the drawer. “Let’s go.”

Bouncing back to table seven yet again, Claudia’s nerves had calmed, though shame and ire still burned in her cheeks… She knew what was coming, what damage may have already been done to her reputation by virtue of simply being seen at work in the place… She might as well get paid for it…

“Wow, no I don’t just *look* like a whore…” She snarked to herself, silently, as the realization she was doing this for money hit home.

“Someone broke a hundred?” Bree asked.

“Yep.” Trey acknowledged, holding out a single bill, trading it for the five he was offered.

“Thank you.” Bree responded, smiling. “Is there anything else we can help you wi-“

Bree fell silent, surprised, as Trey immediately turned and fed one of the twenties to the kiosk.

“Uh…” Bree stuttered, surprised.

Claudia approached the table, red-cheeked and shaking, subtly, but braces for the fun to begin.

“Holy shit, Trey…” One of the frat bros broke their uncharacteristic silence as Trey fed yet another twenty into the kiosk.

Then another…

Then the fourth…

Then the fifth…

Then, seemingly from his pocket, produced and deposited a sixth before settling back into his seat and turning to look Claudia in the face.

Saddling up to the edge of the table, Claudia returned the glare as confidently as she could.

The din of the restaurant faded away.

The frat bros and Claudia’s hostess watched in stunned silence.

The green light on the kiosk blinked on and off in rapid succession…

Then blinked on and stayed on..


“*FUCK!*” Claudia squealed almost immediately as ‘things started to Buzz’.

The vibrations hit her like a freight train, pounding through her core fast and hard. Her legs turned to jelly and her knees buckled against each other, staggering her to where she had to catch herself on the table.

“*Ffffffffuuuuu-uuuu-uuuuck!*” She strained the expletive through a hitching moan.

Her skin rippled with gooseflesh and her face finally decided on tomato red. Her legs finally lost all integrity and went out from under her, bringing her upper torso down onto the table entirely, displacing plates and beer mugs to the teetering edge.


The vibe continued to whirr between Claudia’s clenching, spasming thighs. The parade of tickling sensations that reverberated deep in her belly quickly began to heat up; quick, shocking stabs of burning pleasure that began to stack up.

“*Mmmmmmmmmmmm!..*” She whined through screwed-shut eyes and bitten lips, hugging the table, rolling her hips against its edge as the tension broke and the first orgasm crashed down on her like a landslide.


*This* was the reason Claudia had dreaded the task of serving this table, even before she and Trey recognized each other…

Claudia was a lightweight… She was *extremely* sensitive, and it took relatively little to take her to the edge, and precious little more to push her over…

Earlier that shift, she had come very close to… well… *cumming* after just a minute of activity… And that was for a tab in the lowest bracket… The lowest intensity setting her vibrator had…

Trey and his frat bros had bought so much food that they had landed in the *highest bracket…*

And Trey had just splurged *a hundred and twenty dollars* on tipping her…

Which meant her vibe would be running on its *highest setting* for *two*…




“Uhhhh…” Bree droned, staring at the twitching Claudia. “What…?”

“Bro.” One of the frat dudes chirped. “Bro, Trey… What the fuck!?”

Trey himself gawked, perhaps not expecting such an immediate or dramatic response to his institutional tease.

Claudia continued to shudder and moan with every hard-fought breath, the vibrator buzzing away, building her up again even as she still released and began to come down.



[Segment One](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cg6z/buzz_segment_one_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app), Segment Two, [Segment Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cl0x/buzz_segment_three_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cipq/buzz_segment_two_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur