“Buzz” (Segment One) [F] [Vibrator, Public/Voyeur, Humiliation/Retribution]

*This piece was originally written and submitted as a response to [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/kuy0xi/wp_the_restaurant_you_work_at_took_a_page_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) by u/Squidtalker.*

*All characters – featured and mentioned – are 18+*

“I hate this job.” Claudia sighed as she backed out through the swinging kitchen doors.

She felt the initial *vwrrr* as the RF tag reconnected. The kitchen was shielded – a radio dead-zone – and signals from elsewhere in the restaurant couldn’t reach in… But, the moment she stepped back into the dining room, she was reconnected and *it* buzzed each time it lost or regained connection…

She was all but used to that, by this point, though. She felt that *vwrrr* at least a hundred times every day. It was an annoyance, and it made her jump and wriggle a bit as she walked, but she walked nonetheless.

“Here are those jalapeño mozzarella sticks you ordered,” Claudia said as she reached to set the hot plate on the table between two customers. “Aaand two beers… Will there be anything else?”

“No, thanks.” One of the two men smiled at her, ruffling through his jacket pocket and producing a crinkled one-dollar bill.

Claudia forced a thin smile as the man presented it to her, proudly. He then turned, introducing it to a small receptacle stationed on the table. A green light began to blink on and off as the machine whirred, then lighting up solid once it was done eating the dollar.

“Here we go…” She thought, jadedly.


“*Mmmph…*” Claudia groaned, suddenly, clenching her thighs together and hitching her breath.

Both men sat back in their booths, the plate of greasy, breaded cheese steaming between them, their eyes lit up with a sleazy fascination, their grinning mugs jabbering with muffled laughter as she fidgeted in place…

She was standing so close to them, and the ambient music was so low, they must’ve been able to hear *it*…

Even if they couldn’t, they knew *it* was there, and they knew they had activated *it*, and they could see what it was doing to her.

“*A-alright, gentlemen…*” Claudia stammered a bit as she drew in a labored breath. “*Let us know if there’s anything else we can get for you…*”

She turned, almost abruptly, and waddled back towards the kitchen, her legs still reflexively pressed together, tightly.


“*Fuuuuuck…*” She mouthed as she rounded a corner, bracing one arm against a wall in the prep area just outside the actual kitchen.

Her body shook as *it* continued.


“*Fuck!…*” She hissed aloud, finally relaxing, her thighs unclenching as *it* stopped. “Fuck…”

Quickly righting herself, Claudia shuffled in place, trying to readjust before she went back into the kitchen for her next order… The real challenges wouldn’t start, as she was keenly aware, until after she re-emerged, but she still didn’t think walking into a small kitchen full of hot, sharp, and otherwise dangerous utensils, already packed to the gills with cookstaff, while wobbly-legged was a good idea…

The very-simply named “Buzz” was a gimmick establishment in the same vein as Hooters; drawing in a primarily bachelor-male customer base by hiring exclusively attractive female waitstaff and flaunting their sexuality. But, unlike that place, where the waitresses’ big boobs and cute asses were just shown off by tight white tee-shirts and tighter orange booty shorts – though Claudia and her coworkers did have to wear similarly skimpy outfits – Buzz made the gimmick *interactive*…

“Order up for table seven!?” Claudia called as she entered the kitchen again, shifting her weight from foot to foot as the disconnect *vwrrr* hit her.

Regulated almost like a strip club, complete with a handful of bouncers on staff to card everyone at the door and eject rowdy, rule-breaking customers, Buzz was still a “hands-off” operation; customers weren’t allowed to *touch* their waitress… But they didn’t really need to… All they needed to do was tip her…

“Order up!” One of the cookstaff -Christina – acknowledged, squeezing her way through the busy throng of her coworkers, carrying a large plate in one hand.

Each table had a built-in kiosk that customers could use to place their orders without having to wait on paper menus, and to pay for their meals right at the table instead of waiting on a bill and taking it to the front for processing…

Claudia blinked as she watched Christina set the plate onto an even larger serving tray – black plastic and circular – that was already packed with other full plates… and, more disturbingly, was only one of two.

Each kiosk was keyed to the waitress serving its table at the beginning of the shift. When a customer placed their order, their waitress’ uniform watch pinged. Then again when the order was ready to be picked up from the kitchen. Then again when the customers had paid and the table needed to be cleared and cleaned…

“*Oh, what the fuck is this?*” Claudia groaned as the cook handed her one of the serving trays.

But, accepting cash or card, the kiosks also allowed customers to tip their waitress at any time… And, when they did that, the alert didn’t go to her watch…

“*Big* order.” The cook pointed out the obvious, smirking smugly at Claudia. “Lots of expensive menu items, too… You’re gonna have fun…”

Each waitress at Buzz – in addition to her watch and her titty-teasing tank-top and her scandalously short short-shorts – had to wear a small but very strong insert vibrator as part of her uniform… and *that* was what buzzed whenever a customer tipped her…

“*Are you fucking joking!?*” Claudia hissed, feeling her cheeks light up. “*I’m gonna fucking die!*”

Christina chuckled, hefting the other platter in her hand and gesturing Claudia towards the kitchen door.

“C’mon, customer’s waitin’ on their food.”

“*Who the fuck even orders this much food at a titty bar!?*”

“Beats the fuck out of me… Let’s go find out.”

Claudia hesitantly followed the “helpful” cook, who held the kitchen door open for her as she tiptoed out onto the dining room floor. The reconnecting *vwrrr* of her vibe sent a shudder up her spine, and her hand wobbled, the plates on the serving tray clinking together.

“Careful.” She cautioned. “Drops come out of your check, ‘member?”

Claudia nodded, speechlessly nervous as she summoned the drive to walk toward table seven, the cook following behind her.

Claudia had hated working *regular* food service, but had stomached it as a necessary evil to help pay for her college expenses. When her last job had passed her up for a promotion and a pay bump, she’d quit and gone looking for something new… And eventually found a “help wanted” listing for Buzz…

Hired almost on the spot – a big-breasted, wide-hipped, and otherwise all-around “slim-thicc” twenty-three-year-old Latina being interviewed by a horny-as-he-was-greedy middle-aged franchise owner – Claudia had learned to hate *this* food service job even more… But, the pay was much, much better… Even if it did come with strings attached…

“Evening gentlemen.” Christina greeted table seven as they finally approached. “Your lovely waitress, Claudia, and I have a lot of food for ya!”

The table erupted in cheers as the cook cradled her tray in the crook of one arm and began distributing plates heaped with food to each of the six men packed at the table – three along each bench seat.

Claudia realized with horror that each of them were wearing clothes emblazoned with her university’s logo and an arrangement of Greek letters…

“A gaggle of fraternity brothers…” Claudia thought, exasperated. “Great… As if the regulars weren’t sleazy enough already…”

The tray soon empty, Christina flipped it under her arm and stepped aside, turning and walking back towards the kitchen after flashing Claudia a smile.

Claudia, in turn, nervously approached the table.

“*H-hi there…*” She choked, then cleared her throat. “How are you all doing tonight?”

“Fucking lit!” One of the men beamed.

Claudia grinned awkwardly as she continued the job of passing out food.

“*You guys ordered a ton of stuff…*” She spoke. “*What’s the occasion?…*”

“Our boy Trey just turned twenty-one!” The same man whooped, stirring four of the other five into a frenzy of congratulatory roars.

The final man – Trey, Claudia presumed – laughed but remained more reserved, sandwiched between two of his buddies on Claudia’s left.

“Wait…” Claudia thought. “Wait… Oh no…”

She recognized him!

*She had a class with him!*

“*C-Congratulations!*” She squeaked, hoping that his friends’ inebriated celebrations would keep him from looking up and recognizing her as she placed the last dish on the table. “*C-Can I get you guys anything to… Anything… To…*”

She faltered…

He saw her…

She felt the color flush out of her previously burning cheeks…

He knit his eyebrows together, quizzically… Maybe trying to decide where he knew her from…

“*Anything to d-drink?…*” Claudia finally finished, chattering.

Trey’s eyebrows rose, his eyes widening and his mouth twitching as though he were about to say something.

“We did order some beers…” One of the five others mentioned.

“*Oh… I… Uh… I’ll go… Find out… Where those are…*”

Stifling the urge to scream, Claudia backed away from the table and turned, rigidly, back towards the kitchen, hearing the table full of frat bros burst into a monosyllabic chant of “BEER! BEER! BEER! BEER!”

As soon as she was out of sight of the table, again, Claudia rushed back into the kitchen. Her heart thumped on a small adrenaline rush, blood roaring in her ears, and mortifying embarrassment tried to decide whether it wanted her face to be ghostly pale or tomato red.

“*Oh my fucking God…*” She whispered to herself, burying her face in her hands. “*Oh my fucking God…*”

“Hey, Claudia.” Christina’s voice reached her through the din of kitchen work. “Those guys at table seven ordered these beers, too. Here y- You okay?”

Claudia looked up.

“You look like you seen a ghost.”

“*I fucking know those guys!*” She quavered.


“*Well, one of them, anyway… I have a class with him…*”

“Damn…” Christina pondered, holding yet another serving tray laden with mugs of beer. “That’s embarrassing…”

“*What am I gonna do?*” Claudia fretted. “*What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?*”

Christina looked at her… Then offered the tray of beers…



“*What are you doing?*”

“Handing you these beers.”

“*You’re not… You’re not serious, right?*”

“I most certainly am.”

“*You’re not gonna help me?*”


“*Fucking why not!?*”

Christina smirked, dryly.

“Cause waitressin’ with a vibrator up my twat ain’t what they pay me for.”

Claudia gawked as Christina shoved the tray into her arms, gruffly.

“*I can’t fucking go back out there!*”

“Well, that’s what they pay *you* for…” Christina shrugged. “If you being embarrassed was a dealbreaker, you shouldn’t have taken the job…”


“Hey, I’m sympathetic for ya – I really am – but management ain’t gonna like it if I leave to do your job for ya, and you ain’t got your food-handler’s license, so you sure as Hell ain’t doin’ mine for me.”

Christina turned and began to wade back into the chaos of the kitchen.

“If ya don’t like it, go quit… But you’ve already got those beers, and those frat boys already seen ya, so ya might as well go deliver…”

Claudia gulped.



Segment One, [Segment Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cipq/buzz_segment_two_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app), [Segment Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cl0x/buzz_segment_three_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l2cg6z/buzz_segment_one_f_vibrator_publicvoyeur