“Shut the fuck up and kiss me, Monique.” [F/F] [Kissing, Groping, Fingering, Boss/Employee]

*This piece was originally written and submitted as a response to [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/crs1qc/wp_less_talking_more_kissing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) by u/Macktosh.*

*All characters – featured and mentioned – are 18+*


“Shut the fuck up and kiss me, Monique.” June demanded as she backed the surprised Monique against the wall.

“Wh-“ Monique cut off as June’s hands shot up to her shoulders and shoved her.

Monique stared at the woman, mouth agape, as June closed the last few inches of distance between their bodies and kissed her, not waiting for a response to the demand.

Monique was as flustered as she’d been since college, and confused to boot. Since she’d started at this bioengineering firm – a bright twenty-something, straight from her graduation ceremony, with a diploma in chemical engineering burning a hole in her pocket – she’d had no end of trouble from June.

Hmm… Perhaps “trouble” wasn’t exactly the right word…

June was almost in her thirties, and had been with the firm for a few years by the time Monique showed up. They’d met on Monique’s second day with the company – turned out she’d been assigned to June’s lab – and she immediately struck Monique as having *attitude*.

June wasn’t a petty or catty woman in any regard, and she wasn’t a disruptive influence towards Monique, or any of the other technicians who worked with them, but she was a bit short tempered. Her responses when asked a question were almost always curt and inflected with more than a hint of annoyance; she would interject into conversations, gruffly reminding her employees that they had schedules to keep; and she would seldom respond to any inquiries not related to the job, except to shortly explain that those inquiries were not related to the job.

No, June wasn’t exactly “troublesome”, but she was a workaholic, and a bona-fide *hardass*…

Which made it all the more confusing that her tongue was now in Monique’s mouth.

Monique gasped, softly, as June pulled away. She could see a little bit of her purple lipstick smudged on June’s upper lip… or maybe the hardass had kissed her so hard she’d bruised her own lip… Monique didn’t know for sure. Couldn’t tell. Things were too confusing as they were.

June looked at Monique, intently, pale green eyes set in a stony, angular face framed in straight, shoulder-length blonde hair. Monique looked back, her expression far less composed.

“Good?” June asked.


“The kiss. Was it good?”

“Was it…? June, I…” Monique pondered, heart pounding in her ears.

She saw June roll her eyes… She felt June’s hands still resting on her shoulders, gripping the collar of her labcoat… She felt June’s body against hers… June’s knee bumping up between her legs…

“Was it, or was it not, Monique?” June asked again, that familiar impatience in her voice.

“It… It was, bu-“

“Good.” June responded. “Less talking. More kissing.”

“Wha-“ Monique was cut off again as June’s lips crashed back into hers.

*”What the fuck?”* She thought, instead, as June’s hands made their way upwards, cupping her cheeks underneath the thick puff of Monique’s curly brown hair. *”What the fuck is going on!?”*

The day had started out just like any other since Monique had started. It was a Friday, so everyone – sans June, of course – was a little brighter in mood than normal… The weekend was about to start, after all.

When there was a pause in their workload, two of the lab techs even started discussing what their plans were for the next two days. June reminded the whole lab that they were on the clock, and that there was plenty of time to make small talk over the lunch break.

She was right, of course, in the most conservative, businesslike way, but something in her tone of voice had set Monique off, that time.

“June,” She’d piped up, almost echoing June’s tone. “You *raising your voice* every ten minutes to remind us all to not cause distractions is a *bigger distraction* than the two of them *whispering* about what game they’re going to watch this Sunday. Quiet down.”

The lab had gone silent for a while after that. June hadn’t deigned to respond, other than to raise an eyebrow, and the other lab techs had all suddenly taken a renewed interest in their work.

Monique had grimaced for almost the entire remainder of her shift, a bit of worry breathing down her neck. June was the lead technician for this particular lab, but not a department head, so she was still the same pay-grade as Monique herself was… She couldn’t… *fire* Monique for what she’d said, right?

Could she?

Would she?

“Mmmph!” Monique gasped into the kiss, pushing her chest forward.

Lost in thought, she hadn’t noticed one of June’s hands slip away from her face… She hadn’t noticed it slip under her shirt… She hadn’t noticed it until June’s fingertips pried under the cup of her bra, and she grabbed a handful of Monique’s bare breast.

She gasped again as June squeezed, then again as she began to roll her wrist in lazy circles. The touch set a fire in Monique’s chest, and she squirmed under it, still pinned up against the wall.

She reached out, experimentally, and placed her hands on June’s hips. June broke away for half a second, her lips smacking off Monique’s as she smirked, paused to take a breath, and kissed her again. Monique kissed back more actively, this time, allowing her eyes to flutter closed.

June was a hardass boss, but Monique didn’t harbor any personal grudge against her… She wasn’t the type of woman Monique usually fell for but… something was different, this time…

Maybe it was the fact that she was her boss that was turning her on…

Maybe it was the idea of finally reaching catharsis to the pain in the ass June’s attitude had been…

Maybe it was the sudden ferocity of the situation; the spontaneity with which June had evidently kissed her…

Her hands slipped from June’s hips, reaching around to cup her ass. She pulled her closer against her body, and hummed as she felt June’s knee budge a little more pressingly against her crotch.

Monique’s paranoia had followed her through her lunch break, and she’d barely touched her food as a result. She wondered if June had the authority to reprimand her, outright, for talking back to her like she did. She wondered just how severe a reprimand June was in power to make.

Ultimately, Monique had decided the best course of action would be to apologize. June was always the last person to leave the lab, so Monique stayed behind so she could talk to her in private…

She’d fully intended on apologizing, sincerely…

But June never gave her the chance.

“Ah!” Monique squeaked, her lips suddenly free.

As her eyes were blown open, she could see June giving her another chilly smirk…

The shorter woman’s other hand had fallen from Monique’s cheek, making its way to the waistline on her jeans. Impressively, June had popped the button of the tight denim garment with just the one hand… and that hand had shoved itself into the simple gray cotton panties underneath.

Monique felt fingertips tickling her mound for a half second, then a warm palm cupping her between her legs. She bit her bottom lip and hissed in anticipation, squeezing her thighs around June’s wrist as the blonde continued to smirk.

“Fuck…” She panted. “Fuck… June… June, what are you d-“

“I said…” June coolly interrupted, brushing her thumb over Monique’s now erect nipple. “Less talking. More kissing.”

“June… Hang on a- AHH!”

Monique squealed as the other thumb ran over her clit…

“Less talking.” June repeated. “More kissing.”

Monique took the hint, that time. Her hands came off of June’s ass in a blur, grabbing her cheeks, instead. The contrast of Monique’s darker skin framing her face made June’s eyes look almost as if they were glowing… Monique was enthralled.

She noticed new smudges of purple lipstick – or maybe those were new bruises – on June’s lips as she leaned down to kiss her.

God it felt good to do that. The whole experience, while confusing, had left Monique soaked, tingling across every inch of her body. The kiss felt like fireworks.

She moaned, loudly, as June slipped a first, exploratory finger into her pussy…

She’d walked into the lab, closing the door behind her, when she’d come to apologize. June had been at one of the tables – cleared of all the computers, books, and stacks of papers the technicians had overflowed it with during the work day – writing something on a piece of paper.

She’d dropped the pen and folded the page in half when she saw Monique approaching from the side. She’d glared at her with those icy green eyes for a moment before she spoke.

“Let’s talk about today, Monique.” June had spoken.

Monique had swallowed a blanch that had tried to work its way up through her chest.

“June, I’m s-“

“Shut up, Monique.”


June stalked towards the taller woman confidently, backing her up against the wall of the room, not breaking eye contact the entire way.

“Do you know what you did today?” She asked Monique.

“I… I, uh…”

Monique thought she was about to get screamed at for openly challenging her supervisor like that.

“Of course you don’t.” June answered the question for her. “So maybe I should show you.”

“Show me what?”

“Shut the fuck up and kiss me, Monique.”

Monique ran through the events of the day even as she pushed her tongue into June’s mouth, taking on a more dominant role in the encounter as June continued to play with her breast with one hand, and finger her with the other.

Minutes must’ve gone by like that, with every rude moan and groan echoing through the whole room… Every unrestrained gasp or squeak reaching out into the hallway… The door to the room was closed, but it wasn’t locked. At any moment, a janitor, a security guard, or a random technician who’d forgotten his calculator could come barging into the room, and see the new girl with the lead tech’s hands down her pants, up her shirt, and her lips melted against hers.

The realization made the tension snap.

Monique felt the warmth in her lower belly unravel, bliss shooting through her loins and running over June’s fingers. She screamed as she lurched forward, pleasure flooding through her as her lips tore away from June’s.

She clawed desperately at the blonde’s back in the awkward new embrace as her core spasmed around and squeezed the invading fingers. Her legs shook as she began leaning more and more weight on June.

Suddenly, her back was against the wall again, and she could feel her legs give out from under her.

A pair of hands were under her shoulders, slowing her fall as she slid down the wall. Her legs jerked involuntarily, the heel of one of her sneakers squeaking loudly against the tile floor.

Monique moaned softly and quivered in place as she sat, a dark spot of dampness spreading over the gray fabric of her visible undergarment. Sweat poured off her forehead and collarbone, beading down her skin as it trickled towards the ground.

“There.” June’s voice interrupted the silence. “Now you understand.”

“Understand… what?…” Monique asked, breathlessly, as cognition began to return to her.

Ripples of orgasm continued to roll across her, making her legs twitch, her breath hitch, and her toes curl every so often.

June knelt down to be at eye level with her again, that same smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.

“What you did today… when you stood up to me like that… that *turned me on*…” She spoke. “And I had to wait… *all*… *fucking*… *day*… to get back at you for it…”

Monique looked at her, speechless, as the blonde began to wipe her glistening left hand off on her lab coat.

“You…” Monique struggled for words.

June stood and turned away from her, pacing towards the table she’d been writing on, and picking up the folded piece of paper.

“Read this.” She ordered, tossing the paper into Monique’s lap. “Then clean yourself up.”

Monique blinked as June began to walk away.

“Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you leave.”

The door closed behind June, and Monique could just barely hear her footsteps growing quieter and quieter as she walked down the hall.

“What the fuck?” Monique asked aloud, this time. “What the fuck just happened?”

She looked down at the paper in her lap, staring at it for the longest time before finally picking it up and opening it.

“My place at ten, tonight.” The handwritten note read, a street address and apartment number following. “Bring wine.”

Monique blinked again… then smiled.

It certainly wasn’t the most conventional way she’d ever impressed her boss, but evidently her backtalk earlier in the day had impressed June… in a very particular way.

Struggling to her feet, her body still humming, Monique straightened her clothes, folding the note back up and stuffing it into the pocket of her jeans.

Not only was she not being fired, she’d apparently be fucking the shit out of her annoying – but attractive – boss, that night… Things had worked out better than she’d imagined.


*Questions, comments, constructive feedback always welcome. Thanks for reading; I hope you enjoyed!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l293ni/shut_the_fuck_up_and_kiss_me_monique_ff_kissing