My manager makes me his prostitute (long)

My manager is a soon to be 23 year old and I am an 18 year old freshman in college. I’ve been working with him since I was 16 as a cashier. He’s always been very nice to the employees which is why I’ve stayed here for this long. Who knows if I’ll ever get another manager like that again. He’d give me and others the 100% discount in secrecy as long as it wasn’t anything that was too expensive or too much. But lately I’ve been noticing a change. He’s been doing more than just the discount, he’s been allowing me to have 5 more minutes on my break and is even letting me pick where I’m placed for the shift. I won’t lie, I like it, who wouldn’t but I can’t help but notice that this all started right after my last birthday. It may just be a coincidence and he’s doing this for the other younger employees too.

I have to admit, he’s cute. He’s a little shorter than me which is a quality I love in a man. I catch myself looking a little too long at him sometimes when he’s not looking. But overall he’s my manager and I am just a floor worker. It would be unprofessional to try to do anything, wouldn’t it?

One day at work I was called into his office space. There weren’t any customers around so there was no issue. I walked over to him and sat in a chair besides him. He didn’t have an actual office room, just a cut out by the kitchen. “What do you need me for?” I asked. He looked over to me. “I’ve noticed that we have been losing more product than earning money, that’s usually the case by a small margin but right now it’s growing bigger and corporate is starting to notice” I shifted in my seat. “They think there’s some stealing happening, we’re losing out on thousands of dollars” I blinked a few times and swallowed. “I know that I’ve been giving you food for free, not all the time and I didn’t mind it because you didn’t want much but it’s been adding up” I spoke up, “I can pay for the food, you just always insisted” he nodded his head. “I know, because you’re a good a worker and I thought that you could use some type of reward” He looked up and down on me. The he looked at his computer screen again. “Don’t you also do this for the others?” I asked. He shook his head. “Not as much as I do with you” I felt awkward. I’ve been abusing this system thinking that everyone else was but it turns out they weren’t. “I have also been giving you longer breaks” he said. “I know and I’m grateful for that but I don’t mind the original time I can go back to that too” my manager grinds and chuckles. “Oh trust me, you’ll be needing that extra time soon” I was confused. “Why?” I asked. “Because your breaks won’t be much of a break anymore” “how come?” I asked again. “You see, the business needs money to be coming in to fill the hole we’ve created and unless you can pay it all back which I’m sure you can’t” “well, how much do we need?” My manager looked straight into my eyes. “7,000 dollars” I gulped. That was what I spent this year for college. There was no way I could repay all that in time. My manager placed his hand on my thigh. “I have another idea, you’re 18 now correct?” I nodded. “Then that means there’s been a few more doors that has opened up job wise for you” I shifted in my seat and tried to get his hand off me without using force. “Do you know what those are?” He leaned into me. I leaned back and shook my head. “Well, I’ll explain it to you. You are of legal age and you are in debt. A quick way to get out of that debt is to provide a service. The service I have in mind for you involves getting intimate, very intimate with another person. I am asking you to do that service for me” my heart started beating faster and I could feel a cold sweat. “How exactly?” I asked. He stands up and gestures me to follow him. We go into the garage and he tells me to stand with my back to the wall. He closes the heavy door that doesn’t have a handle on our side. He walks over to me and grabs my shirt and flicks off my hat. “For every action it will be worth a certain amount of money. Kissing is $5, groping and humping is 8$ oral is 10$ and penetration is 20. You have 7 thousand dollars to earn. Which one do you want to start with?” I could barely speak. Surely this is harassment. All of a sudden he pulls me down to him and forces his lips upon mine. He lets me go and says “there, just earned you 5 bucks, 6,995 to go” after taking a deep breath I knew what I had to do in that moment. It was the only thing that could get me out of this as quickly as possible. I unbuttoned my pants and let them hit the ground. He smiled at that and grabbed my groin. “Good call” after he got his own pants off he forced me on the concrete floor and climbed onto me. I saw his dick and I don’t know if it’s just his height that’s making it look big or if it is just that big. He positioned himself and took one look at me and said “you were always my favorite, I was going to do this to you somehow” and he pushed his entire dry dick into my unprotected and unprepared hole. My whole body was on fire until I could feel a bit of wetness starting to form. He kept pounding into me with no mercy. Soon he ejaculated into me and forced me to suck his dick so I can clean up my mess. “That’s 25, 6975 to go, I’ll see you in your break and every single one after that until you can pay off your entire debt” as he got up and got dressed. I lied on the cold dirty floor thinking that I’ll never get out of here and get that my ovulation date was today.
