Hypnotizing Mom

I was just walking by, not intending on being nosey, but since this was the first time my son had ever had a girl over, in his room, with the door closed, I couldn’t help but pause to make sure everything was fine in there, eavesdropping on them just a little before I continued down the hall.

“It sure is getting hot. Maybe you should take your shirt off?” I heard my son tell the girl he was supposedly tutoring through the door. I should have been mad, upset at the very least, but instead I got hot. Sweating hot. I just had to cool down, and right now taking my shirt off seemed like the only way.

“No way, dork!” Stacy laughed at Chris’s order, but I had already taken off my top and and was fanning my big floppy tits with my hand, just standing there topless in the hall, now only wearing some grey sweatpants.

“Hey, can’t blame a guy for trying, right?” he joked awkwardly. No, I couldn’t blame him. Just like his father, he had basic male needs and he was young and simply had to express them. It seemed perfectly natural. “So, nevermind. Let’s get back to work.” I blinked my eyes and was cool again. I really shouldn’t have disrobed like that. What if one of them had opened the door? Quickly I put my shirt back on and went back to taking the laundry I’d gathered down the hall to start a load of wash as I’d first intended.

…Earlier that day…

“Doing homework?” Mom asked as she came home from work and found me covered in books on the couch.

“Science project,” I mumbled over my books. I’d always been fascinated by hypnotists. Imagine the power of snapping your fingers and just making someone do literally anything you wanted. How did these people not rule the planet, or did they? No, that’s silly. It couldn’t be real. Smart money says it’s all just a big scam, repeated over and over enough times that eventually some people believe it. Either way I decided this year I’d do a science project on the subject and started reading all I could about it.

Lots of accounts said that really it was just a performance, no different than a play where the ‘volunteers’ were hired performers, so there was no power at all. Still, others talked about it as real experiences, saying they just couldn’t resist the commands they were given, or more often had no memory of whatever foolish things they had done. Instruction books talked about using a few verbal tricks, stressed the importance of remaining firm and confident, and honestly that was about all there was to it. If you believed you could hypnotize someone, then they would become hypnotized, as long as your will was strong enough. I couldn’t wait to try this out on Stacy, the sexy senior cheerleader who I’d offered to help tutor in math this afternoon. I could already imagine her following my every command, taking off her clothes and playing with her tits. Maybe I’d even…

“What’s it about?” Mom asked and looked over my shoulder.

“Whether hypnosis is real or not,” I answered, more annoyed at her questioning me than anything else.

“Oh, it’s real,” she said confidently, then chuckled. “When I was in college I went to one of those things and according to my friends I make a pretty good chicken.”

One of the big things I’d read was some people were more susceptible to hypnosis, particularly if they’d been hypnotized before. “Well, can I try it out on you then?” I asked, anxious to try it out.

“Well… okay,” she said, then added, “Just don’t make me do anything too embarrassing or record me.” I never really thought about doing that, but now I did. I could pull out my phone and… Well, I’ll put a pin in that for later with Stacy.

“You got it, so…” I can do this, I told myself to build up my confidence. With a calm breath I looked right at her and ordered, “Come sit here, beside me,” I patted the couch and my mother circled around to join me. I moved the books around me to the coffee table, then locked eyes with her, trying to stare directly into her soul. “Close your eyes and breathe deeply.” She did as I instructed, so I continued. “You’re listening to my voice and find it very calming. Imagine my words are like a cool mountain stream, washing over you, relaxing you completely.”

She didn’t seem to react, still just sitting there with closed eyes, so I continued, hoping this would work. “You are becoming so relaxed you are finding it hard to stay awake, but still you are listening to my voice, hearing it clearly as you drift to sleep, feeling every muscle in your body relax.”

Her eyes fluttered briefly, then she slumped back, her huge breasts heaving on her chest as if she were fully asleep. Well, here goes nothing. “You will hear my voice and believe everything I tell you. I will never lie to you. Now…” of course that was when the doorbell rang.

“That’s Stacy!” I blurted. “Everything’s fine, nothing happened, wake up and act normal,” I yelled, running to get the door. I was fairly confident, given how well things went with Mom, but we’d see when I got Stacy alone in my room.

…Later that evening…

“Thanks for the cookies, Missus Bee,” the cute girl my son clearly had a crush on thanked me before heading out the door. I wasn’t fooled by her friendly demeanor though; I’d had too much experience with the snobby pretty girls like her. She had no intentions of reciprocating Chris’s affections. She was just using his puppy love to help her grades, and my son was too smitten to see the truth.

But what could I say? If I tried to warn him, that’d only make him fall for her more. Might as well play it cool I decided, so casually said, “She seemed nice.”

“Yeah,” my son mumbled, sounding disappointed.

“What’s wrong, Honey?” I asked, acting clueless.

“Nothing, just…” he didn’t finish his thoughts, instead just looked at me and asked, “Earlier when we were practicing the hypnosis, did you fake it?”

“What?” I blanched. “Of course not!” I answered earnestly. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t think it worked.”

“Yeah…” he sighed sadly, and turned to go back to his room. Oh, he looked so sad and pitiful. Maybe he just needed more practice?

“Tell you what,” I said before he left. “After dinner you can try it on me again. ‘Kay?”

“Sure,” he grumbled, and shut his bedroom door behind him.

…After Dinner…

I was positive that Mom clearly had some kind of reaction to my first hypnosis attempt. She totally acted just like they did in the videos, limp as if asleep, but not really. Maybe it hadn’t worked on Stacy because I was too nervous? I knew confidence was key, but I was sweating up a storm and probably wasn’t as authoritative as I should have been. That had to be it, I was sure of it. I quickly finished up my meal and went back into the living room until Mom finished with the dishes.

I was so anxious with planning out what I would say next that Mom didn’t even have to say anything when she came in the room. “Right here, Mom. Have a seat,” I said and she sat right down next to me on the couch.

“Okay,” I cleared my throat and looked deep into her eyes. “I will speak slowly and clearly, and you will do everything that I say,” Mom nodded so I continued. “Hold out your hands,” I instructed and she did. “You are trying to hold them up, to stop me from pushing them down,” I explained giving them some gentle pressure, which she resisted, keeping her hands up at first. “But they are getting heavy, and…” she let me push them down just an inch so I followed that quickly with a sharp push down as I said sharply, “sleep!”

Her arms fell and she quickly slumped over again, just like before. “You can still hear my words clearly, but find yourself relaxing in a deep pool of water, floating peacefully.” She seemed to be completely under, but I wasn’t sure she wasn’t faking it. “The gentle waves are lifting up your shirt, but that doesn’t bother you since you are so relaxed,” I explained and then lifted up her shirt to expose her massive breasts. Normally she’d be wearing a bra, but being Saturday and doing chores she was just casually wearing only a t-shirt and sweatpants. Best of all she didn’t react to my actions at all, just say there as if asleep while I ogled her naked tits.

“You’re enjoying the warm waves of water caressing your body,” I added, just so I could go in and touch her beautiful breasts directly. They were everything I’d imagine breasts to feel like, warm and soft, with the slightly rigid nipples that hardened the more I played with them. But that wasn’t enough for me. Just from touching her I’d gotten super hard and I really wanted to do more with her, but was having some moral problems with doing so. This was my own mother after all, and I knew that what I wanted to do to her was just downright wrong.

“The relaxing water in your pool makes you happy, but also a little turned on at the same time. It makes you want to tell me about your first sexual experience, so go ahead and tell me about it,” I said, still idly massaging her breasts.

“I was sixteen and asleep when my step-dad came into my room one night,” she began and my eyes widened as she continued. “He and Mom had been drinking, but I guess she was passed out so he thought he could get away with molesting me.”

She paused, so I pressed, “Tell me everything about what he did and how you felt that night.”

“I had gone to bed naked since it was hot that night, and I woke up thinking I had to pee,” she recalled in detail, “But I wasn’t expecting Bob to be fingering my pussy, making it wet with his big, rough hands,” she explained. “I told him he should stop, because this was wrong. He didn’t at first, but then I told him I’d scream. He got mad, then stormed off. Later I heard him and Mom fucking and it made me really horny. That was the first time I ever masturbated.”

Wow! I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. Mom and Grampa Bob? I knew she wouldn’t stand for him drinking around me, but that this was why? I wondered if things had gone differently, had he been more gentle or not drunk, would she have fucked him? She was obviously turned on by him, but what if… I formulated my idea and stepped away from her.

“You are going back to that day, reliving it from when you went to bed. But when you see me you will instead see Bob. When I speak it will sound like him, too. When I touch you, you will feel his fingers, just like you did before. But this time he has not been drinking and you will feel compelled to tell him the truth about how much his touch turns you on,” I laid the groundwork then added the trigger. “I will count to three, then when I snap my fingers you will be sixteen again on that night, just as I said, right before you went to bed. You will believe everything I tell you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Mom said evenly.

Taking a deep breath I counted, “One. Two. Three,” then snapped my fingers, and like a light switch being turned on she awoke, straightened her shirt and looked at me.


My eyes blinked open and I saw a small round head, no wait, it was bigger and wider with stubbly whiskers since it was late at night now, almost a full day since he last shaved. It was my step-father, though I never knew my real father, so I still called him Daddy, and he was looking at me expectantly. Oh shoot, I must have fallen asleep watching TV, and tonight was still a school night. Under his knowing gaze I self-consciously pulled down my loose shirt and apologized.

“Sorry, Daddy. I must have fallen asleep,” I muttered rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “Where’s Mom?”

“She’s been drinking a bit, and already gone to bed. And it is getting late, so why don’t you head to bed, too,” he happily answered back in his handsome gravelly voice. “I’ll be in in a minute to tuck you in.”

“Okay, Daddy,” I answered, leaned in to kiss his cheek, then jumped up and trotted away to to my room. I quickly undressed and got in bed. It was too hot for clothes, and really I only pulled up the sheet because Daddy said he’d be in soon. I took a few minutes contemplating the last time he’d tucked me in for bed. It had been quite a long time really, so it kind of seemed a little corny to still do it since I was sixteen now, but I didn’t mind. Mom was lucky to have found such a handsome man who was okay with raising another man’s daughter, and I hoped I’d be half as lucky to find a guy like him someday.

There was a slight knock on the door and Daddy pushed it open. “Ready for bed, Princess?” he asked.

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, not really sure what to expect. The last time I could remember Daddy tucking me in was maybe four years ago when I recalled begging him to read me a story before bed. Even then I was probably too old for such things, but I’d had my heartbroken by Tommy Greeco who ripped up my very first love letter right in front of his friends. I knew now how silly I’d been, but it had been traumatic for me at the time and I desperately needed something else to distract me before I could go to sleep. Daddy hadn’t been that great with coming up with a story on the spot and I never asked him again, so I really had no idea of what to expect tonight.

…Entering Mom’s room…

I could see her curvaceous form silhouetted only by the thin pale blue sheet over her naked body. Mom really was a sexy woman, and I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this, but I was far too excited to stop now. I walked in and sat next to her knees on the side of the bed, trying to decide what to do next, so I just placed one hand on her knee, caressing it gently to start with.

“You know I love you very much, don’t you?” I asked, squeezing her knee as I asked.

“Yes, Daddy,” she whispered back, and with that I pushed my hand up slightly, caressing her thigh now.

“And lately your mother has been…” I said, trying to play my part, but I didn’t know what to say. Grampa Bob was still married to Grandma today, though they didn’t get out much. They lived on the other coast so I hadn’t seen them in years, and even then didn’t really know them well outside of a few Christmas family gatherings.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” Mom already answered, seeming to understanding what her father would have meant. “I know she drinks too much.”

I sighed and nodded, playing along. “And sometimes when I look at you, I see a beautiful younger version of her, more like the one I married,” I explained as I boldly moved my hand up further, caressing her upper thigh and hip now, coming ever so close to her spot, the place I entered the world from almost two decades ago. I knew it was wrong to want to see and touch her there, but I just wanted to so badly.

“That feels really good Daddy, but do you really think I’m beautiful?” she asked. I only answered her question by removing my hand from her hip and gently, though deliberately, grabbed the top of the sheet and slowly pulled it away. She visibly tensed up, but didn’t resist or scream. She just lay there, allowing me to perversely gaze down at her naked body in all its wonder. Her large breasts hung low and wide on her chest. Her slightly pudgy belly made me imagine myself as a young fetus growing in her womb, pushing it out from the inside as I grew. Then there was her crotch with its dark curly hairs concealing the womanly folds from which I pushed out from as I was born. She’d told me how horny she got as Grampa Bob drunkenly fingered her, and since I was pretending to be him, my hand moved on its own.

…His hand reached for my crotch…

“Daddy!” I gasped as his rough fingertips touched my outer pussy lips. I don’t know why I let him remove the sheet and look at me naked, but I knew that him touching me there was just wrong.

“Doesn’t that feel good?” he asked, running his hand gently up and down my virgin pussy, and it did feel tingly good. I’d always been too self-conscious to touch myself like this in the past, always feeling dirty or perverted when I got wet thinking about sex before. I tried to find words to explain the feuding thoughts in my head, but then one fat finger tip slipped inside my suddenly gushing folds. All I could do then was clench up, biteg my teeth together, and adjust to the blinding new pleasure that I’d never felt before.

He took my lack of an answer to go further, probing his fingers deeper inside my vagina. How could this feel so good? I shouldn’t be enjoying this, much less from my own step-father, regardless of the fact there wasn’t a blood relation. The fact he was married to my mother meant he was cheating on her and only the guilt building up in me finally overroad my desire for him to continue.

“Daddy, you shouldn’t be doing this,” I gasped, getting more turned on by saying this, making the whole encounter somehow more exciting. I almost didn’t want him to stop, yet knew he had to. “What if Mom hears?” I explained. I could only imagine what would happen if she came in at this moment, drunk and angry. They might get divorced and she’d probably hate me forever, even though none of this was my idea at all! I could feel him continuing to churn up my insides and knew if I didn’t make one last plea for him to stop, I wouldn’t want him to because it felt so damn good. “You gotta stop now or I’m scream,” I almost moaned.

“I’ll stop if you tell me you don’t like it,” he whispered, then brought his head down to my breast and kissed my nipple that I hadn’t even realized had now become hard and erect. Then he sucked it into his mouth with his tongue, wiggling over it’s tip. Combined with his now two or more fingers wiggling around in my cooch I practically exploded. I grabbed ahold of Daddy’s head, clutching it to my breast and my pussy convulsed powerfully around his hand. My brain was spinning, dizzy and excited, feeling like it had left my body and bounced off of every wall before slamming back into my head.

By the time I came back to myself and relaxed his hand had been removed from my drenched pussy and I saw him licking his fingers clean of my girl-cum. Seeing that made my heart beat faster and my pussy shudder again. “I’m sorry,” I muttered.

“For what?” he asked, then licked up another gooey strand of my juices. “You taste great.”

“Do you like it, really?” I asked worried. I could smell it and it looked disgusting to me, but he really seemed to enjoy it.

“You’re delicious!” he said happily and then looked at me funny. “Mind if I try a lick right from the source?”

Oh, God! He wants to lick my pussy? “Um, maybe later,” I said closing up my legs and feeling my pussy gush again at the very thought. I’d cum again for sure if he did that and I wasn’t ready for that yet. But now I knew I couldn’t just kick him out of my room without returning the favor. I knew he expected more, but I didn’t want this to go too far. Cindy had told me she had been giving head to her boyfriend to keep him out of her panties or from dumping her, so I guess I could do that for him.

“Maybe, instead I could touch yours?” I offered, not sure how to really offer to give a guy a blowjob.

…Did she really say that?

“Um, sure…” I gasped and fumbled with my pants, trying to get them off. My cock had been hard since I walked in, but with the sweet innocence Mom had asked to touch my cock I was already leaking from my tip with excitement. Again the pang of morality stabbed at me, reminding me this was so very wrong, not that I was going to refuse. Besides, it’s not like I’m fucking my own mother or anything. It wasn’t really incest if I didn’t stick it in her pussy and try to make a baby. Everyone knows that inbreeding is stupid because of how the babies are born deformed and stupid, but this wasn’t actually sex. It might have just been my desire talking in my head, but that was good enough for me as I pointed my shaft over her chest from the side of the bed.

“It’s so big!” she cooed as one of her soft hands wrapped around my shaft and the other gently caressed my ball sac. She more tickled me than anything else, but I suppose since I had hypnotized her to reliving this night when she was sixteen then she probably had never seen a real penis at this point, at least I hoped so. Thinking of my Mom being a teenaged slut bothered me, yet also turned me on. I knew I wasn’t born until she was twenty-one just by doing the math, but maybe she had sucked and fucked guys as early as sixteen? She said I was big, but did she have a frame of reference at all? Now I just had to know.

“Have you seen or touched a boy this way before?” I asked my regressed mother.

“Of course not, Daddy,” she said sounding a little upset that she had to answer this. “I just never expected they got this huge. I mean, I knew they got bigger from Biology and Health classes, but I didn’t expect it to be larger than a finger or two.” Then she rolled over onto her hands and knees to look at it more closely. “I mean…” she ran her fingertips from my swollen cockhead all the way eight inches down to my root and asked with wonder, “It couldn’t all possibly fit all inside me, could it?”

Already images of sliding my penis inside her, splitting open her womanly folds, filling her with my member as I had my fingers flashed through my head and I was getting dizzy with excitement. I wanted nothing more than to just jump atop of her and fuck her like a crazed bunny, but I knew I couldn’t do that, not to my own mother, but still just thinking about it pulled me right to the very edge of lust and sanity. Then she giggled, “You’re leaking at the tip,” and before I knew it her tongue was on my pee-hole, lapping up my oozing pre-cum and I lost it. My balls clenched and everything went white as my eyes rolled back in my head.

…It tastes salty…

The little bubble of clear liquid tasted a bit like sweet sea water, and the way Daddy gasped with pleasure made me really happy. I had just decided to try actually taking him in my mouth as Cindy had described, when suddenly my open mouth was filled with a hot jet of something even saltier. I squeaked in surprise as his penis started jumping before me, and closed one eye after another jet shot right out and covered my face as I turned away. I felt more land on my shoulder and back for a few more spurts, and I couldn’t help but consider the taste of his sperm in my mouth.

It was thick like yogurt, but warm and very potent in flavor, yet didn’t taste disgusting. Cindy had said she spit it out the first time and that had really upset her boyfriend, but that it wasn’t bad once you got used to it. I didn’t even need to force myself to swallow it as I could get the appeal. It tasted like nothing else I’d ever eaten, and just knowing it was produced just for me, that it was the product of him getting so turned on by me that he uncontrollably exploded with it really excited me.

My head couldn’t stop wondering what that firing off inside my pussy would feel like, pulse after pulse of his white goo shooting up deep inside me, coating my womb with his sperm, filling me up so that one lucky little sperm might make its way to where I released my eggs and then having him squirm inside to make a baby. The whole academic biology I’d learned in school suddenly had a whole new meaning now that I was so close to experiencing it in real life. If he had done that inside me, I’d have his baby! My vagina shivered in pleasure just thinking about that.

He seemed to have stopped cumming now and turned to sit down on the bed, though a sticky white trail of his seed was still dripping from his tip. I could feel it quickly cooling and running down my skin, as if it was trying to cover my whole body and I couldn’t help myself from laughing, “Wow, Daddy, you sure came a lot!”

“Yeah, sorry. I…” he gasped as I was finally bold enough to bend over him, placing my mouth fully over his manhood and sucking up his cum. “Oh, shit!” he groaned and I just loved that I was making him feel good. He’d made me feel so good before, so in returning the favor it seemed only fair and fun. I slurped up the remaining cum he had and could already feel his rigidity waning. His once throbbing hardness was softening, making his penis flexible as it shrank back down. I kept sucking, hoping to keep going, but incredibly he just kept shrinking down, down, until he was no more than two inches long, nothing more than a fat wrinkly, soft thumb dangling over his two fuzzy balls. “I think that’s enough for tonight,” he gasped and took a deep breath.

…I’m totally exhausted…

I knew I needed to focus on one last task, but I was ready to collapse. I’d jerked off before, but it was nothing like that. This was by far the most intense orgasm of my life, and it was with my own mother! I was heavily weighed with guilt over doing this to her, tricking her into sucking me off, but she really seemed to enjoy doing it at the end. So much so that I couldn’t resist letting her go at it until I couldn’t take it anymore. But now it was over and it was time to get things back to normal.

“Look in my eyes and listen closely,” I said as evenly and commandingly as I could. She did, so I continued. “When I snap my fingers you will clean all this up,” I pointed at the cum trails all over the end of the bed, “then take a shower. After that you will go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you will be fully refreshed and again be your normal self and I will be your son. You will have no memory of ever doing anything sexual with me at all. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said cheerfully and I couldn’t help but be turned on by hearing her say this again, that I decided to add one last command.

“Imagine that all memory of what happened tonight is a picture, snapped from a camera and in your hand.” She held up her hand dutifully, pinching her finger and thumb as if holding a real polaroid. “Good, now we are locking that photograph in a box and only I have the key. That key is me saying the words ‘Daddy’s home.’ In the future if you hear me say that then the box will open and you will be sixteen again and remember what happened, but other than that it will be like it never did. Do you understand?” I hoped this wasn’t too complicated for her to follow. But it seemed like too good of an opportunity to forget about completely.

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered just as happily as before.

“Good, now I will snap my fingers in three… two… one…” and my fingers snapped. She looked away from me, completely entranced and pulled out a few tissues and rubbed away at the drying pools of spooge I’d left on her bed, and with that I got up and headed to my own room not even bothering to zip up my pants. I kicked off my clothes and laid down as I heard the water in the walls as the shower was turned on, knowing Mom was still doing what I’d told her to do. My head hit the pillow and I was out like a light. My only thought before passing out was wondering if I was going to go to Hell for this, but I really didn’t care right then at all.

To Be Continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l1qmd6/hypnotizing_mom


  1. Wow, I can’t wait for the next part. The story was great and it was long enough to really pull me in. I enjoy longer stories, frequent intermissions mess with the flow. Well done.

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