[FF] Uncomfortable situation but things are getting better [couples]

Over a year ago I posted a story about a threesome my wife and I had with one of her recently divorced friends. A few months after I got “loaned out” to that friend to help her with her boredom and horniness, the ex-husband started reaching out and talking about reconcilition. It went no where at first, but eventually it got serious enough that my wife’s friend thought we should take the story down.

Here we are a few months later and my wife and I have found out that Katy told her ex about what happened. They are talking about getting remarried and they both agreed to tell the other about who they’d dated and slept with. Our experiences were part of the story Katy told to Tyler in order to be, in her words, completely open and honest about their love and sex lives since they’d split.

The way we found out was through comments Tyler would make when he and Katy would come to visit. Usually, we’d be playing cards or watching a movie. Something would get said that would leave an opening for some passive-aggressive double entendres from Tyler. During the third or fourth visit after he and Katy started seeing each other again, and she was bringing him back to our house for those game or movie nights, Tyler finally had enough to drink to make him bring it up specifically. Tyler and I were in the living room trying to find the movie we wanted to see on any one of the dozen streaming services we have when, out of nowhere, he said, “I think you need to know that Katy told me what happened…that you fucked her last year.”

I kept my face neutral, I think, but did hesitate in responding. I finally just said, “We should probably talk about this with everyone in the room.”

Tyler agreed, and as we waited for Katy and Chrissy to return, he kept saying he wasn’t mad. A couple of times he said added, “But I would like to get even.” His attempts to make it sound like a joke weren’t working. He was mad and he wanted to fuck Chrissy. This was going to get complicated.

Chrissy and I share each other. Our stories make that clear. We don’t have issues because of it. In fact, we’re one of those couples who I think it helps by keeping things varied and interesting. But we’d never run into this situation before. Back when they were still married, Chrissy and I talked about swapping with Tyler and Katy, or maybe just watching each other fuck. Never did it occur to us that, if it ever happened, it would be because of some kind of grudge or jealousy.

Once the women came into the living room, I looked straight at Tyler and made a face that said, “Who is going to bring this up, you or me?” He did.

One of the first things out of his mouth after Chrissy sat down next to me, and Katy next to him, was, “Chrissy, you’re the only one who doesn’t know now, so I’m just going to go ahead and lay it out there. I know what happened between you two and Katy. She told me about it. Don’t be mad at her. It was something I told her needed to be done if we were going to get back together. We both needed to come clean about what happened.”

Chrissy glanced over at Katy with a “I wish you hadn’t done that” look, then looked at me with a “Oh crap, I wonder what this means?” look. Katy jumped in an started repeatedly apologizing. A long conversation took place that night. I’ll summarize it so that the story can start.

Tyler heard our perspective and finally seemed to understand that no offense was meant. It was the girls who were the connection in this group of four, they’d been split for a while, and everyone thought the marriage was over. In fact, it was. And had been. We didn’t evn know if we’d ever see Tyler again. We wern’t close enough with them before the divorce to have really ever seen him that much at all. Now that he’s back, nothing like that threesome would happen again. We understood why Katy told him. Is everyone OK with just acting like it never happened and never mentioning it again?

Tyler wasn’t. There’s a reason he and Katy split up and they’re the same reasons they’ll split up again. He’s got that competitve, douchey, jealous, wannabe alpha vibe. It came into play that night and, probably along with the alcohol, caused him to hint at being wronged. He kept insinuating that he was some kind of victim and had been dealt with dishonestly.

After finally settling things down for the night so that we could watch the movie, Tyler and Katy left. It was nearly a month before they came back over. We figured that as long as she was with Tyler, his jealousy would keep Katy and Chrissy from being able to be friends. Or, at least in the way they had been able to be. Chrissy had invited them back over twice, but they declined the invitation.

It was them who reached back out and asked when we’d have a free Friday night. Chrissy and I had already talked about how she wished things could go back to normal. She had gotten closer to Katy during the time she was single. She missed her friend. I told her that if Tyler wasn’t being such a dumb ass about all of it that I’d have told her she should go have a threesome with them just even things out.

Katy called Chrissy a couple of times that week. Katy said she wanted to be honest with us and gave Chrissy a warning that Tyler was going to ask for that threesome. For maybe the third time in our marriage, I objected. Sharing is about fun, not payback. I didn’t want it to happen under those conditions. Chrissy agreed and said she’d call Katy the next day to tell them not to come over if that’s what it was all about.

Chrissy didn’t make that call. Instead, she called me and asked me to reconsider. We’d talked and fantasized about doing things like this with them before. If it makes things so that she can keep a friend, she admitted that she wanted to do it. I agreed to think more on it before that Friday night came. Later that evening I told Chrissy to go ahead and have them come over and let’s see how Tyler handles it.

Two glasses of wine each for the ladies, and four beers each for me and Tyler, made the conversation start. Tyler tried the “it isn’t fair” angle once or twice. Katy said she was good with doing it if it could help make things right between everyone. Chrissy asked what “right” was and said she didn’t want to do this just because Tyler was jealous.

I thought that would end the conversation. I looked at Tyler to see his reaction, expecting him to deny any kind of feelings related to jealousy. He didn’t. He calmly said it wasn’t about that. Or revenge. He said he’d thought about it before, the few times we’d been around him and Katy, because he thinks Chrissy is hot (he isn’t wrong). That anything he felt negative about all of it was actually toward Katy because she’d always shot down his hints that they should see if we interested in playing with them. He admitted that it would always be “a little bit weird” knowing that I’d fucked his wife. He failed to mention that they’re actually no longer spouses. But, he swore it wouldn’t affect things going forward.

We worked through how it already had. He and Katy explained how that was something between them that they’ve worked out and things are normal again, no matter what we decided. She said that they were asking because Tyler had wanted to try it before they split and, now that she’d done it, it wasn’t as big a deal anymore. If it helped get the elephant out of the room, that was just a really good extra benefit.

Chrissy had drank another glass of wine through all that. She pulled me into another room and said that if we just act like it was a normal swap or share, then who cares. She and her friend could get back to being friends like they were. Tyler didn’t seem to be driven by anger or jealousy, even if it was obvious there were some of those things there. She knew it was a bit riskier than any other situation we’d ever involved ourselves in, but she felt it was worth it. Se really does like Katy and values the relationship they’ve built.

We told Katy and Tyler we agreed. Had an explicit discussion about privacy with them and then talked about when. It seemed too strange to be so blunt about all of it and then just have it happen. Katy and Tyler agreed to come over the next night. I figured someone would change their mind. No one did.

They arrived about 7:30. By 9:00 everyone was drunk again. Nothing had been said about what was going to happen. I thought that maybe it would be at the very last second that it would come together.

Katy excused herself to go the bathroom. When she walked back into the living room she sat down right next to Chrissy. Without a single word she picked her wine glass up off the table, drank the half that remained in it, and, after setting the glass back down, turned and just started kissing Chrissy out of nowhere.

Every time their lips slight parted, Chrissy expressed her surprise at what was happening. I looked over at Tyler and he too seemed genuinely surprised.

Katy was the aggressor. I watched my wife basically being taken by another woman. Chrissy wasn’t resisting, but was definitely taken aback. It isn’t something that happens to her in the sexual arena all that often.

Katy began pulling reaching down Chrissy’s flanel pajama pants. They are loose fitting and gave plenty of room for Katy to find her way to Chrissy’s pussy. I could tell she went right for it because I recognized the gasps, followed by a deeper than normal breath, Chrissy makes when something enters her. Then came the other kind of gasps when something starts rubbing or vibrating her clit.

I was stunned. I didn’t think Katy was able to be this aggressive in the sack. I also hadn’t ever seen Chrissy be so quiet. Well, at least so passive and non-verbal. She never said a word. She just absorbed Katy’s kisses and started to breathe really heavily. Then the moans started. Katy pulled back from kissing her here and there. Only once did Chrissy look away from Katy’s face. She glanced over at me, and then over at Tyler, I think to make sure we were seeing what as happening.

Katy’s arm never moved while her hand was down Chrissy’s pants. You could see the thin flannel moving around and up and down, but it was all from Katy’s fingers. I saw Katy wince. She pulled back from sticking her tongue down Katy’s throat to whisper, “Oh! That hurts.” as she put her hand over Chrissy’s that was clamping down hard on Katy’s collar bone.

Chrissy was barely able to whisper, “I’m sorry, but you’re about to make me cum.” Katy pried Chrissy’s hand up a little and then took it in hers. Chrissy knew she could squeez all she wanted to now. She did to the point of making both their fingertips turn white for about thirty seconds before pulling back from Katy’s kisses and then leaning forward to put their cheeks together. Chrissy was silent for about ten seconds even though her mouth was wide open, her chin looking like it was resting on the curve at the bottom of Katy’s neck.

Then, the noise. No words. I know Chrissy feels really good when all she can do is pant, moan, scream, or shriek. She hadn’t said a single word since Katy had started and now she was cumming all over Katy’s hand.

“Did you like that?” Katy asked Chrissy. All Chrissy could manage was to shake her head yes through her half-closed eyes. She was still breathing too hard to use words.

Then there was only the noise of the TV. I’m glad it was on. Even with it, there was still almost an awkward “silence” that drug on.

Finally, Tyler said, “Well, that was, well, hot.”

Now that someone had spoken, we all began to talk. Tyler caught me at the end of the night before he and Katy left and said, “I know it was supposed to be a threesome. But, that was hot enough. I didn’t do anything because I don’t want you to think that I’m obsessed with fucking your wife for some kind of payback for fucking mine. Besides, she isn’t even technically my wife anymore. But I want her to be again and if I seem to be putting more effort into sleeping with Chrissy than anything else it probably won’t happen.”

I told him I appreciated what he said. That if they do get back together that I’ll be more comfortable with other things happening since I know how he’s looking at things now and not just suspicious that he may be looking for an excuse to get some strange.

We’ve been at each others’ houses once each since Katy got Chrissy off at ours. That’s three visits since Katy and Tyler haven’t moved back in together yet. Nothing has happened again.

Chrissy and I both suspect that it will. We just think they’re trying to make sure we don’t think it all has to do with that MFF night when they were split. We’ve got plans with them in a couple of weeks and we’re comfortable enough now that we might initiate things. Chrissy said, “If there is going to be an payback in all this, I’m going to have to give it Katy for what she did to me on the couch. You boys can watch again.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l23a6p/ff_uncomfortable_situation_but_things_are_getting


  1. Here is Chrissy. I’ll see if I can get Katy to agree to let me share a picture of her too (She’s just over 5′ tall. Probably 5’2″ and not quite 120 pounds.) I’ll let you guess those measurements for Chrissy from this pic:


  2. Shes got a good body indeed! I was also relieved that Tyler manned up and made that comment to you when him and Katy were leaving. Shows respect. Would like to read more if you guys do ever see them again.

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