Pyramid Head catches you in Silent Hill [M4F] [narrative 2nd person] [rape] [nc] [monster male] [teratophile]

**Tags:** [M4F] [MF] [rough] [rape] [non-consensual] [force] [monster male] [choking] [fingering] [monsterous strength] [fucked from behind] [doggy style] [anal] [narrative] [2nd person] [chased] [injured] [fantasy setting] [teratophile] [silent hill]

**Estimated Read Time:** 16 minutes

***CONTENT WARNING! -This is a fantasy story with fictional sexual violence. Be aware this is a non-consensual scene. All characters in this story are 18+ years of age.*

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You have no idea how you ended up in this foggy rural nightmare of a town, but you’re starting to wonder if you’ll ever get out of Silent Hill alive.

There are these things, moving around in the mist. They’re barely more than shadowy figures at times, but you haven’t been trying to get any closer to them. The first time you saw one, you thought you’d found someone who could help you out. As you got closer though, you realized something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong with this person.

At first, you had thought maybe they were injured, but as they shuffled closer, you noticed their proportions were wrong. Arms too big, head bent at a strange angle. You were terrified as the thing turned in your direction. After fleeing into the mist and finding a place to hide, it seemed you’d lost them. It. Venturing back out into the mist, you soon learned it wasn’t the only thing wandering the foggy town with you.

There was the thing with too many arms, something that might have been a dog, and something else you never saw but only heard in the distance. Each time, you were able to get far enough away from them to get away safely. Still, your nerves were getting worse with every passing minute. Hour? It was hard to tell the time out here. Your phone has been dead since you got here. The overcast seemingly never changing, making it impossible to tell the position of the sun.

It felt like you’d been walking for hours. Between running from every misshapen form you catch sight of, hiding behind trash, and being constantly on edge, you are feeling exhausted. Dirty, sweaty, about to break. Still, you try to push on to find a way out of this hell hole.

Maybe that’s why you don’t notice the towering form in the mist until you’re practically next to it.

So close now, you assume it’s a him, though the large pyramid shape where his head should be had originally made you overlook this figure in the mist as something inanimate. It’s wide and rusty looking and besides the dirty rags wrapped around his waist, it’s about all he’s wearing. His chest is bare and his body muscular. Still, he’s about the most human thing you’ve seen in what feels like forever.

You notice the large metal handle in his hand and realize it’s some sort of weapon dragging behind him. Something long and bladed, covered in rust and what could be blood. You’ve been standing still ever since you noticed this person, frozen in place though he hasn’t reacted to your appearance. Taking him all in, you start to think it’s better if he hasn’t noticed you.

You didn’t scream when you saw this creature, this person, but unfortunately, as you step back silently to slip away, he turns to face you and starts taking strong strides in your direction. To your credit, you turn and run as fast as you can away from him, leaving him in the fog behind you.

Still, as you run, you stumble over a pothole and land on the broken asphalt. You must be worse off than you thought, as hitting the ground takes a lot out of you. Adrenaline rushes have been helping you escape the dangers in the fog but it feels like you’ve been in constant danger since you arrived here. Eventually the human body does reach a limit. Eventually it does begin to fail even when the danger is in your face.

Behind you in the mist, you hear a sickening scraping sound that can only be something very heavy and metal dragging behind an approaching figure. Forcing yourself up, you start limping away towards a nearby building to hide. With any luck the doors won’t be locked.

If running is out of the question, maybe you can hide from this pyramid headed figure. With that giant thing dragging behind him, you should be able to always know when he’s approaching. Quickly throwing yourself through the doorway and scrambling down a forlorn hallway, you find something to hide behind and try to bring your breathing under control.

Your heartbeat is a loud drum playing in your ears. In the still of the rust-colored room, your breathing sounds like the second loudest thing in the world. Your body aches and your knee is bleeding but you try to stay still and be as small as possible.

A minute passes as you curl up even tighter in your hiding spot. After a few minutes, your ears stop roaring with the sound of your own pulse. Your breathing slows to quiet inhales and soft exhales as you wait in the dim room. Waiting here feels like an eternity, but you’ll wait here as long as it takes to be sure you lost that thing.

After enough time spent in the stillness of your hiding spot, you cautiously peek around the corner. As you do, your stomach drops. Across the room stands the towering figure, the heavy weapon easily held off the ground by a single arm. This thing must have come in through another entrance. How it got this close to you without any warning sounds, you will never know.

For a heavy second, you just stare at the looming figure. Simultaneously, as you decide to make a run for it, he starts power walking at you. Each step closing the gap between the two of you as you scramble to your feet and try to find a new way out. Going back the way you came might be your best bet, though that means running towards this guy and getting to the door before he does.

Gritting your teeth, you ignore the sharp pain in your leg and make a dash for it. If you can get outside, maybe you can lose him in the mist again.

Unfortunately, your hesitation might have cost you. Or maybe it spared you. As you scrambled for the door, the hulking figure had moved quickly. With a terrible swing, he brings the weapon around and down just inches in front of you. It shatters the flooring and buries deep into the ground. While it didn’t strike you, between your momentum mixed and your injured leg, you stumble forward over it onto the floor just feet from the doorway.

You open your eyes to see the door, freedom, only a yard or two away. You reach for it with your hands, hoping to drag yourself to safety. The heavy footsteps come up behind you before you feel a rough hand grab the back of your shirt and pick you up, effortlessly.

With one arm, he drags you to your feet and turns you around. The figure standing just inches from you now, his massive pyramid of a head looming over you. You go to say something. To plead or cry or scream, but his hand shoots to your throat and stifles any sound to a gurgle.

His fingers are like iron around you. Not crushing your windpipe but not budging as you struggle in his grip. Seemingly without strain, he picks you up off the ground. In a panic, your hands grab his arm as you try to support yourself. He brings you against a wall, forcefully pushing you against it. It doesn’t wind you, but it does not make breathing any easier. He seems to be sizing you up. Or toying with you? It’s clear he could end you with one hand, but he hasn’t.

His other hand reaches to your pants, grabbing a handful of fabric with his hand. With a powerful yank, he rips a large tear down your pants, revealing your naked body underneath. You’re starting to feel light-headed when you feel him bring his fingers to your pussy and roughly slide one into you.

It’s only one finger, but his hands must be huge. You feel him moving it inside you a while before you feel another finger slip in as well. The two of them nearly fill you up as they squirm and stroke you deeper than anyone’s hands have ever been in you. His grip around your neck loosens a little and suddenly your weight is more supported by his hand at your crotch than your neck.

Your eyesight stops blurring as you fill your lungs with air again. You also catch yourself gasping at the sensations of his fingers stuck inside you. Looking down you see the veins and muscles bulging on his arms. His massive form holding you up against the wall like you’re nothing. Your body weight pressing down on his hand and driving him into you deeper still. Whatever you had thought this thing would do when it caught you, this isn’t what you had expected.

His thick fingers stroking you, he brings his thumb to your clit and starts rubbing along it as well. Your head is still held up by his other arm as you struggle and squirm. You quickly realize you’re not escaping his grip while he holds you like this. Pinned a few feet off the ground, there’s not much you can do besides writhe as he roughly fingers you with thick digits.

Your thighs are rubbing against his wrist as a moan escapes your lips. With a final thrust of his hand upwards, the strange man pulls his fingers out of you. For a moment you’re hanging by the throat again but he quickly releases your neck as well. You drop to the ground and stumble to your knees. Your mind is a foggy haze but for a split second the most rational of thoughts you have is, “RUN!”

Unfortunately, your body is fairly compromised at this point and you barely manage to stand to your feet, much less make another escape attempt. Seemingly without tire, without limit, the pyramid headed figure grabs you and throws you again a chainlink fence walling off some area of the room. You hit the chainlink face first and grab onto it so you don’t fall to your knees again. You go to look back over your shoulder at your attacker when you feel his hand at your head pressing you against the fence.

His massive hand practically engulfing your skull, you are pinned and barely able to see behind you as he brings his other hand to your ass. Ripping any remaining material out of the way, he works until your ass is fully exposed to him. You can only watch as he reaches into his clothing and moves it aside to reveal his bulky cock. It’s veiny and bugling like the rest of him. It’s as massive as his hands and a little misshapen. Your mind connects what’s about to happen as his hand grips your thigh and he lines up his girthy cock with your pussy.

Your plea dies in your throat as he rams his cock inside you. You feel your pussy stretching out as he fills you up, pushing deeper and deeper into you. You gasp and can’t help but moan as he presses down against you, his arms keeping you in place even as your arms tense and your knees buckle. Your fingers grip the chainlink as your face is pressed hard against it. As he begins to thrust back and forth into you, you’re repeatedly pushed against the thin metal links which rattle with each violent thrust.

Forcing you into position with his strong arms, he arches your back and keeps you pinned so there’s no escaping his cock as he slams into you again and again. Powerless against him, you can only squirm and wiggle against his iron grip. His arms once again keeping you in place as your own legs have turned to mush. The room is filled with your cries and the rattle of the fence as he pounds you repeatedly.

Suddenly you feel a sharp smack against your ass, his massive hands striking your cheek forcefully. You feel hot tears swell in your eyes at the sting as he winds up to strike you again. You feel his large hand strike your ass cheek once more, with a sharp ring and burning sensation that tells you he’s leaving bruises. The whole time he doesn’t stop thrusting into you but slows down his pistoning as your ass is beat.

You gasp and cry out with each spanking, tears running down your face. You close your eyes and tense for another strike but nothing comes. Before you can try to see what’s happening, you feel his hand release your head as his other arm wraps around your neck. Holding you upright with his thick arm around you in a chokehold, he brings his other hand down to slap your other ass cheek.

Once again, you feel his muscles tight and tense, bugling against your soft throat. His arm unmoving against your struggles. Your cries are more muffled as he strikes you, your head feeling light again as he chokes you from behind. As he begins to thrust into you faster, you’re hardly able to think about anything else.

Just as you feel his arm tightening too much, he stops. Everything. The room goes quiet and suddenly all you can hear is the sound of your own struggled breathing. It’s hard to tell over the sound of your own, but you swear you don’t even hear him breathing. He’s stopped thrusting into you, stopped squeezing your throat tighter and tighter. It’s still wrapped around you like an immovable pillory stock, but you’re able to gasp down some deep breaths in the stillness.

It almost startles you when he starts moving again after being still so long. Is this thing human or some sort of horny nightmare beast sprung from your own mind? It’s definitely ripped and hung like something you’d have fantasized about cornering you. Your thoughts are interrupted as his arms swing you around to face him. At this point your legs are doing all they can to keep you standing, your fight long since fucked out of you.

The bulking figure leans towards you, it’s massive head pressing against the chainlink as its hands wrap around your hips and grab you by your ass. Lifting you like you were a ragdoll, it raises you off the ground and spreads your legs. Pushing you back against the wall, you try to brace against his body. Your hands run over his arms and shoulders, feeling his tense form as he positions his cock against you once again.

Before he slams you against the wall to animalistically fuck you in this position, you have a moment to study his body. His muscles are tight and bugling, his skin rough and coarse. It doesn’t seem like he’s breaking a sweat but he’s very dirty, as are you now that he’s been pressed against you over and over again. The massive pyramid where his head should be is solid and seems like it should put him off balance. This thing is both the most human thing you’ve seen here and very clearly not human.

Any more rational thoughts you had on this being’s design are quickly scattered as you feel him align his cock and waste no further time in thrusting it up into you. You brace yourself on his body, trying to buy yourself some leverage to ease the ravaging as he pulls you against his body and pushes you against the wall. You hear your own voice crying out as he lifts you up only to slam you down on his massive cock in this position.

You feel every inch of him drive into you and drag out of you as he lifts and pulls you rhythmically against him. You thought he had been fucking you hard before, but now he’s all but tossing you up and driving you down again and again. He stands back from the wall, so now the only thing supporting you is his body. You’re luckily able to find some strength in your arms to grab hold of him as he pounds you. Your body bruised and aching as you feel yourself filled up and stretched out.

Just as you start to wonder if this is going to break you, if this is too much, the brute slows and stops and stands still again. Your breathing is ragged and once again the loudest thing in the room. His strong arms still holding you up though you try to support yourself against him. You gasp and moan as you shift around, his cock is still buried deep inside you.

You’re a sweaty, wet, dirty mess. Weak and drained now. All but surrendered to your aggressor. Finally, he leans forward and dumps you to the ground. You basically collapse amongst the debris.

You’re barely thinking. Still breathing hard. Your pussy is sore and your throat hurts. You’re barely aware when you feel a strong hand grab you up by your ass and position you on your knees. Your ass up before him, the pyramid headed man looms over you even taller and more daunting than before. His erect cock still as hard and angry as ever.

Face first against the floor, you try to mumble something. To beg for mercy or relief. But it’s once again cut short as you feel his massive body press down against you. His foot comes around and pins your head down. This time you feel his rigid cock press against your asshole and start to work its way in. Wet with your juices, it slowly works deeper and deeper inside of you. You don’t know how much of it will fit but you’re unable to do much to stop the monster hell-bent on fucking you into a coma.

You grit your teeth as he starts to slide in and out of your ass. Your neck firmly under his heel, he manhandles your crumpled form as he begins humping you into the ground.

Groaning and moaning as he works your ass over, you feel his massive hand slide down your ass and begin stroking your pussy. You let out sounds as he strokes and fondles you roughly. Sliding a finger into your pussy he starts finger fucking you again as he fills your asshole up with his cock.

Powerless against your attacker, unable to resist anymore. Bent ass up under him, his massive foot keeping you pushed down against the floor. The sensation gets to be too much and you cry out as he thrusts into you.

After that, you must have blacked out, because you find yourself waking up. You’re alone. In another room. Your clothing shredded. Your asshole is sore and your pussy is dripping with cum. He must have pumped loads into you with how much is oozing out now. Your body aches and there are bruises of all shapes and colors along your limbs. You can’t check your ass, but it’s probably got the darkest bruises.

The fog seems to have cleared up and the sun is rising outside. Maybe you managed to survive Silent Hill after all.



  1. I havent read this and won’t read it I just want to ask if anyone knows how I can delete someone else’s post?

  2. Lol I read pyramid head and I clicked. Lord knows how that dude pushes certain buttons bc hot damn

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