Sorry in advance if this is too long, but I enjoyed reliving the experience. It’s been years since I’ve talked to him, but I still think about his cum way more than I thought I would.
My best friend all through middle school ended up going to a different high school than me, so we hung out a lot after school and stayed over on weekends, that kind of thing. I suppose it was a long time coming, because we used stay up late so we could watch those HBO Real Sex shows together, and there were so many times when we spent the night at each other’s houses that I would “pretend” to fall out of the opening in my boxers while I made extra trips to the bathroom. I’m not proud of this next detail, but I had a bit of a crush on his older sister too, and he never knew that I stole one of her bras and some panties and would dress up and pretend to be her. My first real set of lingerie. I guess I was a bit of a slut then too…
So one night he called me all stoned and just he just straight out asked if I would be cool with fooling around a bit next time I came over, like he had been thinking about it as much as I had all this time! “Just as like a friend thing, no big deal.” He kept telling me I didn’t have to if I didn’t want and apologizing like he was all embarrassed for even bringing it up. But oh my god I was so excited I tried so hard to just automatically scream yes please yes!
So there I am later that weekend, lying on the floor of his room so we don’t make too much noise on the bed since his parents room was right down the hall, and I’m pulling his basketball shorts down and going right for it, no hesitation. He had asked earlier if I was still cool with “our talk” and offered to go first and all that, and thinking about it now, oh my god he was so sweet about the whole thing. But no, I wanted to go first. Oh man I wanted to so bad.
There was spit and slurping and I even licked on his balls a little bit too, and he took it back from me a couple times and jerked himself off, and he even grabbed my head and pushed me back down on it. Ahh! So so good. But I was so awkward about the whole thing and kept wanting to ask if I was doing a good job and trying to hide how turned on the whole thing was making me and how hot it was to think that his parents might hear us at any moment and open to the door to see me with their son’s dick in my mouth. But no no try not to sound too eager, right? Just keep sucking and see what happens.
After a minute or an hour, I don’t know I was so hypnotized, he asked me where he should finish and before he could even try to start looking for tissues I just blurted out “You can cum in my mouth if you want…” Thinking about it now I can’t believe I just said it to him no problem and especially our first time, but I wanted the whole experience, so I put him back in my mouth for a few more minutes until all of sudden I feel a tap on the my back of my shoulder. And then, my mouth got so warm. Oh my god I can’t describe how amazing his cum felt on my tongue. I swear I almost made a mess of myself right there and I hadn’t been touching me at all.
He did the whole embarrassed post-orgasm thing and grabbed some tissues to clean himself up without saying anything to me, so I just walked over to bathroom and stuck my tongue out and smiled at myself in the mirror before swallowing a couple years of built-up frustration.
(We did have fun with each other a few more times, sometimes him sometimes me. But I was the only one who ever let him finish in my mouth, and it always makes me wish I could taste it again.)
THAT is friends with benefits. Well done, you should have told him more, as a friend, what you were enjoying so he would know to try and get his future partners to communicate better. You might have gotten even more from him.