[MFm] My Wife and her Boyfriend Let Me Video Part 1

I had some hot erotic dreams last night and woke up rock hard this morning.

Needing to relieve this pressure, I resorted to watching my favourite video of my wife.

This is by far the hottest video I have ever taken of her, the intense sensuality, the earth shattering orgasms…And my favourite part…her friend pushing his big cock deep in her as he cums. Yes, that’s right, I was the camera man while she got fucked.

My wife and embraced a Hotwife relationship before we even married and had it countless times. Over the years she has had a dozen FWBs, each one it’s own relationship.

Eric was probably my favourite, and I would say one of her top 3.

One of the reasons I liked him so much was that he was fully aware of our situation, not all of her FWBs knew that I was aware what was happening.

Tis allowed them to have the closest relationship of any of her friends. He enjoyed taking her out on dates, they talked on the phone and texted all the time. He really became a good friend to her as well as a lover.

Being that close gave their sex together an amazing sensuality and familiarity. Add to that the kinky hotness of her being married, and it made for some very intense love making.

She had taken a couple of pictures for me when they were having sex, but I had never watched in person before.

Eric was fascinated with our relationship and without prying he would often ask her about it, how it works, what I got out of it etc.

This eventually led to him telling her “You know…if Steve ever wants to watch, I think I would be ok with that…’” He told her that he enjoyed her company a lot and wanted to make sure all three of us were getting what we needed from it. He thought that since he was getting to fuck my wife the least he could do was make sure I was enjoying it too.

I was pretty excited and thankfully they were more than happy to let me video the entire thing.

They would always go to a hotel for love making part of their dates. It was just easier, they could just leave when done without having to clean up etc…just get a room, have fun, then just get dressed and leave.

We decided we would do the same for this time.

I started with taking a bit of video of her as she soaked in a warm bath, shaving her legs, her bikini lines. Casually chatting. She asked me if I was excited, I was. When I asked her if she was she said “Yea…but for me it is mostly just like any other date…I mean I don’t get nervous anymore or anything”

I took some more video as she dressed in her sexy bra and panty set, then did her hair and makeup.

We met at the hotel bar, she gave him a hug and kiss before we sat.

They each had a glass of wine and chatted, the idea was they would try and have as normal a date as possible. Not totally ignoring me, but also not really acknowledging me. I mostly wanted it to be like I was just an observer, seeing what a date was like for them as normally as possible.

I had 3 beer in that time, trying to calm myself a bit, and since I was not really part of their conversation I was drinking to keep busy almost.

They had a much shorter social time at the bar, this date was mostly to put on a show for me to watch so they felt less time hanging out and more time having sex was the way to go.

I paid the bill and followed 10 feet behind as they walked to the elevator hand in hand, they laughed and joked, they really appeared to be like any boyfriend and girlfriend would be.

Once we were in the elevator they hugged and kissed, she asked him if it felt weird. He said a bit, but he was ok with it and was fine to just pretend like I wasn’t there.

I followed them to the room and Kelly went to the bathroom to freshen up as Eric turned on the TV and adjusted the lights so it would just be dimly lit in the room.

Kelly came out of the bathroom as I pressed record.

Somewhat blushing and with a big smile on her face she went to Eric and they kissed.

Eric held her closely as the made out. I was taken by how sensual and passionate it was. Not wild and hungry…more slow and familiar, exactly how two lovers would would be.

His hands slowly and firmly moved down her back and over her ass…for some reason I always found that hot, another man feeling up her nice round ass.

I zoomed in a bit closer and could see his hands firmly groping her ass. My cock was rock hard watching him touch her like that, enjoying her body like that right in front of me. She really was his Girlfriend.

(Splitting this into two parts, part 3 will be posted within the hour)

[Part 2](https://redd.it/l1arh6)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l19q9z/mfm_my_wife_and_her_boyfriend_let_me_video_part_1


  1. Of course, now we know it exists we want to see the video. Guess can’t hurt to ask but don’t want to be request #87 either so take it as you will. Glad all good.

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