Hypnosis [M+F, oral, anal, medical, public, victorian, lol ]

So, if there is life after death, how can hypnosis exist, the soul is present, Sir Reg mused patting his paunch and stoking his whiskers. He needed someone beyond reproach to ‘go under’ and return to report. Who though? “Retiring with me Reg?” Eliza startles him. “No dear, got a bit more to do…I’ll only be an hour or so”. If only he could think think of someone.

Marriage didn’t suit Eliza, she climbed the stairs and faced her own familiar decision. Their room to the right or the grooms quarters to the left. Left, easily she had time and she had an aching inclination.

As she raised her hand to knock she was admitted by Karl, the Groom, or Valet was responsible for running the house for the pleasure of the family and Eliza was family. Glancing up the hall he then gently closed the door. Eliza was bent toward shaking her gown off standing to present herself, inside shoes, stockings, knickers, suspenders and belt topped by a fine boned corset. She cupped her breasts up so the puffy nipples protruded over the top. “Hurry, only an hour…”. Karl stepped in, boob in one hand the other behind her neck leaned back, his kiss immediately deep and aggressive. She melted.

His hand worrying the nipple against the corset edge she ground her crotch against his thigh, tell-tale arousal against her inner thigh. He devoured he mouth, no where but everywhere his smooth tongue applying intimate swirls she ached for, now she had it she wanted it elsewhere. His neck hand released her head, lingered on her other breast, delicious taunt, before arriving at her inner thigh. She lifted the edge of her knickers and pulled in his rough hand. His hand clumsily nudged her clit before fingers parted her labia, making her gasp and dipping, massaging her opening, thumb rhythm beside the clit, warming.

Their mouths separated and she leaned her forehead against his neck before sitting back on the bed raising one knee. He leans in hand still busy with increased access, sucks a plump nipple into his mouth, delicate gnawing increases.

Eliza and Karl have been two years thus entwined. Sir Reg’s neglect willingly compensated by his Groom. Karl was an accomplished lover and he unbuttoned his pants exposing his other attraction.

Eliza raises her other knee and wantonly spread her opening pulling her knickers to the side smiling. “Come on, just an hour”

She reached for his thick member, trapping the head between her middle and forefingers, pre-cum slick, she smiled to herself, the effects she had on men. She guided the head in as he advanced on her body, legs akimbo, still corseted and stockinged, him plundering using the sex she exposed for him. His steady rhythm punctuated by her soft moans and her fingers danced across her cleft. Her familiarity with her sexual pleasure, rarely shared, her husband’s visits to the point. With servants she could explore her pleasure palace. Her slick finger snakes beneath the testicles bounce and ticked her darker centre.

Her pleasure wave came quick once she penetrated and she sighed loudly, Karl lowered his hand over her mouth “shush!”, she smiled and noted the act made his cock stiffen sawing in her. She playfully grabbed his hanging scrotum and pulled him deep with it. His stroke lengthened as she sensed he liked this tugging. She squeezed as another wave crossed her, Risky with his balls. He shuddered and her eyes went wide pushing him out, sad remains of ejaculate oozing from him. “Sorry…” he said, crestfallen. “No mind Karl, I shall attend to it” and she sashayed out of the room, dragging her over dress. Suspender straps swinging.

She made a hasty douche standing naked next to her pile, dress, corset slips and petticoats, stockings and knickers. She ran her fingers through her wet public hair and pulled it gently, enjoying the pin-pricks of pain. She was becoming aroused again. “Miss, will that be all?” Maggie, her chambermaid demurely whispered. “Maggie, what do do you think of these” cupping her breasts and lingering on her nipples. “A nice bust, Miss.” she stammered as Eliza pulled the nipples, suspending the breast and then dropping them. “Oh Miss, don’t hurt yourself!”

Eliza laughed easily, lifting her breasts again “Oh Maggie, there’s no hurt” pulling them out, fingers whitening with pressure. “Surely your man Maggie has done this? Men can’t leave them alone.” Maggie raised her small hands to her chest, she was ‘comely’ her mother had said, ‘big tits’ is what she overheard the other servants comment. “No Miss, no boys” she lied. Shameful fumbles, she had once penetrated the button fly of a boy to find he’s already lost it, sticky mess. “Isn’t it wrong to touch yourself Miss?”

“You have to know yourself Maggie. Men can’t please you, they need guidance”. Her fingers enter her.

Sir Reg decides, his wife would be the perfect subject, virtuous, honest but what challenge for the hypnotist? What would she not do that the hypnotist could fail attempting to direct her, proving the fallacy? His hand strayed to his etching folder, fingered through seedy photos of maidens undressed, some in groups, one holding a man’s penis! At the back, he treasured the one where a lady had a man inserting himself into her. He shivered. Depravity. That’s it!

He would privately get then hypnotist to direct his faithful wife into a tryst, he would be incapable of success and his research wild be complete! Genius.

On the other hand if it didn’t work his Eliza’s reputation would be intact as she was out of her mind (and he would have visions that would fuel his list for decades, hehe).

Eliza looked at her bed, the empty side where Reg should be, lucky he’s not, she just sent young Maggie off. A bit naughty Eliza has chided Maggie that she needed to know how her body works, got her skirt up and her knickers down, mirror out to appreciate her sex. Maggie’s on the couch, both feet on the Ottoman, one between Eliza’s knees as she props the mirror up. Her light down was so tempting Eliza pointed out features.

“Maggie, these folds-” tugging “hide your entrance, your vagina”. Fingers linger, seemingly casual probe, Maggie transfixed by the mirror. “When the mood takes you, sometimes even when it doesn’t” she laughed, coaxing wetness between her fingers, “this fluid makes sex work, don’t let anyone here until your mood is right”. The fingers leave and slide upwards, slick. “To here”. Maggie draws breath as Eliza outlines Maggie’s clitoris, firm then soft. Her hunched body, intent on the mirror contracts the luxuriates in the sensation. Maggie lies back, Eliza leaves the mirror and brings her other hand to play. “Feel this?”

Maggie just sighs so light it could be exhalation. “The clitoris might be your best friend” the moans grew, the firmness grew. Her fingers probed the entrance, a thickening. Possibly a virgin. Eliza didn’t know. Since she was young she remembers the urging of her sex, the need. She was shown around her sex initially by her lady tutor, upstanding refined, learned of things contraceptive and then the stable hands, her favorites. If it wasn’t for school terms she would have been happy being serviced by those boys forever. She enjoyed one, another. Eventually they all knew they enjoyed Eliza’s affection.

Initially they were hurt but when they realized she was keen to continue, in the final weeks before finishing school they joined her in pairs, one pleaser, one pleased, swap, so manly. On the final night she had all four, three sucking pleasure from her one recovering, then change, then change…the seat on the train was hard, she smiled.

“You’d be helping with science darling! I can’t give you too much detail but it’s an experiment, you just act as you see fit, afterwards we confer and gather data”. Eliza was intrigued. Last time Reg shared ‘science’ with her she copped a jolt from the electricity man’s apparatus.

No warning, bam. “No electricity?” Eliza raised her eyebrow. “None, promise”. She smiled assent.

Preparations were made and the evening came – all Victorian occult experiments occur at night – Eliza was nonchalant but Sir Reg fusses and sent telegrams and conformed arrangements. Behind closed doors he spoke in hushed tones to the hypnotist, a man referred to him as genuine. “Graded actions you see, increasing repercussion, humility, sight, touch and onwards, do your see? So we can gauge the strength of the hypnosis against the known character.

“Now dear Eliza, you may feel a little drowsy, you’ll hear instructions, follow them, if you possibly can, reject them if you can’t, no consequences, no judgement. You need to be aware that you draw the line, understand?” Eliza grew uneasy, what the hell was Reg talking about? “OK, I’ll try to do what he says?” “You’ve got it in one!”

His study was lined with curtains over the bookcases, a chaise lit beneath the centre light and straight chairs in a semicircle against the wall. “Here Eliza” Reg indicated the chaise, “and this is Orville, the hypnotist”, clasping warm hands, grey eyes regard her.

She sits as several of Reg’s research colleagues enter, nod and sit in the gloom at the edge of the room. The door is closed, Orville raises her and stands, looking into her eyes. Reg starts a metronome, toc-toc-toc. Eliza feels the warmth in the room. “Breathe, relax, listen” and he clicked his fingers. She felt -nothing. Her eyes flicked around the room. Ok, just go along. “Listen, can you hear my command?” “Yes” she even made it a little lifeless. “You will do as this voice commands” – oh God, what to respond? “Blink to agree” she blinked. Orville looked at Reg, who nods. “Bare a breast!” The colleges gasp. “Try to do” Reg said. Not hard.

Ok, she adjusts her breast over her corset, her slip, nipple betrayed her enjoyment, stifling a smile. If they gasped before she heard some chair scrape. Studiously avoids anything in the room but Orville’s eyes, in the cast light with her. He raised his arms triumphant as if rehearsed “Disrobe!”. Ok, she thought. Any compunction? Not really. She tried to keep eye contact, the ‘illusion’ but shoes, dress, under dress, she surreptitiously exposed her other breast for symmetry, re-stood, bare-arsed, reestablished eye contact. “Enough!” Boomed Orville, glancing at a nodding Reg who called up the hall. “Bring in the men”. What the fuck…

Eliza was uneasy, Reg’s experiments were usually clinical, tame. He was bringing more people in? To view his wife in the nude? She tried to calm herself, she felt her cheeks and neck blushing, nipples could be blamed on the cold, even if it was hot. The door opened behind her, two shirtless men stood facing the onlookers obscured by Orville and Eliza facing each other. In her peripheral vision she saw developed pectorals, clean shaven muscular bodies, tight shorts. Circus acrobats? “Positions gentleman!” They scurried one right behind her, one nose-close in front. Mr Backs hands went under her arms. Prick prominent in her back?

Reg addressed the audience “it’s very delicate, the hypothesis’s hypnosis speaks to the body, not the values and virtues. We are going to test how far the body may stray from the morals of the mind. Should the mind reassert control, Eliza may faint, disorient, may need restraint”

Eliza felt a little moisture on her thigh, shit she was turned on. “Commence Orville” Reg sat back in the gloom. “Kiss this man in the cheek!” Ok, the leaned forward and kissed the man on the cheek, he smiled. “Mmm” from Reg’s direction. “Allow him to kiss you!” He leaned in, lips limp on hers. “More”. Her lips were parted by his tongue, she reciprocated, Oh wow.

“More” the man put his hands in her hair, the other to her waist. Her mind spun, heat from the man behind was causing sweat tickle inside her corset. She was pressed into him. “More”. He pressed his mouth to hers, hand on her neck dips to her breast and she feels his erection against her thigh through the thin shorts. Mr Back had settled his cock similarly in her ass crack. Sandwich.

She saw Orville glance at her husband, “More”. Mr Back’s hand comes round, mauling her breast, squeezing the nipple. His other hand snakes between them reflexively she arches her bum out, fingers access her moisture, sticky sounds in a quiet room.

She breaks the oral assault to catch breath. Mr Front’s hand joins Mr Backs at her pussy. They were right, she does feel a bit weak as they toy with her. She hangs between their strong arms. Her eyelids are heavy but she tries to keep this charade with Orville going, she squints at him languishing in the pleasure at her crotch, nipples now being stretched and tweaked, arousal heightened by her exhibitionism and wantonness. Her eyes opened when she felt Mr Back’s we’ll lubed finger graze her anus.

“More” Orville intoned and they sat her on the chaise facing the seated men. Mr Front and Mr Back stood in front of her, shorts now gone.

Two glorious cocks faced her, their tight bums the seated men. Mr Back approached and cupped the back of her head, naturally she opened up and drew him in, lovely, firm inside, soft outside, skin slick and warm. Again reflexively she reached for the other, Mr Back. She contrived a rhythm with Mr Back, sharing her and his rocking. He lost the rhythm, bucked and she let him out, only to take in Mr Front. He was a thicker beast and a challenge but the rhythm was thus restored, her hand dropped to her lap, she loved blowjobs and felt denied. She had a little episode triggered by hearing the unease in the audience, no bounty their dicks envious.

“More” once again she was rearranged, like furniture. This time lying back, head on the bolster. Mr Front straddled the chaise seat, lifted her legs above his shoulders and drove his cock deep in her pussy and commenced pumping. The suddenness wracked her into climax. She lost line of sight with Orville for a moment with her eyes screwed shut, head burrowed into My Front’s neck. “More” fuck, what now? She stared at Orville’s face- looking like someone in a trance whatever that was. She was turned facing over the bolster end. Mr Front entered her from behind ironically. Ok. Mr Back offered his cock to her mouth, she complied.

This was nice, she thought, couldn’t even see Orville, stupid man called himself a hypnotist. Bearing down her orgasm grew and she took it, moaning. What did she care, she was without consequences, without judgment and she was getting off on these men in her and the attentions of the men watching. The strokes kept coming and matched the metronome. Toc-toc-toc and she built again. “More” Orville said, sort of squeaked. Mr Back withdrew his cock from her mouth and lingered a hand on her cheek in gratitude. Mr Front withdrew and bade her stand. Mr Back resettled beneath her.

Mr Front lifted her astride Mr Back, cock sliding easily to the hilt. Eliza didn’t see this as ‘More’ but different then, shit…the mis-labeled Mr Front lanced her rosebud. Her core’s fullness seemed to send pressure everywhere. She was barely aware of Mr Back sucking her nipples as the cock moved in her rear. Her ears rung as pain was transmuted into pleasure and a climax consumed her. She felt Mr Front shudder delivering his seed in her ass and then furiously pistoling from below and Mr Back brimmed her pussy with semen. She sagged. She was disengaged and covered eyes shut.

The room emptied, excerpt Sir Reg and Orville and a Eliza. “I think you’ve proved it Sir Reg, hypnosis suspends the morals.” “We have to get this demonstration out there, are you free Orville, to take this to select gentleman who are eager to see the proof.” Eliza smiled, eyes closed, moans. Consummate actor.

“I’ll see to her” Orville raises her, looks into her eyes “when I count to three, you will awake, you’ll not remember anything that has happened here, 1,2…3”. She grins surprise. “Darling, did it go alright?”

“Certainly, Eliza, you did well. Would you do so again.”

“For science, for science” she smiled. END

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l16jy7/hypnosis_mf_oral_anal_medical_public_victorian_lol