The Taboo Rituals and Traditions of the Kundali tribe. [Incest] [M/S] [F/D] [Tribal] [World building]

Deep in the far corner of the globe their exists a tribe thats shunned by the western world and the nations that surround it. They are a tribe of warriors who have existed for centuries. Carrying their traditions and rituals with them throughout the test of time.

As soon as a Kundali boy hits 6 years of age his life is turned around as he begins brutal warrior training with other boys his age. The boys will fight, hunt, and battle with each other until they reached maturity and have become men.

Before they reach that point however, they must pass the trials of manhood. A brutal test to separate the weak from the strong. Those who come home victorious are celebrated and are given the mark of manhood. They are given tattoos based on the traits that most represent them and places of status within the tribe.

A huge celebration is held for them, filled with feasting as the family of the boy celebrates his initiation into manhood. During the night of the ritual however. When the young man is in his tent. The Mother of the boy is prepared by his father. Her body draped in jewelry and a golden collar with a lead is placed around her neck.

She is then to follow her husband on all fours, her body bare for the world to see as her breasts sway with each step. A symbol of her submission.

Upon reaching the tent the father explains to the boy the rights of manhood. How being a man now he has rights over the world over him, including women.

The Father then leaves the tent after handing his son the leash. The mother will then turn around and bow her head down, presenting her womanhood to her son on full display.

She will then tell him that she is his for the taking, explaining that now that he is a man, her rights of motherhood are over. She can no longer command him in any way, no longer have any control over him and she must listen to any command he gives her without question.

For the rest of the night, the mother and son will copulate as she takes his seed however he sees fit.

For the rest of the month she is exclusively his. Taking his seed however and whenever he desires. Children brought from this time are considered blessed and known to grow up to be great warriors.

While western woman look down on what seems to them a heinous act. Kundali woman simply view this as the next step of motherhood. Now that their sons have become men they must support them another way, and they are proud of the fact that they raised men who take as they please.
