Sick Giantess Tortures Tiny [str8][F][M][macrophilia/microphilia][shrinking][bodily fluids/mucus/purposefully gross][torture][vore][1st & 2nd person POV]

After hours of cold medicine, naps, and a few tissue boxes, I exhaustedly make my way to bed to turn in for the night. Settled into bed having forgotten to brush my teeth, I give up and give into the release of slumber. A whooshing sound and some odd lights disrupt my rest, a following thud causing my eyes to snap open. Gazing at my nightstand, I notice movement, but my bleary eyes serve no help in the dim early morning light. Sitting up, I rub my eyes and exhale a cloud of nasty air, stretching and groaning. Catching another glimpse of movement from my peripherals, I turn my head back to the bedside table and reach to flick on the lamp. The sudden illumination causes my eyes to strain, adjusting just in time to see a small figure dart behind my tissue box. Perplexed, I lean down from the edge of my mattress and lift the tissue box to find a man, no taller than an inch, staring back at me. We both pause there a moment, staring and frozen, until I realize this tiny man is wearing no clothes. I jump back, throwing my tissue box aimlessly in the direction of the bedside table, causing it to ricochet and land on the floor nearby.

“Who the hell..? What the..? Who are..?” Sentence fragments escape me as I slowly approach once again. Huddled down, cowering and covering his head, I realize just how dramatic the power dynamic is between myself and my intruder. I tower over my bedside table and the little man, further inquiring. “Who are you? Why are you here? And why are you so… Small?” He peeks up at me, his demeanor relaxing as he realizes I’m not planning on hurling any more objects his way for the time being. He begins to speak, but I hear little more than chirps and squeaks. One thing, however, becomes abundantly clear – his naked body is sporting a proportionally small erection.

“Oh gross!” I interrupt, unable to make sense of whatever he had been saying anyways. “Are you just some pervert who made their way into my room? You were probably gonna do all kinds of nasty things hoping I wouldn’t notice since you’re so small.” He begins to flail, but it was too late – I had made up my mind and was going to make this perv pay for his intrusion. I reach down, pinching the nape of his neck carefully between my fingers and lifting him to my face. Squinting, I examined him, momentarily forgetting my illness until my observations were interrupted with an intense sneeze, causing snot and spit to spray out and cover him like a mist. He struggles, gasping and flailing, and that’s when I knew my ultimate punishment would be to make sure this little bastard didn’t escape with his health.

“Oh? Did that make it hard to breathe?” I taunt, raising him closer again as I exhale a cloud of morning breath that encompasses him. The stench leaves him gasping with more desperation, hot wet rot consuming his senses. “I can make it a whole lot harder to breathe for you, ya know.”

His struggling meant very little to me as I shifted him around between my fingers, dangling him now from his feet before my face. With a deep inhale, I began to pull upon the reserves of phlegm stored within my throat and pull it forward into my mouth with a few hacks and coughs. Spittle soaked and still gasping, the small figure put up very little fight as I lulled out my tongue and allowed the dark, thick goo to roll out of my mouth and begin to glom onto the tiny’s legs. Hot and wet, the substance moved slowly as it slid along his body, working its way in gravity’s favor as it left a slimy trail in its wake. Past his legs, past his persistent erection, along his neck and finally to his face, the phlegm glob collected around his various orifices and began to seep in. I couldn’t stifle my laugh as he began to squirm again in my grasp, not unlike a fish being held by its tail, both creatures in the same predicament of inability to breathe.

Not wanting the fun to end, I grasp the tiny’s arm and flip him upright to allow the goo to clear his passageways by seeping deep within his small body, whatever couldn’t go inside continuing to drip from his exterior. My laughter barely calms as he fights to breathe, some forced air into my belly from my excitement begins to resurface, and I decide to use it in his favor. I gather the burp in my throat, and press my lips against the entirety of his face, releasing the pressure and forcing the moist steamy burp into his nose and mouth to flush the phlegm into his lungs and stomach, reeking of last night’s meal – spinach and garlic pizza mingling nastily with cold medicine and cough drops.

Lazily I place him back onto my nightstand, his knees giving out as he collapses to his side and flounders for air. Finally starting to get bored, and succumbing to my own feelings of illness, I start to rise and exit the room. I spend quite some time going about my day, taking my medicine, eating my food, amusing myself before I retire again to my room for the evening. Surprised to see the man hadn’t moved from where he collapsed, I quickly poke and prod to make sure he’s still alive. I was right, alive, but he was sobbing and shaking, coughing and sneezing. My methods had worked better and faster than I ever could have hoped.

I sat and watched him for a while, still making no sense of his words but the body language was clear – this was begging, but for what I couldn’t be sure. He manages to rise to a sitting position, flailing and gesturing at me, struggling to convey his point. I follow his pantomiming to a remote controller device I hadn’t made note of prior, on the floor next to the bedside table resting a few feet from the tissue box still laying on its side. Curious, I rise and investigate, placing the tissues back in their place and examining the remote. The tiny’s continued pantomiming encouraged me to aim it at him and press one of two buttons, his flailing guiding me to the button with an arrow pointing up. With little to lose and a lot of satiated curiosity to gain, I complied and watched the inch tall man grow as I held the button which produced a brilliant light, stopping his growth at little over a foot.

“Thank you!” He cries, snotty and tear streaked. “I can’t do this anymore.” He sobs, making me incredibly uncomfortable.

“How is that my problem?” I snap back, “You broke into my house with your sick little games, I was just returning the favor. You’re lucky I didn’t just crush you like a bug!” His erection responds to my words, making me cough on my gag response.

“I’ve never been this sick before, I think I have an infection, I got in over my head and I don’t want to go on anymore.” He starts working to climb down from his bedside resting place. “Just shrink me down and put me out of my misery, but please don’t crush me to do it.”

“Ew! Stay where you are!” I demand, but he resists, continuing to find his way to the floor and move in my direction. “I’m warning you!” I cry out, holding the remote in his direction with my finger hovering over the down facing button. He doesn’t hesitate to continue, and neither do I – watching him shrink down and down back to below his original inch tall stature within the ray of light. I walk over and lift my foot above him threateningly, getting the response of panicking, flailing, running and screaming that quickly devolved back into begging and sobbing. Annoyed, I lift him by an arm and sit atop my bed, holding him close to my face with a scowl.

“I should just eat you and be done with this, then at least I wouldn’t have a mess to clean up. You’re barely bigger than a vitamin pill, I could probably swallow you whole with a swig of water.” I didn’t expect his response to be that of excitement, but his bouncing erection and frantic nodding was more than I ever needed to know. “You really are a sick, perverted little freak. I guess I’ll be doing the world a favor.”

Raising my glass of water, I paused to glance between the small figure and the liquid, contemplating what I was about to do. This entire ordeal had been too odd for me to process; hoping deep down it was all an intense fever dream, I decided nobody could catch me in a crime this outlandishly unbelievable anyways.

“Goodbye, little man. Say hello to my dumpling soup, and don’t you dare upset my stomach.”

I open my maw, tilt my head back, and drop the tiny into my gullet, followed immediately by water. I was surprised by how easily he went down, but his experience didn’t have such an element of ease.

He slides down my throat, the warm flesh an intense contrast with the accompanying cool water. Various turns plus the assisted leverage feels not too unlike a waterslide, aside from the pressure from every direction and fumes of sickness and digestion. A freefall drops him into the vat of acid and half dissolved food, chunks of dumpling cushioning his landing. Liquids that splashed up around him didn’t immediately burn his flesh, but settled into irritation that slowly began to melt what little he had become due to his remote. It didn’t matter what regrets he had, it was too late now, and no screams would be heard over the digestive rumbling anyways. Once the chunks of dumpling no longer provided buoyancy and protection he became fully submerged. The acids made quick work of him as he settled into slipping away, knowing he would die where he truly belonged – in the stomach of a large beautiful woman who couldn’t care less.
