Petulant Pt. 4 [mf] [anal] [stretching]

Sitting in her desk chair, filled with her plug, silently awaiting her next instruction. He took a moment to drink in the scene. Another day infront of this damn computer closed off from the world, losing touch with reality.

The fact that she agreed to this made him feel alive again, connected. But it was all so surreal. Her cheeks were blushed, of course, but he could see how she was no longer trying to hide this rouge – she was free to show him her arousal, her excitement to see him – to hear his voice and happily do as he would request.

The other coworkers on the call also seemed to enjoy the scene, giggling as she sat straighter then usual, waiting for his command – she was so clearly infatuated with him, as they all had known. Now watching her follow his every command – regardless of the potential consequences.

“Now, let’s talk numbers.” And as Sir brought up this, her favorite aspect of the job, she was eager to respond as he would command.

“Seems that your productivity is down 50%…”

She looked confused, not a metric that applied to her, “hm? I’m not sure where you are getting that from…”

He looked at her and pressed a button twice. She felt the plug inside her grow once, filling her up more, and the second time made her realize she needed to mind her words.

He raised his brow as the boys on the call watched with delight, they could see her expression and knew he had inflated the plug that was snuggly fit inside of her.

She closed her eyes and said “yes’sir, I do need to improve”

He was pleased with this response. “Good. And it seems the rest of your team dropped the ball entirely on the Blue deal?”

Again, confused about what he was even referring to, she came to the defense of her team out of instinct “Blue deal? We weren’t briefed on th…” And Sir did not miss a beat. This time, one – two – three, she felt it grow inside of her.

Gasping “y-yes Sir, we did, Sir”.

“MmHm. See this is another issue we have, your inability to take constructive criticism”

“Yes Sir, thank you”

He clicks the button one time

“Thank You? For what? Doing my job while you drop the ball?” clicking again, watching her face contort and her breathing turn heavy, “You really need to improve your communication or we’re going to have a problem”

“Yes Sir! I – I will work harder. P- please tell me what you need and I will do it, Sir”

Click, click – “You don’t get to make requests” he was about to click again but could see the tears welling up in her eyes as he motioned and he backed his finger away… “But I can see you are taking this training seriously, so let’s move on”

She exhaled with relief and worked to find comfort in the now almost fully inflated plug that was stretching her hole to it’s limit. She could feel the puddle forming on her chair, her lips dripping and eager for any touch.

“Sorry to interrupt” said her coworker who had been silently watching throughout. “While we’re on the subject I need to discuss one matter with you. It’s your ability to follow instructions while you have competing priorities. If you wouldn’t mind…” Sir nods knowingly, and she feels the plug begin to vibrate, now, filling her up to her limit, she is in immediate ecstasy.

“Focus. And follow my instructions.”

She is barely able to think but knows that Sir could make the plug even bigger, and the vibrations even stronger.

“Put your hands on your desk, and do not make a sound” she does so, and watches as he nods to Sir who increases the size and vibrations. Her lips part and she struggles to mute her moans. Sir nods approvingly at her control.

“Now stand up.” Struggling to rise up, she pushes herself up and braces herself with her hands still on the desk.

“Now let’s see those tits you like to show off in your low cut tops. You know, you really were quite the office slut trotting around in your boots and slinky dresses. We all knew how much you needed a good Fuck”

Embarassed to learn about what they all thought of her, pulling her large breast out for them to see, hearing him and the other errupt with laughter, exchanging pitiful banter “yup, her whore mouth has been begging to get fucked hehehe”. She was already struggling to maintain some composure, but she lost all sense of it at this point.

“Pinch those nipples, show us how much you like it”

She grabbed at her breasts and twisted at her rock hard nipples. She cried out, and as they laughed the vibrations overtook her and she called out with ecstasy, exhaustion, succumbing to it all. They pointed and exclaimed, “look, look, she fucking loves it”.

She shook and nearly fell over, her breasts out for them to see, bouncing as she tried to hold herself up, her asshole and pussy twitching again and again from the thick plug vibrating endlessly inside her.

Sir watched silently, letting the fools laugh at her, he knew full well she did this all for him. From his word.

He enjoyed watching her break down her professionalism, her tough no b.s. attitude. And silencing that petulant bitch that was seeping to the surface.

Her ecstasy was without a doubt unrestrained, but it was elegant and he watched as her writhing seemed to mimic art and music… If only he could touch her, feel her wetness in his hand, hold her steady as she came, and will cum again and again until he has reached his own satisfaction.

She was finally able to catch her breath, look up to see her Sir – himself breathless – but pleased that she stayed standing as was her instruction.

“Good. Now let’s move on” clicking off the vibration, reducing the plugs thickness back down to its nornal size.

She knew there was much more to come. We still have all afternoon for training.

To be continued…
