Baseball… PLAAAAYA [MF]

My boss loves his baseball.

He paid for all of the company staff to go to see a Major League game together.

I was coming straight from work but wanted to wear the team colors. I stopped at Ross and bought a team T-shirt and sweatpants.

I got to the stadium and found our section just as the second inning was starting. The first empty seat I saw was next to my coworker Sandra and her husband, John.

Sandra was of Italian and English descent, so she always had a nice tan. She had brown hair with highlights, tall and fit, around 5’8, mid 40’s. She looked like an older Jessica Alba, but not annoying.

Her husband, John, was around 55-60, a good 10-15 years older than Sandra. He seemed like a nice man but looked his age, while Sandra looked like she could be 35.

Sandra was sexy! Since my first day, I had been attracted to her, even if she was 15 years my senior. She was a nice lady, always interested in people’s lives, always gave compliments, and was a flirt.

It was her version of flattery. She flirted with everyone in the office, but I noticed over 50% of our exchanges over the last few months had been flirtatious.

I got to my seat and said hello to everyone, Sandra, and I exchanged pleasantries as I sat down and shook John’s hand. I saw multiple empty cups at their feet. I looked more closely at them. Their cheeks were bright red, and I could tell they were already getting loose. This excited me.

This was only the second time I had seen Sandra drunk.

The first time was at our Christmas Party, where she too had a lot to drink. At the end of the night, everyone was saying goodnight to each other. Sandra had been embracing people and giving them kisses on the cheek.

We had both been drinking that night, and when she got to me, she hugged me, and as I turned for her to kiss me on the cheek, she grabbed me by the chin and turned my head to kiss me on the lips. It was only a peck, but it was enough for me to grow a crush that had only gotten bigger over the following months.

Now, here we were again, her drunken side forgetting that she was married because as I sat down, she remarked on my outfit.

“Love that you wore the team colors!” she said a little too loudly.

“Thanks!” I replied. “Gotta represent!”

“Good job!” she said, and she reached her hand out and tugged at my shirt. She looked down and saw the matching pants.

“Pants too!?” she exclaimed as she dropped her hand down and grazed the tip of my penis. She hadn’t grabbed it or caressed it, just rested her hand on my crotch.

I shifted in my seat, so her hand came to rest on my thigh as I looked up and saw John watching.

He laughed at his wife’s antics and didn’t seem to notice or care that she touched my penis.

By the seventh-inning stretch, I was a few beers deep and headed to the bathroom.

On my way back, I saw Sandra coming from the woman’s bathroom.

She saw me, ran over, stumbled as she tripped on her shoelaces, and looped her arm in mine to balance herself.

We started talking as we headed to our seats. As we walked, she let her hand fall from my arm to hold my hand.

Even though she had been drinking, she was still her sweet self… or so I thought.

As we reached the top of our section, Sandra kept walking and led me to a closed-door about 30 feet past our section. She pushed through, and we were in an empty staircase.

She closed the door behind us and pushed me against it. She placed her hands on the door on either side of my head and looked up at me.

Her sweet smile now an earnest look.

She slowly leaned toward me, and we started kissing. She let her hands fall, and she placed them on my hips. I did the same to her. As we made out, she moved her right hand down to my crotch, deciding to finish what she had started earlier.

She started rubbing my hard cock through my pants. Up and down, faster and faster.

She looked down to witness her handiwork, a look of excitement and intrigue on her face.

She bit her lip as her eyes flicked up to look at me. I smiled at her, and she smiled back.She used her left hand to pull my pants down and grabbed my penis with her right. Her eyes went wide in delight as she began stroking my dick.

I watched in awe.

This sexy, mature woman that I had been fantasizing about for over 18 months was making my dreams come true!

She knew it and was loving it.

I climaxed as she continued to stroke my penis until every last drop came out.

She pulled my pants up for me, leaned in, and kissed me one more time.

“Thanks, I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” she said in a satisfied whisper.

“Me too!” I replied, still reeling in my orgasm.

She smiled, moved me out the way, opened the door, and walked back towards our section. She grabbed a few napkins from the hotdog stand to wipe my jizz off her hand and threw them in the trash as she walked back down to sit next to her husband.

I waited a few minutes and then came back to my seat. Sandra and John were holding hands, and she was talking about the game with a few of my other coworkers.

John didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary because he was too busy yelling at the umpire.

As I sat down, Sandra slowly moved her hand in between our seats. I slowly moved my hand down, and she grabbed my pinky with her pinky.

We spent the last three innings holding pinkies like we were in 8th grade, filled with satisfaction and catharsis at the happy ending we shared and the possibility of what was to come.

I would find out soon enough as I came in to work on Monday morning.

Part 2 is coming soon.


1 comment

  1. Good story! I hate to read them so close to the posting as I can’t read part two yet!

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