Step Sister Corruption Part 62 – Day 20 Diagnostics and Update (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I sat here in the waiting room over at Muschi for my appointment on my only free day since school started up.

I guess I should rewind a little bit.

Four days ago when we attended our first class on our first day we were greeted by the stunning creature otherwise known as Dr. Riley Braxter as she went through the motions of what we will be doing in class.  All of us had to do some questionnaire. I don’t know what the girls answered but I know my answers.  Then there was a section of the syllabus where there was a bonus section.  The bonus was for all students who made an appointment at Muschi to undergo some diagnostics test then we will receive a 15% bump in our grade so if we didn’t do good on a particular assignment or mid exam or final that 15% will help.

Summer immediately jumped at the opportunity and quickly made an appointment for ALL of us.

The girls had an appointment this morning and I had one this afternoon.

So the girls left this morning together and hadn’t returned when I left.

And that leaves us to now.  Me sitting in a waiting room waiting for my name to be called.

I just hope it’s nothing like when my grandfather told me of his interesting times when he was enlisted in the Army.  Suddenly his story of him telling me the cruelties of the Army when he first went in and the horror of undergoing an STD each time he slept with an if-y girl.

I remembered laughing at the term ‘punching the barrel’ but now I felt a bead of sweat beginning to form as all sorts of things started to run through my imagination.

Sure times have changed since my grandfather and I’m sure they no longer shove a long ass q-tip down your dick for a viable STD test.

I know that because last time I went for a STD test they just took some blood and a few hours later they notified me that I was good to go.

Hell there were machines at a local pharmacy you could pee in a cup and would do a generic test saying if you need further testing for $15.

But sitting here didn’t stop my imagination because I doubt they would be doing an STD and I didn’t know what they did to diagnose a guy.

I seriously considered just leaving and telling the girls that I did it and damn the 15%.

Just before I could commit to my idea my name was called.

Looks like I was up.

There was no turning back.

I got up and followed the person as I was led into a room.

Once in the room there was this weird device sitting in the room sort of like a covered wheelchair but without the wheels.

It sort of reminded me of Professor X’s flying wheelchair from those old comic books I read when I was younger…..just not flying.  And a lot bigger but not by much.

The person opened the not flying chair on the side and after some adjustments I was able to sit down and the person confirmed that I could sit down.  Then the person told me to strip down from waist down so the not flying chair could take samples which would take a couple of hours.  A nurse would be in shortly to draw blood and start the chair.  And he even offered me a portable video game so I wouldn’t be bored which was very nice.

After the guy left I stripped, sat in the chair, closed the door and waited.  With a few minutes the person was back rolling in an old gaming console that I hadn’t seen in over a decade but it was a welcomed old friend.  And the person even brought in a bottled water.  Which was very nice.

A few minutes later, after I had started my game, the nurse came in and I was forced to pause my game so she could draw blood and started the chair.

if it wasn’t for the fact that I was more or less strapped into the blasted contraption I would have jumped for my life and ran.

The reason why was once the nurse turned on the non flying chair it made a loud ass noise as whatever was hiding in here started moving.

Then within a few minutes it was a low hum.

The nurse looked at me, “Sorry it does that when it first turns on.”

I looked from her to the chair not sure I believed her.

Then after the nurse got a few vials of blood out of me I was left to sit in the chair being told it’ll be a couple of hours before it is done.

So there I sat….playing video games on the archaic gaming console but was content playing so the time passed relatively fast.

It was weird as I sat there feeling my legs and ass go completely numb and then feeling something attach to my third leg.  But that was about it.

Other than that the machine I was trapped in would occasionally let out some hissing noises.  Other than that the chair was mostly quiet and I had no idea what was going on in the chair as from the waist down was completely covered.

During my time in the chair I got random texts from Summer and Karinna.

Since our trip back home from our vacation Jessica hadn’t texted me once.  Though I had tried to text her a couple times but got the now usual reply ‘Busy’.

Sigh guess her parents got to her and now I was yesterday’s trash.  I’m not going to force myself on her and I will wait until she comes to me.

I looked at my phone.

Summer:  Kelly and I just got done with the diagnostics.  How are you doing?

Me:  Currently doing it.

Summer:  They’re letting you text?

Me:  Yeah why?

Summer:  Weird.  Guess I’ll let you go so you can do it.

Me:  Ok

Summer:  FYI can’t wait until you’re done

Me:  Why?

Summer:  I’ll explain later.  For now I’ll keep myself busy.

Me:  Ok I’ll text when I’m done.

Summer:  I’ll just meet you at your place.

Me:  Okie Dokie.

Then I switched over to Karinna.

Karinna:  What are you doing?

I smiled at her text.

Ever since class Karinna had been texting me regularly.  I had originally asked her about Jessica but she always seemed off when I texted about Jessica so I let that matter drop.  Instead I was always cordial with her via text.

Me:  Doing that diagnostic thingy from our class.

Karinna:  Oh they’re letting you text?

This was the second person asking why I was being allowed to text.

Me:  Yeah why?

Karinna:  No matter.  I was just bored and wanted to see what you’re doing?

Me:  Just doing the diagnostic thing.

Karinna:  What are you doing later?

Me:  Probably going home and maybe working on some of the homework.

Karinna:  Ok.  Would you mind helping me with some of the work.  I’m not getting some of the aspects.

Me:  I don’t see why not.  After I’m done with this I’ll see what’s going on.

Karinna:  Looking forward to it.  See you.

Me:  Yep.

Looks like I might get a visitor later.  Might have to clear that with Summer will be extra fun for me.  But once I proved to Summer that I am her main squeeze, she kind of lightened up around Karinna.

As long as our dynamic doesn’t change I should be fine.

I went back to playing video games.

Three hours later the same nurse came in and turned off the machine saying I was done.  Then she unlocked the chair so I could get out and would wait outside so she could escort me out.

After she left I pretty much shrugged not really knowing what this diagnostics thing actually did.

I opened the door that kept me locked in the chair and tried to get out.

Tried being the right word.

The moment I tried to move my leg it wouldn’t respond.

I grabbed it with my hand and forcefully moved it and instantly felt like a million needles were stabbing my leg.

I had a mini freak out initially thinking the chair made me disabled fearing that I would never walk again but slowly I could feel my leg again.  Then I repeated the process with my other leg as I turned my body and finally forcefully moved my leg out of the contraption.

Once the needle feeling left I tried to stand up which felt like this was the first time I was standing up after being disabled for so long and nearly fell over.  I had to sit back down.

Five minutes later I was standing and had my clothes back on and left.

That was the hardest 15% I had ever gotten but it was done.

I went home and found the girls were home…..along with my parents.

I looked over to the new house and saw that the workers had left already seeing how it was nearly dusk.

I decided to take a look at what was what.

From the outside the new place looks done.  Foundation is in place, walls were up, roof was on, windows were installed, stone and metal in place on the outside.  The inside was what was getting done.

I walked in, turned on the first switch I could….nothing.

Looks like power was still in the works.

I pulled out my cell and turned on the flashlight option to look around.

Most of the interior was definitely in the works.

The walls weren’t covered….yet.  Looks like ducting was worked on today because there was some left over ducting sitting on the ground and areas that weren’t finished yet.

There was wiring in the walls so electricity might be in place just not on.

Piping was in place.

I walked upstairs to where MY room was supposed to be.

On the floor plan was that in our house there was a massive floor layout.  The wide open area was a mini kitchen and living area.  Off to one side was Kel’s room, a walk in closet and bathroom.  And up above her was my room, my own walk in closet and bathroom.

I walked around my room seeing the ducting wasn’t finished in my room or bathroom.  There was heating mats laid out in the bathroom and pipes were run for the shower that I asked for.

Looks like once they get the rest of the ducting done the rest should be done fairly fast.

Jason, my step dad, says at least another week if not two before everything is done then another week for all the appliances to be installed before we can move in.

Jason already had taken us out to start picking appliances and furniture that we wanted in our new place.  He just took notes but never paid for any of the items we wanted so I had no idea what he was getting us.

With the look through completed I decided to head in and wonder what’s for dinner.

Maybe a healthy plating of Summer with a side of Kelly is in order.



1 comment

  1. I’ve kept up with your series, and am invested now. I have a critique for this part. If I was in a weird machine and something started poking around between there, I’d probably freak out. It’s as if this shocking event is an everyday occurrence for him. Kinda threw me off.

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