Twisted Disney: Ariel and Eric part 1

She flailed her awkward legs, ignorant of their movements as her lungs burned with the last bit of air that filled them. Turning into a human meant more than legs. It meant leaving the enchantment of the sea behind as well.

Ariel broke the surface of the waters, sunlight dancing on the waves, she gasped in the open air and began treading water with her bottom half hanging under her, useless.

The sea pushed to toward the sand on the waves and she groped at the beach. Clawing with her hands with fist fulls of wet sand she crawled up to where the waves barely wet her toes and she collapsed in exhaustion.

She panted and held her soiled hand to her chest as she heaved. She lifted her head up and looked down at her new body. She couldn’t identify all the new parts. Round and pillowy mounds on her chest with puffy pink soft skin with a tough center. They stiffened when she touched them. She wiggled her toes and admired her feet, alien as they looked.

She bent her knees and spread her legs looking over her body, a small patch of fire red hair covered her mound to even softer skin still and wetness unlike the ocean.

Electricity shot through her body as she touched.

“Hello?” A voice called out. It’s deep and quick. She shot her head up and sat up, leaning on her palms. Her naked body in plain few and no understanding for shame to hide it.

“Hello?” The voice called out again. A tall man appeared around the bend. He spotted her almost immediately and began running up.

“I saw you struggling in the water and came to see if I pull help. He said jogging up only realizing her nudity after he was standing over her.

“Oh…” he said shocked and turned quickly.
“I didn’t mean to pry. I-I’m Prince Eric,” he stammered. “this is my beach. How did you get here?”

Ariel tried to speak but no noise came out of her mouth. She looked at the human with his clothes and then realized she wasn’t wearing any. She tried to speak again to no avail.

“Miss, are you ok?” Eric said half turning towards her but still averting his eyes.

Ariel nodded yes and tried motioning but he couldn’t see it. She bit her lip and furrowed her brows as she tried to think of how to get his attention. Suddenly it came to her and snapped her fingers and began clapping. She smiled at the noise and made more until Eric turned and looked at her.

She beamed and waved and began pointing to her throat and making throat cutting gestures to try and communicate her inability to speak.

“You…almost died?” Eric asked trying to understand without ogling her naked body that she didn’t seem to try and hide at all.

After a few more moments of Ariels charades he guessed correctly that she was mute. She then began motioning to her legs and shaking her head no as he used her fingers to demonstrate walking.

“You can’t speak or walk?” He asked and slowly knelt down beside her. Ariel smiled and shook her hands in excitement. He was understanding her! She practically vibrated in the sand, her tits jiggling wildly causing Eric’s cock to twitch without his permission.

His eyes kept drifting to her stiff nipples.

Ariel noticed and looked down at her breasts. Her whole body hand changed from her mermaid form. Not only legs and lungs but breasts as well. She stuck her chest out proudly and stared at them too.

Eric chuckled awkwardly and looked her body over feeling like her might have permission.

Ariel smiled and squeezed them and looked back at him. She reached out to touch his breasts under his shirt but of course found his pecs instead. She stared with a confused look on her face and lunges forward with her hands groping at his chest.

Eric took the opportunity to put his hands on her shoulders and bare ribs on her side as if to steady her. Eric watched her try to make sense of where his tits were and she groped at her own before smacking his chest.

“Well I don’t have boobs.” Eric said understanding immediately. “Only women do.”

Ariel lightly bit one of her fingers as she thought about it. Eric looked up and down the beach and saw no one. “How did you get here?” He asked bewildered.

Ariel began making wild motions of swimming, and fighting. She clawed at the air an d mocked swimming while holding her breath. She then collapsed backwards into the sand giggling silently. Her breasts heaving as she laid with her arms over her head.

Eric’s cock fought against the fabric to straighten out.
Ariel stared up at him with the sun on his shoulders and smiled, lazily opening her legs a little as she felt a jolt of tingling sensations began to stir.



  1. Her being confused about breast really doesn’t make sense to me. She always had breast they were just covered up and mermen have chest like human men as well. That aspect being so much of the story kept me from fully enjoying it.

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